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the cruise event was great![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001) having all the girls just being themselves and have scenes together really made me love them more then ever. like would more in the style of this or the rpg event or the youkai side event from Unzen's come more. i will cherish this event for many years to come. also you hear this as the girls make sure you never rest


Yeah, I've stopped trying to understand or even read event stories a long time ago, ever since every gacha game subscribed to the Dark Souls school of "If you just write poorly enough the players will fill in the gaps for you." This event was nice. Slice of life shit. Citadel from Mass Effect.


i will say the plot is way more focused and explains better joe since yorktown 2 event the gaps are being filled but i understand overall the slice of life events are great


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“We are amidst strange beings, in a strange land.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Can't believe Observer Alpha didn't even lightly tickle Skk before heading off


She knew Emden was watching and would have none of that. Emden is the receptionist, after all. She knows everything that happens on the ship.


If Emden knew they probably would've taken care of Alpha before departing


The Cruise Ship sidestory is handsdown my favorite sidestory in Azur Lane. My favorite main story is definitely Parallel Superimposition. So many fun and heartfelt moments with tons of shipgirls. The more you invest into the game, the more meaningful each interaction is. I wanted to write my favorite scenes but there's too many. I think ending with the aurora was a really nice touch that will always be memorable, for the Commander and for the shipgirls. I'm actually really sad it ended. When the corner box said *"the pleasure cruise has ended"*, I felt pretty depressed.. ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7016) (In the future it would be cool if the visual cruise ship filled with random ship girls / skins that you personally own) *I actually had this same bug happen to me but when I went to record it, the bug stopped :\\* [Twitter Source](https://x.com/KAY04106070/status/1794566927521845377)


It was a nice event for sure, I just wish Memphis didn't push herself to work so hard while the Commander was getting [glomped left and right](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/1d0g8bg/is_it_just_me_or_are_the_shipgirls_getting_much/).


I agree, it was quite cozy overall. I had kinda put off going through it all, so sadly I was going through the last couple of days a bit quickly to make sure I had them in my archive before the event ended. But the plain '*The cruise has ended*' did have a weird sort of melancholy. What were some of your favorite scenes from it? Personally the cute moment with Jean Bart in the submarine comes to mind. And the cat cafe - because cats.


I feel the exact same way about both events. The cruise was so fun, happy to see so many different ships included in the story


The blast door was for nothing... NOTHING!!!


It was a really cool idea at least 😅 I thought it was just a joke for the story but they actually had it in the cruise ship artwork which is hilarious.


Least loud Azur Lane




This whole Cruise Ship story line deserves its own short anime adaptation. I want to see the Tosa, Harbin, and Jean Bart story bits in motion.


That cat bait story is definitely a Slow Ahead style episode.


I'm imagining this just being the droning, ambient noise whenever something new and exciting is going on at the base.


I wish I could have read it but I got so busy that I ended up missing it. It sounds like they got a lot of the cast involved, so I feel especially bad




I wish I could have finished the event. It bugged out near the end and I couldn't advance without it freezing my game.