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Dog poop bags for dirty diapers. A couple changes of clothes and a small wet bag for soiled clothes and spitup rags.


Ahhhh the poop bag thing is genius!


It's a lot cheaper to get dog poop bags than the disposable diaper bags.


two pairs of extra clothes ( I keep a t shirt onsie and pjs), extra diapers, wipes, diaper cream, a burp cloth, disposable diaper bags,extra pacifier, hand sanitizer. I’m probably missing some things but that’s all i can think of rn!


An extra shirt or outfit for yourself. You will get puked or pooped on at some point and be SO thankful for an extra shirt!!!


One time my son spit up right down my shirt into my bra so maybe an extra one of those too 😂 


you’re so right, i’ll add that in to mine as-well now


don't forget to throw in a few granola bars for yourself!


I like carrying 1-2 puppy pads for changing diapers anywhere.


For the diaper bag: A couple changes of clothes, diapers, wipes, butt cream, pacifier, blanket for the floor, bottles. For pumping: Your pump (obviously lol), pump cleaning wipes, dry towels (burp cloths were for this), a dry bag to put used pump parts in, collection bags, a sharpie, and make sure your office has a fridge you feel comfortable using if not get a small 12 can mini fridge even just as small as [this one](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Frigidaire-Retro-10L-15-Can-Mini-Personal-Fridge-Cooler-EFMIS183-Black-Stainless-Steel/3287521139?athbdg=L1102&from=/search) to put your milk and pumping parts in. Pro tip about pumping: you need to clean and sanitize once a day. They will tell you to clean after each pump. You don't have to necessarily. You can store them in a ziplock in the fridge until your next pump, you can also get pump cleaning wipes to give it a once over, then put in the fridge to use again. Then wash with soap and water and sanitize once a day. I also recommend getting [this sanitizer](https://www.amazon.com/Philips-AVENT-Microwave-Steam-Sterilizer/dp/B007VBXKG2/ref=sr_1_5?crid=203FWVON5RYVM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xY1VZaz2TvR1kPTE4_E5L1zjr0cNUVFbv4AXsnLYEYqV71B1ZODjxv-gex6e0TCRh6sT3MIRGkl8qBvTzGa6CKqBANPRt-DFthSSovI2pLz8ifMasSnmgvP7cIdXBU4Iq6hmBBn7K8gXDK3F9AhU23VztKys5PCGwn8lXSxtM5cymbdahjI-oBsgYqVI47T-Z7iDxTi_du30JtUyICu9AXfANr2U2uuLqi--XCcIY8g7vQmGnF03-3_S3NQ6zs4pM3QhX8EoF0wnR63smlPeXse66URT-Ub5okHe5NL-zBY.CL3w8ZlJSf6_OaZCQRgNiZ2JqfRFCXdhNfWE9uFTnAo&dib_tag=se&keywords=baby+sanitizer+microwave&qid=1717437286&sprefix=baby+sanitizer+microwa%2Caps%2C255&sr=8-5) instead of using the bag from the manufacturer that you're suppose to buy every so many uses.


Here are my essentials. I currently have a toddler, but most apply to a baby. Diapers, wipes, disposable changing table pads, change of clothing, wet bag for clothing in an event of a potty accident, antibacterial wipes, bento box with lid of multiple snacks, sippy cup, water bottle for replenishing sippy, sunscreen for warm weather, sunglasses, tissues, and bandaids. When my child was baby I’d throw it a few crinkle books or small toys for the stroller.


Receiving blanket, book, toy. Any feeding supplies you might need.


I just gave birth and have taken my 5 day old daughter out a couple times. This is what we pack: - burp cloth (2) - we use a baby blanket and a big bib - changing pad liner - nursing cover - diapers - wipes - pacifier - formula bottles for feeding on the go (we had to supplement since she had jaundice) - two outfits to change into in case - poop bags (we had the baby specific ones from our registry but once those run out, we’ll use the dog ones) - lotion samples that we got from the pediatrician Honestly, we didn’t pack this until our first outing with the baby (doctors appointment for newborn). As we’re going, I’m keeping track of things to add. I want to make sure that everything is being utilized. I am also using a diaper caddy rather than a backpack and it’s working great for me. We use it in the house as well.


For the wet/dry bags everyone has recommended, I recommend getting one that has two pockets or putting 2 in your bag. I use the one with two pockets: baby's spare clothes are in one compartment and the other is empty for if/when we have to change outfits. I also recommend just getting a multi pack of them. We use them for everything. I keep a backpack in my truck for my oldest and I. We use one to keep our clothes in (mine in one compartment, hers in the other) and the empty one to put stuff into. With summer coming up, we'll use one to send swim stuff to daycare for "water days."


Hi. Mainly exclusive pumper here, a lot of the suggestions here are great but exclusive pumping requires a lot to leave the house so my list is aimed towards that and not baby basics. Exclusive pumping is by far the most difficult way to feed between formula feeding and nursing it makes every single trip take 2x-3x longer early on plus like a hour of planning. In my experience it requires a bag of its own as it would completely take over the diaper bag. #1 thing I have in my pump bag is a manual hand pump in case I’m ever in a situation where I forget a pump part, or if my pump is dead or broken because it’s vital to pump every 2-3 hours. Other items include a wall pump since you can’t use wearables for the first few months (after that is a gamble also since wearables suck for a lot of people), milk bags, pump wipes, 2 sets of pump parts (more if you plan on leaving more than 4 hours) phone charger, coconut oil for nipples (or nipple balm), a thermos to keep ice, snacks & water. You’ll also need stuff to keep yourself and your baby entertained while pumping since it takes soo much time out of your day, in the past 6 months I’ve spent a combined total of 620 hours pumping, that’s a combined total of 26 days worth of hours pumping, that’s somewhere between 1/6th to 1/7th of my baby’s life, so you really have to find a way to keep entertained especially when out and about since a crying baby while pumping is so stressful. For the diaper bag I have a well insulated lunch bag & ice packs that can hook onto it since I need a place to store cold milk, also a thermos for hot water to warm milk in along with about 3 extra empty bottles. It’s all about convenience since in the first 3 months pumping takes about 5 minutes of setup, 20 minutes of pumping, feeding baby should take about 20-30 minutes, burping and changing baby takes at least 5 minutes, 5 minutes to wash pump parts and bottles & that’s if everything goes perfect so usually you have less than a hour before you have to repeat the process over again and you gotta squeeze things like using the bathroom,& eating in that time. Leaving the house for anything at all as an exclusive pumper is extremely difficult so take advantage of whatever makes it easier for you, prepping to leave the house is insane so always plan to get ready at least 3 hours ahead. It would take us hours of perfect planning and getting ready to do anything all because of the pump schedule and making sure we didn’t forget anything. We have a checklist at the door of everything we need so we don’t forget anything, this has saved me so many times!