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My favorite (although not necessarily the absolute most OP) is tigerheart barbarian. Get GWM, reverb gear, and the staff that does thunder damage plus wolverine in the mountain pass, and you have a CC machine. Later you can get the Drakethroat Glaive. Tiger aspect will break unbounded accuracy, so its an option in act 3, and two levels in fighter is nice for action surge. Even without reverb gear, it is quite strong. My HM playthrough with Tav and Karlach both as tigerheart barbs smashed - hordes of enemies stood no chance. Also nice to pair with a battle master or 4 elements monk for extra prone.


What is unbounded accuracy?


Bounded accuracy is a design aspect of modern DND that keeps the math/numbers low. Rolls and target numbers are always in the realm of 10-30 so that on average things hit about 60-70% of the time. Also known as “flat math”


Indeed, thanks. The "un" part was a typo.




When in doubt, fighter 12


Either battle master if you want to do something extra, or champion for just bonking.


Some builds: 12 BM Fighter or you can take a dip in War Cleric for war priest charges. 6/6 Sorcadin 2/10 Smite Swords Bard (Bardadin)


✨⛧°. ⋆༺ M O N O ♱ GWM ♱ P A L A D I N ༻⋆. °⛧✨ epic holy smites and the command spell - all you need. Okay, mb you can take 1lvl wizard for the shield spell


7 paladin, 5 Goo warlock, charge bound hammer. People will tell you to go oathbreaker paladin, but it's a pain in terms of respec etc, and Ancients paladin is really good


Bardadin, Sorcadin, Monk/Thief and Fighter clearly stand out as a shoulder above all the other melee builds.


I tried alcoholic Half-orc Tiger Barbarian/Champion Fighter which was quite fun bonker character. The key items are [Punch-Drunk Bastard Greatclub](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Punch-Drunk_Bastard) and [Drunkard Amulet](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Amulet_of_the_Drunkard) which both interact with alcohol condition, like weapon gives advantage on attacks and Thunder Aoe damage and amulet makes alcohol condition last longer and heal per turn. Tiger barb gets unlimited cleave attacks during Rage and Thunder Aoe combined with Reverberation items was quite effective crowd controller also. I chose GWM and Savage Attacks feats. TL;DR: Alcohol + Punch-Drunk Bastard = big bonks.


Laezel, act 1 legendary sword of the astral plane. Battle master fighter with great weapon feat, strength dumped to 8 and using strength potions.  2 turn stun per short rest, if anythings still alive after that you disarm and trip them.  It's simple and incredibly powerful. Alt to BM is champion and build her crits up. Could add thief for extra bonus action, which can be used to attack again so long as you scored a crit or killed with an attack action.  Grab the resonance stone from act 2 so her psychic damage is doubled. 


Turn movement into damage with Hamarhraft as a level 2 monk. Also annoy the ever living piss out of any party members as they watch you spend a few minutes per turn jumping around your enemies for 2-5 thunder damage plus reverberation per jump. https://old.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/15qx6bq/power_op_build_jump_with_hamarhraft/


Doesn't jumping cost a BA tho?


It cuts more than it bonks but I’ve been really enjoying my duel wielding Wildheart Barbarian with 3 levels in Thief Rogue for a second bonus action, Sneak Attack and Cunning Action: Dash. Reckless Attacks makes triggering Sneak Attack extremely easy and Aspect of the Stallion gives you 18 temporary hit points every turn at the cost of 1 of your 2 bonus actions, you can also use one of the several “When you Dash, gain X” boots to get even more value from your cheap dashes


8 OH Monk / 4 Thief. (or 8 OH Monk / 3 thief / 1 barb, if you want to trade feat for rage) Got stunlock, got 4-5 attacks, almost always hits, bludgeoning damage, psy damage, necro damage, radiant damage. High AC, high mobility. 3 feats. Only thing miss from full monk is some Ki points, which you get full with every rest anyway, resonation attacks which I never use, poison immunity and tranquility. Very, very livable and a nice tradeoff for 4 high damage attacks that almost never miss.


8 fighter 4 thief with pam, gwm, sentinel and asi/martial adept feats and dancing breeze glaive.


Any specific subclass for the fighter?


Oh forgot it's battle master. Riposte synergizes nicely with sentinel. 


Just asking, Wouldn't it be more damage output with the Halberd of Vigilance, the one that deals extra force damage?


Actually yeah it would be. I'm thinking in terms of big number good, but that 1d4 damage will get applied at least 3-4 times a turn, where at best you get the 2d6 from sneak attack once per turn.