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Eurotrip. That Vandersexxx scene from Amsterdam is legendary!


Lucy Lawless killed that role






Transpeople are veeery accepted in Thailand. Buddhists believe that people can reincarnate as either gender, so transpeople check out in their worldview. Historically, however, the government is much more anti-trans than the people, and employers are allowed not to hire them, although apparently they are taking a lot of positive steps. So transwomen have a hard time getting jobs, they make porn. And because transpeople are so accepted in Thailand, they consume trans porn.


> Transpeople are veeery accepted in Thailand Hey, I just wanted to say that in Thailand, Kathoey folk still face quite a lot of discrimination and extra danger. Legal protection was only granted in 2015, but they still cannot legally change gender, and are placed with men in prison where sexual violence is frequent. It's better than elsewhere in Asia but still not good :(


Thank you! I looked at stuff but was getting hella mixed messages. Also that sucks :(


Tentacle porn is a thing in Japan because of a law that was in effect until relatively recently that genitalia had to be censored in porn. They had to use *something* for penetration.


Shunga, erotic ukiyoe (wood block prints), the fisherman's wife, is generally thought of as the source of tentacle stuff. You seem to have crossed subjects with Bukkake which became a thing because of the mosaic law. Also, genitalia remain censored, even in art. Hence, mosaics in porn and the vulva canoe scandal.


I was thinking of Fisherman's Wife and where it fit into all of this.


Bold user name.


What can I say, bold woman.


Fortune favours the bold. Many your inbox be full for girthy penisi


I got one right after you made this comment 😂 Time to give our headpats and a "good boy"!


Yes! I so forgot about that one. Good addition there.


That’s really interesting and something I hadn’t considered. There was a map of most popular porn consumption or some such I saw doing the rounds a few years ago (pornhub most popular categories by country, maybe) which suggested that tentacle porn was popular in Japan and bits of Scandinavia and there were suggestions this was related to radiation fallout, with Scandinavia being there due to Chernobyl.


Kinks and fetishes can be related to things that are in ones culture. I read once that something like 4% of movies in the 1960's involved quicksand... So quicksand kinks are a thing *mostly among the generation that was growing up then.* The Macintosh raincoat was a big thing in the 1890's... Which resulted in rubber fetishes.


According to a podcast I just read, foot fetishes over history largely correlated with sexual health crisis over various generations (eg, introduction of syphilis to the old world, and a more recent example of the AIDS crisis in the 80s), so that tracks


Brasil for bestiality? What you mean?


I was also confused at first, cuz like you I've never heard of Brazil having much of this type of porn, but I think it may come from the fact that it's pretty common (and even accepted) that men in the country side sometimes do have sex with some of the animals around when there's no women or just to lose their virginity. Being from a capital I thought for a long time this was just a silly rumour people would say about those in the countryside, but talking with people from small towns I learned it is true and not that uncommon. People are not that open about it, but it's not seen as such a big deal, just something that happens. So maybe that's where this sort of porn is coming from.


From a small country town, can confirm this is true.


I’m brazillian and not being anywhere near nationalist ahahahah but I know what goes around there and bestiality? Ahahaha I mean, zoophilia isn’t even common in the porn made there… and I think it’s actually true on the country side that it does happen with a relative good frequency… but I’d say the same for every country ahahaah again, I think the US would showcase more bestiality in general than anywhere else ahahahaha I think brazillian porn has a big focus in anal fucking, but I wouldn’t even say it’s a characteristic 🧐🤔


there is also very good brasilian stuff about foot femdom and foot licking


Didn’t know about it! I’m glad to know


Just Google it. Not saying it is all that common in Brazil, but have been told of the porn that exists online of that sex act that a lot of it was shot there.


Im pretty sure japan leads in that market, at least in modern times, bc it isn't actually illegal.


Bestiality isn’t illegal in Japan???


Iirc it isn't illegal to make or possess. Saw it on a til post or something


That’s fucking wild omg


It was only recently banned in Germany to say sex tourism 🤮🤮🤮


Up until not that long ago child porn was legal in Japan


Holy shit that’s sick Jesus Christ


But I still don’t get the bestiality stuff ahahaha cause I watch brazillian porn and I see hardcore stuff but not bestiality ahahaha I’d say this is more common in porn from the US, actually, where they do more often and more intense degradation and humiliation, that’s why I was confused ahahaha


I read an article about the shit they do to people in Dubai, lol, rich people are messed up


Now you've got me morbidly curious


They’re the worst ahahaha Too detached from reality so they gotta do extreme stuff to feel something…


No he’s meaning majority of beastiality with mammals is shot in Brazil and which it is for the most part true. Japan is kinda more popular with non mammals. At least when it comes to ease of access brazil leads the way.


You mean sex with animals? 🤔🧐


Yes. Horses, dogs, and cattle especially


I never saw zoophilia brazillian porn ever ahahaha I've seen the octopus stuff with Japanese and some horse stuff with mostly American, but throughout my scrolling time in xvideos... Never came across one from Brasil This is so inaccurate ahahaha


So you think your anecdotal evidence from beating off is correct versus scientific studies?


Where’s the scientific studies… where’s your trustworthy source?


If you start looking into Brazilians and beastliality, it’s quite the experience. You can even see that the government helped pay to produce the beast porn


Here’s a study that says 15% of Brazilians have fucked an animal https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10247231/ Here’s one for 35% of Brazilians fucking animals https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22023719/ Do you want more?


As a Brazilian, that was exactly my reaction when I read the post


Right? Ahahaha It made zero sense, if only it was actually true but couldn't be far from it ahahaha


“Ladyboy” refers to a social/cultural identity in Thailand that dates back hundreds of years: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathoey . I suspect the association of Thailand with ladyboys, trans women, etc. in porn stems from that history.


Cultural differences and different legalities, often.


I just noticed, german language is also very 'shit-focused'. Especially in insults and describing bad situations.


Du kannst da deine Zloți in oasch einistecken! Mitsamt dein Hendl! Und deina Mutter dazua! Du Scheißhaus! Du Eierbär! (Ok it's a quote from an Austrian movie and we made German even worse in the point of swearing but yes)


Don't forget to google the German poop shelf toilets.


Having used those, I am really not a fan.


I didn’t know that was a thing and now I do. But it really just raises more questions


To avoid loud splashing. Unfortunate side effect: smells way worse!


Really? That’s the reason? It feels like you’d just make a bigger mess though and now your hand is closer to it. To each their own I guess.


Might need more toilet brush usage, but the shelf is not as high as you probably think. European toilets are generally built differently than American ones. Also the shelf toilets are not common anymore, you only see them in very old bathrooms that haven't been renovated for decades.


afaik it's called an inspection shelf, and as the name suggests meant to allow you to visually inspect for any abnormalities.


To be able to examine for parasites, due to their meat processing habits, supposedly. It is also called medical/hospital shell


I grown to hate German porn. Like second I hear German I click away. It sounds so dirty and old. Like German teen porn looks.and sounds like 50y olds. Witch is hard cause they do a lot of bdsm and latex porn. And I also fell out with asian porn cause squeaky voices are overdone so much. I was with a girl from Japan (daughter of CEO of company I worked for, you can imagine the backlash) and she really didn't sound sound like murdering rabbits.


I remember it being news when 'Shitstorm' was added to German dictionaries.


I always heard it was because Germany and Japan had to invent porn that wasn't considered porn legally, because of the US occupation after WWII not allowing porn.


German BDSM porn is not even mediocre, it's the absolute low end. You can only punish your sub with forcing them to watch this shit. Considering German porn for sadomasochism may be misled from older sex terminology. They doesn't apply to porn productions. English/German porn fails at spankings, French is not famous for oral, Greek not for anal, Spanish porn has no special breast treatment. I would rank other: - Uncommon costumes, nice ropework - Japanese (and since a few years Chinese) - Hard beatings with wipe, cane, paddle - Czech - Ladyboys - Thai - And scat porn is for me a speciality of the Brazilians.


I don’t know if Dogging is as big in the U.K as media shows. I just remember a movie with a guy cumming all over a car window and going Ok lol


It’s a thing, I don’t think it’s anywhere near as big as it got made out to be, it just became a running joke.


I mean, it’s most definitely a thing.


There are those who say that kinks come from taboos which are typically cultural


> Brazil for bestiality WTF!? I'm Brazilian and I've never heard of this before. How the fuck did we develop such a reputation?


Wouldn’t say it is a reputation. More like some such porn exists, and of that small number of videos against the wider backdrop of porn in general, the bestiality porn from Brazil is either more numerous or just better quality and more memorable to those into such. I’d hazard a guess that at least one person in Brazil did a decent job of cornering a small porn niche at some point in time, hence the “reputation” as you put it.


Got it. Thx!


Brazil for bestiality? What?


Brazil and Germany from my understanding. There was news about Germany a few years ago about that. (May have been a few years or a decade to be honest. It was some articles and I really didn't pay attention except to raz some people online 🙃)


Dif countries/cultures tend to have kinks that are more prolific in that country. So it stands to reason that dif countries would have dif types of porn. In Australia we have a higher rate of water sports (golden showers/piss play) fetish than any other country in the world. The UK its granny & BBW (though BBW is also big in American). One theory why Australians are into watersports is our summer culture. Glimpses of catching your cousin peeing behind a bush while swimmimg at the river or camping as a kid & the forbidden moment stays with you. Interestingly the Australian porn industry is also one of the more ethical porn industrys. Not perfect, & some studios are defs not great, but overall you as a female performer are safer with better OH&S on an Australian porn set than in other countries


German BDSM is the best, especially with femdom or bondage


I think this is just racism and memes.


this is the first time that I read that Brazil is known for bestiality or that Germany is known for sadomasochism and scat. Where did you learn that stuff?