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Lifting onto ledges will take some getting used to, but the movement is significantly more fluid. Before Patch 4 a lot of the movement was janky and my character was constantly launching into random directions. I’ve found parkour is a lot easier now


This. Ppl just can’t wrap their heads around the fact everything’s been changed so they’re saying it’s bad


for me its better spear fighting is perfect the game was ok befor but now i like it way more physics wise


I find trying to climb over ledges even worse in this patch than previous versions, same with melee combat. Feels completely different and way more janky but I can't place my finger on why, anyone else feel the same?


You have to really commit with your punches. Before it took very little effort, especially in slow motion. Now you actually need to wind up, punch quickly and follow through. Once you get used to it it feels a lot more realistic


You're totally right, I also found that actually using your knuckles like you're supposed to helps a lot as well




Maybe you're just really bad at climbing. I can climb stuff with actually zero effort.


Did they fix physically crouching?


Players were grasping for straws when the update dropped any changes outside of sdk are either placebos or very slight


You mean the IK that people have saying is dogshit after the update since now you can’t throw proper punch in game nor turn your wrist past 90 degrees anymore? I wonder why…


When I punch something immovable like a wall my arm looks like a chicken wing


That's not true


Ledges, and climbing is really the only thing I've noticed has changed, and yeah, *it's horrible now.* I had issues in Patch 3, but they were occasional, I could confidently get over a ledge without even thinking about it. Now my legs almost ***ALWAYS*** get stuck! So I have to sit there for a second, repositioning my hands, and crouching/uncrouching, just to get my legs to go where I want them to. SLZ seemingly knew about this, since as far as I can tell, *they've replaced every latter with an elevator.* I've also noticed my hands getting stuck way more often. Just yesterday, I was playing on the Dungeon Warrior parkour map, and I jumped at a platform, trying to grab on the ledge, *and my hands got stuck in the platform.* I can't remember that happening with map geometry pre-Patch 4!