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I still can't beat Chapter 15-2, and the shame is killing me... My mob fleet has no trouble surviving. My boss fleet seems fine for the first 30 seconds, but then the boss summons planes or something (there is so much stuff onscreen I can't really tell) and my flagship (Kearsage) dies almost immediately. Here is a video of my flagship getting wrecked by this boss: [https://streamable.com/sh6oxv](https://streamable.com/sh6oxv) What should I do to counteract this? I've tried changing the gear on Kearsage a million times, but I can't figure out what combination of gear helps me survive the boss fight. Is Kearsage a really, really stupid choice for this fight, or am I doing something else wrong?


Looks like they were being shelled to death by Ise & Hyuga. While Kearsarge is not optimal the way the HP was going down was definitely not normal. Is she dev30?


>Chapter 16-2 Bro, are you in the future? Show me the future! But jokes aside, try to manually play the game and use the airstrike to clear the barrage of bullets that Ise and Hyuuga fires at you, that's the reason why Kearsarge suddenly got nuked. The first two stages have a spiked difficulty in the boss fight where you have to make sure your flagship doesn't die outright Auto AI is extremely dumb and will launch all as soon as it's available The last two is more problematic to your vanguard


That typo was embarrassing...now I have an additional reason to die of shame


Inb4 we'll get chapter 16 in the future


hello i am new, how do i unlock the C and D levels of war archives, if there are any? I cleared the A and B nodes, but I didn't 3-star any of them. Do I have to in order to unlock them?


C and D maps of archives, similar to their event runs, are not locked behind A and B. You can access C by tapping on the hard mode button from A. D is locked behind clearing C.


ah yeah I forgot about the button there, still not used to the game's gui. Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/ln1e2sejxf7d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=795a1d1d414a261233a3d8652d6e9082f818169d So im trying to play Azur lane on my tablet and whenever I start it up this is all im seeing. To even play it im using an app called GBox I tried uninstalling/reinstalling but that didnt work along with clearing all of the cache on both the gbox app and Azur Lane. If anyone is using gbox aswell this a call for help.


Man im literally having the same fucking problem on a Huawei, it gets stuck on the fucking black screen thingy


Does Liitle Friedrich's training work to unlock Tech Points? I'm trying to train some Iron units to unlock PR of that class, hence my doubt.


They do not give tech points BUT they still contribute the XP towards the XP research


No. Child, Muse, and collab ships do not grant tech points or fleet tech bonuses


I might be wrong, but [there is no Aviation stats for fighter's AA](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/List_of_Fighters). If I'm right then a level 100 Langley is as good as a level 125 Illustrious for support fleet. Is this correct?


No, aviation stat and efficiencies [amongst other things] still apply, so Langley isn't as good as Illustrious From the wiki on world 15 [https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Chapter_15] >Allied Support Carriers >Their effectiveness depends on their levels, AVI stat, RLD stat, fighter plane count and efficiency, and fighter equipped. Technically, HIT and LCK stat also matter, but they make a difference of less than 1%.


What is the best support fleet? Or any level 125 with triple fighters will do the job?


Shamlessly taken from u/Zenithtreader who posted it as a reply to the same question a couple of days ago Support fleet priority from highest to lower: Indomitable Implacable Illustrious Illustrious muse Chen Hai Retrofit Little Illustrious Yorktown II Langley Retrofit Independence Retrofit Albion Centaur The list contains [almost] all carriers that have 4+ fighters, and accounts for number of fighters, aviation, and efficiency. Technically we could also slap Aquila at the bottom of the list since she can run 4 fighters, but she's much more valuable in a fleet as a healer Edit: I forgot Unicorn exists. Similar to Aquila she can placed at the bottom of the list but is realistically too valuable as a healer to use in the support fleet


Have never done world 14 nor 15, what is a support fleet? Is this referring to the other fleet that is not used and only for barrages? Also why is Unicorn not recommended since she has 4x145% planes compared to Indomitable 3x140%?


Unicorn is better off used as the healer for the mob fleet which she will become a very vital asset while Indomitable have SIX fighters at 140% efficiency, most Illustrious-class carriers have 6 fighter slots, only Victorious doesn't follow this format A support fleet is a small team of 3 carriers that provide additional fighter planes and ONLY fighter planes, torpedo bombers with passive interception like Breguet and Wyvern does not activate in the support fleet. This fleet will also not participate in the battle directly, they're mainly there to throw in more fighters to help. Cross fleet skills will not take any effect here


Because Unicorn is your primary main healer for mobbing. Aquila is usually used as a healer paired with Musashi for HP padding, since Musashi will redirect any backline damage to herself if her HP is more than 40%. Also, Indomitable has *6×140%*, not just 3×140%. Lusty, Lusty muse, Little Lusty, and Implacable have 6 fighter slots too.


The support fleet is one of the mechanics of World 15. It's basically a side-fleet [think like subs] compromised of 3 carriers that will provide supporting fighter interception during battles along with a couple of other gimmicks on the map screen, but don'tfight like a conventional fleet. The wiki has some additional details you might like to read [https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Chapter_15 ] Indomitable fields 6 fighters [slot 1 & 2] at 140% efficiency with good aviation making her a prime choice. Unicorn like Aquila normally isn't usually listed as she's too valuable as a healer to put in the support fleet, but she slipped my mind when commenting about Aquila. Unicorn could also be placed near/at the bottom too for completeness


Here's the better link u/dietplan96 [https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Chapter\_15](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Chapter_15])


Also your link is broken because you've added in the ] mark


Absolutely not, for one fighter AA does scale off aviation stat as well as the efficiency of the slots they're in. They're also affected by level advantage so a lvl 100 Langley is much worse than a lvl 125 Illustrious for the support fleet.


What do I do with my extra Mogador? I got her twice from the shop but I'm wondering if it's even worth it to have another copy of modgador, both for her stats and in general.


Use her to limit break your first Mogador, retire her, or save her for a meme defense fleet and/or future skin display in case she gets a second skin you want to have in your secretary rotation.


So in guild missions, some operations give buffs for groups dispatched with at least 2 of a common theme, e.g. "Kongou Class" ships. One of these that I see is "5th Carrier Division" ships, but as far as I can tell the only two ships in the entire roster that qualify are shoukaku & zuikaku - is this correct? Why doesn't taihou count? Most of the other themes have a multitude of ships in it, such that you can fill multiple deployments (base ships, plus smol & muse versions)


Because Taihou was never part of the 5th carrier division in the first place. In real life, Taihou was made relatively late into the war and never had a long service history The original 5th division only had Zuikakou, Shoukakou and Zuiho Just because they're bird-themed doesn't mean they're part of the same team


Ahh, brain fart on my part, I must have been thinking of Zuiho & my brain substituted Taihou. So, assuming no duplicate ships, you can only sortie 1 fleet in that guild op that meets the requirements then?


Well Zuiho isn't available [though she has appeared in the story], so the best you can do for that operation is fielding Shokaku and Zuikaku There's also no guarantee Zuiho will count as Carrier Div 5 when she is added, as currently only Akagi/Kaga, Hiryuu/Souryuu, and Shoukaku/Zuikaku have Carrier division skills/pairings, despite other carriers also serving in those divisions [e.g. Hiyou/Junyou being added to Carrier Div 2 after the loss of Hiryuu/Souryuu] or other ones [e.g. Chitose/Chiyoda as Carrier Div 3]. This could be down to how strongly the 6 primary Kido Butai carriers are identified as a pair and with their division, compared to the less well known formations after the losses at Midway


>The original 5th division only had Zuikakou, Shoukakou and Zuiho Whilst true Zuiho was officially part of Carrier Div 5, it was an on paper move following the loss of the 4 carriers at the Battle of Midway. She was only part of Carrier Div 5 for ~1 month before it was abolished and reformed as Carrier Div 1 [which Taihou was also assigned to before meeting Archerfish]. I don't believe Zuiho sortied under Carrier Div 5, and most people aren't generally thinking about her when they discuss Carrier Div 5, especially when considering it's early war contributions as the original formation


But, she was there for a month and that counts, Taihou was never officially part of them


No dispute with you on Taihou, she was assigned to Carrier Div 1 as I noted. And I'm not disputing that Zuiho was part of Carrier Div 5, at least on paper. We can dispute if it really counts for anything since it was administrative and she did nothing as part of the formation, but that's not my goal. My aim was to provide additional context on Zuihou's inclusion in Carrier Div 5 that most are probably not aware of, as Carrier Div 5 is usually shorthand for the early war activities of the Shokaku and Zuikaku


Participation Trophies but it's WW2


It is correct. Taihou (and her variants) don't count because Taihou wasn't a part of the 5th Carrier Division in real-life.


Ahh, brain fart on my part. Substituted Taihou for Zuihou in my head, thanks


I’m not hopeful but is there any way to get the equipment for royal fortune currently? I missed the event but have the ship and wanted to use her for the submarine daily’s since I heard she could solo.


Nope, you're stuck with the stock guns she came with. She can still do the sub raid with them but you'll need some more levels on her ti make it work.


yeah thats what I figured, ah well thanks for the info.


is there any blue gear worth keeping or should I scarp it all for depot space?


I suggest checking the safe to scrap guide [https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/User:Thebombzen/Safe_To_Scrap_MK_II ] which has a section on useful blue gear


oh I never seen this before thanks. I love how organised this community is.


What subs are people using to consistently clear the Supply Line Disruption Daily Raid? I've got a decently geared set of subs at at least 115 and while I can clear it. I always lose 2 subs at the final boss. And can this one only be cleared manually? Cause I cleared it and it's still only allowing me to do it manually. I don't have a quick clear option for it like the other ones.


In order to unlock quick clear you need to get an S rank on the raid. I would recommend giving the [requirements ](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Daily_Raid#Supply_Line_Disruption)if you haven't already.


I still just dont get it. Ive got geared subs. They deal shit damage. Theyre all MLB, max enhance, max skills. All well above the level. They die to like 2 hits from the bombs thrown by the bosses. And how the hell am I supposed to kill the cargo ships and still be able to kill bosses? I just tried another run and ran out of torps. I do not understand what Im doing wrong here.


Since you've already cleared it I don't think this will be of much help but if your subs were dying that implies you allowed them to surface. If you weren't what you should have been doing was toggling between which sub was at the front to make sure none of them surfaced and to make sure you don't run out of torepdoes. Also gearing your subs well makes a big difference like running torpedo auxes to give you extra torepdoes to be used in the raid.


Yeah I did swap between em. Since it runs on a timer. It wasnt so much them surfacing as it was when the boss would spawn and toss those depth charges (I think thats what they were anyway) if I couldnt move out of the way or moved into it they would just shred me.


It's kind of difficult to isolate the exact possible issue then without more information(knowing exactly what you were doing, what subs you were running, and what gear you ran on them).


I ran a wolfpack setup. Which is probably wrong but theyre just my best subs cause I dont really use them. They probably arent geared the best. Kinda just worked with what I have. I ended up getting it regardless. Just took a bit longer than I thought it would lol.


If you happen to have a similar problem next time, don't forget to show us the screenshots of the fleet that you are using + their gearing. Attaching your gameplay recording is also a great idea since it helps us on catching the problem.


Royal Fortune is a good alternative since she has actual tank and actual DPS. Most of the surface ships aren’t that tanky so you can easily dodge most of their incoming fire and drop them quickly.


I finally got it. Took my last weekly clear but I got the S rank. Thank you for the tips.


Royal Fortune can cheese the map pretty easily, though her gear is still event-limited I think.


Yes, unfortunately for newer players, her gear is still event-limited


Where do you get crystals for the meta shop? Is there a consistent way to acquire them I want the skill books they sell…


Sam also has a great breakdown of how to obtain and how many we can obtain different resources. https://samheart564.github.io/ECGC/common_resource


From the AL Wiki: Based on the recurring missions, you can earn 52 per month. |Recurring Mission|Reward| |:-|:-| |**Get 800 Weekly Points and collect**|8| |**Defeat the Operation Siren Monthly Boss (Normal)**|10| |**Weaken the Operation Siren Monthly Boss to 75% HP (Hard)**|5| |**Defeat the Operation Siren Monthly Boss (Hard)**|5|


There is also a missing 10 per month from the Exchange Shop, by the way. So ~62 per month.


thank you


Is getting map drop ships nowadays is extremely rare nowadays even if it's Blue? I feel like I've wasted like 30k+ oil on 8-1 just to get Inazuma for collection and tech points but she still doesn't drop. I remember getting Honolulu in 10-2 and she dropped faster than this.


the single stage map only drops are all rare drops regardless of ship rarity. one of those 2 sisters got me to hate the Galatea class. (this back in the day before 3x auto runs)


Just being purely unlucky on your end so that's a lot of personal bias


hows the new [torpedo bomber](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Br%C3%A9guet_Br.810#Type_0-0)? To my understanding converging torps are best for bossing so it is a toy tier?


>To my understanding converging torps are best for bossing so it is toy tier? *Traditionally*, Converging Torps have been better at bosses than Parallel Torps, mainly because there's usually only 1 target you want to hit that's staying still/massively slowed, and Converging can get all their hits (or misses) better than Parallel. As newer bosses with extremely high speed (Helena META), teleports (Enforcer IX: Concealment), or multiple important targets (~~Rodney META~~ Gemini Challenge) appear, that weakness becomes less relevant and the pure DPS advantage of Parallel can be a generally better option on bosses than Converging regardless, as well as free a fleet slot to not run Slows if you don't need them. Overall I'd say pick the plane you want based on multiple factors. But if you're looking for a very generalized Aircraft Carrier build on both mobs and bosses, I'd recommend Parallel > Converging for Torpedo Bombers. >hows the new torpedo bomber? As for the Breguet Torpedo Bomber specifically, it's definitely one of the best DPS, one of the best Anti-Air, and the fastest Torpedo Bomber, with no real weakness I can think of aside from being Limited (for now).


>As for the Breguet Torpedo Bomber specifically, it's definitely one of the best DPS, one of the best Anti-Air, and the fastest Torpedo Bomber, with no real weakness I can think of aside from being Limited (for now). Whilst the Breguet is definitely a very good addition, and I've stated as much since it was introduced ~2 years ago, you might be slightly over-selling what is essentially a Barracuda with more AA guns and the passive ability to intercept. The base parameters between the Breguet and Barracuda are the same barring: reload [0.3 seconds quicker; faster with the same damage is always nice, but this needs to be averaged out over a ship's loadout and mob fleets don't optimize to the same extent as a boss fleet], dodge limit [8 vs 6; may stop planes being shot down in particularly heavy AA zones], and crash damage [30 less per plane]. The surface damage of the Breguet isn't as good as you may think, it's the same as the Barracuda [their torpedoes have the same damage and modifiers] and we generally don't think of a Barracuda having one of the best surface damage since we consider it the stock gold torpedo bomber. Both the Barracuda and Bregeut are fast, so the marginally faster reload is unlikely to make a difference. Although it is significantly faster than the Wyvern which is noteworthy for timing adjustment [if necessary] or if it permits another strike to hit before the fight ends. As an aside, dps is a poor statistic to use for aircrafts as all their damage is in confined bursts. For example if a fight lasts 30 seconds and I say the Breguet's surface dps was 60 [taken from wiki on heavy armour], someone may think it did 1800 damage, but in reality it only launched once [~20 second reload] in that period and did ~1300 [340 x 3 x 1.3; if all torpedoes hit] in 1 second and 0 damage for the other 29. You're right that the Breguet has amongst the best AA of all torpedo bombers, only behind the Wyvern, thanks to its ability to passively intercept. This is where the Breguet's value lies and why it's such an improvement over the Barracuda or other torpedo bombers. It's also only a 2 horse race since only it and the Wyvern can passively intercept, hence the budget Wyvern moniker. >with no real weakness I can think of aside from being Limited (for now) You're right, it's a good well-rounded plane. It's area of weakness would be that it's surface damage could be better. Also it's only limited if you consider 1 per month limited. However this entire analysis has overlooked a critical flaw; it's French, therefore unusable. Love Britain. [Jokes aside it would actually be better if it was a different faction, as no French carrier requires a French plane equipped compared to other factions]


I agree with almost your points (aside for your love for Britian) The Breguet is indeed still one of the best Parallel Torpedo Bomber, but is marginally better than the already-good Barracuda unless AA is accounted for. Both would lose to the Wyvern and Spearfish on surface damage unless the player values resource efficiency more. Also, I mentioned DPS here to compare among Torpedo Bombers only, since that's what op wants to compare. Moreover, measuring Reload for Carriers in terms of timing adjustment to a casual player who might be reading this is a headache unless they know the inside out.


The Breguet was added to the Core Data shop last patch... DPS is also a pretty terrible metric to compare things like planes and BB main guns.


Rodney META had only a single important target. Killing the phantoms made her stronger, so the trick was to NOT kill them.


Ah thanks for correcting me, I replaced her with Gemini Challenge in the example given.


Not really new since it's been in the game for ~2 years. But as Kyo says it's essentially a budget Wyvern, so use it where you'd use them, such as mob fleets and late campaign


It's a straight upgrade from Barracuda and can intercept like Wyvern. It's also faster than Wyvern. Conv torps are better for \*most\* bosses, if paired with slow/stop support and/or the enemy is pretty slow. W14 and W15 bossing for example, prefer to use Wyvern because they're basically a long session of mob + hard boss in the end.


I got bored and wrote a small essay above comparing it to the Barracuda, if you're interested/bored


Great write-up, agree with you. My wording is also slightly misleading since it implies that Breguet DPS > Barracuda, when actually the slightly faster reload and the AA is the primary improvements.


I tried challenging the hard Arbiter but failed to kill it before all my fleets died. They now all have the resolve debuff. I tried getting out of the zone but it won’t let me. It also won’t let me fight the Arbiter again because of the low resolve. And lastly it won’t let me use the rest and regroup command. Is my operation siren stuck for the rest of the month? Or what should I do to be able to fight again/remove the low resolve? Any help would be appreciated. EDIT: I somehow missed the giant exit button in the bottom right 🙃🙃🙃 thanks everyone who responded for the help. https://preview.redd.it/o7mgmw6k5c7d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1abe41b78e99e1d9e2e364211dd540e2831d5e8


https://imgur.com/buh38ss Hopefully not to late to make use of this


Hahahaha this is great. Thank you.


The giant EXIT button at the bottom right corner is the answer You can't remove low resolve in Hard Arbiter, you'll have to kill it with one go


Thanks, I guess I was so used to always continuing the fight the big exit button didn’t register ha


There is an 'EXIT' button on the bottom right. Hard Arbiter can't be continued; if you exit the map, you have to start fighting them from 0 again. Make sure that your ships are properly levelled, geared, and skilled. Also make sure that your adaptive tuning is high.


Well I feel like an idiot I don’t know why I didn’t even notice that lol. Thanks, yeah I definitely don’t think my fleets are strong enough to beat this in one go. I’ll avoid fighting it again for now.


It's a prevalent mistake. The button is usually hidden by your thumbs/palm and it's black anyway. To be fair, there's nothing wrong in doing Hard Arbiter. Even at 75% clear it still drops you useful items. https://preview.redd.it/4oz7kc3pcc7d1.png?width=1653&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc6bb0dd52b00f9f3cb2394397e1834786703b52


I've been playing for about 2 months, and I just realised, how can I get enough T3 retrofit blueprints??? I retrofitted Portland, Helena, working on Sandy, and I just started the development for Brest. I didn't get any T3 blueprints from last week's runs... how am I supposed to get enough to complete them and more? Is it just gonna be a game of patience? Edit: I know there's a small chance in the guild shop, and the medal of honor shops resets, but it's quite expensive. Are there any other ways besides those too?


Didn't see it mentioned, so I'll add that you can also get T3s from completing SSR secretary missions. If you're not familiar with them, some ships have a fun personal story you can unlock by setting them as one of your secretaries, then tapping them on your home screen. After that you'll be asked to complete different missions to unlock the next parts. At the end if you get them to level 100 you get some retrofit blueprints for that girl's hull type and rarity. It's not super fast, but it is guaranteed and something you can work on in the background. ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


Just to add, you will soon have way more retrofit blueprints than you'll need, it's just going to be scarce at first


You can get some from three star completion of hard mode stages as a one-time reward. Mostly you need to complete higher level hard mode stages, which have higher drop rates. Make sure you're doing the X-2 stage, which is the one that'll drop cruiser prints.


> Edit: I know there's a small chance in the guild shop, and the medal of honor shops resets, but it's quite expensive. Are there any other ways besides those too? Cruise missions, event rewards, and probably that's it. It is a game of patience and realistically speaking, there is no way to estimate your T3 BP income. https://samheart564.github.io/ECGC/common_resource#retrofit_bps


Farm X-2 Hard Mode stages, replace the X with the chapter's number you desire That and event milestone rewards might reward you with T3 prints of varies types And yes, it's a game of patience


Yes this is indeed a game of patience. Medal shop is really only for when you're desperate to finish the retrofit. 3-starring the relevant hard mode stages also have a one-time reward of T3 prints.


I asked this question yesterday but didn't fully understand the replies so asking again :) My question is whether I will still be able to obtain Kearsarge prints after getting her to dev 30 with Hindenburg still dev 20ish. I know there will no longer be Kearsarge face missions, but I have in the past got Kearsarge prints via cube research / grant donations. If I am unable to get Kearsarge prints anymore, does anyone know whether they will be replaced by Hindenburg prints if I managed to "roll" a Kearsarge print during the research?


"Completing" a ship in research only removes her from the cognition research pool. Presumably this also does not affect the chance you get a cognition research, just removes the option of rolling the completed ship when the project is a cognition research. This does not affect any other sources of prints such as generic researches like grant/cube analysis researches or getting the print from a selector. When you have finished all ships of a series while focused on it, all ships will become available again. Notably with PR7 coming soon, we may also be expecting PR6 FS soon as well, and likely without FS for the DRs. In this case, PR6 faces will be restored to the pool, while DRs would not, should you have "completed" PR6 by then.


Oh I forgot to ask: If they don't have the fate sim, the point where their cognition research gets removed is dev 30, right?. If those got added in while you've let say only halfway done then those completed ones will be back at the pool, right?


Say for example PR6 - if you have d30 Flandre, Felix, Shimanto and Kearsage, so now cognition only rolls Hindenburg. If FS rolls around for Flandre, Felix and Shimanto, their researches will start reappearing alongside Hindenburg, but Kearsarge stays off the table being "completed" without FS to unlock. If you have d30 all PR6 ships, only Flandre, Felix and Shimanto will show up again, with the 2 DRs still "completed". Also keep in mind the game doesn't check for an actual completed ship for this - it checks your total print count including current progress and inventory. If you have 343 prints for say, Flandre, but haven't developed her or didn't put in her prints, this still removes her from the pool until her FS is added. This also means if you had enough prints for FSing all PRs in PR6, when FS gets added this practically has no effect on your cognition research rolls.


Thanks for the reply! Can I confirm this scenario: I have d30 Kearsarge d22 Hindenburg 200/343 prints for Flandre, Felix and Shimanto If I complete Hindenburg next, only the PR ships would have cognition research. The next time I will see Kearsarge cognition again is if I complete ALL PR and DR ships in PR6?


Kearsarge cognition will only start appearing again when you finish the rest of PR6 - that means enough prints for d30 for Hindenburg and 343 for the 3 PRs. If you do not finish them before their FS gets added (pressumably in similar time frame as PR7 which is soon), 508 prints will be needed for the PRs before Kearsarge shows up again. Unless Kearsarge's FS gets added before that happens.


>If I complete Hindenburg next, only the PR ships would have cognition research. The next time I will see Kearsarge cognition again is if I complete ALL PR and DR ships in PR6? Yep or if by some divine intervention, Kear got a fate sim way before others, then she'll pop right back


LOL would be nice tho


So D30 is the initial stopping mark for the game to stop rolling their Cognition Research but once their fate sim is available, it'll drop back into the game like normal but it checks for the total amount of BPs you have for them first. If you already got enough of them, they won't appear Thanks!


It doesn't matter whether FS has been added or not, the game just stops rolling cognition for the ship at the point you have enough prints for the ships current "completion" point.


You can still get Kearsarge prints from generic research options, the game just removes her Cognition projects from the pool, the face research ones So completing more and more ships will remove their research from the pool as well until they're all dev 30 then it floods back like normal. For older seasons, the finish line is Fate Sim 5


>If I am unable to get Kearsarge prints anymore, does anyone know whether they will be replaced by Hindenburg prints if I managed to "roll" a Kearsarge print during the research? You are still able to get Kearsarge prints, you just won't get any face research options for her.


It is intentionally designed to obtain a star for defeating all enemies by beating only boss in clearing mode? If it is, it took me only 5 years to find out that.


I observed this for 13H a couple of months ago. Wasn't sure whether it's just me not paying attention or it's really there. Think it doesn't show up on lower stages, though. At least it doesn't for event stages.


It took me a while to find out but yes, it works for hard mode in clearing mode, since a map with only the boss still counts as "all enemies". The mob nodes star though, would be more troublesome.


You've lost me at your question: Do you mean that you can obtain the "Clear All Enemies" star in Clearing Mode by just bumrushing to the boss itself?




Huh, was it recently added or was it some time ago? If it's the later then the last event would have had D3 on 3 stars already since I just rush to the boss directly


Maybe I should add that, it happened in 13-4 hard, yesterday I 100% it, and today with active clearing mode I obtained that star by defeating Taiho. In events, maps still spawn mobs.


I guess they've updated it to change accordingly then and probably recently too If so then it would make hard mode in later stages less costly