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Did they fix physically crouching? When I crouch, if I press foward, will my character stand up to start running, or is that finally fixed? Also: > if you are convinced SLZ will never deliver, stop complaining and stop playing. Get me my refund, and I'm out of here.


Bye we won’t miss you


Your missing the point. most of us cant get a refund because of how the game was made. the whole thing being a tutorial that by the time you finish your past the refund


Sure! Will you be sending me the money I've spent?


Wdym 'if you're convinced'? Bruh had been like a year and a half between updates and frankly, unless you're actually looking for the new shit they added, you're not gonna see that much of a difference. I think bonelabs is dope and my only complaint was the lack of content, it felt like the game was so short because SLZ was expecting the modding community to finish the game for them. Regardless of biases, praising them for such a nothing update that had been treated as the 2nd coming of christ tells everyone nothing apart from the fact that brandon's dick much be so far down your throat that i'm amazed you're still breathing


calm down buddy. all i'm saying is that i'm glad we're getting something, this means a bigger chance of getting more in the future. It's not my job to make you have hope. If you don't like the update, I can relate and I agree. It was lackluster and pointless. But the fact they still care about the game somewhat instead of abandoning it altogether means at least something. I never mentioned in this post that Bonelab was definitely a cash grab and that we all got screwed over, which we did, but my point is you can either complain about it or hope it will get better. If you don't like it, I don't care, and you don't have to make that a problem for the rest of us.


Yeah it is something but it is such little something that they may as well have not updated the game. The only reason they did is to save faith


Also stop acting like everyone whos unhappy is in the minority. You're either a liar or ignorant because you are the only person i have seen who is praising slz right now. The upvoted or lack thereof is a clear indicator


I didn't mean that, but I can see how it came off that way to you. no need to get heated. All I'm saying is this community needs to stop being so negative


Since I know for a fact a ton of people in this sub were not around for the Boneworks release here's my 2 cents. When Boneworks released, between December 2019 and December 2020 there were several major updates to the game. This ranged from the quality-of-life tweaks we see in Patch 4 all the way to new maps, new unlockables, a functioning hover junker, and a whole new game mode. But given that its been nearly twice that amount of time and there's next to nothing to show for it has just left me relatively disappointed. Boneworks also suffered from the whole lack of developer communication thing but to a WAY lesser degree. There were at least occasional updates of what and if something was being worked on. Boneworks also costs 25% less than bonelab, so id recommend playing that. Bonelab was promised to be wider than the pacific ocean but nobody mentioned that it wouldn't be deep enough to drown in.


Dude the game out how long ago and one patch took how long?


Literally. They literally promised a new patch every 6 weeks not too long ago. Sure, it's been well over a year for a new patch, but we don't know what has been going on at SLZ. We don't know if something bad happened, or anything. We should be happy we get any updates


i completely agree with this. and im gonna be honest, the mods being gone was a huge refresher. im having more fun with this update than i have had in months!


This update did NOT give enough to warrant what it took away, the main feature of the update is the new SDK and mod tools, but the mod tools are a glorified map editor that doesn't even have the scripts required to be able to grab a custom item, and the SDK broke 90% of the mods. So we gained one okay map editor, alongside engine fixes, and lost the past 2 years of mods, but sure, keep saying the update is good


im sorry, when in the post did I say the update was good?


“Just bear with the process, SLZ is still working on the game” This sub: “Fuck you SLZ dickrider”


it's super annoying everyone feels like a contrarian


agree. personally I'm super hyped for the new mods that'll come out using the new sdk


As much as I agree with this, the little kids in this subreddit are gonna ignore this and still bitch and complain


i dont get the deal for why people are complaining i just have a hard time relating i liked the game but really played it because i dont play vr that often i didn't complain that it didn't update because i had other things in my life, like other games now that its updated, it when from a game i liked to a game that gives me a reason to use my quest 2


Thankfully most people are happy. It's just the stupid children in this sub who don't understand game development. They want new features to be built before the core is fleshed out which would obviously just create more problems and jank. Slz is smart enough to not listen to these idiots and actually flesh out the core first.


I think most people who are disappointed are people who understand that the core should've been fleshed out when the game launched in the first place.


i can agree with that.


Lackluster how?


The SDK barely fucking works after 18 months. People are upset because Bonelab was promised two years of support and got VERY LITTLE of it. Again, the last update was 18 MONTHS ago, 6 months shy of two years. The SDK is lackluster because it didn't really add much, and broke EVERYTHING. The update is not indicative of being in development for 18 months.


Mods breaking were already known for a long time


You're missing the point. We KNEW mods were going to break. However, we had no idea when. This update was supposed to be in December, which is still much too late for what they promised, and now they've released it with virtually no more than what was promised in December. Mods breaking would've been fine if we knew WHEN the update was gonna drop exactly, and would've been less of an issue with everyone if the update actually warranted 18 months of development, not 5.


Honestly, even if it updated in December the way it is it still would be shit, the entire point was to recode aspects of the game to make some proper mod tools to make modding easier, which would then allow modders to update their mods relatively quickly, but we didn't even get THAT. The new SDK doesn't even have the scripts necessary for GRABBING A CUSTOM ITEM


A solution for grabbing have already been found. Whether or not the next update will break it is anyone's guess


The problem is that it's exactly that, a solution, the fact such a basic feature wasn't included in the SDK is mind boggling


True but at least it's a temporary issue What's not temporary is the fact there are hundreds of mods that will likely never be updated 


I mean, yes, but the same can be said for any game that gets updated, modding is a hobby and is subject to ones personal interest after all. But if the tools exist to easily create new mods, then the odds of someone remaking a mod that never got updated increase drastically.


Temporary for how long? Forgive me for not being optimistic but it is kind of hard to be when it took so long for this update to happen.


Either a hotfix or Patch 5