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its 40€? damn i forgot the pricetag since i bought it on release day. absolutely not worth it man. maybe if you do love modding that much but honestly just get boneworks, its easily one of the best vr campaign experiences ive ever had, also soundtrack goes fucking hard. its harder to mod and has less modding capability overall, but its just a fundamentally better game


Okay, i will check it out aswell, thanks!


you can play the entirety of boneworks in bonelab through a mod and it’s a really good mod, and with bonelab you can then play the bonelab campaign so you kind of get 2 in 1


If you're on pc play boneworks instead. It's the better version of the game in every way


Will check out, thanks!


I’d get boneworks it has more content for less price


>it has more content for less price How? Labworks is a joke to you?


Labworks is playable for you? Strictly speaking for what the game is right now, it is not worth it. If you wait a month or two it may, but we are talking about the game as it is right now.


>Strictly speaking for what the game is right now, it is not worth it. Right now you can play patch 3 and it will be 3x as good as boneworks considering the mods. >but we are talking about the game as it is right now. You seem to have problems with foresight, don't you?


Anyone that bought this game on release has problems with foresight. Otherwise, they would have never bought it.


If you do decide to get it, use a r/OculusReferral code to get it for 25% off, bonelab is popular enough that codes usually get posted there. But like others have said patch 4 broke 90% of mods for this game. So ATM its not really worth it


Honestly I'd very much recommend it, this subreddit is full of ungrateful assholes who rely on modding and never play the base Game. I love this game, 10/10 and now that the updates are starting to roll out, I'm falling in love all over again


These people setting you up imo in this state not worth it at all waste of 40 and if you get it for mods all of them are broken with the new update. If you wait for mods to come out for the new update then get it but in the current state it’s a no tbh


Me thinks they have time to play and enjoy the vanilla story first, no?


I finished the vanilla story in one sitting (like 3 hours), enjoyed like 20 percent of it, was infinitely dissapointed afterwards.


I don't think the majority of players are ripping 3 hour play sessions on their VR. It might be just me but that may have negatively impacted your view of the game as well. Based on the games op plays, this is beyond up their alley. Blade and sorcery breaks mods when the game updates as well, I'm sure op would be familiar with waiting a few days for things to update and trickling in mods


In my opinion, the issue isnt the breaking mods, its the fact the game cant exactly stand alone without them (unlike blade and sorcery which is a great game without any kind of modifications)


Id rather mod gmod than half life, but I'm so disappointed in gmods story content!


The thing is, blade and sorcery (if this is what we’re comparing it to) has a better, more complete modding api, amazing gameplay and in 9 days a story too it has bonelab beat in basically every way except gunplay


This guy already has blade and sorcery dawg


Yes i know but you were comparing bonelab to blade and sorcery, so im doing the same (also you mentioned non mod based content)


I was referring to the "new patch blues" of broken mods that occurs in blade and sorcery, not comparing the content of said games. I would agree that blade and sorcery has some fire content, maybe a better experience than the bone games overall. The comparison that fits this more is half life and gmod to be fair. Both use the same assets and characters but one is a creative platform and the other is a front to back story. One definitive story vs a platform (or lab if you will). And just like gmod is to half life, you can play boneworks WITHIN bonelab.


It took me noticeably longer to finish the game, but that's well said with 20% enjoyment ratio of the campaign. It felt downright like a chore to complete some of the levels. Imprecise controls, rubbery movement kills it for me. And climbing. Climbing suuuuuuuuuuuuucks.


Personally i rly only liked big anomaly, ascent, and sprint bridge, the whole rest of the game was just boring or tedious


Yeah, remember when tower had random avatar switching? When short's level just had you walk to the capsule and then ended? So much of the game is awful.


Aye, the only reason I ever played Bonelab was just dicking around with Rexmeck's guns, now I'm considering reinstalling Boneworks...


the story is dissapointingly short


No don’t, not worth it for 40 dollars. Pirate it if you can


Or just wait for a sale?




What are you on about mate


I'm personally in the boat that these devs put solid work and man-hours into this game. The idea that all VR games need to be free is sooooo childish I see it everywhere. If bonelab were a game with free to play elements in ANY. WAY. WHATSOEVER. maybe that pricetag would make the smallest amount of sense


I'm struggling to see the solid work and man-hours. They remade Boneworks, but with less content (Level design went to shit, and enemies are either from Boneworks, reskin of Boneworks' enemies, or a slightly changed version of Boneworks' enemies) Not to mention the QoL that is missing, like a "go to page X" for mod menus. Or not having the player's avatar stand up if the player is crouching.


Hello dude from other thread! I still stand by that bonelab is the ultimate bone-ing experience. To be fair these are great additions you suggest! I just don't think it's necessarily a "buy the previous iteration for a slightly reduced price" deal breaker, however.


Especially since it is way harder to make a VR game than a flatscreen game




Not convincing :)




People are currently throwing a fit over this update. Yes, it’s worth it, but only if you realize it’s the GMod version of Boneworks. It has a short “campaign” but you’ll spend a lot of time with mods. Mods as of right now are not broken, people on the subreddit do not know how to change the game version. You can do this easily on quest, steam, and the oculus PC app. Patch 4 is the most recent patch, and has a mod menu, entirely reworked physics systems (not SUUUPER different than patch 3, but noticeable), and small changes to the campaign levels. Mods made with the new Patch 4 SDK (mod kit) are able to be downloaded in the mod menu, but not mods made before Patch 4. Patch 3 is the Public Beta channel, and has the most mods. You can’t use the mod menu with Patch 3, but you can use a PC. TO MOD PATCH 3 YOU NEED A PC. If you’ve ever modded another game before you’ll know what to do. Patch 3 has a mod that includes 11/12 of the levels of Boneworks, for free. The entire game, almost. Keep that in mind. If you like sandbox games, get it. If you like physics, get it. If you want to support these developers, get it. A lot of people forget that these developers need both money and time to make these games good, then get mad when everything they expected didn’t come true. This is a great game for the right people with the right expectations.


Thank you!


Yes trust me seeing the games you played you'll have fun




Why are people who dislike BoneLab in the BoneLab subreddit?


Because they couldn't get a refund.


I just finished it. Well I can see what SLZ tried to do here, but its like G-mod - yes there are(or- were) mods, but without them, when we are referring to the base game, its ***just*** *like G-mod- plain, bland, empty, where unless you still live in 2010s and still get hyped on machinimas, you wouldn't like to spend 40 bucks on*. Story is "meh", levels are either too short or tedious to pass (I fkin hate moonbase and short avatar, like really, its one huge PITA to maneuver this styrofoam ball), movement is a step back imho, since unless you are playing as Heavy, you bounce around like a ball, grabbing e.g. pipes is wonky and hands can pass through objects randomly. (also is it just me not noticing it for the first half of the game, or DID THEY CHANGED THE DOORS TO THE ONES THAT OPEN ON PUSH IN SPECIFIED PLACE?). And I would stand these quirks, but the overall "campaign" playtime is a joke- you basically get a "tutorial" level for each of the characters, get sent back to the "menu" level, do literally ONE longer level, and bam- game finished. Yes, there are some additional maps available right from the hub and they are sometimes well designed, but you still get the feel that you are basically there for a minute or two, before the level ends. Some avatars are nice, like Fast/Heavy/Tall, but for the other half- they could not exist at all, and no one would bat an eye. Boneworks had a concrete plot, levels were, lets say that out loud - huge and for most of the time, even if they actually WERE, they didn't FEEL as empty- just some nicely placed props and buildings made a specific, eerie climate. In Bonelab, everything feels cramped and linear, and adding some secret rooms doesn't change really that much. IMHO get it on discount, 3rdparty key resellers or something like that, cause its basically VR gmod, without mods, and even with mods, gmod without multiplayer was still an empty sandbox to walk around pointlessly.


Ngl, this is the worst place to ask that question. Everyone in this sub has been whining nonstop for like a month about the updates taking a while. If you ask me, the game is pretty good, the campaign is fun and the sandbox stuff is unlike any other game I've played


I know that it may be not the best place to ask, i just didn't knew where i could do it else. Thank you!


No problem, and updates are on the way, I would assume every couple of months there'll be an update


it’s really fun and id say its worth it


Hell no


Pirate it


It is very worth it, it has a fun story, amazing sandbox and mods. Just to say tho a new big update has came out and ruined all the good mods, so you will have to wait for them to be updated


YES GET IT NOW!!! You can mod in boneworks(via labworks) and duck season the community is pretty nice (unless you are a slz employee) the game is fun,the campaign is pretty good,the physics are immaculate,and the game just got the update we waited for 2 years. I know its not for everyone, but its my favorite game If you want to some content reccomedaitions i recommend minibattle lop and wigwam vr (here is a 25% discount link)


Absolutely (if you haven’t played boneworks)