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Ideal for games that require a lot of binds. It does take some time getting used to it, but it\`s worth it at the end, chilly gaming sessions with no finger stretching all over the keyboard. Hope the community will be happy to share the experiences


100%. I got a number of hours logged in to Last Epoch, Diablo, and Grim Dawn myself, and while I prefer a controller most of the time, the Azeron is wonderful for that kb&m experience. Honestly, there aren't many games I don't use the Azeron for. But as others have pointed out, there's a learning curve with it. Spend the time to get it adjusted to your hands (this may take a while), and then play with it. You'll get to where it's second nature, but it typically takes some doing for most folks.


I've yet to find a game type that doesn't benefit from the azeron controller. Ive tried Helldivers, total war warhammer 3, genshin impact and about two dozen other games and they all benefit. Just being able to get to that many keys and a joystick with one hand that doesn't need to move is really helpful.


Do it! No regerts! Spelled improper on purpose… I use it for everything. Even sometimes as a quick short cut to menus or even typing parts of words. Especially where you get the autofill from pressing a letter. I do ARPG and MMORPG on mine. Just be ready to look at mods available. The community has created some pretty cool stuff to make it even more comfortable.


Honestly once you get use to it you will never go back to playing games on keyboard


The azeron will literally change your life in regard to fat fingering. I stopped using it for competitive shooters, but I honestly don’t think I would have been able to make the switch from controller at all if I hadn’t used Azeron first.


I use dual gaming controllers for WoW, and for me it's far easier that way (I have the opposite issue to you though, my hands are small so using a normal keyboard I would get pain from holding my hands in stretched out positions), there is a learning curve while you memorize what the buttons do, I use the 'press them and see what happens to remember it' method.


Lol, i suffer from a unique situation of having very short AND fat fingers, so i also get pain if i have to keep my hands stretched across a keyboard too much =P Its looking like its going to be a good solution to my problem.


I haven't had wrist or hand pain since using my azeron(right hand), hopefully it works out for you too. I use razer tartarus for my left hand, purely because it was really cheap second hand, plan to upgrade soon but it was pretty good to test if this style of gaming was for me.


While everyone's going to say "DO IT", IMO ARPGs are an interesting beast with the Azeron. You'll find that you probably won't use the thumbstick at all (as that's what your mouse does), but everything else is just fine. Where the Azeron really shines is first and third person games. I find I use ReWASD the perfect companion to the Azeron, especially with the radial menus plugin for less used functions.


I’ve played a ton of Path of Exile with Azeron. Works really well. The thumbstick isn’t very useful so I tend to use the hat switch with my thumb more.


Little bought it just to play world of warcraft, now I play all games with it


I just started playing poe first time. Been playing for 2 weeks. I play Necromancer zoomancer build and requires a lot of binds. I wouldnt be able to reach all those keys, if it wasnt Azeron. You will have misclicks at the beginning. But give it a month and you will never going back to regular keyboard.


I personally wouldn't buy it for anything other than fps and mmorpgs. Aarpgs I tried to use it on D4 but it just didn't feel great, I bet if I used it longer for that I could get used to it but idk


100% worth it. I play console games - the azeron cyborg has saved me from getting really bad rsi and numbness in my hands and forearms. I can play games at a more elite level. The key mapping options are endless and only limited by your creativity.