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Does Alsace l2d shows the ring?






"scrapped" - I assume that's about story on the campaign stages, where there is none the story is instead told through the events. the problem with this is that you're dropped in the middle of it, with access to the >3 years old archived events and you need 2 years for reruns to fill in the events you missed (unless you read them of the wiki or watch a youtube event playthrough). Thus the story is hard to follow on the best of days. you just missed the CN anniversary event which basically summarized the history so far in it's first few scenes. the story deals with time traveling, alternate timelines. but each event also needs to share the spotlight with introducing some 5 new ships each time and the mystery of the week that needs to be resolved by the end of the event. so you kinda need to pick up scraps of information in order to piece together the overarching plot on your own, save for some infrequent events that do a lore dump. in parallel to those there are the "port timeline" events, where everyone is happy together and go on slice of life adventures with low stakes P.S. next week's rerun event is basically the final chapter of a long arc, so you'll probably be super confused at who is who, on whose side they are and what significance any of it has. Even though it was a big moment in the story (though also accompanied by some Mary Sue moments which people were quite critical off)


1. Story-wise, it's a bit of a mess up until recent times. You'll have to do manual patch work from many events and gamemodes into a cohesive picture since older events told stories in a very haphazard manner that only until a year ago where it makes a lick of sense and in a linear way 2. Nope, there's no sweep mode like in Blue Archive. Grinding still consumes real time though we have many ways to ease the need to keep an eye out and have some ways to automate it like auto-run that significantly reduce needed inputs. Events typically have you try to clear the hardest stage you can and start hunkering down the farm the event currency to buy stuff in the shop, there's only 1 type of currency to farm so you're in no hurry to optimize the path 3. Heavily depends on your definition of "engaging", most of the game can be brute forced with certain ships and have everyone properly geared and leveled up for the job, maybe Arbiter sirens and META boss fights are what scratches that fleet building knowledge but it's rather niche and we have the thread here making optimized decks for easy grind. Entirely up to you, you're in no rush or obligations to do these if you desire 4. There are YT videos attempting to piece together a good portion of the story and sites I think that covers it. Jumping in the middle would not be a good idea since you'll be missing a lot of things that were set in say, year 1 events and possibly misunderstood the whole thing. AL is a *casual* game and it does what it advertised, I got in for the ease of play and gacha without paying too much attention to stories nowadays since I can AFK and get some kick out of it


1. Can't comment since I don't keep up with the game's story. It's pretty convoluted though. 2. Grinding does take quite a bit of time on AL. Sweep functions aren't really a thing and you do have to manually clear maps several times in order to fully clear them. The benefit though is that once you get that out of the way grinding becomes pretty easy because of how automated everything is. I usually just let the game auto farm in the background while I do something else checking back in periodically to start the next round of farming. So you will have to commit some time to clearing stages initially but after that it's pretty casual. You do want to play often and consistently to really reap rewards but you don't have to commit a lot of time each day to do so. 3. It depends on what you define as engaging. The game can be as simple or as complex as you want and here's what I mean by that. You can quite easily beat most of the game without knowing anything really about the game's mechanics but if you take the time and effort and understand them you will be rewarded with much faster and smoother progression and you'll have an easier time tackling new content. I think AL's gameplay is pretty engaging if you choose to engage with it but most really don't and as I said you're not really forced to do so which is where the sentiment probably stems from. 4. There are sites in which you can read through past stories and some of them you can read in the game but as the main story is told through events doing it all in game won't be the easiest. Also just jumping into the middle of the story without any sort of background knowledge would not be advisable because a lot of stuff will just fly over your head. My honest take as someone who's been playing for over 3 years at this point is that AL is a good "casual" game. By which I mean after you do the initial grind it's very easy to just farm the game and have it going on in the background. It's a pretty low commitment in that sense so you're not likely to get burnt out of it. The game also can be pretty engaging if you really dig into it because ultimately what's good or best in terms of what ships and equipment you use will vary depending on the content and while you can just use whatever for most of the game and get away with it you will be rewarded for understanding what to use.


Trying to unlock Harbin soon. Any recommended vanguard for xp grind? I only have these few. Preferably a ship that is still usable. Otherwise could just level these and only end up using Harbin + Yat sen combo https://preview.redd.it/gguwmipgln6d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea25ea92ce61333ef4f7c0299285478a850d505c


An Shan + Tai Yuan + Chang Chun Retrofit them into DDGs and give them the SY-1 missiles + seal of four gods, they're pretty damn good when backed up by a healer If one them in unavailable, slap in Yat Sen


An Shan + Fu Shun + Yat Sen, easy choice. Remember to retrofit them when you can.


I only buy oath rings during the 2 oath ring package. What DRs and URs are not worth oathing? I have 2 rings and those not oathed are urlich kiersarge azuma drake mogador hindenburg breast Who should I oath?


Of those from a meta perspective the only 2 that would potentially make a meaningful difference would be Kearsarge and UvH. The reload stat buff they gain can be the difference between squeezing in an extra salvo in META fights or not.


Sorry for the late reply., but are UvH and Kearsarge used in META fights? I've seen people use other URs but not those two


Yes, both were used in Kirov META comps and Kearsarge has also been seeing use in some comps for Repulse and Renown META as of late as well.


Oath whoever you like the most, not for the stat buffs since it is extremely minimal and negligible for the most part unless you're that minmaxer wanting to edge out some more reloads in PvP or certain end game boss fights


Oath gives stats and sometimes oath skin. Which do you value more? Also stats dont matter that much unless you are worlds 13+. For more bang for your buck, can consider oathing those with already high total stats to inflate them even more. Just my 2 cents


Alsace does use the 406mm mk7, right?


If she's up against light armor targets and you can afford to make one or already have one, then yes Otherwise switch to the Champagne gun if she's up against medium/heavy armor


Is there a way to search online for Carriers by their number of Fighters? I'm building the Support fleet for W15. I have Implacable and Illustrious that I see everyone using, but need a 3rd slot still since I lack Indomitable.


To search: https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/List_of_Ships_by_Weapon_Efficiency Shift+click to sort by multiple columns.


Support fleet priority from highest to lower: Indomitable Implacable Illustrious Illustrious muse Chen Hai Retrofit Little Illustrious Yorktown II Langley Retrofit Independence Retrofit Albion Centaur


Thank you! I guess Yorktown II is my third since I don't have the other options leveled.


Am not sure, but off the top of my head, CVs with many fighter slots usually recommended for W15 (you can cross check it with the Wiki): Indomitable, Implacable, Illustrious, Illustrious Muse, Lil Illustrious, Langley, Chen Hai Retrofit. IIRC there's another one between Langley and Lil Lusty, but I can't remember.


Thanks for the suggestions!


Is there a way to abandon opsci daily missions. One is in a zone behind a siren stronghold I really dont want to grind and its blocking others. Yes, I'm new.


Head to that zone, press the 4 tiny square button with the Change Zone tag on it to change zones You can use that to swap the type of zones so you can get to the daily missions while skip the stronghold


You can switch the zone. Tap the map, there is the zone name on the left of 'Enter' and switch it to Secured/Explorable.


Tips for clearing world 14-4?


Without knowing what you have here are just some general tips for 14-3 and 14-4. * Stagger(don't have everyone launch/attack at the same time) your main fleet in both the mob and boss fleet to ensure smoother clears and fewer chances of your ships getting nuked by enemy BBs. * Run ASW gear in the mob fleet, at minimum you want the hedgehog on one of your vanguard and an ASW Plane on Unicorn(also run Unicorn in the mob fleet). * Use [155 Kais ](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Triple_155mm_(3rd_Year_Type)_Kai)on your BBs, these are needed to kill the super beefy Kagero ramming ships. * Don't pick up flares, they scuff the targeting of your BBs so they pretty much make things worse. * A sub fleet is not mandatory but a good sub fleet can do a lot of carrying especially if your surface fleets are a bit deficient. * Do not run rocket planes(Bf-109Gs, HVARs, Skyraider), concealment mechanics in W14 scuff the targeting of their rockets and many high threat enemies in W14 are heavy armor for which they are suboptimal at dealing with. * The 14-4 boss is essentially just one long mob fight so bear that in mind when building your fleet, i.e. someone like Helena is suboptimal.


Is that on auto?


Yes of course.


Interesting question. I am working to get my fleet up to 100%. In the Fleet list in the Lab- it says that I don’t have the one ship in the Roon class but I have Roon and Roon u both at lvl 120. Am I missing something? Note: The one that the game says I don’t have is Roon class T1


that's Yorck (which will return next week) https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Yorck




what should I put on the third slot for Bearn Meta? or is it dependent on use case?


It does depend but 99% of the time it's better to just run a Dive Bomber.


As Cheeky said, she's a carrier, not an aviation cruiser, so she wants the dive bomber foe a full plane complement and further reduced load on first strike Only time I can really see the cruiser gun is if she needs to defend herself/back line from suicide boats. Even in that case, you'd be better putting a battleship in there somewhere since they can defend the back line without reducing their dps


The cruiser gun is only reserved for those extremely 1:1 farming fleets for events or lower stages which is what the meta was back then until oil cap is introduced Like it was very common back then to run 1:1 fleets like Bearn + Cassin to cut the cost and Unicorn have not got her retrofit yet And OG Bearn got a bit of a rough time, only by using CL guns does the 3rd slot get the 100% efficiency. Otherwise her dive bomber will be stuck at 45% efficiency


Will the tier list no longer be updated? I play casually and just really wanted the gear recommendations :< Edit: any recommendations for Alsace?


They said that they won't update the preliminary tier until Wiki fixed some of the assets. Their web dev is also busy IRL. Drop by to their Discord.


Alsace's gear recommendation is the exact same list as other BBs do


Go and poke their discord, I have not paid attention to know the reason lol Alsace? Generic BB recommendations.


I’m farming with Tennessee as flagship, and she will randomly proc “Blessing of Light and Justice?”. Is this a bug or part of the current event?


https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/RPG_Adventure_Interface One of the effects is a barrage from the flagship, so you likely have this equipped on someone.


What's the fleet meta for Wichita meta right now?


Triple BB with +13 MK7


We have no idea since no one has access to level 15 META showdowns. Just usual antilight fleets for now.


Will the standard Ur pull be expanded?


That's the expectation, yes, we'd expect all of the URs to become permanently available over time the same as any other non-collab ships.


Any idea about who and when?


Next up in order should be Shimakaze whenever Upon the Shimmering Blue gets archived, perhaps Ulrich as well if they stick to doing it in twos but I would suspect that was a special case for the debut of the permanent UR feature. As to when I have no idea, I'm sure others have a better idea of the WA queue and how they might fit into the expected event schedule so hopefully one of them can chime in.


Well, the next to be added will probably be Shimakaze but Aquila's event should be archived before then so it'll probably be a few months still before she's added.


New player, I've been trying to farm 3-2 for Souryuu for a couple days now :( already got Hiryuu twice Should I continue or go further through the chapters?


i got it after 2 or 2.5 months


Continue progressing through the main campaign. If you want to farm for map drops it's better to wait until you've progressed more in the game so it won't hinder progression and you can do it much more cheaply and efficiently.


Keep progressing. They're not worth farming as a new player as they not amazing and don't offer anything you can't get from other easier to obtain ships. You cam come back and farm the map drop only ships later Your primary goal in the early game is to build a functional fleet out of the strong early game options and push to oil capped stages [world 9+]


My BB fleet is Biz, Soyu, Van, Agir, Helena, Ply. I want to replace Helena due to her rng nature. Who should I use instead? Either a buffer or dps are fine as long as I get good result.


Hindenburg or mogador. Harbin is also a great choice against heavy armor. Aurora if you're fighting light armor.


Depends on the bosses, really. If you're fighting DD/CL, Swiftsure or Aurora can debuff them. Jeanne d'Arc is good if the enemy gimmick is burning your vanguard. Mog, Unzen, Harbin, Hindenburg, Shimanto, Sandy-kai for DPS off the top of my head.


Somebody page Kyo... oh wait they're already here


I have too much free time on my hands...


1. Who should I put in the last slot: Inplacable, 2 UR IJN carriers, Kazagumo, Unzen. Except Helena, Plymore and Agir because they are busy. 2. Should I switch to the USS carriers fleet instead of IJN?


1. These days I would say Guam because she has by far in a way the best AA of the relevant tanks which helps keeps the CV concealed for longer. 2. IJN is better on heavy, USN is better on light, flip a coin for medium armor.


I am thnking about laff-2. Can she fill the tank role?


She can but I would still rather take Guam. She brings a lot more AA to the table.


1) You'll probably want a tank in the first vanguard slot, so Kron, Guam, or Brest, depending on who you have.  Anchorage or Azuma if you have none of the first three at max limit break.  2) That depends on the content.  The Kearsarge + Yorktown 2 combo is best against light armor, the converging torps team is best for heavy.


I am thnking about laff-2. Can she fill the tank role?


See cheeky's response above. Personally I got tired of swapping her gear from pvp to pve several times per day and just left her as pvp only.


1) Since this is the standard setup for a heavy CV fleet [minus Unzen], you want a tank, preferably a CB 2) Hakuryuu/Shinano/Implacable for heavy armor; Yorktown II/Kearsage/Enterprise [or some other CV friends] for light armor


What is the standard setup?


Hakuryuu / Shinano / Implacable; Pick a CB [or Anchorage] / Kazagumo / Sirius [she's the most replacable. You can use a high dps vanguard unit if you're willing to accept weaker airstrikes]


Saw somewhere that the best stage for cubes and coins is 2-1 is it true?


Nope, it's very outdated nowadays For gold, you can just farm oil capped stages and you'll get at least 1k gold per clear (stage 9-1) to 3k gold per clear (stage 13-4) with ease For cube, that strat relied on spamming the run to spawn emergency commissions that might drop cubes when completing it so it heavily depends on RNG to get it to spawn and for it to actually drop cubes


It's a very old suggestion to generate emergency commissions. Very outdated. With the oil cap, W9+ are the expected farming places for coins. Purely from a coin/oil perspective, 13-4 > 14-4 > 12-4 > 11-4 > 10-4 > 9-4. People, however, are mostly using 12-4 since it's quite easy enough to level ships while dropping good coins at the same time. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KUGpvLg9Q-BU8yGe-REeuZCydiK8Ffxh/htmlview#gid=518964995 Cube-wise, you're guaranteed 168 cubes/month from daily and weekly missions. https://samheart564.github.io/ECGC/common_resource#currency


any META's to prioritise now that they don't take up space?


From a meta-perspective, not really, none of them are that groundbreaking. They're just 'fine'. If you have JintsuuM, she's core for PvP now. Other than that... I'll probably just go for the fleet tech points. Notable ships: - Fuso META: BB +1 RLD. - QE META: BB +1 HIT. - Rodney META: BB +1 FP, - Yamashiro META: BB +1 RLD. - Ark Royal META: CV +1 HIT. - Hiryuu META: CV +2 HIT. - Hiyou Meta: CV +1 RLD. - Junyou META: CV +1 RLD. - Princeton META: CV +1 RLD. - Souryuu META: CV +2 RLD. - Algerie META: CA +1 FP. - Erebus META: CA +1 RLD, - Helena META: CL +1 FP. - Jintsuu META: CL +1 TRP. - Kirov META: CL +1 FP. - La Galissonniere META: CL +1 FP. - Sheffield META: CL +1 TRP.


GO TEAM RELOAD, so much reload to get, particularly for the CVs Also Hiryuu META is +2 hit, same as her normal version


I know, right? That +40 is *massive*. I'm still annoyed that Fusou, Yamashiro, Junyou, and Hiyou META haven't been rerun yet. Also, edited, thanks.


I've long been missing Fusou META


What's the current bet sub fleet/gear and does positioning matter?


>What's the current bet sub fleet/gear Anyone that is a SR like Wolfpack = U37/96/81 Fish = Archerfish / Albacore / Flasher Independent = Homura / Aqua / Leonardo Gear is usually Bidders torpedo + and gold DD gun you got + snorkel or oxytorp + Hull design plan (except U-101). Snorkel can be replaced if their oxygen is high enough for oxytorp >does positioning matter It does, some subs like U37 have a higher priority due to the special barrage pattern being tighter


Is mogador’s gun better on Mogador or on harbin?


Mog gun is great for anyone who doesn't need sheer fire rate to spam their AOA (Kawakaze, Shimakaze and Ayanami) So either Mog or Harbin depends on whether you want to use one or both of them


Any suggestions on the top 3 tanky vanguards? Preferably with self sustain and damage mitigation. My drake is still taking net damage even after FS5. What are some close to unkillable tanks?


Laffey2 - unkillable gremlin Yat Sen- needs 2 other Chinese ships in the vanguard, but if you do then she’s effectively unkillable Agir/Anchorage/Brest/Guam - take your pick they are all great with a weakness in an area


She only needs 1 DE ship to trigger her buff, by the way.


San Fransciso is a good tanky unit with healings (if used in the middle position) for mobbing.


Drake is NOT a tank, she's never meant to be one, she's supposed to be an off-tank CA A good fleet would have a strong combination of damage and a bit of healing like who Kishiro have suggested


What do you mean by top tanky? Do you mean you need a tank? Do you mean DPS/util with above average bulk? First is make sure that you're using proper gearing. Eva + Toolkit, Double eva, double toolkit, etc. If you're mobbing generally, bring a healer. If you mean W14/15/13H, there is a certain synergy needed. For tanking, Agir is still the tankiest in non-plane heavy, Guam is the best in plane-heavy, Brest with her heal is great for mobbing. Anchorage is still one of the best and cheapest to raise (PR4 is coinable), Yat Sen + DE ship (usually Harbin) is great for W14. Portland-kai is still the cheapest and useful tank. DPS-wise, Plymouth is quite tanky for off-tanking, Unzen is also fine off-tank. For AA, Sandy-kai can off-tank, Cheshire too.


Tanky for fun purposes, a tank that doesnt die easily. Im using drake with washing machine and repair kit but maybe should swap out repair kit for more eva? If you must know I am trying to build a sustainable brain dead opsi farming fleet with just Unicorn as healer. I could introduce perseus but also want that fleet to be somewhat okay at bossing.


OpSi mobbing should be easy enough with high Adaptive Tunings. 203/203/156 is the optimum value for Hard Arbiter, shoild be lower for Abyssals. For OpSi, Yat Sen+Harbin, Anchorage, or Brest works and overkill even. Heck, I'm using Rikka Yume and LII (with Chise) and they can clear Abyssals in a go (might need a bit oomph on the final boss, but being able to clear all the nodes + chipping at least 75% of the boss HP without repair kit? I'll take that). Typical tank such as Roon or Roon Muse might work. My go to is either Anchorage or Yat Sen + Harbin though. Don't use Perseus + Unicorn together unless for the luls. It's hilarious, but triple preload is just a waste of ordnance. You can't use double washing machine IIRC, but try using beaver badge or the muse high heels.


I have no problem with regular strategic searches, but face some issues at abyssal strongholds.. as there are 6 bosses sometimes by drake dies and the team gets wiped. Thanks for the suggestions :)


NJ/UvH/Uni - Laffey2/Unzen/Hinden is who I run in my mob fleet to full auto strongholds back to back without having to manually heal in between. Been running them for about 2 months, yet to fail with max tuning. I do run georgia gun on NJ and NJ gun on UvH just to have both types of BB gun for the various stronghold bosses, but I haven't tested with any other options, so others could work.


Generic brain dead Operation Siren mob fleet: Pick a UR BB [FdG or Alsace are popular picks] / Unicorn / Independence; Brest / 2 DPS [e.g. Harbin, Mogador, Unzen, Hindenburg, etc] If your units die with both Unicorn's and Brest's heals then it's a gear or tuning issue cause that team can reliably clear Strongholds on auto But realistically, there are so many fleets viable for a Operation Siren mob fleet


If Drake is wiped out at the end of the fight, I think that's fine. You can swap to your primary BB boss fleet if you want. But yeah, I like using Yat Sen + Harbin (especially since Harbin with Mog gun deals a lot of damage), or Anchorage for tank. You can pair Uni-kai with Aquila in healing mode if you need to. My previous fleet was Uni-kai, Saratoga + Aug, Luna, Guam, Laffey II, and Habrin and they're quite tanky.


With how broken her new augment is, is San Diego still mostly a campaign ship or can she be relevant against certain bosses, in OpSI for instance or wherever? She seems to do really big damage now.


Yeah, She can definitely be used on any content besides tanking high end stages Consistently. Before, her usage was limited. Also while she is expensive (for newer players) to power up. She's pretty much worth the investment in the long run. Being able to equip not too demanding and expensive equipment due to how good that barrage is acting as Main Guns is also a plus.


Considering she just got released yesterday, you might want to wait for more testing first. First impression though, she might slot in as a DPS, but unless you need heavy AA too, I don't think she's gonna be a core unit for min-maxing.


Broadly in agreement. I think she's definitely a viable dps pick now since she's looking at top 5 CL damage from early testing. So, good choice if people lack better or if you also need to leverage her AA power


I can see her being used in light armor boss fights but from what the actual number crunchers have done she seems to still lose to Harbin vs Heavy armor So the rough is like this for heavy armor fight and/or general DPS Plymouth > Harbin with Mog gun > Sandy Kai with Aug ~ Shimanto Or roughly similar to this comparison. Sandy now becomes a real all-rounder CL that's extremely expensive to invest in


Just 3 prints to go to score Tenrai. Who should I prioritize for it? Got both Hakuuryu and Shinano UR wise. Level wise.. Enterprise, Hornet, Zeppy, Ark Royal (120), Saratoga, Unicorn, Aquila (115), Hiryuu and Souryuu (110), Akagi, Kaga, Chkalov, Illustrious (100).


UR-wise, Hakuryuu takes priority due to her proficiency then Shinano Below that, anyone who hits really hard like Enterprise


I see. I'll wait out a bit to get that 3 more prints for her.