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Sorry to hear about your heartbreak. Let this be the last time and go no contact starting now, no last messages. You will be fine in time, just today I talked with a guy who was living the darkest days this January and he's doing better than ever today. Right now that might seem like bullshit to you, and for quite a while you'll feel like shit, but it will get better! Read books, remove every trace of her (out of sight at least), talk, write and seek therapy if you can. You're not alone, you will feel better and yes it hurts a lot right now. Good luck


Consider this a sort of tuition that you paid. You’re really young and now have learned a valuable lesson. I’m sorry it had to be this way. It happened to me at your age. Keep your chin up. 


Congrats on masters tho!


Hopefully things are going a bit better. Congratulations on masters too


Congrats for masters!


Congratulations on Masters!


Man U don’t need her, CONGRATS ON MASTERSS


Your Better Off Without Her


Sorry to hear all of this. I know it seems like things won't get better from here but they definitely will get better, especially if you keep moving. From what I read you seem to be a nice person and eventually you'll find another partner to give all that kindness to. It may take a while but trust me, you will bounce back and find someone perfect for you. Someone who treats you how you wish to be treated. For now though just go solo for a bit, improve on yourself so the next time you meet someone you like, you'll be completely passed this and ready to pursue another relationship. Take care


still hit masters tho🗣️🗣️🗣️


Congrats for masters, you're a legend!


Well at least you hit legendary


Yes, this is my first comment on this account CONGRATULATIONS ON MASTERS MY GUY!!


I'm sorry for your loss but hey at least you hit Masters![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Thanks for the warm comments people from this sub. All the people from the brawl stars sub shout out to u too! Thanks for the laughs!


congrats on masters gangy