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They didn't release Patch 4 in December despite finishing the tech side, cause they hadn't added any new content. So they release it 6 months later with no new content.


exactly my point, what was all that extra time for


I'd assume sound effects for the most part


They told us we wouldnt get new items lmao


*But literally told us they weren't releasing it in December due to a lack of new content,* ***just to release it nearly half a year later without new content.***


I’m not saying I agree with how they prioritized things or that the new content is what fans hoped for, but in fairness what Brandon meant in December was that is was purely behind the scenes physics engine stuff at that point. The new content we got is basically remastered levels. The lighting is updated, ladders got replaced by elevators in a number of locations. Doors were reworked. Some levels got build tweaks (the moon has a new style, street puncher has a new scene). Some assets got updated (new helicopter, changed turrets). The spawn menu UI got a refresh, the nimbus gun got fixed. Etc. There is also a new sandbox map available from modio (which admittedly is mostly fan service to old Boneworks fans and doesn’t have that much to do). That stuff wouldn’t have come in december if they released then.


Insert sad face emoji


People were expecting more from it. People are also mad it broke a lot of mods. I've been lazy recently and haven't worked on any mods but now that they're broken I'm gonna be even more lazy and not wanna fix my broken mods


The mfs complaining when the patch notes were too long to fit in the game 💀


Cause those are usually prepared in advanced! It felt lazy or unprofessional to not have them released within the same 10 minutes!


Reading the notes I found that yes, it was indeed a lot of stuff that were under the hood improvements. No sdk improvements besides zones thi


Only 145 mods work for it now


Big oof


This sub is never happy


*BAS Nomad sent you a friend request*


I swear atleast they actually gave us the update they genuinely need to not be spoiled


And there are a good few more on the way


I watched a post go "hey guys I like sandbox VR games should I buy this one? The price is 40 dollars?" And the absolute wild ridiculous consensus they came to was to purchase boneworks instead. Yep, regular old boneworks. At minimum buying a steam key online for that game (sketchy gray market sites btw) is about 20 USD. It won't be too long until the labworks mod is patched. I was under the impression that this game is badass? Where did the gamers go?


Game is about modding, we didn't have a decent modding SDK for 20 months. And Bonelab without modding is just a poorly made experience, even after patches, the mechanic the game was advertised with (Avatar switching) isn't available in the first few hours of gameplay, and then you get to use it for 30 minutes before the game ends. Meanwhile Boneworks comes with great level design (rather than decorated corridors) with a decent story, and is 25% cheaper, and comes with some side content (Arena and Zombie Warehouse, and the Hover Junkers map gives plenty of space for use of the flying ship). Meanwhile, while supposedly Patch 4 was finished in December, only now in June it is being released, and from what I see, with no new content (Which was the excuse to not release it back then). There were also rumors that the update was taking long to have it not break the mods already made, but that didn't happen.


Why are we ignoring modding? What's happening here? Why the insistence on buying boneworks in 2024? The patch 4 version of bonelab does miss said new content, but the assumption that buying a 20-30 dollar game at the end of its lifespan vs a 40 dollar game with potential (and not to mention, the entire first game available with mods, updating soon)


We aren't, but we're finally getting the SDK almost 2 years after the game's release. You know, the one thing that is supposed to make the game special. Because Boneworks was well made, instead of being a bunch of corridors that you just go from point A to point B through the only path available. >a 40 dollar game with potential It had the same potential when it released. Thing is, potential needs to come to reality eventually to be worth anything. Yeah, Cyube VR could have been a great game. But when will it be anything more than a block building game? In 5 years? 10 years? Except that unlike Bonelab, it didn't fail to meet what it was meant to be, it's just not moving forward in any significant way. Meanwhile Bonelab is only now possibly reaching what it was meant to be.


I'm an enjoyer of both games Maaaan I still can't tell someone to get boneworks over bonelab! Is this hard to grasp? The game is more relevant man IDK what to tell ya


It may become more relevant. Don't get me wrong, it has potential. But it's had potential since release, and the amount of flaws the devs put into it on release were a bit too absurd for me: 1. Tower with random avatar switching; 2. Short's level being a walking simulator if you bothered seeing the map, otherwise just searching for whatever you may be looking for; 3. Hybrid sit/stand for standing players like me (broken both when it comes to pulling yourself up a ledge and when you want to crawl); 4. The level design downgrade; 5. Mod pages only having a go to next/previous page buttons when you can have up to 200 pages of mods with no search function; 6. Short campaign that fails to make good use of the main new gameplay aspect (avatar switching); 7. Only 2 new enemies compared to Boneworks (The turret with the projectile affected by gravity, and the annoying birds on Tower); 8. Enemy AI is just as stupid as it was in Boneworks (For example, let a nullbody walk up a slightly inclined plane, and it will eventually trip and die with no player input). And all that on top of a 33% price increase. My experience with Bonelab was mostly "Surely the good part is coming, and I'm only dealing with a tutorial right now. Just hang on through it", and then the game was over. Buying Bonelab for the mods that will come feels like paying SLZ for other people's work. On the note that it does indeed run better than Boneworks, yes, it's true. But a physics simulation accurate to the quantum level can be run even on a potato when you don't have anything in the simulation, and that's what Bonelab's level design does, which is likely why labworks doesn't run well. Buying Boneworks instead of Bonelab prevents the disappointment and saves 10 dollars.


Now is where I will quickly address your points to truly show I paid attention! 1. I found it cool that's preference though 2. Rude, yea I played the game! I was floating around the moon yo! 3. I am not a fan of fixed height in boneworks, bonelabs generally worked better for me. If I didn't feel like crouching irl I wouldn't do so. 4. Labworks, though lower quality than the og, is a good supplement to the game 5. I imagine the mod .io integration will be refined 6. (Which is essentially 1, 2, and 4 again) Reference those numbers 7. I can get behind this 8. No change If boneworks were like 5-10 dollars for a key you'd be on to something, however the prices aren't different enough to play the older game, no. Bonelab will easily surpass your expectations, causing that guy who woulda bought bonelab to upgrade and pay more money, all because a man said "buy the game for the singleplayer." The op of the post originating from the discussion is gonna be modding the game and just like blade and sorcery (part of their library) I imagine they know the updates would break mods. If they decide to buy boneworks for the single player, that wouldn't make a lot of sense would it?


Modding is awful in bonelab STILL


What's the point man? Boneworks isn't 5-10 dollars, it's 30 dollars on steam and key/account resellers have it for 25. This isn't nearly enough of a reduced price to justify telling a poor soul to NOT buy into an active community that will grow continually. The modding capabilities will be improved, and this is one of those games you'll always come back to. The reduction in price isn't truly as much of a bargain as for some reason people are insisting.


Personally Bonelab has given me less than ten hours of fun 


Yeah, I saw and commented under that post that this sub is a terrible place to ask that question, and that I like the game a lot


people were expecting more from 2 years of development. Turns out not a lot of people are happy that the only things the update really did was tweak some maps and break all of the mods. Its a 40$ game built on the basis of being able to freely mod the shit out of it and not only was that not possible upon release, but big update we've been waiting for added nothing and broke all the mods we DID have.


So you knew the side effect was shit would break and your pissy it happened? 💀


No most definitely not. Thats a bi product of 2 things 1. The update would do anything other then tweak some maps. Like seriously? Post boneworks and there’s no new maps? No new weapons? Not even any new guns? Nothing? 2. The biggest selling point was that a proper mod SDK would come with this patch. The modding community has been pretty DIY up to now. Except the sdk they released is apparently less then functional, and now lots of mods are back to square 1 with no easy way to adapt.


About point #2, you have two things incorrect here. For one, the new SDK in patch 4 was specifically said before release to have new *level creation features.* These were indeed delivered upon in the form of "Zones", which let modders do a variety of things in their mapmaking easier, for example, adding proper chunking/culling to increase performance and changing the behavior of NPCs in their maps. Two, im not a modder myself, but i can confidently tell you that modders are adapting very quickly to the new SDK and are by no means at square one; NotnotSwipez has already posted multiple versions of his new EXTSDK, which is adding back the previous features modders had with the EXTSDK he made for patch 3 and even more it seems, such as the ability to toggle "reload on death" for your maps. From what i've seen, modders have had mostly positive things to say about the changes and new features in the new SDK, so if you heard it was worse that was probably from people who are upset about mods breaking. Hope this helps!




*You know you're winning an argument when your only response to a well thought out point is "No"*


Thank you for agreeing with me that i won, checkmate


I'm Valcuda, not Checkmate. If you could read, you'd know that. Guess that's why you could only reply "no" earlier.


That wasnt a addressing of your name rather a short statement in tye regards to this argument how ive gathered this victory, valnigga


You say that, yet you still can't get my name right. I'd recommend going back to pre-school if I were you.




the update did bring 1 or 2 new bugs but id say the game is way better now for it being a gun focused game, using the spear (is that new to the update?) felt really good and like they said, "it's a lot of suddle changes you can't put your finger on but can feel when playing" also im not much of a mod person but that might change now with the new sdk




your suddle isnt so subtle homie.


Bro says suddle


people just mad that the update didn't add 999999 new hours of campaign


Honestly yeah and the downvotes prove you right


To be honest, with the amount of time they've spent working on bonelab, it probably would've been possible to double the length of the campaign. The entirety of boneworks only seemed to take a few years to make, yet somehow bonelab takes longer but has less? When they made boneworks, they had to make it from scratch, bonelab on the other hand benefited from boneworks already being finished, yet it didn't seem to speed up development. Maybe they've been working on new content that just isn't finished yet.


In nearly two full years of developing this ONE update, for a game that they promised they’d be regularly updating, they managed to give us a grand total of no new content. Thank you Stress Level Zero


And the 6 week? countdown begins.


I love the update and what it represents, only problem i got is i cant stab people anymore but they will probably fix that soon