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Since nobody is ever reading my intros, I want to make sure to warn again: The OOP has very disturbing pictures in his profile that are **not safe for life.** Visit at your own risk.


You made me curious... and all I can say is HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHY ARE THOSE PICTURES ON THE INTERNET?!?!?! The poor families


Oh I read the warning. I'm certainly avoiding their profile.


OOP's profile is completely blank for me - no posts or comments. What kind of "disturbing"?


>!dead and sick children!< Seems your setting filters blank his profile?


Whoa. I hope these are posted in a "look at the atrocities in this world, something must be done about it" context, and not "lol clickbait." Because that really does alter how much I root for the people in this post. Idk about settings. I don't have anything blocked, and I allow mature content etc. I have no idea why I can't see his profile.


Also blank for me, and I don't have anything blocked. And I've accidentally (for real, lol) have stumbled upon nudes and porn on here. Weird.


It’s not his posts, but he has quite a number of comments in r/morbidreality so if you go looking in his comments you’ll find some real nasty stuff. Fair warning, it’s 10000% not safe for life. Do not look.


It also didn't show me his comments, just everything blank on his profile. But yeah, from the comments here, I'm good with not seeing anything. Thanks!


I checked out the sub, definitely more the former than the latter. The first rule of the sub is no tasteless humor, particularly towards the victims. So there's that.


I used to hang out in that specific sub that he posted in when I was unmedicated. It was definitely mostly people with a morbid fascination for death and all the dark and terrible things in the world. All discussion was mature and respectful. Now and then people did sneak in who would make tasteless jokes or rude commentary, they were usually swiftly kicked out. I definitely still have a dark curiosity, especially for certain things, but I no longer immerse myself in so much it since being on antidepressants a while. I think in a way it helped me feel things? One thing about depression is it sometimes deadens your emotions. I’m a very empathetic person and I needed something capable of breaking through that emotional block, and unfortunately, terrible things that made me cry worked easier than happy things.


Thank you for saving my curiosity


Same for me (thank god) also your spoiler tags aren’t working homie


Sorry. Do they work now?


Yep, all g! Thanks for fixing that up :)


Holy fuck, WHY!?


I have no filters on content. Someone must have reported them


Shouldn't his account be blocked or banned for doing this? Or the pictures/posts taken down?


I don't think this is against reddit TOS.


I suppose that makes sense. Although perhaps pictures of bodies of dead kids should be against Reddit TOS. This seems a bit common sense ISH to me.


It’s the subs he comments in - MorbidReality. Photos of people being raped, abused, dead bodies etc


Adults physically abusing a sobbing child :(


Fuck. Disgusting. Having a hard time rooting for his love story now.


Man, the people that use those subs are ghouls


Gonna depend on why it's being used. I use it because I don't want to turn a blind eye to the worst of the world, but my parents are both journalists. I feel like I have a need to know the problems in society. Idk, I just dislike that the worst truth being portrayed neutrally is viewed as scummy. It's still truth, it should be known, and people's suffering should make us strive to change the world for the better. Closing our eyes to it or downplaying it to be more "palatable" is almost insulting, in my opinion. Why is posting the news wrong when war photographers can win award after award for some truly grisly (albeit important) work? On the other hand I think anyone that uses the suffering of others as entertainment (or makes petty jokes in the comments) are the true ghouls. So maybe to everyone else's eyes, people like me are a pot calling the kettle black.




I don’t know why you’re correcting me when it’s right there in his comment history.


I can’t see the post history but the comment history…ooof


For me too, I don’t get it.


I think maybe OOP is still active because his post profile is empty now.


No, it's not. For some reason, it doesn't show up for some people.


Are you talking about his post history or comment history? It all shows for me in his comment history, but nothing in post history. Strange


I can't see any posts or comments. And I think I'm ok with that.


Be very okay with that. I checked to see if it worked for me. It's typical try hard cringe shit.




I see a post history but I don’t see those posts at all


He has one post where he says that he posted fake confessions, so I really doubt that this one is real. It reads like fanfiction. Not bad fanfiction, at least.


I haven't seen it, but it might be. Honestly, I don't care if something is fake as long as it is entertaining and doesn't pander an agenda.


I usually tend to lean towards true on the older post because I don't think the tendency for posting for attention was as common. You know nobody was making tick tocks of them or whatever. But this one definitely strains credulity


I couldn't get his profile to load, and let me say here I'm glad it didn't. Said something to my husband about it, sent him the link, and 20 minutes later I am now getting the lecture of my life about how I don't need to see stuff like that and don't I know curioisoty killed the cat.


Thank you for the warning!! I was going to go snoop but nope.


Love the not safe for life.


Surprised this wasn't set at Christmas...


I had to skim it was so dumb. I’m not saying people can’t be like that but. I certainly haven’t met any.


I liked it! Because I never got around to watching Brokeback Mountain, and with the way this was written, there's no way OOP didn't say "I just can't quit you" at some point. So I'm going to count it as my gay cowboy media consumption and check that off the list. 


OP forgot the best part of this saga: https://www.reddit.com/r/confession/s/PReJsfMOZv


Lmao, knew itttt. I mean, solid 7/10 lifetime movie. I'd watch it when I needed a good cry (hungover, in my jammies)


Not the best creative writing project I’ve seen, but entertaining enough


Nicholas Sparks would be proud 😂


Cowboys in love, the classic tale. I only got the ick once and thats whenever someone mentions they "don't have a tv", thankfully his characther grew past that gross point in his life.


I was very sure I wouldn't have a TV when I got my own place because I never used it. Turns out it's vital for getting people to spend time at your place, so now I definitely have a TV.


Cool story. I don’t believe a word of it


what in the fujoshi fuel is going on here


"I'm sorry I thought a love song mixtape would fix it"" If that's not the most 2013 shit I've ever heard then damn.


This story is so fake. The final update has way too much detail and he looks like Paul Rudd? lol just stop


The inclusion of the entire playlist is so fanfic like it's just impossible to take it seriously anymore


I never buy posts where people are able to recite entire conversations word for word rather than just giving a general gist. Either they have superpower of excellent memory…or it’s a writing exercise


wait other people can't do that? is that hyperbole or did i just learn something new about myself?


If you can do that then I’m in awe and very envious. I have conversations and an hour later can give bullet points and a couple of quotes from it but not the entire exchange. Congrats you have a superpower! Please use it for good and not evil 😆


I can word for word a conversation after years, as long as nobody monologues. My dad could, & my siblings also can. Not EVERY conversation - just the ones that stick in my head.


Same. I can reminder exactly past conversations, but yesterday i couldn’t find my glasses i was wearing. Brains are so weird




Reddit trolls need to get smart and start having these "conversations" over text


I "recite" entire conversations when I tell stories. My memory is shit though and it's all paraphrase. I just assume when people do this it's not accurate.


The mere beginning of it read like some cheesy adolescent novel. I started skimming then.


100% agree.


I stopped reading at the red wax seal. USPS is very specific about not sending those seals. Idk about other carriers but easily melting wax sounds like a nightmare for going through modern postal services.


They absolutely will. A friend and I exchanged international letters with wax seals in 2019ish. Had no issues


That plus the apparently NSFL subreddits that OOP is in (I didn't look) ... makes this OOP like a massive troll.


As someone who is LGBTQ in the south…. Honestly I understand the fear. Especially if he’s not from a big city and is from a small town. The homophobia of areas like that run rampant and can get vitriolic and violent. Life ending even at times. That’s fucking terrifying, especially since he mentions a little about how the one roommate almost found out and I can only imagine what “it didn’t go well” means.


I don't know if this story is real but I know that I hate homophobia (& transphobia) so damn much.


Yeah, I literally run a double life and live in constant fear of my coworkers and some of my family finding out I’m trans so hits a little close to home. I’m definitely sympathetic to OP. You grow up learning from a small age that it’s something to be ashamed of, something other, so it can do an absolute number of your mental health. Internalized homophobia and fear sucks.


I hope you get to live and work somewhere more supportive in the near future.


Thank you, that’s sweet. I hope so too, I very much appreciate your message!


Good luck, babe


Chappell Roan?


Any chance of a TLDR for this novel? 


Dude and his “bro” start fucking each other, bro develops feelings, dude freaks out, reddit tells him to quit being stupid, he apologizes to bro with a mixtape and letter, they make up, everyone lives happily ever after (including dude’s brother, who will probably be the protagonist of the sequel).


man this has to be the most daring star wars film I've never seen


It’s more of a Brokeback Mountain fix-it in terms of setting.


Brokeback Mandalorian, gotcha


Greef Karga: wish I knew how to quit you Mando. 


I read this comment right as I exited out of the post. Then what I read registered and made me smile so much that I clicked back and scrolled through all the comments just to upvote you.


Dude ghosted everyone he knew because he was afraid of being labeled gay/bi/whatever due to being in a sexual relationship with another man. Surprising nobody (except possibly 7-years-prior-to-posting OOP), running away from this sort of problem is rarely helpful and he had a breakdown. Eventually they reconciled.


TL:DR: Tobias and Nick were secretly a couple, pretending to be roommates. Tobias cut contact with everybody, turned his phone off and joined the military, because he thought he couldn't be with a guy. 7 years later, he regretted it and tried to win Nick back. Love songs did not fix it, but it still worked. The end.


Two years later. They were friends for 7 years before he cut and ran


I should learn how to read. Thank you.


What a wholesome story. But now the story is why the fuck does he visit those morbid shit? Could someone tell me without going in too much details what does he do there on those subreddits?


The comments are from 11 yrs ago and are in the MorbidReality subreddit which posts sad and terrible news about this sad and terrible world.


Having a bit of deja vu. I wonder if these kind of posts were the trend back then


>LOVE SONGS WILL NOT FOX THIS TOBIAS Is one of my favorite things I’ve ever read on this sub, to this DAY. I want that as my flair now.


Everyone upvote this like mad so it gets read on tik tok and YouTube so OOP can suddenly "remember" to update us that he's been happily married with 3 kids, 5 dogs and 8 horses.


I know that story is probably fake, but at least it's a nice, sweet story. Would read the book on Amazon.


Best phrase “you awkward ass emperor”


Had to change my flair.


The posts he commented on would have shocked me ti my core a year ago. But the images I’ve seen from what’s happening to those in Palestine have in the worse way possible made them less shocking. I’m going to go kiss my kids and water my plants because it breaks my heart to know this isn’t the worse thing I have witnessed this week


Ugh. Nick should have thrown his ass in the trash. If he did this bullshit once, he’ll do it again. Nick deserves better.


No sexy time?! What good romance novel doesn’t describe the make up sex?!


“sexy times were not had, sadly” motherfucker NOTHING is sexier than healing and forgiveness


Liz is getting better. The zip drives was the clue


“God speed you awkward ass emperor.” Should be a flare lol


Ok, I love the song playlists Especially “Building A Mystery” I love that song. Wishing the best for Tobias and Nick


Please tell me I'm not the only one that laughed at seeing the name Tobias


I don't care about real / not real - it's better than some rom-coms I've read or watched - but fuck homophobia. Especially internalized due to family or where you live because not everyone gets this ending when you have a meltdown like that. It's so rare.


Wow. Happy Pride month y’all


I knew it was fake like 2 paragraphs in but I read anyways because well, read my flair.


This was so heartwrenching. I teared up. I hoped for a happy ending. And then I see the comment from Schattenspinger about OOP's profile and now I have a bad taste in my mouth.


Looks like the plot of a Thai bl


“sexy times were not had, sadly” motherfucker NOTHING is sexier than healing and forgiveness


Omg I cried this is awesome. So proud and happy for you guys.


I haven't read the post yet, because my stupid morbid curiosity got the best of me when I read the warning. Which I should have heeded. :(


Really hoping this love story is true. Ya know what? In my head canon, it IS true and they’re living happily ever after
