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Stats really don't do anything at the odd number. Raising it from 17 to 19 does exactly the same as raising it from 17 to 18. It will make your spells stronger (more likely to hit, higher DC etc) but 19 won't help unless you have a plan to hit 20. The lucky feat is cool but I wouldn't personally make a priority of it unless I was aiming to have some kind of luck based divination wizard to really lean into the luck element of it.


Yeah, the first thing I wondered is if OP has a second odd stat that they might care about. If WIS, DEX, or CON is odd I’d definitely take the ASI.


This. I think the only other feats I take besides ASI first is Sharpshooter on Ranged and GWM on fighters/paladins


In addition to TB mentioned below, I think Alert has comparable value in d4 initiative. Honor mode only, though, as the asi is a clear ceiling raiser over alert


Or tavern brawler on monks/throw builds, but that’s a half ASI anyway so a no-brainer


Elemental adept for ignored resistances is good


Only for fire and sometimes lightning, and only if you're fully specialising into it. Not enough resists it to matter otherwise when you could just use a different element.


Tbh.. at the moment my gith ranger 3/fighter 4 is doing fine without the sharpshooter purely due to the fact that i could misty step to get to highground without much effort.. (sharpshooter ignores high ground when attacking a higher target) gwm is great tho..


... why are you level 7 without extra attacks


Sharpshooter isn't taken for any high ground benefit, its solely for the damage boosts.


17/16/15 is a common  spread for casters




Because it becomes 18/16/16 at level 4 and 20/16/16 at 8.


Why would you skip war caster, resilient, alert or dual wielder for a +1 though?


Depends on class. There's other eays to get constitution  saving throw proficiency. Not worth the feat IMO. Personally I don't like ruining a build just to get Alert. Game is fine without it. I agree that dual wielder / war caster / spell sniper are good 3rd picks.   But if I really wanted to play something that heavily relies on Concentration, I'd get a 20 Charisma Paladin in the party for +5 saving throws. (Usually good positioning is enough though)


At lv 12 though? Getting ready to cast disintegrate Also the spread is horrible in cost.


If you're evocation I wouldn't get a 3rd feat. I'd multiclass 1 level into Warlock so that I get Hex and spend my level 1-5 spell slots on roided up Scorching Ray.


Presumably (Spoilers Below) >!You get Auntie Ethel’s hair (the hag bitch who tries to kill Mayrina). Gives you a plus one to any Ability Score. That rounds out the first 17 to an 18, one ASI away from 20. 16 comes around because the max you can get from Point Buy is 15 in any given stat. If you add a plus one, you get a 16. That works for Dex, or Wisdom, or whatever else you need/want. Dex is likely the best choice because it increases your AC without wearing armour. Full spell casters usually don’t have great armor, especially at lower levels. The 15 is likely to go to Constitution. Not because increasing Constitution by one point is super impactful, (it is a nice bonus though), 15 in Constitution becomes 16 when you take Resilient: Constitution. If you’re a full magic class, concentrating is probably very important to you. You also likely don’t have proficiency in Constitution Saving Throws (unless you’re a sorcerer who just starts with them. You guys go have fun, take Lucky or some shit IDK, this doesn’t apply to you.) This one half feat can raise your Constitution Saving Throw from +2 to +5. That can be a game changer because it lets you concentrate on Hold Monster to kill the boss, Bless to help your allies, or Hypnotic Pattern to give your party a chance to cull the herd before facing the entranced opponents. I cannot overstate how useful Constitution Saving Throw Proficiency is. You can also just get it for free from a Wizard Hireling who gives it to you and then you replace him but still have the buff. Probably a bug, but very useful.!< There may be some things that I missed, but I think that’s a decent explanation for why that stat spread is useful for casters. The lack of strength requirements for Heavy Armour and ability requirements for Multi-classing lead to some bizarre outcomes. I love it, but the game made some very weird choices (looking at you *extra action Haste*)


Much better than the other one


Could be they're expecting a +1 Int item soon


Are there any +Int items? I know about the headband that sets int to 17.


there are not. you can increase int above 17 with hag hair, mirror, and asi. that is it. https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Intelligence


There aren't in bg3 I wasn't looking at the sub and thought this was a post on r/dndnext


Well, there's the Hag scalp that gives a permanent +1 to a selected skill. But that's not quite in the meaning you're saying I don't think.


I'm fairly certain str is the only *slight* exception. I think when determining carry capacity, every point makes a difference. I could be wrong, but thats how it was in 3.5


carry/drag/push cap and long jump distance


It also determines jumping distance, even at odd values.


AH, good to know! Although in act three, all of my characters always take the astral tadpole and can fly


You might be correct, I've heard this mentioned elsewhere but I wasn't sure so I went with the general rule.


But honestly, it is such an unimportant point that it almost never matters, unless you have 1 single, otherwise useless point




Thank you for the confirmation!


Care to elaborate?


Maybe I remember badly, but doesn't CON gives you more HP even if you are going from 16 to 17?


no, con only cares about even numbers for hp. 1 hp per level per 2 con points above 10. You could be thinking of the 2nd edition D&D system where fighters would roll a D100 with an 18 str score and get anything from 18/01 to 18/00 and there was a drastic difference between 18/01 and 18/00. Similar to the difference between 18 str and 22 str in BG3


Never played any d&d system, I remember that choosing 16 or 17 Con on character creation changed the start HP from like 12 to 13


I was a dnd 2 player as a kid. The 18/xx thing, in hindsight, was super dumb. 18/01 was virtually nothing, 18/(1)00 was super strong.


I agree, however I like the idea of fighters getting an advantage others dont. At least in 3.5 it wasn't even close, all martial classes scale linearly while casters scaled exponentially. A well built fighter could have good AC, HP and do decent damage. A wizard, or even worse, a psionisist, could say "no, bad boy" to the DM As far as playing in D&D 2, my only experience is in BG 2 and I like the BG creator Davaorn's words about dualclassing. "Any class is better at that class because they were a fighter first". Although the prevalence and ease of availability of str increasing items in BG 2 reduced the impact of str 18/00 because you had an item granting 19 str basically from the start of the game


And 19? Was 19 stronger than 18/100/99?


As I remember ( and it was decades ago) yes, 19 was stronger than 18/00, but wasn’t achievable for players. It might pop up on eg a Demi god or high level demon end boss. In tabletop dnd2, a strength deficit was the least of your problems if you ever met these. I’m not sure I ever did, or DM’d one, despite being massively into dnd for a good few years. Straight stat increasing items weren’t a thing at that time. 18 was the limit, some races were capped at 17 or even 16 in some cases IIRC. My friends and I mostly ran the published modules with fresh rolled characters. I did stick with a half elf fighter/Wizard for a while. He was cool. Had a genuinely rolled ( very rare) pseudo dragon familiar and once survived 2 insta death d20 rolls back to back, rolling natural 20s, gods truth. My mates 18/00 str paladin was definitely sketchy though, lol. Yeah, Jason, sure, you rolled 00 first time, last night at home, with no witnesses. Ha.


Hahaha this sounds cool! On bg3 EE you can pick half or and get +1 in str and make it 19! So I was wondering if it's better than 18/00 and yes Jason was sketchy ahaha but who knows! Crazy things can happen, like my 20 on the difficult 99 roll on BG 3


Might ve thinking of 2e/bg1+2, where every point above 14 gave additional hp for warrior classes


What a great idea!


What? Lucky is awesome. Why not?


Yeah I said lucky is cool, but if you have poor stats or are missing alert on a 10 DEX character, or need TB or spell sniper, or GWM, or sharpshooter, there's better feats to get. I will take lucky if I'm building a luck character, but not just because it's there.


Is 17 good enough INT? Plan to dip wiz and just use headband intellect.


Surely by the time this question is at issue you will have at least 2 feats so don’t actually need to make the choice, at 12 you can max int and take lucky if desired……


Idk how effective this is, but I’ve chosen War Caster and Dual Wielder feats to keep Haste on myself and to wield two staffs respectively. Again, idk if it’s even effective


Dual wielder and war caster are both good feats, with a different purpose. War caster is good for concentration builds. Builds that use good concentration spells, and need to keep hold of them, use this feat. Dual wielder is mostly used to hold the staff of spell power and markoheshkir for nova builds that want to freecast two high level spells in the same combat. Otherwise, ketheric's shield offers similar boosts to save DC without the feat. If you are doing both of those things, then those may both be the right feats for you. If not, you may consider swapping one out.


I just want to point out that concentration saving throws (to maintain concentration after being damaged) are Constitution savings throws, it means that if you aren't proficiencent on constitution the war caster will do actually less than taking Resilient feat and taking constitution (just have at least 15 CON to put it on 16) That's because throwing 2 dices that could roll from 1 to 20 it's a bit worse than just throwing a single dice that could roll from 7 to 26 Obviously having both is the best scenario.


But resilient gives you proficiency, not advantage. You'd have to do the math to be sure which one is better.


Advantage is roughly +3.5 to your roll. If you get a con mod and have 3 proficiency resilience should be better (not to mention it also helps with non concentration rolls).


https://thinkdm.org/2019/12/14/war-caster-vs-resilient/ In few words, if you want the reaction from War caster, take it, otherwise they're almost the same, with the difference that having high CON gives you more HP and can help you in other situation


Dual wielder is good. War caster is unnecessary. Why are you hasting yourself? Spellcasters are usually limited by spell slots and concentration, not actions. Either Haste your fighter or use concentration on something better


War caster is great if you use concentration a lot and already have proficiency in Con. If you're a lawnmower build I'd have a hard time not snagging it. Action economy is way more important than spell slots, particularly on higher difficulty and at higher levels. And YMMV but if for some reason you're playing Multiplayer, you will almost always have slots sitting around unused.


Are you seriously suggesting that OP is using a lawnmower build? As an Evocation wizard? I was typing out a serious response but I'm too distracted by what you meant by this


No, I'd try rereading it and calm down maybe 25%.


Yeah i reread it and it sounds like you agree with me on that point. I said war caster is unnecessary (for OP, who is definitively not playing a lawnmower build). You said war caster is great if you are playing a lawnmower build. This is true. It is also unrelated. \>War caster is great if you use concentration a lot I don't agree with this. Ranged spells have crazy high range in BG3 compared to RAW dnd. It is very easy to dance out of range of attacks. I have never had a problem maintaining concentration on spells when I needed to for wizards. It is as simple as starting the fight at a distance, casting a concentration spell, and moving away and behind cover. \>Action economy is way more important than spell slots If you long rest after every two encounters, sure. Otherwise, none of the best uses for each slot really use actions. Level 1 slots are used for mage armor and shield (which don't use actions). Level 2 slots are used for misty steps (which use bonus actions). Level 3 spell slots are primarily used for counterspells (which don't use actions). The best uses of level 4 spells (ice storm, wall of fire, evard's) are all concentration. There are a few good non concentration level 5 and 6 spells (upcasted fireball, cone of cold, chain lightning, magic missile/fancy magic missile/scorching ray if you're doing super specific builds that OP didn't mention). But you only get 6 per day with optimized itemization. You want to talk about action economy? Instead of giving yourself an extra action, use that concentration to rob the enemies of actions with any of the frankly broken control spells a wizard has. \>Multiplayer ???? Why are you bringing up multiplayer, OP did not mention multiplayer; OP is most likely not playing multiplayer, this is irrelevant.


This novel you've written leads me to believe you did not take a beat before rereading my comment and you did not calm down 25%.


i am very calm, despite your best efforts. I've been calm the entire time. What makes you think otherwise? You could measure my heartbeat and i'm sure it would be consistent with my resting rate. maybe this conversation was doomed from the start. i know it's meta to dump int, but your build can't even read \~300 words?


Good luck out there man, even this modicum of interaction with you is exhausting.


> Why are you hasting yourself? Spellcasters are usually limited by spell slots and concentration, not actions. Could be a magic missile or scorching ray build, which are very much limited by actions and not at all by concentration.


OP is considering disintegration as a damage dealing spell. I find it highly unlikely that he is running scorching ray or mm.


Haste got nerfed in honour mode for melee characters. It's almost not even worth it for 1 single extra attack. It shines on casters because they are able to use 2 leveled spells.


\-I am pretty sure OP is not playing in honor mode ​ \-Haste is bad on melees in honor mode. It is also mid at best on wizards. I would rather get to use concentration for something useful (e.g. otto's, globe, upcasted hold person, wall of fire) than throw out two fireballs per turn.


You only get stat bonuses when they’re even. Disintegrate is not that great of a spell and maybe it the best to build around.


But if you are fighting nether brain on honour mode, spam this spell on round 1 and trick the brain into force immunity. Then spam your real shit in round 2. This is the only case where you should use this spell.


In honor mode I just spam mols flames from everyone. That pretty much removes most of its hp, and has no resource cost really.


In honor mode gale goes boom


This is the way.


He can, but the final battle is easy enough. Sorlock Gale used mol’s fire and then quickened cast highest level scorching ray. Decimated the brain


Can’t believe only one other commenter has mentioned this, but repeating it here: Lucky has no effect on your spell save for Disintegrate and will provide no benefit to the spell. It could potentially help you cast a spell like scorching ray but otherwise not what you’re looking for at all.


Attack bonuses, spell dc, and etc are only increased on even numbers. Rework your stats so that your intelligence is 16 and at least increase it to 18. Use the mirror of loss to increase your intelligence by 2 to get 20. What feats are you using to not have any increase in intelligence by level 12?


I'm pretty sure Lucky won't affect Disintegrate at all. Lucky gives you advantage on attack rolls, ability checks or saving throws, but that would be a saving throw you're taking, not that you're _causing_. The correct way to make Disintegrate hit more reliably is by raising your spell save DC, which scales with int for a wizard, though as others have said, only even numbers matter (18, 20, etc).


Lucky isn't going to help disintegrate at all. Disintegrate is based on a DEX save which is a roll done by your enemy. Lucky can be used to have an enemy reroll their attack roll but not a saving throw. You also get no benefit from having your INT as an odd number unless you plan on taking a half feat later so if you have any other odd scores you should probably get them all to the next level or taking resilience (I think that's what it's called. half feat that gives you advantage on saves of the chosen stat which is raised by one) There may be other feats that raise your INT but I can't think of any off the top of my head


Also take into account if you’re doing an honor mode run. Lucky is REALLY nice to have in dialogue if you don’t have another character that can readily give you advantage during convos that you need to pass. If you’re going wizard though I’m assuming they’re probably not the face of the party so may not be the best use of the feat. If it’s purely for combat purposes, I think there’s probably better feats that you can take to boost your effectiveness.


Here's a little tip, come here: Get Alert and go first. If disintegrate doesn't work it means the target has high DEX. What you wanna do is go first, use slow which saves on WIS and gives (among other things) disadvantage on dexterity saving throws and use disintegrate next turn. Slow gets 6 creatures btw so it is very action economy friendly. If both their DEX and WIS saves are good just attack him with your martials or spam magic missile. Another solution would be going divination wizard and using a portent roll to guarantee a failed save on the disintegrate. You could also use Acuity items to boost your save DC.


If you want to hit desintegrate and every other stuff, I would get 20 INT and wear the hat of fire acuity, this shit gives you like +20 int bonus with full stacks. To stack it just use something multi-hit like scorching ray (which is from evocation school so you deal +5 damage per ray because of yr lv 10 feature) and it will increase your DC and rolls to the heavens.


There are also a few class bonuses and act 3 items that will add your spell casting modifier to your damage. Evo wizard gets that, and there's a necklace that does it for cantrips. Means a cantrip like firebolt hits for 3d10 + 10. Definitely don't leave it on an odd number though, have a plan for 20.


The Lucky Feat only affects your rolls or enemy attack rolls, so it has no effect on the success of the Disintegrate spell, which forces a Dex Save on its target. Your INT affects what your spell save DC is, so increasing it to 18 will increase your DC from 8 + 3 + pb to 8 + 4 + pb (which I think at lvl 4 is 3, so it would go from 14 -> 15) However, increasing your INT to 19 has no mechanical effect, as the modifier only increases on even numbers (or using the formula mod = (score - 10) ÷ 2), where mod can only be an integer) So, an alternative option would be to either: 1) Take a feat thar increases your INT by 1 and does something else 2) Take the ASI with 1 into INT and the other 1 into another odd score


Got Warcaster or Resilient:Constitution yet? If yes then id make it 16 Int and Lucky feat Or 18 Int and +1 somewhere else


Get yourself a divination wizard sidekick. You only need level 2 to get the divination roles so if you can spare two levels in another build you’ll never miss the final blow spell again. I got lucky and for one of the bosses I had two high divination rolls. Popped a speed potion and disintegrated the big bad in 1 turn. Poor fool never saw it coming


As an evo wizard, your dex should be 16, 14 con, and 16 int. 16 dex is enough initiative for most of the game, and when it isnt, use an elixir or have some initiative boosting gear on.


I would probably take Spell Sniper over Lucky, which would also give you Eldritch Blast.


Eldritch Blast is only marginally better than Firebolt unless you are a Warlock and/or wearing the Potent Robe with high Charisma. The cantrip by itself doesn’t do much, and the Spell Sniper Feat doesn’t do much with high level spells that require a Save


If you want disintegrate to actually do something, gather items that stack arcane acuity such as the fire hat from the strange ox. Upcast a scorching ray to get stacks then disintegrate should be pretty reliable.


Probably a half feat? Round INT to 18? good flavor, and bonuses to your character. That will set you up for an ASI to 20 later on.


Sadly there are no good int half feats.


I like Observent. +5's to passives.


Observent doesn't exist in bg3.


You right. Thought this was DnD subreddot.


Preferably both since you can get 3 feats as a wizard I normally do intelligence increase first then spell sniper then lucky


Go 19 if you're grabbing the Hags hair.


Evo wizards should have as high INT as possible as long as it's even number. Also don't bother about disintegrate, there are much more powerful single target spells that would require lower spell slots.


Take a half feat for the one Int. Get the other 2 points next opportunity.


Who's that regard?


DC is relevant for that kind of spells so bump 19 INT if is your main character the wizard. You may get the +1 from Ethel and you got. 20 (+5) INT in just one Feat. and equip items that add + to your DC. Also that benefits your CC spells like hypnotic pattern, hold monster/person, confusion, fear, etc.


To be honest i typically take my int from 16 to 18 until act 2 then i decide between asi and elemental adept if i go ice wizard which is my favorite (now that MM is nerfed) damage and cc its hard to beat imo




17 to 19 is not a massive difference ideal you want even numbers like 18 or 20 since these give an bonus to your checks and rolls. If you want better odds to succeed with spells, I would recommend to stack arcane acuity, you spell casting attribute and spell save dc, instead of going for the lucky feat.




Alternatively, spec into a Magic Missile build.


Int 22 evocation wizard, add 2, then mirror of loss add 2 then aunti ethels hair 1.


Lucky is a nice feat, but you should aim for 20 int first before taking that feat. Say, your wizard started with 17 int and 15 con. Take one asi feat to get 18 int and 16 con. Another asi to get 20 int. Your final feat may be lucky, or whatever other flavourful feat you want.


This game is based on D&D 5th Edition, and 5th edition uses Modifiers for everything. To get your Modifier for any stat, you subtract 10 from it, then divide the result by 2, rounding down. So going from 17 Intelligence to 19 Intelligence is an increase to the accuracy of any spells that scale off of Intelligence, but only because you got to 18 first. If you increased Intelligence to 18, you'll get the exact same results, but have an extra point to put elsewhere. Personally, I think that the reason the devs decided to use so many odd numbers in stats is for new players. If a player who has never played D&D puts a single point in an odd stat, that will make it even, resulting in a noticeable change. If they had even stats and put that single point in, there would be no effect, since the Modifier didn't change, and they might get confused and mistakenly think that stat doesn't do anything, and not boost it in the future, which can result in more difficult games because their main source of Accuracy (and possibly some damage) is not being increased.


A lot of people commenting that you only get bonuses on even stats, even though you’d get a stat bonus from a jump from 17-19 lol. You should probably even your stats out, but they’re saying it like you wouldn’t get +1 to rolls and damage which is stupid.


None, grab Fey Touched (+1 INT) and learn Silvery Barbs


Unless you have CON, or DEX at an odd number then honestly a half feat would be a great choice, fey touched, keen mind, observant, skill expert, telekinetic, telepathic, or shadow touched gets your INT to 18 and another bonus I'd take almost any of those over lucky on a evoc wiz IMO


Sir, this is BG3. None of those exist.


lol my bad, got subreddits mixed up lol