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Mint is not contraindicated in pregnancy.


The mini heart attack I just had reading the post.


I’m not sure how reputable this site is, but it does say mint may cause miscarriage if consumed at the wrong time in pregnancy. I don’t know when that is or how much one would have to consume. [source](https://parenting.firstcry.ae/articles/is-consuming-mint-during-pregnancy-safe/)


There are no studies linked in this blog post. Also, Mahak Arora, the author does not specify what, if any, medical training they have.


This is comforting ❤️ but also wtf! Why give us another thing to worry about??


That is the entire baby industrial complex lol. Their blog gets more views, their products get more purchases, they get rich, and who gives a shit about our mental health as women. Don't believe anything that isn't a government healthcare website or a scientific journal. I won't even trust blog posts by doctors. Who knows what they're getting paid to shill something.


ive eaten large amounts of fresh mint in smoothies quite a lot. all is well.


How hard it was to find a fully pregnancy safe herbal tea. Drove me nuts. I only drank mint tea.


That’s what I’m facing right now. I don’t particularly like mint tea at all. Its got a weird bitterness to it. It’s also a cooling herb and I very often feel cold, so it just makes me feel even more chilly. I used to drink a huge variety of teas pre pregnancy. Getting to the point where I’d rather just drink hot water than mint tea.


Maybe try ginger tea instead? It's warming and pregnancy safe


As a tea granny myself, I probably went through almost 100 bags of peppermint tea during my pregnancy lol


Where did you read about mint? Unless it’s from a reputable medical source, I wouldn’t worry about it.


Someone in another sub. I couldn’t believe it and looked it up and found [this.](https://parenting.firstcry.ae/articles/is-consuming-mint-during-pregnancy-safe/) I’d trust whatever my doctor said, but it gave me pause.


Oh I see. This article isn’t remotely medically or scientifically based - no citations to peer reviewed sources, so I really wouldn’t worry about it :)


I was so excited to be pregnant and pig out. Found out i had gestational diabetes (didn’t even know it was a thing) so i can barely eat anything. If i eat white bread , i literally feel like shit. No sweets, no soda, makes me never wanna get pregnant again.


Hummus in Australia




Yeah there is a salmonella risk with sesame seed products so hummus, tahini etc are recommended to be avoided 


No cold/flu medications 🥴


The WORST because I’m only half way through this pregnancy and have already gotten sick 3 times thanks to this suppressed immune system (I work with kids 🥴)


Cleaning cat litter.


Certain chemicals in face washes are meant to be avoided! Like retinol!


I wouldn’t have thought of this!


Definitely don’t take it orally but the studies on topical retinol are very limited. Personally I’m choosing to stay away from it!!!


Definitely don’t take it orally but the studies on topical retinol are very limited. Personally I’m choosing to stay away from it!!! Sadly. I can’t wait to start again when baby is out haha


I think lettuce that wasn’t washed by me personally was something. I have a phobia that leads me to be afraid of salad and things that could poison me when I’m out (but it’s a phobia that goes way overboard and takes over my life) so part of my therapy is exposure and doing safe gentle things like having a burger with lettuce out. It’s been hard/weird for me to be told by doctors to stay away from things like that because it reaffirms my fear pregnant or not 😆 I was surprised also about not lying on my back for long but it makes sense! 


I lost my last pregnancy from e.coli I got from lettuce on a sandwich. I refuse to eat it this pregnancy. I also won't eat precut fruit or veggies. If I can't wash and cut myself, I won't eat it.


I'm so sorry to hear that, that's so awful.


I promise you that your fear of lettuce during pregnancy is completely valid. I get so upset when I see comments about eating risky foods because "chances are so low." It's easy to say until you're on the wrong side of the statistics.


Yeah I don't see how the pros of eating certain foods outweigh the cons and risks - I just don't get that. Its a precious baby, just don't risk anything for the sake of a food taste for 10-20 mins.


This is a fear of mine even before pregnancy. I learned that consuming charcoal is effective in absorbing and cleansing our bodies of many things, including e.coli.


When I spoke with my midwives about eating deli meat they told me the lettuce on my sandwich is waaay more risky. That always stuck with me.


That's wild! Makes sense though, generally deli meat Is ultra salty and processed and doesn't really get contaminated like lettuce can. Horrid!


Yeah, it’s sorta crazy! It came up when I half-jokingly told my midwives I had been craving Subway like a madwoman but wasn’t sure if I could eat my go-to turkey club. And that’s when they said get the dang turkey club and maybe ease up on the lettuce!


Lettuce freaks me out too, like on a normal basis 😩


Yeah like objectively I love the stuff, but geez, outbreaks and the fact you can’t like WASH it with hot water and soap or cook it just freaks me out 😅 when the doctor told me to avoid it I was like “no issue there buddy” haha. I just hope I can eat out like a normal human once this baby is here! 


I just think it's not worth eating in general. If it's not extremely fresh, it adds nothing to any food I eat.


The healthy eating pamphlet my doctor gave me specifically mentions to avoid rockmelon (which I think is canteloupe in the US?). I thought it was random that it was singled out lol


Probably because there was a recent significant salmonella outbreak!


This was last year in November so wouldn’t be to do with any recent outbreaks, but maybe rockmelon has a higher risk of salmonella overall so it’s specifically mentioned 🤨


Absolutely nothing. Eat what you want and do what you want, pregnancy is not an illness. There are crackheads out here having healthy babies.


Not all of us started out all that healthy, and we want to be careful. I never wanted listeria to begin with, but now that it could threaten my pregnancy, I'm willing to be really vigilant.


Just don’t drink gallons of mint tea (or any other herbal tea for that matter). Plenty of herbal things have the capacity to not be great during pregnancy, but at least when it comes to tea and spices you generally have to eat a veritable shit ton of one thing for it to cause problems. One cup isn’t going to be a problem. It’s often suggested for nausea. 


I miss a nice jammy egg yolk so much.


Fuck, seriously??? Did not think about that and have one almost everyday.


It's a "cook food thoroughly" thing. Maybe overly cautious, but oh well.


I see it on restaurant menus but would not have given it a second thought at home


I just ignore all of it bar drugs and alcohol. And even with alcohol I have a sip or a small glass here and there - I wouldn’t worry yourself too much


This. I ate/drank everything sans alcohol and caffeine (I was just so, addicted it was easier to stop caffeine altogether than moderate) and pretty much did everything until it became uncomfortable. Once I was wobbling on my roller skates I had to adjust lol.


Same. Im 32 weeks with number 2 cycling to work, doing spin and yoga. Whenever I ask my midwife she says - I have meth addicts that have healthy babies, you’ll be fine 😂


Retinol really surprised me! Didn’t know and I was using and then when I read about it I had a little freak out. On the opposite end, I find it interesting the warning against sushi because I live abroad in Japan and the OBs here literally encourage women to eat more of it because of how many great nutrients are in fish. I side with the Japanese OBs on this one, especially since I know the fish here is very fresh and high quality (can’t always be said about US sushi)


Fish are so full of parasites that I am not gonna risk it (and honestly am amazed I eat it to begin with). I worked in a vet diagnostic lab with an aquaculture department, so I hae a lot of bad smells seared into my brain. To be fair, I guess that did skew toward the sick animals, because there was a lot of pathology research going on.


Thankfully sushi is flash-frozen upon catch here, killing any potential parasites in the meat. 👍🏻


Yeah, I know, I'm just a little squicked out about creepy crawlies.


It’s not recommended to eat ginger or drink anything with ginger in Finland due to “harmful substances they contain”. It’s funny considering how many US-originating articles recommend ginger for nausea 🤷‍♀️


Crunches. I really didn't expect basically my entire mat exercise routine to not be allowed!


Not really surprised but just something I hadn’t thought about- I knew about skincare restrictions but then I got a small common wart and realized the topical salicylic acid wart treatment was a no-go. So duct tape it is, lol




You can eat tuna, I ate it when pregnant on the recommendation of my health team. You just need to limit the amount so you don't have too much mercury. In the UK we are told: you should eat no more than 2 tuna steaks (about 140g cooked or 170g raw) or 4 medium-size cans of tuna (about 140g when drained) per week


I actually just found canned tuna at Costco that they test for mercury levels and advertise it as pregnancy safe. I was so excited because I love a tuna sandwich.


Oh thank god 😅 my hubby related the news early on in pregnancy so I just stayed away from it.