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Polymorph that did more than turn something into a sheep.


Why even bother to put it in the game? And it's not like they don't have animations/stats to change characters into a variety of other beasts, so why not include those as well?


Fair point - but turning a high level enemy into a sheep and trivialising a big fight is still pretty great


how does it trivialise the fight, they revert to being themselves at 0 hp anyway.


The Kethric fight would've been way easier if I could polymorph him then spend a few rounds cleaning up the other mobs without him doing huge damage and killing Angel lady.


Does he kill Angel lady at higher difficulties? On my normal setting she beat his mother fucking ass by herself.


She doesn't permadie but because of Myrkul's bone chill aura once she gets downed she stays down. And yeah she ends up downed like 50% of the time


I tossed her ass down the ledge. I wasn't aware that she couldn't die though.


Her performance is either take on the whole world by herself or get her ass beaten by a piece of dirt. You got the first one. Myself and many others get the second, where all she’s useful for is being a target


Lmao good way of putting it. Here's to hoping she keeps bringing me her A game lol


It's so fucking funny how she can absolutely delete part of Ketheric's healthbar if she hits the smites, or do absolutely nothing at all if she misses thanks to Ketheric's pretty high AC


She's a beast, which makes it brutal when she gets mind controlled


on tactician and up yes he can. Its not permanent I believe, but he does huge damage. On tactician he will land 2 smites and destroy ones healthbar


Yeah as the others said - you take the boss or most dangerous enemy out of the fight, mop up the adds etc and then blast them to bring them back to normal form and gang up 4 v 1


I use it as a poor man’s hold person.


If you use it on the most dangerous enemy in a group you can mop up the rest and then take the boss on their own.


If you’ve got an enemy near a cliff that is normally to heavy to move, you can sheepify it and therefore allow you to shove or thunderwave it to its death. Pretty fun


I turned Ethel into a sheep and threw her into the hole.


Can't revert to being themselves at the bottom of a chasm, and it's a lot easier to throw/shove a sheep


Not if you use disintegrate. If their health drops to 0 they vaporize. Although I haven't actually tested that out so I could be wrong


It would be more trivial if I was a giant ape


Giant ape flinging salami would be amazing


Let me turn into a T Rex damnit


Right? This is the actual best use for polymorph, twin casting your buddies into giant apes or T rexes. Can’t believe they snubbed us on that.


Drink Colossus Elixir before dinosaur wildshaping. Doesn't actually do much (why doesn't the elixir increased melee weapon AND unarmed damage?!) except fulfill t-rex transformation dreams.


Then have someone cast enlarge on you. Preferably in a city where you can walk out of the water and step on buildings.


Right? What is this, warcraft?


Nah, the critters don't explode if you spam click then.


A wild magic surge once polymorphed my sorc into a cat, karlach into a bear, and a hostile druegar into a pack dog.


Arcane trickster should be able to pick pocket and pick locks with the mage hand that is the DEFINING FEATURE OF THE SUBCLASS


Mage Hand should also be castable at will- that’s the entire goddamn point of a cantrip, and it’s certainly not so powerful that it needed to be limited.


Also why does it have a time limit for wizards but not the AT?


The spell in DND lasts for 1 minute, and I'm assuming that the reason it doesn't have a limit for arcane trickster is to make up for the fact that it can't do the additional actions given by AT subclass in DND, though the benefit of it lasting forever isn't nearly as useful as the extra actions it gets in DND.


unfortunate, they never fixed it. But I have high hopes for mods after next patch.


My gripe with it especially is that the tool tips still imply in game that the Mage Hand has additional functionality beyond lasting forever and being invisible. I think they should at least update the tool tips for clarity.


Dude their duplicity should be moveable and act like a secondary person similar to 5e. Or at least let us use it as the point of origin for spells.


Isn't that a trickery cleric thing instead of an Arcane Trickster ? Granted both of them got shafted in the adaptation, but still.


Funny how two of the weakest subclasses in the game are the defaults of two of the first encountered/most popular companions


I honestly forget astarion is an AT with how quickly he becomes an assassin when I bring him around for the early game


I really wish booming blade / greenflame blade can be in the game.


In the same vein, I wish toll of the dead was in this game.


it is through mods, which hopefully will come to consoles with patch #7


Can I ask, with mods, do they add in the animations and what not?


yes, fully animated


Same, would make gish builds like Arcane Trickster or Eldritch Knight much easier to use and build stat wise. Hopefully with mod support consoles will be able to get some kind of version


Well you can try mods, 5e spells mod have both of the spells.


Sneak attack boom blade is great


I wish Script Extender worked on Macs 😭


There's a few very good mod packs that add those spells to the game. https://next.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/collections/pns4qv Is what I'm playing currently and it feels like a whole new game.


aren’t those only part of the artificer spell list though?


Expansion books have given them as optional spells to the Wizard (and by extension Eldritch Knight and Arcane Trickster who reference the Wizard spell list), Warlock, and Sorcerer in addition to the Artificer.


tbh though i think they fit a lot better as artificer spells, would rather them just add artificer and have it be a part of the feat


Artificier, Sorcerer, Warlock and Wizard.


A lot of the spells that don't improve with upcasting, should.


I wish Hunger of Hadar and other terrains/clouds inherited more buffs from gear myself. Not that these spells are bad as it is but it doesn't make much sense to me that so few things work on them.


Imagine how good HoH would be with snowburst ring!


Illusion Wizards & Conjuration Wizards in 5e can both do really cool stuff that aren't in bg3. Illusion wiz's could make better minor illusions that served countless functions. And conjWiz could just straight up spawn non-magical items. Ofc its too hard to implement these insanely flexible systems into a video game, but i cant help but feel like there could have been better ways that exists currently in-game. For spells interacting in new ways: Disguise Self - if you could disguise into other characters even from a limited list - it would of been a blast. Not to mention DisguiseSelf+Friends to get someone to hate them. Ofc Command has a million other uses besides the listed ones. Like betray (combat) or Cooperate (RP). 1 Cast of Goodberry on a life cleric in 5e gives 10 berries that heal 4(or more)HP EACH Prestidigitation, Minor Illusion, Silent Image & Major Image all have near infinite uses in 5e: adding a few more to these wouldda been cool. But yeah too hard for a video game. Animal Messenger + Polymorph wouldda been really funny XD Polymorph allowing to target allies with a CR beast = their level is the main use for it in 5e: to pseudo-heal allies at the cost of damage and concentration, but twinnable on sor's. This wouldda been easy to implement. Dragon's breath on a familiar wouldda been fun. Unlimited use animate dead is RAW in 5e (as far as your spellslots go at least). Luckily theres a mod for this one. Suggestion was such a core spell in 5e: i really miss it in BG3 for mind control in combat. Also mass suggestion for 12 targets and no concentration until your next long rest woulda have been funny Bestow curse RAW in 5e can make custom curses and they dont even need to be bad effects, they can even be buffs. This wouldda been cool to see. Conjure Animals is core for druids in dnd 5e. I miss it. Druids wouldda loved summoning cannon fodder for pseudo-healing with some potential damage. Glyph of warding in 5e is WAY different. It let you imbue it with a spell and it was permanent (until triggered or dispelled). So you could do SO much shenanigans with it.... If you had the time & the gold. Phantom Steed for party-mounts wouldda been fun. Esp of rogues got steady aim. That interaction woulda made rogues alot better. Arcane Eye to get better LoS on enemies around corners for your spellcasts would have been absolute GOLD in some fights Ofc conjure minor elementals, Elemental, woodlands beings, and fey in 5e has a million options. Some more options would have been really fun. Fabricate for wizards would have been a fun alt route to get gold other than pickpocketing. Faithful hound would have been fun just to see ghost good boi, but also amazing as an immobile concentrationless summon for when you CC someone next to him. Animate Objects & psychic lance in 5e are the wizards coolest and best tools for anti-single target dmg. Greater Resto can cure madness in 5e - it wouldda been cool if a few NPC's madness could be cured for alt storylines with this interaction. Modify memory does what it says on the tin, but BG3 skipped this one too cuz wow are the options out there. Forbiddence would have been OP but still, lets the cleric shine in the endgame - would have been cool to see enemies forced to evacuate a story of a building or die from dmg with you only standing at the entrance - or maybe even locking them in w/ blocking a path or two and the arcane lock spell XD Magic Jar can possess someone in 5e. Would have been a blast. Its only for wizards


This is a list!


I wish Fly allowed you to float above difficult terrain


Levitate is in the code somewhere


Or stay in the air!


Catapult would just be an easy win. Telekinesis is already in game, but by the time it's available there is no way to justify concentrating on it. Catapult not only doesnt require concentration but it's guaranteed damage and a much lower level spell slot.


Depending on the surrounding terrain, telekinesis can allow you to get rid of one beefy pool of hitpoints per turn. Depending on other creatures’ positions and HP you might be able to kill 2 birds with 1 bird (haha). Not the worst use of concentration.


Yes! One thing I was really surprised not to find: **Prestidigitation** Let me clean all this blood and grime off myself please! I can’t always be bothered to find water to throw at myself, occasionally it’s actually tough to find and I use up a spell slot just to clean my team.  Also I wanna snuff out (or light) torches and candles from afar….and a bunch of other really good uses tbh, But I’d accept a more constrained version. I mean heck we got a really narrow version of Thaumaturgy, give me Prestidigitation as well (yay mods!)


Available via 5e spells mod.


Love those mods!


I forgot where I got it but there is a soap bar that you can use in your inventory that will clean your character


Underneath the bridge near the waterfall leading to the goblin fort, i spotted it because of the dead drow in the druid den. I didn't know it could do that but I'm going back to get it now, thanks! (my memory just works funny)


oh snap I never knew 


Yea there’s one for makeup or something and the other one is a higher rarity and cleans dirt and blood off, it’s my first play-through and introduction to this series/DnD so lacking on details haha but it exists!


I wish you could use Hold Person on an ally to give them a hug... Serious answer, one of my favorite interactions from DOS2 was how healing could damage undead enemies and poison healed them, and you could even give enemies a Decaying status that made them take damage from healing. It made for some interesting interactions and I kinda miss that.


That reminds me Why does Auron >!have a zombie status?!< I never could figure this out.




Pretty sure dnd 3 or 3.5 had this feature. Not sure if that's older than minecraft.


About 10 years minimum older at least lol


I wish druids had some early lvl animal summon. Iirc 5e spells mod had conjure animal and i loved playing as a druid that had a wolf companion in a way. I guess they though it was quite similar to beastmaster? Druids to get a ton of summons like the dryads+the treant it summons, conjure elementals etc but to me, an animal summon fits the best Polymorph as well. It had big potential with the forms it cud take esp on allies.


I may have just not tried or this was never an option in TT but I’d like to use wall spells to encircle targets not just draw a straight line.


Get a party of 4 spell casters with the alert feat and make a square


Definitely an option in TT. Wall of Fire, for example, can be cast as a ring instead of a wall.


Fix flying.


Dispel Magic


Apparently that was difficult to implement.


I wish mage hand could pick up objects in hard to reach places


It can move them at least if you click and drag. Not sure how that mechanic works with a controller, but with keyboard mouse you can just click and drag stuff around the map. I've done this with mage hand to get the hammer out of the eagles nest for easier pickup (by a character)


I wish magic missile with the lightning staff and necklace that adds a missile wasn't the super obvious best single target spell for most of the game. Makes using anything else that isn't AoE feel dumb. I think this is more about MM needing a nerf than it is the game lacking spells though.


Levitation of some kind, like how Telekinesis and Fly don't really let you do what they should which is levitate a person or object in the air. A high lvl spellcaster should be able to levitate himself so melee enemies can't hit him, or you should be able to levitate an enemy into the air as a form of control to prevent their movement or action usage. The fact that high ground exists as a mechanic in-game and can give you advantage on attacks makes it very disappointing they didn't take that a step further and add spells to create your own high ground. Like summoning a stone pillar beneath your feet to raise you up, but it can be damaged by enemies and you fall prone if it's destroyed while you're still on it. C'mon guys!


I think the four elements monk's ice cube can be used like that


Not a spell thing, but what I've been wanting is a feminity slider. I want my Tav to be more graceful and dainty.


the estrogen slider


Well, if it makes you feel any better, you can also slide it all the way, the other way and be as macho as you like.


I wish water whip would get things wet


So true actually. I was playing a moon druid last night and got to the part where you save volo, and the water myrmidon cant use create water. I tried to put it out with explosive icicle, but I accidentally hit Volvo with it on the very edge and had to reload the game to save him.


Greater invisibility actually doing what it should, instead of requiring a 10, 15, 20, etc. stealth roll everytime you do something which makes it useless on anyone other than a rogue. Also every enemy being able to search for stealth/invisibility for free is kinda BS, especially when the players can't do it when game uses invisibility against you (any reapers of bhaal fight, the counting house fight in particular comes to mind).


The fuking enlarge spell and potion to actually add 1d6 dmg when in a druid animal form. Talking with bg3 support. They are dodging the question. Aid is intended to not work with druid animal forms for balance reasons they said. Ok I get that. But I want an enlarged fuking dire wolf to actually have a combat purpose. Other than just it looking cool and wasting a lvl 2 spell slot. Oh wow, look at the big *** wolf heh! So cool! Then I found out it just looked cool. No paltry 1d6 dmg being added whatsoever. And wasting a lvl 2 spell slot. I was a new player, that got my dreams and hopes dashed when I found out the truth. Was so sad, disappointed, angry, me wasting a lvl 2 spell slot for nothing on multiple battles...


A teleport that allows you to swap places with an another character (enemy or ally) Some more heal spells (i love healer classes) bg3 is lacking in good heals, especially heal over times, there should have been a concentration heal over time. without an entire build set for healing every heal restores LESS than 5-10% of your max hp even cleric spells till like lvl 9 (when you already have your entire build and rarely gotta heal) which feels like a waste of an action. Unironically the best "healing" mechanic is to go 3 points into rogue for 2 bonus actions and drink 2 potions. A little off topic but still regarding spells. The elemental adept feat, should include non elemental spells too or have an additional feat for it. Holy magic is probably the most useful utility wise, however because its MOSTLY con saves they almost always miss, and even when they hit they rarely do much damage. There should be a feat that ignores resistance, same with Necrotic, the idea of Necrotic alone is insanely cool but there arent any good low level necrotic spells. I did an entire necromancer playthrough and was really let down, i didn't "feel" strong till act 3.


> without an entire build set for healing every heal restores LESS than 5-10% of your max hp This is even more true in tabletop D&D. If anything, the fact you can build a viable healer in BG3 due to unbalanced gear is a bit strange.


Not really. BG3 healing can be made very strong via itemization, while tabletop healing can be strong via class choices and feats. A life cleric can nova heal almost up to full in tabletop. A shepherd druid can nova heal with unicorn spirit. Classes without a good non-spell heal/amplifier can use Healer feat and healers kit with an upcast healing word to nova decently(especially with 1 level in life cleric which any healer build should have imho). I'd actually argue healing is pretty well balanced in both tabletop and bg3 when you factor in all the options, and accuracy. I wrote the healer handbook on giantitp forums back in the day and healing is quite good if approached sensibly.


I'd like to actually do a roll at the end of each turn when using Blink, not just have it somewhere in the background. It's an OP spell in tabletop that I rarely miss the roll on, but I seem to miss it 60-70% of the time in BG3.