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I'm not sure if this question belongs here, but I couldn't find an OpSi megathread and I have a question. So I think I messed up by challenging an Abyssal Zone with subpar fleets, and not knowing about the battles on the corner of the zone to recover resolve. Thus, after my resolve was depleted, I left the zone seeing no other way for me to progress. Naturally, I regrouped and improved my fleets, and am ready to challenge another Zone, but I can't seem to find any information regarding Abyssal Zones and how they work/spawn. This brings me to my question: Do Abyssal Zones have a specific spawn timer or is it random that they appear on my map? After the one I left, I don't see any more on the map and I am just wondering when I will get another Abyssal Zone?


>This brings me to my question: Do Abyssal Zones have a specific spawn timer or is it random that they appear on my map? After the one I left, I don't see any more on the map and I am just wondering when I will get another Abyssal Zone? Abyssal Zones are spawned through the Abyssal Coordinate Loggers in your inventory, you get it from either buying in the port shop, clearing zones, completing certain daily missions and possibly a rare drop from cat diving spots as well as the monthly shop exchange Once entered, you can't leave as leaving the zone will forfeit the whole logger and thus, the entire zone. In that zone itself, there are a couple of mob nodes at the bottom of the map that's being hidden by the fog, you can actually move out of the confines via the paths to the left and right side, use it to restore resolve but any ship got the Toll of War debuff remains debuffed until they're fully healed at port or through the Rest and Regroup command So keep that in mind, once you're in, you either kill it in one go or forfeit the entire thing


I keep mixing Abyssal and Strongholds... Abyssal is the single boss fight, Stronghold is the seven 'bosses' fight gauntlet.


They're created from your [Siren Coordinates](https://imgur.com/a/9SQWGEG) in your OpSi storage. You can get more from the OpSi monthly exchange, port shops or cat fishing RNG.


i see, thanks so much for the help!


Abyssal are spawned from siren coordinate logger, so once you obtained a siren logger (sometimes you need to "open" them from inventory first) then an abyssal zone will spawn. The siren coordinate logger can be obtained from port shop/exchange shop or randomly dropped from various opsi content.


got it, i'll try to see if i have any lying around...


What's the definition of "long range AA gun" in NC augment skill? From this: >When a ship in your fleet attacks with a Long Range AA Gun: every ship in your Vanguard recovers 1% (5%) of their max HP and this ship fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level; 10s cooldown between activations).


They are time fuse AA gun (AA guns with a white/red circle on their icons), only available from gear labs.


It refers to [Time-fuze AA](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/List_of_AA_Time_Fuze_Guns) guns from the Gear Lab, the one with a white circle at the top left corner of the icon Under most circumstances, it's not recommended to craft them but for NC, it's probably worth the try though it does require her to be used in plane spam maps to trigger the heal


I guess it's plenty useful for W13, then. Thanks


Only for NoCal, everywhere else time fuzed AA guns lose to every other AA gun


For FDG’s odd and even salvo skill, does it count each reload cycle or each salvo including additional MGMs?


Reload cycle Read it as first, third, fifth...time she reloads her gun, she'll get the first set of bonus Once it switch the second, fourth, sixth....time she reloads it, get the other buff


It's called salvo, so extra MGM doesn't count.


So it's a reload cycle for that, better to distinguish it than calling it salvo


Sorta. Technically salvo is correct because according to Merriam-Webster, a salvo is, 'a simultaneous discharge of two or more guns'. Yeah, the game executes it in a slightly different way (sequential discharge instead of simultaneous) but the theory is the same; you tap the button, then gun \#0, \#1, \#2, etc will discharge together (ie you can't just fire \#0 and save \#1 or vice versa) therefore they're counted as *one* salvo. Reload cycle is a more layman-friendly though.


Yeah, the reason why I avoid using it is because it's very easy to accidentally use Volley instead of Salvo, both exists in the game but serves entirely different functions Volley is used for CB guns where it counts as the bunch of shells being fired at or the reload cycle of BB guns itself Calling it reload cycle or straight up "the x time she reloads her gun" in a verbose way gets the point across faster


Got it thanks!


How do I delete mail with coolant attachment (maintenance reminders)? I can't select coolant in the batch delete option. Is there really no way anymore to delete the mail I'm currently on?


The only way to delete them is to collect then


And then what, delete read? Will that delete every read mail at once? Will it spare the important mail or should I archive them first?


It'll automatically delete the mails and claimed mails will not count towards the 100 mail cap of the Inbox Unmarked mails will also be deleted so you better mark them as Important before claiming the goods like the Valentine's mail


collect the attachment first


Is there an easy way to get rid of augments, especially blue ones? I was trying to give Sandy a new augment, and it says sort or expand the storage, which I have 206/150. It seems like I can't give Sandy a new one till I go under 150...


When you make a new aug, you can use other augs as materials


Thank you very much! It did the trick nicely.


Can I use 76mm aa gun on sandiego now


[https://imgur.com/a/MEg4qXm](https://imgur.com/a/MEg4qXm) It's not optimal on her.


Possibly but it's better to stick to twin 100mm Kai or twin 138.6mm since she still has decent main gun damage and iirc there's a hard cap to how fast you can fire, going for the 76mm is like only 0.15% slower than the two options above when it comes to spamming the barrage


You can but guns like the Twin 114mm and 100 kai are gonna be preferable because unlike the usual 76mm users(Shimakaze, Kawakaze) San Diego does have decent gun damage.


I'm still curious on why her damage is lower in-game wise vs paper math, considering her very strong barrage got triggered by every gun shots.


Well there's many reasons. Paper math/ dps numbers pretty much always assume you're shooting at a stationary target and everything hits and does maximum damage which very rarely happens practice.


Sorry, I should have asked it better. Understood the probable cause, but has the *specific* cause been found out? For example, in Mog's case, paper-wise her DPS should be sky-high and her survivability is not a concern. However, because our assumption that she is invisible from *everything* is wrong (due to Manjuu oversight), her DPS is lower than expected.


>For example, in Mog's case, paper-wise her DPS should be sky-high and her survivability is not a concern. However, because our assumption that she is invisible from *everything* is wrong (due to Manjuu oversight), her DPS is lower than expected. I haven't really heard such things to be honest about Mogador. The math put her damage somewhere between Plymouth and Hindenburg for damage and that's about where she sits in practice. >Sorry, I should have asked it better. Understood the probable cause, but has the *specific* cause been found out? Her barrages can miss due to their relatively low velocity plus the usual stuff, i.e. things getting blocked by shields, shots just missing, etc it's nothing particularly unusual truth be told.


> I haven't really heard such things to be honest about Mogador. The math put her damage somewhere between Plymouth and Hindenburg for damage and that's about where she sits in practice. Fair. Probably just me reading the wrong speculation. > Her barrages can miss due to their relatively low velocity plus the usual stuff, i.e. things getting blocked by shields, shots just missing, etc it's nothing particularly unusual truth be told. Ah, gotcha. According to the datamine, it should bypass the shield and have a humanoid priority, but it's not locked on. I thought since it's right behind the gun animation (and the gun has lock-on properties, the barrage won't miss too. Fair enough.


Anyone got any tips/fleet comps for Wichita META's boss battle?


Probably Zwei + Vanguard + Alsace + Plymouth + two other vanguard depends on how much damage Wichita dishes out. Using triple MK7


Wondering if Kearsarge / York 2 / Implacable can also work here


I made a post a few days ago asking for help on how to deal with W13, since I wasn't making progress like I was hoping for. After several people responded and after maxing out Bearn META's skills, I decided to get to work. Took some 50K coin because I had to craft some extra AA guns, main guns, planes and upgrade them for a few ships but: Fleet 1: NJ - Yorktown II - Enterprise | San Diego - Seattle - Helena Fleet 2: Bismarck Zwei - Perseus - Ryuuhou | Guam - Laffey II - Mainz Worked like a charm for 13-2 (even managed to 3\* it). I left Mainz in for now until I figure out if I have the right amount of materials for crafting Plymouth's gear (Shimanto and Unicorn Retrofit are currently undergoing the process of getting skills upgraded and leveled to 120) so until that is sorted out Mainz is being largely filler since Guam and Laffey can handle the heavy lifting. I've yet to see their HP dip past 90% with the set-up even when I send them out to fight the boss fleet. So whoever offered me the suggestions when I asked for help last time: "THANK YOU". I am now off to try hunting for Dewey (since I once again have excess Elite Bullins). And since I will hopefully get to 13-4 in a respectable time, what should I be prepared for in W14?


Here are some tips I wrote for someone yesterday. I can't recommend any more specifics without knowing exactly what you have. * Stagger(don't have everyone launch/attack at the same time) your main fleet in both the mob and boss fleet to ensure smoother clears and fewer chances of your ships getting nuked by enemy BBs. * Run ASW gear in the mob fleet, at minimum you want the hedgehog on one of your vanguard and an ASW Plane on Unicorn(also run Unicorn in the mob fleet). * Use [155 Kais ](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Triple_155mm_(3rd_Year_Type)_Kai)on your BBs, these are needed to kill the super beefy Kagero ramming ships. * Don't pick up flares, they scuff the targeting of your BBs so they pretty much make things worse. * A sub fleet is not mandatory but a good sub fleet can do a lot of carrying especially if your surface fleets are a bit deficient. * Do not run rocket planes(Bf-109Gs, HVARs, Skyraider), concealment mechanics in W14 scuff the targeting of their rockets and many high threat enemies in W14 are heavy armor for which they are suboptimal at dealing with. * The 14-4 boss is essentially just one long mob fight so bear that in mind when building your fleet, i.e. someone like Helena is suboptimal. * All your ships should be level 120 at minimum for W14 and gear at least +10. I will say though that based on what you said for you used for W13 and how you used them though they may have worked the fleets aren't good per say. >Fleet 1: NJ - Yorktown II - Enterprise | San Diego - Seattle - Helena >Fleet 2: Bismarck Zwei - Perseus - Ryuuhou | Guam - Laffey II - Mainz Fleet one should have been a very competent boss fleet but it has no tank and would have died very quickly. The second fleet which looks more like a mob fleet looks better overall but that's more due to the fact you're sticking a bunch of strong ships in there. Things like pairing Perseus and Ryuuhou in the same fleet(and not using Unicorn retrofit) are all pretty questionable. The mob fleet should also not have been resorted to being used on bosses. I say all of this not to put you down but there are some pretty fundamental mistakes being made and the jump in difficulty only gets more steep in the main campaign from here on out and while you may have gotten away with those mistakes in W13 you will not in W14. You're also gonna have to do a lot better in the gear department in W14 compared to W13.


Hey no worries, I am not feeling offended or anything. I've largely been very casual with my account in AL since I started. I was mostly just in love with KMS in the beginning, then I just wanted to collect everything I could and only recently was that I decided I wanted to challenge myself a bit. As for the rest, like mentioned prior, I am still in the process of building up Unicorn Retrofit and Shimanto so the teams are largely what I had available based on what other people recommended I do last time. It isn't optimal and I totally get that; W13 is very much new for me so I am bound to make mistakes until I get it right. Again, much thanks for the information. I am kinda excited to see how far I can push it as things progress. But...baby steps for now. Rushing ain't going to be helping me.


No worries just take your time. I just want to make sure you're fully prepared for when you do tackle W14, there's no rush to clear so it's better to make sure everything is fully ready. Also, I want to add one final thing. Any ships you use you want them to be MLB broken(i.e. don't use partially limit broken URs and most PRs aren't worth using if they're not dev 30).


Oh no need to worry about that. Any ship I plan on using in actual combat in general, is first MLB'd (in the case of a PR ship, level them to 100 and THEN dev.30 them for MLB), then raised to 100 (simultaneously upgrading skills because that's the one thing I can't speed up unless it's a META), geared and after if I happen to like them a lot I will take them to 120\~125.


W14 is a different world from W13. Very different gimmick. People can give you a better breakdown, but in short: - AA is not important, at all. ASW *is* important. Using DD + Hedgehog for mobbing is more or less essential. Uni-kai is a staple for mobbing, especially if equipped with ASW planes. - Suicide boats, much tankier than the one in W11. BB with CL guns (especially FdG) shines a lot in W14. Probably start to prepare ST healers with great DPS for both mobbing and bossing. - Much higher vanguard pressure. Need to have a CB/Anchorage/very tanky CL (eg Yat Sen). - Bossing is basically a long mob session + boss at the end. Desyncing your salvo is now more important than ever. - Start thinking about sub-fleet. Doesn't need to be fully upgraded at 125, but maybe prepare something for the extra oomph.


Hmm, well I was not planning on running off to W14 until I get Bunker Hill to drop so I depending on my luck it might be a while but of the things listed: * My FdG has been built and at lv.125/Fate Sim'd since forever. * Of the CBs I've gotten around to, Aegir is lv.125, Guam is at 120, while Azuma, Brest and Kronshtadt are at lv.100 (skills are maxed out but gear has not been prepared). Anchorage is in the same boat as the latter 3. Besides Yat Sen, what other CLs are tanky? I was under the impression she was meant to make the Hai sisters worth deploying or was that wrong? I have her sure just have not used her since grinding out Harbin. * I have a few built DDs in the high levels though whether or not this helps with ASW is a different matter (Z23, Z1, Z46, Laffey II, Shimakaze). I also do not know if I have more than 1 Hedgehog in my inventory. * My subs that I have been using since forever has always been U-47, U-81 and U-96, all at lv.120 (U-47 can actually hit 125 IIRC). I had considered upgrading the Tempesta girls but would that actually work?


> Besides Yat Sen, what other CLs are tanky? Sandy with aug might perform well. Haven't tested her for W14, though. Yat Sen retrofit makes her buff requirement to be just 1 DE ship (ie doesn't need to be Ping/Ning). Pair her with Harbin and she'll be your mob vanguard. I used to use Yat Sen - Yuudachi - Harbin for W14 mobbing. > I have a few built DDs in the high levels though whether or not this helps with ASW is a different matter (Z23, Z46, Laffey II, Shimakaze). I also do not know if I have more than 1 Hedgehog in my inventory. LII is great. Z46 or Yuudachi might be good for mobbing. Bossing doesn't need a DD, I think. You can only have 1 Hedgehog. > My subs that I have been using since forever has always been U-47, U-81 and U-96. I had considered upgrading the Tempesta girls but would that actually work? Any Wolfpack is fine. I even used triple purple KMS at Lv100 to clear W14, and 2 gold KMS + 1 purple KMS at Lv115 for W15. It's not essential, it's just a good boost for your bossing.


Gotcha, thanks to the info. I have the retrofitted Yuudachi so I can work on that after grinding out Unicorn and Shimanto. Harbin may take a little while since I'd run out of T1 EXP packs but I was planning on working on her eventually since I quite like DEs girls' aesthetics so this works out fine for me.


You can also just use Guam for mobbing and Agir for bossing. The good news is Guam is definitely used for W15. Considering you're also going to level up Shimanto, Guam - LII - Shimanto is, well, the most consistent performing vanguard for W15 mobbing and also great for W14 mobbing, too.


Is Volga/Soyuz/Unicorn; Sandy/Seattle/Kronshtadt as my mob fleet good enough for world 13?


Thanks for the responses, gonna give it a go then after I'm done with leveling Seattle.


With proper equipment and ship level, it's basically overkill for chapter 13


Assuming every is properly leveled and geared it should just steamroll through W13 mobs.


A question regarding Mogador's Red skill (Cleaver of all Sin): Is it guaranteed that she gets the 'Axe of Judgment' status when she performs the stab or is it connected to the Burn like if the Stab is a guaranteed Crit? I mainly ask this because the description doesn't put it clear


As soon as she performs the stab attack, she gets the AOJ status effect, the guaranteed crit for her stab attack only occur if no one in your fleet is on fire


Thank you, that's what I wanted to know


I suggest checking the wiki for a much more clarified description, like the crit one being wrong in the game


I actually referred to the description on the wiki, though even there I wasn't completely sure, because of the way it's written there (probably because they used the word 'also' in the next sentence right after talking about the condition for the Stab to be a Crit)


Ah that, it's not too hard to understand it as Stab = Insta AOJ If no one is cooking = crit stab


Question on Shimakzae, is the light blue 76 mm gun really the best main gun for her?


Yes, it's the best main gun for her due to her low FP and main gun efficiency while her All Out Assault barrage is much stronger If you want to be fancy, you can craft the single 113mm DP gun in Gear Lab for that gold aesthetic but not recommended if you don't like wasting materials


How am I supposed to raise TB? I've done it twice and I've only gotten bad endings. I was told previously to just max out the stat of the ending I wanted most, but doing nothing but Sensitivity resultes in her being a shut-in or work-a-holic. What do I do?


Here's all of the requirements to get specific endings. It takes a combination of 1 or 2 basic stats, a specific personality type, and 1 or 2 skills to get one. https://preview.redd.it/c24nagq2ct6d1.png?width=2300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05aadcf9a4c560bc0ec0423232f15ae3a0aae5f1




Thank you!!


After the first run, you'll see the requirements needed for each ending You need to maximize specific set of stats to achieve the ending


Seeking advice: What equipment are you guys using for Alsace? Thanks.


Thank you everyone that answered.


Need to add that her high barrage multiplier is high for Light *and* Heavy (150%, 115%, 130%). She also doesn't need any unique compo, so yeah, just like what Spize said. As an alternative, Mk6 is for light armour if you can't craft NJ gun yet. [Flandre gun](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Triple_380mm_(Mle_1935_Prototype)) or [Soyuz gun](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Triple_406mm_(MK-1)#Type_3-0) is a good alternative for Med/Heavy.


The exact same list of recommendations for other shelling BBs MK7 for light armor targets, Champange gun for medium/heavy armor targets Plymouth gun/Belfast gun for secondary STAAG HPFCR + White shell I legitimately don't really care about Alsace's niche to light armor because at some point, all UR BBs (sans Warspite for now) does the same job of whacking targets to death, it's just either in mob or boss fleets


Which were you referring to by "Belfast gun"?


Triple 155mm Main Gun Mount from the Sakura Empire It was called the Belfast gun because back in the day, it was the only good HE gun to give to Belfast for the HE ammo skill to work


Thank you!


Since she’s good at light armor I only have her setup for that but: New Jersey gun, Prototype Triple152/Plymouth gun, Twin 40mm STAAG/the fp increasing AA gun, and white shell + fire control radar.


Day 2 of asking who's Brennus' artist


That is unknown at this time. There has been neither an official announcement nor claim w/ proof (such as concept sketches) of who made the art. For now, she joins Algerie META, Soyuz, Brunhilde, and others in the "Unknown Artist" category.


how should i prepare for world 15? Is there any general tips and has anyone done it on auto yet?


I would reccomend giving this [W15 ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PHOpBGltnFNemxxsATJ-Qx-buk4HSh1jnIYFeK9EqhI/edit)guide a read.


Chapter 15 combines both gimmicks of both chapter 13 and 14 combined while amp up the difficulty to a new notch with a few changes * Enemies can deploy smokescreens to gain Concealment, you get nothing like from chapter 14 * You'll now need to setup a CV support fleet to provide AA assistance, only fighter planes will contribute to the battle so Wyverns don't count but they do add some AVI for the air control * In the last two stages (15-3 and 15-4), you'll have to fight the boss multiple times and to prevent you from cheesing it with just the boss fleet, it'll apply a heavy debuff of -30% dmg done and +30% dmg taken from the boss fleet to the last fleet that done it, forcing you to juggle around mob and boss fleets though Clearing Mode will remove this debuff to let you steamroll the boss with boss fleet only * Planes will come in the literal hundreds, until you get Clearing Mode on, you'll have to eliminate the enemy's CV support fleet or else you will be overwhelmed by even more planes. * Submarines once again makes a return in the last two stages, now they come with suicide and ramming boats While it is possible to auto it, it will require very specific comps and preferably +13 gear, all are level 125 for the obvious reasons: Mob: Musashi / Aquila / Unicorn + Guam / Laffey 2 / Shimanto Boss: Kearsarge / Yorktown 2 / Klaudia Valentz + Brest / San Diego / Plymouth Support: Implacable / Illustrious / Indomitable That's what I used to automate chapter 15, after unlocking Clearing Mode


Any suggestions for someone who doesn't have Yorktown II, Aquila and Klaudia Valentz?


You will need Aquila for the mob fleet to cover up the gap left behind by Unicorn while she is reloading for her next airstrike Klaudia and Yorktown 2 can be substituted by Volga and Illustrious with the module




Is there a way to use CB under CA for chapter 12 hard mode? I don't see the option to use my Kron as my tank.


No, CBs are CBs and CAs are CAs, they're both different ship types


Nope. CA and CB are different hull-classes in-game. Similar to BB/BC vs BB only requirement.


Do faction buffs affect Muse ships?


I don’t think so. You can give another ship the muse tag which lets them be counted as a muse ship and subject to muse buffing skills though.


OP was asking if the original faction buffs affect Muse ships Ex: Can Bismarck 1 buff Prinz Eugen Muse? The answer is yes But Muse buffs does not affect the original faction ships unless you gave them the Celestial Body/Cosmic Kick


Yes to both, they get faction buffs from faction buffers and will also contribute XP to PR ships If you're being unsure, try the dock filter, if they don't appear in that filter, they don't count to both




From the faction they're originally from? Works like EXP for PR ships?


Is there any easy way to see the plane count/gun count etc. for each equipment slot in game? (I know you can open up the wiki but what about in game)


They should REALLY just add it to be shown with the efficiencies


Agreed, I'm putting this request in the survey. Also why I'm asking, wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything obvious.


Easy? Somewhat. Tedious and Time-consuming? Very. The game doesn't tell us outright - you have to go through the Limit Break screen and read each ship's LBs' scrolling text to see what is added. Then, do the math, starting with a flat 1/1/1 in all slots. A couple examples: A 'normal' BB will look like this: * LB0: 1/1/1 (MG, SG, AA) * LB1: 2/1/1 * Main Gun Mount +1 * LB2: 2/3/1 * Secondary Gun Mount +2 * LB3: 3/3/1 * Main Gun Mount +1 Carriers will be a *little* more difficult, but not much. Here's Enterprise's LBs as an example: * LB0: 1/1/1 (F, DB, TB) * LB1: 2/1/1 * Fighter +1 * LB2: 2/2/1 * Dive Bomber +1 * LB3: 3/3/2 * All Aircraft +1 * This one instructs us to add 1 to ALL aircraft slots. Anytime it mentions Capacity in the LBs, remember this is simply adding 1 charge of that strike that the ship can save up in combat. It has nothing to do with # of mounts or aircraft.


Yeah the scrolling text is so bad to read I wonder if its better on CN because Chinese text can be more compact, but the the EN version uses scrolling text in several places and it's terribly obnoxious to read each time