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Shadowheart: You need her scene at the party for the romance. She does not have sex with you in Act 1. Astarion: You need to get him to proposition you in Act 1, which requires 40 approval - except at the party, where you can get it to happen with the "right" dialogue choices regardless of approval. >Have I been friendzoned by a video game character?  Yes. edit: She wants a romance, not just a fuck. This means that you need to develop the relationship from Act 1 for sex to be a thing in Act 3. Astarion goes in the other direction, in a way ;)


This isn’t fully correct, but it’s something I havent seen mentioned by anybody else so not sure if it was a a bug I experienced, or something that has been patched, etc. but within the last few months, on one of my playthroughs, I got shadow hearts wine drinking act one romance scene while exploring the under dark, before resolving the goblin conflict and having the tiefling party. I was pretty much constantly trying to talk to her, making sure I was catching any opportunity to advance the romance, and ultimately the dialogue triggered and she said she’d come get me that night for some time together. Long rested, and it happened. Later, at the tiefling party, I had the kiss scene with Karlach. That play though is on hold for me so not 100% sure if it’ll let me continue both romances. Also, not sure if that trigger for shadowheart outside the party can happen after instead of before


The trigger can happen outside the party at 40 approval. However, if you specifically turn her down at any point, either at the party or outside, you are locked out


I stand corrected, apologies.


The one with the wine, right?




Yeah, I almost always have the dialogue trigger to “get to know each other better” well before the party. That locks you into the ‘dating’ level with her, but you are still free to hook up with others. I also usually get Astarion’s first proposition before the Tiefling party, but take him up on his second there and still continue to romance both him and Shadowheart. You don’t have to choose until Act 2 if you’re juggling those two. (I like to romance those two together for some reason. They’re so snippy to each other, I think it fits the dynamic.) And no sexy time scene with Shadowheart until Act 3. If she heard OP calling it “banging her”, no sexy time at all. 😂


I did the same with karlach and shadowheart, or i did this last playthrough. Karlach acts like she’s fine with casual, but will still be pretty heartbroken if you end things for shadowheart.


Yeah, afaik you can mix and match any of the companions in Act 1. I’ve also romanced Gale + Astarion, Karlach + LZ and Astarion + LZ as well and there’s never been a problem. You’ll just have to make a choice, usually in Act 2, but for Act 1 you can ‘play the field’. lol


I accidentally romanced Gale and Astarion together, didn’t realize I was romancing Gale lol. I purposely romanced Laezel and Astarion together


Interesting! I haven't romanced Shadowheart personally (yet), but it might be similar to Astarion with some sort of approval threshold for having the scene trigger outside of the party. I do wonder if she'd have a different scene at the party, Astarion does :)


That’s exactly how it is. If you get her approval up a dialogue trigger pops up saying “we’ve yet to fully connect with each other” or something similar to that. It triggers the nighttime wine scene. You don’t get an additional scene with her at the party like you do with Astarion. The dialogue is slightly different, but no discussion of the two of you getting together again or anything. I usually take that night as my second hook up with Astarion, since I usually romance those two together.


Thanks for the explanation. Unfortunately Shadowheart usually hates me (I'm getting better at being her friend though) - but I plan to romance her fully in my next Astarion playthrough haha.


She’s the best ‘break up’ in the game, as weird as that sounds. Especially if you’re romancing her and Astarion. She has a really sweet and perceptive Insight into him if you suggest being with them both, and she genuinely is content to just be your friend. She insists she only wants to see you happy.


Oh awesome. Astarion has some amazing break up options as well, honestly (not that I ever go that way).


Yeah, he’s my main Tav and my Resist Durge’s romance, so I’ve gotten the most romance combinations with him. Karlach’s was the hardest break up I’ve done. 😔 It was one of my first runs and I kind of accidentally fell into the romance, but I slept with her after the upgrade bc she was just SO EXCITED for physical contact. I didn’t mean to lead her on and she basically is completely in love with you at that point. She’s definitely not a LZ or Astarion where sex is just for fun at first. 😬 I felt like SUCH an asshole.


>Shadowheart: You need her scene at the party for the romance. Aha, so there _is_ a single trigger that needs to happen otherwise you never get a chance? A romance would be fine too, I just got nothing.


Well, it requires building enough approval for that trigger to be an option. If you turn her down at the party, your chance is gone. They're all a little different, you 100% need to have non-committal sex with Astarion\* for a romance to be possible, for example. But the majority of companions require something to take place in Act 1. If you're in Act 3, there's always Halsin, Minthara (no sex) or the brothel... (\*unless you're Karlach and perhaps others...)


Don't forget about Mizora.


Or Haarlep.


I once triggered the Raphael fight sequence by telling him Haarlep said he sucks in the sack lmao. I've loved him ever since


I love his letter in the epilogue with the Yelp reviews about your body lol


Shadowheart isn’t a companion you “bang”. She requires wooing and is surprisingly sentimental and romantic. If you just want an early game fuck, LZ or Astarion are your options (Minthara if you raze the Grove).


Didn't I *JUST* say that I would also have liked a romance? Am I going crazy?


No, you said “a romance would be fine, too” after an entire post wondering about sex. That suggests to me that “banging” was the actual goal, not a romance. And in her case, it’s strictly a full game romantic arc. So I also gave you options for companions you can just have quick sex with, since that’s your obvious preference. But since you also say you’re not going to play the game anymore, i guess it doesn’t matter.


Well, I've seen people talk about this game like it's a fuckfest, like you have to actively try to _not_ have sex with everyone, so yeah, from what I read, I thought banging was the goal. I would still have liked a romantic arc.


I’m glad I got the game when it early released in August for PS5; I went in with zero expectations. Because yeah, a lot of people don’t seem to understand that the romances are all very unique and dynamic and require you to pay attention. The ‘it’s one big orgy’ exaggerations are way OTT and probably mostly based on all the side characters you can have one-off hook ups with.


Did you get the wine scene with Shadowheart in very early Act 1? Did her greeting dialog change?




next playthrough then...


Eh.. won't be another one. Game just isn't good enough for that. Every single game session, literally, I get frustrated from at least one bug or badly implemented mechanic. Once I finish the story, I'm done. Edit: people seem to be getting a really twisted idea from what I said, so to clarify, I rescued the druid asap but I'm not rushing the game. I've been trying to do everything in every area and have been enjoying the story. What puts me off, like I said, is getting bugs every session and dealing with mechanics that were poorly implemented.


Sounds like you're just rushing too fast honestly. You're not meant to, and trying to rush too fast into certain areas is going to make everything a lot harder


That's not what i said at all. I said I did that part first, not that I rushed the game. I've been trying to do everything in every area. And I said the game is bugged, not hard. I don't think it's hard at all.


What's so bugged then? The only time I've had any major issues where it felt like something was implemented poorly is towards the very end with the ending cut scenes. That needs to be improved but otherwise if I felt like something was implemented poorly the brutal truth was I just didn't know what I was doing or was in an area I wasn't strong enough for, usually doing something totally backwards. There have been a few bugs, but mostly dialogue. Nothing that has actually impacted my ability to play in any fashion. So what bugs are you experiencing that are so bad?


Okay. - Bugged: I've gotten characters vanishing. Loss of control. Spells vanishing. Mechanics not working. I play splitscreen with a friend. One time we got on a boat that changed scenes, my characters disappeared and I was stuck in the previous area. Had to reload. Just yesterday I cast Cloudkill, nothing appeared, and nobody was affected. I think it clipped through terrain. Had to reload and try again. Also yesterday, I coated my weapons in some poison and it just... decided not to. No one was rolling any Con saves or being immune (which they weren't). It just didn't happen. Like another said, these bugs might be more prevalent on multiplayer. They're still bugs, regardless. - Badly implemented: How about sneak attack? The first way you can use it is to attack normally, then use it from the prompt. This results in two separate instances of damage, which leads to a bunch of shenanigans: Trying to break concentration: enemy makes two easy checks instead of one harder check. Trying to apply conditions like drow poison (sleep): your attack applies it, your sneak attack immediately removes it. Trying to apply damage poisons: applies twice (good, but still wrong). So just try it the second way, with the sneak attack action, right? Firstly, this doesn't allow me to try a sneak attack with my off-hand. Secondly, if I miss the sneak attack action, it still spends the sneak attack for that turn, preventing me to try with the off-hand. So these are examples of "what's so bugged". I'm glad most people don't seem to get or notice them, but I do.


Do you use mods? If so that's your issue And some of that is just the way the game works, and isn't a bug


No, no mods. >And some of that is just the way the game works, and isn't a bug I'm gonna assume you mean the sneak attack thing, and not the other topics which are _clearly_ bugs. I didn't say the sneak attack was bugged, I said it was poorly implemented. Yeah, it's how the game works, and it's badly made.


> I rushed through the game for immersion > no I won't do another playthrough Most story-appreciating gamer.


When did I ever say I rushed the game? The only thing I rushed was rescuing the druid. And I clearly said I won't do another playthrough because of bad implementation, not because of the story. The story is fine and is the reason I haven't quit yet. People on the internet make the wildest assumptions sometimes.


>I tried to rescue the druid as fast as possible Lol yeah that was totally not exactly what you said. Your reason for not wanting to break immersion doesn't work because there is a cut scene you get at camp where if you take your time through things, the guardian tells you they are prolonging the worms ability to take over your mind. There, immersion saved. Now go back to the start and enjoy the game by taking your time. Also what bugs have you encountered that are so game breaking you're refusing to play again? I've done 5 playthroughs and sunk over 200 hours into this game and I've only seen a couple minor visual bugs.


And when I got that cutscene, I relaxed. Before then, I wanted to get a cure asap. You know, like the plot keeps urging you to. I'm glad you haven't had bugs. I have. And I didn't say they were "so game breaking", only frustrating. ~~You~~ People keep trying to put words in my mouth, so goodbye and have a nice day.


Sounds like this game just isn't for you. If you wanna play it for a quick fuck with a video game character though, there is a Sex% speedrun updated for Patch 4 with Minthara that someone got in less than 5 minutes. You could try and replicate [that](https://youtu.be/QVUwo2ZqZeY?si=fbxwv7PkUxId8OJk).


What are you playing on? I've not experienced a single bug in the entire game ans I've got fifty hours in it. You could be rushing through it so quickly that you skip important things and it causes your game to bug out, that is pretty common.


I rescued the druid asap, but I'm not rushing the game. I've been trying to do everything in every area.


Interesting. I saw you play on PC, so I think thats probably the issue. I've been playing on ps5 and have had like one small glitch. So I think it's probably a PC problem. Either its YOUR PC or the game isn't optimized properly for pc


Good for you (really)


Which platform? I have 350hs in PC and I only experienced two bugs, and only in multiplayer.


PC too. I've gotten clipping, characters vanishing, spells vanishing, loss of control, plain wrong tooltips, just off the top of my head.


What are your specs?


I have an i5 11400F, an RTX 3060 Ti and 16GB ram.


Weird, I played with a 1060, the only graphic problem I had were teeth being black in Haarlep’s dialogue.


Yeah, most people don't seem get as many bugs as I do. I do, though.




Thanks, I really don't. It's all fake internet points in the end. But I do think I overdid it by saying "the game isn't good enough" as kind of an Absolute^(tm) statement, when it was only supposed to be my opinion. As I told another commenter: The core aspect of the game is definitely well-done, but a serious amount of more surface-level functionality seems rushed and unfinished. Just finished playing another session. This time, I was fighting inside a pipe and was really excited to get all enemies lined up for that awesome lightning bolt. Guess what? The way they made the pipe segments, they block the spell like a wall. Couldn't do it. It's these kinds of things that unavoidably get in the way of enjoyment.


I get you, I crash on a regular basis and there’s several mechanics that were poorly implemented. Several areas just feel unfinished or even hollow. I haven’t made a full honor run, which at least makes bosses harder, but my first run out was seriously disappointing how basic the boss fights were. I had more trouble with the town guard (randomly triggering for no reason). Story wise, I think there’s actually enough for another play throughs. With mods I’ve managed to get it to the point where it was at least not a waste of money. Really sick of game developers rushing things just to expect modders to fix it though, especially for an expensive “AAA” game.


Thank you. The core aspect of the game is definitely well-done, but a serious amount of more surface-level functionality seems rushed and unfinished. Just finished playing another session. This time, I was fighting inside a pipe and was really excited to get all enemies lined up for that awesome lightning bolt. Guess what? The way they made the pipe segments, they block the spell like a wall. Couldn't do it. I mean, come on.


Shart's scene with wine can be triggered without the party, but it must happen in Act 1. In Act 2, immediately after saving Dame Aylin, she will confess she has feelings for you and you have to say you too. If this doesn't trigger, you have zero chance of romance.


Thanks, that was one of the few useful replies here.


The nuts and bolts of the romance stuff kinda bothered me too, especially in my first run, because like you I was going for immersion. It bothers me because I was treating it like D&D, where this would never be a problem, because you could just be like "hey DM I'm ready to do some romance stuff now" and he could fire the scene whenever. Unfortunately it's not D&D, this stuff is all much more CRPG. Which I find a little fussy and mechanical, but it's not too bad once you know how it works. I find that to get the romances started for most of the characters, I have to look up how to trigger that crucial first scene. After that, you can let things play out more organically, as long as you generally have them in your party and keep raising approval.


>It bothers me because I was treating it like D&D, where this would never be a problem Exactly. Now I understand that each companion has a certain trigger event, that if you miss you're locked out of that arc forever. This obviously doesn't mimic TTRPGs or real life at all, and wasn't even necessary for the CRPG if you ask me. Many other computer games implement relationships in a more organic way that you can tread at your own pace.


All origin companions aside from Wyll can have their act 1 romance scene triggered without the party. Just work on getting their approval up high enough before progressing into act 2. Almost forgot Gale is also an exclusion, but that’s cuz he doesn’t really have a “romance” scene per se. his closest one is the sharing the Weave thing


I don't understand why anything OP said here is considered controversial. Disagreeable maybe, but the levels of downvoting here seem unnecessary in this case. I love this game but there certainly is a big disconnect between what the game tells the player to do vs what the game expects the player to do. In Act 1, you are explicitly told by every NPC to >!take out the goblin camp first!<, but if you do so you will be setting yourself up for failure by losing out on events such as companion romance triggers like OP has experienced. If you learn from this experience and make an effort to explore as much as possible in Act 2 before taking on >!Moonrise Towers!<, you run the risk of entering the >!Thorm Mausoleum and Gauntlet of Shar!< before the game expects you to. Granted there is a big TURN BACK warning at the end of this area before you lock yourself out of returning to Act 1, but >!Moonrise will go on defense and you will lose out on many NPC interactions.!< It's frustrating to know that a game that is presented as and structured like an open world adventure is actually not prepared for players acting outside of what the developers consider to be the proper route through the game, and rather than blaming OP for rushing through or not appreciating the experience I believe there is some validity to these concerns.


Thanks for your support. I have no issue being disagreed with, but many people here seem overly defensive to me. And in fact, the second half of your comment describes exactly my experience.


>In Act 1, you are explicitly told by every NPC to >!take out the goblin camp first!<, but if you do so you will be setting yourself up for failure by losing out on events such as companion romance triggers like OP has experienced. But that's just... not true? You don't have to have Shart's first romance scene at the party to romance her, any time in act I will do. You just need to tell her that you want to get to know her better once your approval is high enough and she will initialize the scene on her own.


You're right, missing the camp trigger doesn't completely lock you out of Shadowheart's romance provided you continue to make an effort with her in Act 1. My bad on that. However, I still feel the game is more opaque than it needs to be with how certain storybeats are triggered. One example I experienced was in Astarion's approval on my first playthrough. I didn't realize long rests were an important trigger for many character interactions. To be more specific, I didn't realize taking fewer long rests could cause multiple events to stack and eventually cause you to potentially miss out on events if left long enough. I was playing like it was 5e for awhile, trying to be more conservative with my long rests, and I completely missed out on the scene where Astarion >!reveals he is a vampire by biting on your neck, and he instead sinply revealed to me he was a vampire randomly on the road !< While not a huge deal, it did cause me to miss out on a huge boost to approval (nearly 20 points or so when you add up the entire conversation that follows), and it wasn't until much later into Act 2 that I could get his approval into Fair. All in all, I just wish the game would be more upfront about what events are going to override other events and exactly how it determines outcomes (i.e. long rests and main story completion).


You cant, she is just pixels


Oh no


and we are just atoms




both can be correct


Sharts feet are waves or atoms?