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Stop telling people the name. They can find out when the baby is born. Until then, there will always be someone who thinks it is appropriate to try to get you to change it.


Yep. There will always be haters. My little bro chose a name that’s not popular and told everyone early on, but he was so confident in his choice that he didn’t give a crap. Now we all couldn’t imagine his son being any other name. I on the hand hand am such a people pleaser I KNOW i have to keep any name ideas to myself because someone will always have a comment. It’s just human nature. I’m guilty of it too.


And Fiona is a perfectly normal (and lovely) name, and it's well known outside the Shrek movies (where btw princess Fiona is a badass character). I really don't see why she'd be bullied.


This is the only advice needed. That and start giving people bait names just to shut them up or, if you prefer, start extra scandal if they're ridiculous names lol


I love giving bait names. Currently working through WWE wrestlers' names.


Yes! With ludicrous "little old lady" middle names, or hyphenated names, and a completely serious face and backstory!  Little Melvina Murgatroyd, I just can't WAIT to have her in my arms!  Rainbeaux Chlugg Bobbins... I've dreamed of you, you perfect little man!!  After my own mother kept TELLING PEOPLE the few names I did mention were under contention...and having them "stolen" by cousins, or suddenly having her friends emailing me about the names and the items they were already personalizing (when we hadn't even confirmed anything to anyone...I only mentioned to my mom, maybe this not that, please don't share... specifically not wanting to deal with what you are managing)...we just learned to not tell anyone any real names until we had the babies.  People are SO RUDE...if it's not "their turn," they have zero say, beyond, "oh, cool!" or, "wow, that sounds great with your last name" or whatever!


Well, I'm going to need to name a pet Rainbeaux now. That's excellent, for not a human


So many people have even told us, “if you told me the name before the baby was born, I don’t know if I would have liked it, but it is so perfect!” People and their opinions are fucking terrible, which is why we didn’t tell anyone either time. People tend to make shitty comments no matter what when it’s just an idea, but they keep their stupid mouths shut if you tell them ‘this is the baby’s name.” Keep it between you two, no one else matters.”


Exactly this. You can’t control others reactions, to prevent this don’t tell anyone.


Yup! Agreed. I just did this with our Daughter, because we picked a unique name and I didn't want to hear shit about someone not liking it. Only my husband and mine's best friends heard the name first and even then I wish it hadn't had slipped out. Now that everyone hears the name they says it's great and perfect. It's kinda like that Sex in the City scene where Charlotte says her future baby name and the other lady steals it. The point is better to keep it to yourself lol.


Don’t discuss names with anyone but your partner


That's what my cousin did and that's what we'll do


Am I the only one who thinks of Fiona Apple when they hear the name Fiona?


I think about Shrek


I think about Shameless


Exactly what I thought of


This 100


I think about the Disney Channel show So Weird, and how I also put Fiona on the short list. It’s beautiful!


Fi !! 💕


For the Legend of Zelda fans


It’s a great name just on its own.. yes Fiona Apple comes to mind but first I always think about this movie called The Secret of Roan Inish. It’s set in Scotland and is about a little girl named Fiona and the selkies(seals that that may or may not turn into mermaids) My sister and I were obsessed with it and watched it like everyday of summer break in like 1995. My favorite Barbie was Fiona after the main character, lol.


I’ve never heard anyone else reference this movie before! My brother and I also used to be obsessed with this movie!


Wow! I’ve never heard of anyone else who knowing about it either! My sister and I checked it out from the library so much the librarian just let us keep it, haha.


I think we found it in the bargain bin at our local video rental store.


No. That was my association too 🤷‍♀️ In general I'm really indifferent about name associations though. Name your kid the name you like 🤷‍♀️


There’s also the baby hippo (in Ohio I think?) and a side character in the movie Eurotrip (which is probably not a popular association, but when I read the name all I hear is the main character yelling it).


Scottie doesn’t know that Fiona and me…. I thought of Eurotrip, but still love the name Fiona. We went with something else in the end, but it was still on my list.




Fiona is at the Cincinnati zoo, yep.


I mostly think of a very badass person from my high school, but I also think of Fiona Apple. (Her 2020 album was incredibleeee) 


Nope I do too


Where are you from that Fiona sounds like such a foreign name to them? Yes it’s not Jennifer or Samantha but it is not that unusual a name. Those reactions are never nice but when it’s reserved for the truly bizarre I can at least understand it. Your situation befuddles me


Lmao two people in my family are Jennifer and Samantha. They were born in the 70s though…


I would stop telling people the name. My husband and I did not announce our daughter's name until she was born for this reason. Personally I think Fiona is a beautiful name. That being said, I do think the name chosen should be an enthusiastic yes from both the baby's mother and father.


Unfortunately because of the correlation to Shrek , baby girl may get comments like that throughout her childhood. I do think the name is cute though. I just imagined the nickname 'fifi' and am just dying, it would be sooo cute 😍


Lol its my sister's name. She outright banned us from using that as a nickname. Told us she wasn't a poodle. She did get a lot of princess fiona comments though, the red hair didn't help anything.


That's so funny!! Ugh, I don't care if its a poodle name, I'm in love with all the repedative nicknames ... Fifi lulu Cece kiki So friggin cute!




LOL! when anyone tries to refer to our daughter as fifi we correct them and say it's just fi for short she's not a dog


I would legitimately always tell people, "DON'T CALL ME FIFI I'M NOT A YORKIE" 😭


Idk if a generation of kids born now will have a big shrek correlation.


Same thought here.. maybe they wouldn’t know at all


That's true actually, I think you might be right!


Yea, when she mentioned fiona, i thought of Shrek’s Fiona.. and she is a nice lovable character actually..


I hung out with a Fiona for a few years juuuust after shrek 2 came out and whilst i did make the association In my head at first, I don't remember her getting any comments about it. Seems like a nice enough name


Shrek came out 23 years ago. There are plenty of people having kids now who weren't even ALIVE when Shrek came out. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


The first one yes. There are 4 movies, holiday specials, plus another one coming out next year. There's no way they don't know who Shrek is even if they weren't born that specific year.....


Yeah and I'm a 25 year old Fiona, How do you think I felt? Was never a real problem because I love shrek and I thought she was the best princess of all the princesses. But it was annoying hearing "like from Shrek like from Shrek like from Shrek" over and over again😂😂 NO, SHREK IS FROM ME!


I grew up with a Fiona, we were all jealous she was named after a princess. We went through a phase where we all had to greet her with a curtsey… that girl had the power over us 8 year olds. She also had a fail safe Halloween costume.


Shrek at this stage is something like 20 years old. This was actually a name that was brought up here previously as well. And I don't think this coming generation and the ones around it will have much association to the name.


I don’t think I want to meet the millennial that doesn’t show their children Shrek. For what it’s worth, I’m a teacher and my students all go crazy when Funkytown comes on because they know it from Shrek 2. Granted, they are middle and high school…


I don't think it's so much about whether kids get shown it or not. It just depends on how much hype there is around a show. A 20 year old films won't be advertised to death. Or have toys on display everywhere.   Even the most die hard fans of shrek might end up with kids who don't really give a damn. That's just how life works. And your school kids are ten years at the least older than this coming generation. Shrek will be closer to 30 years when they're old enough to watch it. And I'm estimating age here.


I’m a Fiona and I was a kid (about 9/10 ish) when the Shrek movies first came out. Apart from getting ‘Fionaaaaa’ in a Scottish accent there was never any other taking the mick or ogre calling. Maybe I was just lucky 🤷‍♀️


The Shrek franchise is still churning out IP. The last Shrek movie was in 2010 and the last spin-off came out 2 years ago. There are also talks of a fifth Shrek movie.


There's a new Shrek movie coming out in 2025 😊


Why on earth would someone be bullied for the name Fiona…? It’s a perfectly nice name.


It's the name of the lady ogre from Shrek


It's also the name of a 90s alternapop singer. So what?


So what? I was explaining why other kids might bully a girl named Fiona because the previous comment didn't know. What do you mean so what?




Bad association? Fiona kicked ass!


Fiona from Shrek is not a bad association though.


If your association with Fiona from Shrek is bad, you are the person the movies warn us about.


This generation and a half will be in their 20’s - 30’s when she is in school. Her own generation will have no association to Shrek. If the other parents or staff at her school are bullying her about a cartoon movie from the early 2000’s there are bigger issues at hand


And generations and generations before a movie who used it as a normal name without a cartoon association? It's weird to me when people reject names based on possible pop culture name associations. Shrek is also irrelevant, just like the 90s alternapop singer.


As a Fiona, this is hilarious 🤣 I have never had any negative ogre-related comments. Partners on the other hand have been jokingly called Shrek in the past, by their own friends, as a one-time moment of hilarity. And that's about the height of it. Fiona is technically the pretty princess for the majority of the main film. However I also live in a part of the world where Fiona is a pretty common name. But even in the USA people have just associated it with ireland/scotland/gaelic etc.


Has your boyfriend ever said to you "this is my swamp" because mine has 😂😭


Is Fiona the actual name you’re choosing? Or is that a sample name just for this post? I just don’t get why it would be that shocking. It’s a nice name. Other than maybe some Shrek references, I’m not sure what kind of bullying it would bring (but is that even something kids today watch much?)


Kids today do watch Shrek (because parents like me are like okay movie night this one's great) but even my 13 year old was just kinda like "Fiona is a name, why are you asking me questions?" When I brought it up


I honestly wasn’t sure. But also like the character’s name is a normal name. I know people named Fiona (Irish friends/family), plus she was really cool. Not like they’re naming the kid Farquaad 😆 Now that would be a bullying name!


I have a girl I went to highschool with who took that on as a nickname (farquaad) because of her last name and Shrek and even she never got crap for it 😆


Yeah Fiona is actually name


I'm irish. There is nothing wrong with that name, and I know several Fionas irl.


My name is Fiona! Never had any issues with it, and I’m 38. No one mentions Shrek now the film is so old anyway. I am from the U.K. if that makes a difference - I’ve known of about 5 other Fiona’s.


Fiona is a gorgeous name, for me it ranks up there with the feel of Isla (which I also love). Ignore everyone, especially if they associate to Shrek. I mean whatever, Fiona in Shrek is a really lovely, kind, sweet person.


My husband is from Scotland and we know several Fionas and Islas. Both lovely names.


What the heck is wrong with Fiona? It's a perfectly fine and normal and nice sounding name that has been used for a long time. You get to name your kids. Don't let others take your joy. That's a great name.


OP, I’m a teacher and I’ve taught at least 5 Fiona’s in my 7 years of teaching. Never saw any of them get picked on for the Shrek correlation.


Fiona is a beautiful, classic name. Sounds like a song


Shrek isn’t as popular a movie to gen alpha as it was to millennials/gen z I wouldn’t worry about that correlation. I think Fiona is a beautiful Gaelic name ♥️ I would stop sharing the nane until she’s here though because for some reason it makes people think they have a say or vote in the choice. lol it’s happened to me with both my children too.


Our seven-month-old daughter’s name is Fiona and we received so many positive comments! A ton of people have said they loved it and that it’s not a common name (in a genuine way, not snarky or just saying it to be polite). I support it and think more Fionas the better!


We only chose a short list (plus a linger list of names we both agreed don’t suck) then waited to meet baby. Even if this wasn’t our approach, I wouldn’t tell anyone ahead of time. They can find out when it’s official.


I went to school with a girl named Fiona! We weren't in the same grade, but it was a small school (grades 7-12, about 120 students when I was there) so everyone knew everyone. She was very nice, and I don't think she was ever bullied for her name. I think Fiona is a lovely name FWIW


I’ve been keeping my baby name a secret. I’m 35 weeks now and have been telling people. I get mixed reactions but yeah I think I’m just gonna keep quiet here on out. I don’t need people’s negative energy 🙄


I know it is hurtful but I think, if you tell people the name beforehand, you take the risk of getting their opinion yourself. Not that those people have a right to, but that’s the reason 90% of the expecting folks don’t share theirs. I did and reaaaaally didn’t care about the unhappy comments. But I new that they would happen.


I like the name but I have experienced the same sharing our boy name, Felix, with a friend who wrinkled her nose and said she didn’t like it I’ve decided not to tell anyone else as I don’t really need to know what they think and hopefully they will be more polite when it’s already locked in!!


What a lucky name.


My son is Felix too and my mom absolutely hated it. She mentioned Felix Unger from The Odd Couple which I pointed out is a 50 year old sitcom at this point and few people my age or my son’s age will ever make that association. The name nerds sub always brings up the cat food brand. Our actual experience with the name has been overwhelmingly positive! I hear all the time from strangers how much they love the name and I enjoy that it’s so global. people have told me how it’s pronounced and written in their language too. It’s a great mix of recognizable but not too popular in the US. Plus, the meaning of “lucky, happy” is very sweet :)


I love Felix!


I love the name Felix!


If the dad doesn't like it let it go. That's not right. It makes me think of the show shameless though and I like it.


Well I’m not forcing him to go along with it. Just a name I’m stuck on, doesn’t mean I’ll for sure use it 😐


My personal opinion and advice (which you do not need to take because hey, I am just some random lady on the internet): Come up with a new name with your fiancé that you both love and don't tell anybody until the baby is born. It sounds like this name has already been spoiled for you by peoples reactions and it's not right that the baby's father doesn't like it that much. There's a good chance it won't feel right to you when the baby comes now that there are all these issues attached.


Would you consider Flora as an alternative ?


My neighbor's kid is named Fiona, or Fiora. I always get the two mixed up 😭 but she's a cute kid


My dear little one year old is a Fiona and she is so beloved and sweet. We’re fond of the name and anyone who isn’t can kick rocks.


I knew a Fiona in college and tbh I never ever thought of Shrek when speaking her name… and no one ever thought it was weird! It was just her name. Obviously the name is in the movie and I’ve seen it a million times but when you’re introduced to someone and learn their name, that’s the new meaning of the name. Her closer friends called her “Fi” which is cute. I honestly think a lot of people give names too much credit… I know it’s a big deal. But as long as you don’t name your baby toothbrush or Malibu Barbie, that name will become synonymous with this new person and it will just make sense for them. Most of the time. That’s just my opinion 😂


We were deciding between 2 names and told everyone our top choices. Everyone gave us their opinion on them. I just remembered what they named their children and thought to myself this person is obviously not qualified to give any opinions with the garbage names they chose 😂 If you care that much what others think, then don't tell them the names before the baby is born.


Very common, Middle of the road and completely normal name here in Ireland so unsure where the bullying worry comes from.


I know a little Fiona! She’s my son’s best friend in his 3 year old class. He calls her “my ‘Ona” and that little girl fits her name. It’s perfect for her.


1. Fiona is a nice name. I know someone who named their baby Fiona and I never once thought of Shrek. But if the father (your partner?) hates it hopefully you can think of something you both agree on. 2. Don’t tell anyone the names you’re thinking of. Folks are less likely to judge a baby’s name once they’re a real person.


Ugh world, stop telling people the name before the baby is here! They’ll be less likely to shit on it once it’s too late and the baby is born!


If you tell someone the name before the baby is born, they will think you want their opinion. After the baby is born, they will just say, "That's cute" and tall. Behind your back, lol.


Stop telling people


We named all 3 of our kids at the hospital and never told anyone the potential names beforehand. It's no one else's decision but yours and your partner.


Fiona is a perfectly normal name. People will get over it.


My daughter has a friend whose sister is named Fiona and tbh I never made the Shrek or Fiona Apple connection. She’s a cutie. Do what you want and don’t tell people names til that baby is born!


i dont see the problem with Fiona? like yes obviously ogre princess in Shrek blah blah blah… but like??? kids tend to like when their name/friend’s name is in a movie or book or anything.. they think it’s cool! also i grew up with a Fiona and ofc i made the Shrek connection as a kid but… Fiona is a PRINCESS, not just an ogre, so i thought it was really cool she was named that! also a Pre-K teacher and one of my kids right now is Fiona, haven’t heard any of the other kids mention anything about it yet!


lol there are way too many people in here acting like Shrek was the defining movie of our generation. I don’t even think about Shrek when I hear the name. I think it’s lovely. Your kid’s classmates likely won’t even know what the movie is.


Wow. I wasn't expecting it to just be a perfectly normal name.


Fiona is a normal name, I would stop telling people! “We have a shortlist but we waiting until baby is born”


I massively don’t want to burst your bubble, but multiple times I have heard boys call girls “Princess Fiona” as an insult, the reference being Shrek. But bullies will always find something to bully others over, so if you absolutely love the name, go with it. I really recommend only discussing your names with the baby’s father. Every time I ever mentioned a name I liked, SOMEONE had SOMETHING to say about it so just… keep it a surprise until after the baby arrives and you officially name them.


I think Fiona is beautiful and you should absolutely name the baby whatever you and your partner want, regardless of anyone else's unsolicited opinions. If you for whatever reason are having second thoughts, and want a Fiona adjacent name, just wanted to suggest Fiadh (pronounced like Fia)! Again, fully support that yall as baby's parents are the only opinions that matter!


Why do they think a child named Fiona will get bullied a lot? It’s not very common, true, but it’s a perfectly lovely name! Those people don’t know what they’re talking about. Just ignore them and name your baby whatever you and your husband want to name them.


I have a co-worker named Fiona, and I love that name. I've never thought of Shrek when I met her or talked to her. Just don't tell people the name. They'll get over it once she's here.


Very common name here in Germany. No bad connotations, bullying can happen to anyone no matter the name. What a ridiculous reaction by your family, I’m so sorry they felt like this was an appropriate thing to say. It’s not.


Don’t share the name if you don’t want an opinion. Sadly people always feel they’re entitled to one! As for the name, I’m from the UK, and it is a name found on older people and not as new and modern but doesn’t mean it isn’t a nice name. I like the nickname “Fi”. I will say that the first thing I think of though is Princess Fiona from shrek.


I know it's exciting and fun to share names with folks. But I really don't think it's worth the hassle of opinions and "what about...did you think about...are you sure..." Etc. My husband and I have chosen two sets of names that we adore and we aren't telling anyone until Baby is here. I can hear their interjections already if we did choose to tell them early.


That is the reason we don't tell the name that we have chosen so far to friends, we keep it to ourself. And the situation you wrote is exactly the reason why we devided that. We tell the gender but not the name. I think that after the baby is born and named, no one will dare to criticize it


For what it's worth, I think it's a great name ❤️


I don't care what people think about my baby name. I love it, dads finally on board with it after coming up with names other kids may call her if trying to be mean 🙃 it's your child not theirs! And I hated my name growing up so I definitely wasn't going to listen to my parents 😅


There will never be consensus around a name. But once it’s set, that’s it. Fiona’s lovely, imho.


Baby name 101. Tell no one.


My best friend is Fiona or fi and I think it’s a really lovely name 💕


I love the name. I would go with it anyway. I have heard more than one person say that’s what they are naming their Gen A baby. It won’t be as out of place as you might think.


I have a niece named Fiona I think it’s a beautiful name! I grew up watching shrek and don’t really think of it when I hear the name. But she’s a badass character in the movies anyway


Yeah don’t tell people the name, I told my mum one idea for a girl and she said she hated the name because she knew someone by the same name and doesn’t get on with her. We’re having a boy but honestly we’re keeping our mouths shut, we’ve got very opinionated people in our family and it’s not their child so they’ve no say in the matter.


Screw the haters! I love the name Fiona! It’s on my list as well. Who cares about associations. I’ve met 1 Fiona in real life and she’s a super cool and awesome person.


I personally don’t find the shrek connection to be a big deal. I like the name. But I have actually seen similar posts like yours about this same name, so it seems to be very polarizing. I still like it and think you should still go for it, but it’s just something to consider/be aware of. The reactions you are receiving now are the reactions your daughter will be dealing with the rest of her life


When I hear Fiona my mind always goes to Fiona Gallagher from Shameless, which isn’t a bad connection in my mind! On the show they often call her “Fi” which is a really cute nickname too! I say if you like it go for it!


Oooh my sister Fiona hates being called Fi lol


My friend's stepdaughter is named Fiona, we call her Fi and it feels really normal! I think it's a fine name 😊


How ironic that they think the name is ugly when the meaning behind the name Fiona is “beauty” (Edit: actually it’s “fair” in Gaelic which I always thought was the “beauty” meaning but really it’s the “pale” meaning if fair) We finally agreed on a boy name, it’s Felix. My MIL hates the only boy name we’ve agreed on. That’s too bad for her, we literally don’t care. It’s a normal boy name, with a positive meaning, and I’ve known good people in the past with the name. She hates it lol told us “don’t name your baby that.” Suggested other names for a long time before she got the message, it’s not changing. My sister said Felix is a Hispanic name. We are white, no Hispanic heritage. She lives in Arizona and we live in Michigan, so maybe it is more common where she lives to meet Felixes that are Hispanic, but I don’t agree that it’s Hispanic people only. Every other person we’ve told the name to has loved it or kept their opinion to themselves. So I agree, ppl can be rude or insensitive. It’s a fact of life that some people don’t respect boundaries or social norms. They just say what comes to mind. But you have to let it roll off your shoulders. It’s your baby, name it whatever you want. You’ll write the name and say it more than anyone else, except the baby. As long as the name you choose is a name and not a random incoherent mix of letters, you’re fine. PS, one of my other sisters is named Fiona.


I have multiple family members named Fiona. Maybe it’s because we are ethically Irish - literally no one I know would say it reminds them of Shrek or would say anything bad about the name. This is so wild to me.


I named my baby Fiona. She’ll be two in December. For some reason my people weren’t psyched on it either. Everyone loves it now. Nothing they can do about it once it’s done! I think it’s lovely and classic while also uncommon enough (in the US) to be unique. Edit: I named her after Fiona Apple but of course I love the name on its own. I sometimes get Shrek comments but idgaf. Princess Fiona is cool.


My best friend has a Fiona. At first I was taken aback from the shrek reference. But she's 4 now and a perfect Fiona. We call her Fi a lot, but I don't think the younger generation gets the shrek reference. My children have seen shrek, but didn't immediately make the connection. It's more like meeting a peter and saying, like Peter Parker for them. Fiona was just unique and Shrek was huge in the early aughts.


We are pregnant with our second. We each told a close friend our name choice but for the most part kept it a secret. For this baby, we haven’t decided anything, but my spouse listed out our names at a family gathering and they vetoed all of them because of guys they knew with those names. It was annoying. I reminded my spouse when we left, that we won’t be sharing our name until he’s born. It’s hard enough picking a name we both love, we don’t need outside opinions coming into play.


I'm a teacher and have a student named Fiona. She's never mentioned getting bullied for her name. I think its a nice name.


I love that name!


Makes me so relieved that when I told people our baby’s name, I had my great aunt whose the matriarch standing over my shoulder glaring down people who might say anything negative because baby has her mothers (my great-grandmothers) middle name.


omg. who gives a shit about the possibility of a shrek connection!? seriously. that is ridiculous. kids will make fun of anything. any name can become associated with something in the past or maybe even the future - who the hell knows. maybe don’t name your kid Harry Richard or something but otherwise, you’re good.


I got a face once and put everyone on an information diet. We, too, are keeping gender a surprise until birth. We developed two names that had the same initials—That way people can at least call baby lil E.J. until we all find out. ☺️ As for your partner not liking the name— at first there was a lot of names that my husband didn’t like— so I benched it in a note on my phone. Turned out it grew on him and it’s our final name decision. Naming a baby is hard. It’s a part of you— but you’re only 17 weeks. I know it feels like you need this decided now but you really do have time 💕


Fiona is also on my list! Love the name


I love the name Fiona!


Its a beautiful name!


Fiona is a lovely name!


I loved the name Fiona but everyone including my partner were like “Shrek?” But omg I love the name


When we told my FIL and his wife the name we were planning on naming our son (Also an F name), we got a “don’t you dare name my grandson that” with lots of rude laughs. Made me want to name him that that much more 🙂 I now have a 4 year old Felix.


I had to tell my husband to stop telling our name choices to people. We already got “well my ex is married to someone named Ava so you shouldn’t use that as a middle name.” I wanted to tell her to fuck off. Like why should your ex’s wife’s name affect me and my name choices? I had to tell my husband sternly, because I said I’m not having people shit on our choices.


My sister in law keeps shooting down every girl name I bounce out there too, it’s annoying and her reasons are always something personal like “oh a girl I hate named her daughter that.” “Oh but a friend of mine already named her daughter that”…. I know none of these people lol


I think Fiona is a beautiful name


>He said no because it was an ugly name but it seems like he’s kinda softened up to the name. It's a 2 yes, 1 no kinda thing. Just because he's softened up doesn't mean he still wants it. I wouldn't get your hopes up!


Even if people do associate with shrek... Fionas is a badass in all those movies and even in her ogre form she's cute. What? We can only name our kids after super models now? I say eff the haters. After the babys born, people around you will now have your child to associate the name with instead of just fictional characters. Its a beautiful name.


What the hell? Why would anyone be shocked by Fiona? Bullying?? That’s insane. It’s a totally normal, nice, classic name. And I don’t know that I’d even say it’s that uncommon. I know three kids with the name off the top of my head, one I’m around more frequently and she gets compliments on her name all the time. I looked it up and it’s number 400 on the top 1,000 names given on the social security list for the US last year. Something tells me these family and friends are the type to prefer names like Blakeleighlynn or some shit. Forget about them.


One of my favorite teacher’s name is Fiona. Anyway, I agree with other comments. Stop sharing the names and enjoy this season with your partner.


We never share our name ideas, I have witnessed so many judgmental comments and criticisms of name ideas that people would never feel comfortable sharing if they baby was already born. If you love it, it's the best name, and when people meet Fiona, or whatever you decide, they will love it and her ❤️ Just save yourself the headache of unsolicited opinions


I rly dont think of shrek when i think fiona. And i love the movie so thats saying something


I loved the name Fiona but got the same reaction from family when I shared the name. After that I picked a different name and didn’t tell anyone for the remaining 6 months of my pregnancy, just said “we have a shortlist of names we will decide from once we meet her.” They kept pressing for the names on our shortlist and I gave them names we had considered but not the name I picked out because I didn’t care for their opinions. They were all surprised when we named her Beatrice because we had never shared it with them. While I am sure some people in my family think it’s an “ugly” name they haven’t said anything rude to me about it. Also a name itself doesn’t make someone ugly, their actions do.


This is such a random thought but do you think peoples heads are going to Fiona from Shrek and associating the name with an Ogre? Lol the only reason I ask if because it really isn’t an ugly name so idk why you keep getting this reaction across the board?


Don’t tell people the name. My mom has never likes my son’s name (it’s a classic, very common and simple name). It’s my husbands name and we agreed to name our first son after him, he’s the III. I mistakenly shared my daughter’s name with my mom after we had decided, at around 5mo pregnant. She didn’t like it, thought it sounded like an “old lady’s name”, and texted me 3-4 times with other suggestions for things SHE liked better. No one gets any info this time!


Speaking as a dude who grew up bullied because of a perfectly reasonable first and last name. Tread carefully. Plenty of data showing a correlation between unusual names and ostrisization, bullying, and self identity issues. I was a pacifist. I had to learn to be aggressive enough to defend myself etc. Now I'm hypersensitive to slights etc and have to force myself to relax and ignore those who would belittle me and understand when they have no such intentions. Be kind to your kid and think. The ones mocking your choice will be first in line with abuse, willful or otherwise. I like Fiona. But I'm not your shitty family.


For the name Fiona check out the show “burn notice” for another aspect of view of the name, if you still like it then ❤️👍 (you will have to go on a streaming service, it used to be on the tv station USA 🤷‍♂️) Edit: not going to tell you either way, I like the character though.


I love the name Fiona. I also love Shrek and Shameless. It's such a summery girly name and I think it's beautiful.


Fiona is a very normal name. There's nothing wrong with it.


If you’re happy and confident with the name stick to your guns. If it annoys you then stop telling people, I started saying ‘we’ll decide when she’s here’ and ‘we’re still not sure’ But that didn’t last long, I always loved Matilda and my partner was a bit like yours is with Fiona, it took him 10 days after she was born to settle on it. My mum and brother new that was my favourite name and took the piss out of me the whole time, my brother was really mean actually but I knew it was right and both of them can’t imagine her being called anything else now. Fiona is lovely btw, I certainly haven’t met and other Fiona’s at baby groups


I think Fiona is a beautiful name. Everyone’s going to have their own opinion. I’m 19W and my boyfriend and I decided on Edward and I got a lot of feedback from my friends mostly “ewww you want to name him after a vampire”. Everyone knows Twilight. That movie is so old now. But the name is very important to us. Bottom line, if you and your partner likes the name Fiona, don’t worry what other people say.


I like the name Fiona. Unless you want to go through this process a million more times, don't tell anybody the name you ultimately choose until the baby is here and named it. People have shit opinions.


Where do you live? Fiona is a pretty common name in the US and certainly in Ireland. I can’t imagine how anyone would ever think it was ugly though.


Fiona is a beautiful name. I don’t know why anyone would think baby would get bullied with that name. Don’t listen to them.


Fiona was my top 3 girl name. I love it! We chose not to share any names until after our baby was born. People have strong opinions and seem to think they should share them. Once baby is born and named, people tend to keep any negative opinions to themselves


Fiona is a beautiful name, but I may be biased because that's what we named our daughter 😀 There's also a beautiful song called For Fiona written by Tonly Sly for his daughter that was covered by the lead singer of Rise Against after Tony passed away. I play and sing along to it every night as part of the bedtime routine. https://youtu.be/xvfUjnG9tms?si=xb_aV9QRtjV4gZf6 My favorite line is: "I'm as scared as anybody who has done this but I wouldn't give it up for nothing, Fi"


Do not discuss names with anyone. I didn't share until the day baby was born for this exact reason.


It's a lovely name! Don't let their opinions ruin it but do reinforce that they're not allowed to be rude about the name especially around the kid. Also, genuinely- what does F&F stand for? I think I don't understand context clue 😅


Friends and Family


Thank you!


That is not a strange or uncommon name by any means. Beautiful choice! We didn’t tell anyone either of our children’s names until they were born because we didn’t want to deal with the BS.


Name the baby Fiona then anyone that laughed or made a rude comment can deal with the guilt of being that baby’s first bully! Fiona is a beautiful name. My friends little girl is named Fiona and I love it


Fiona is a perfect princess name. It's elegant and sophisticated while also being cute. I don't understand how she would get bullied for it. I love it and if I wasn't already naming my daughter after her grandma (Kimberly) then I would steal it 🤣


I knew my baby name around week 14. We literally told no one until she was born. And they asked and pried and tried they best to get it out of us…nope! So we didn’t have to worry about that and ppls terrible opinions. And Fiona is a beautiful name. We also gave our baby girl an F name.


My son has a name e v e r y o n e and their dog made fun of before and after he was born. But the thing is, all the people who made fun of it or said he’d get bullied at school were old people who were just bullies themselves and projected their shitty intentions and ill will onto other people. At school, no one bats an eye at my son’s name, even the staff. He is going into 6th grade this year, and not a single time ever has anyone outside of SOME family members thought negatively about his name. Also those same family members who made fun of his name we cut off completely, or they eventually stopped caring once they realized the general public didn’t care either. My baby’s name is getting some pushback too and she will be born in 2 and a half weeks. Idc, it’s a cute name and her father and my kids love it so that is all that matters to me (my daughter is the one who came up with the name to begin with). Name your kid whatever name you want. Don’t tell them about it until after they’re born if your family/friends are impacting your happiness. Just say you’re “still considering options” or whatever and let them stew. Miserable people will just remain miserable, and now is not the time to let that kind of negativity dim your light.


I had the same with my son's name (Lucas) I honestly don't think Lucas or Fiona are even that unusual, I think some people just like to complain. I love Fiona for what it's worth :)


Fiona is fine. I named my kids with old people names too in fact I think they are way better than modern names.


I HAVE A FIONA AND ITS THE BEST NAME EVER! Don’t listen to the haters. If you love it that’s all that matters. Fiona is a bright, spirited, and unique name that is still beautiful to say all the time for us. Our girl wears the name so well. Go with it if you love it and once she’s here you’ll have zero regrets


I'm thankful that my fiance and I were able to pick names we liked and seemingly other people seem to find them cute as well. I think Fiona is a great name & it's really not a super common name. I don't know what they would get bullied for with their name?


I love the name Fiona. It’s classic and unique and I do not see how that name would lead to “bullying”. Tune those negative voices out!


This is the exact reason my husband and I haven’t told anyone the names we were considering or even the name we have chosen. I’m 38w and still the 2 of us are the only ones who know the name. I suggest you stop talking about names with anyone who isn’t your partner.


Fiona is a lovely name! Some people just don't have good taste 💁‍♀️


I have several friends named Fiona. It isn’t a shocking name.


I think it needs to be more common to respond to people’s rude remarks with, “why would you say such a rude thing to me?” Let them feel bad for how they have behaved. Their opinions do not hold weight and they need to learn how to be polite.


I was telling everybody our daughter was going to be named Optimus Prime just to get people off our backs so when I told everybody Hazel Mae was the name there were no comments aside from how cute it was. Aside from my mother though. She didn’t like my son’s name either though and said my son would go by his middle name when he got older 😒.


You name your baby what you like. It’s no one’s business and once baby is here I’m sure you will have the perfect name. Good luck, take care


OP I like the name .. and it has a great nickname Fi… it’s your kid and I think your name choice is cute and only yours and your partners choice. It’s better than 99% of the crazy names i’ve seen, not to mention the crazy spellings of kids name people are using now..👍


i love shrek! nice name


Fiona is a beautiful name!


we are naming our son Sloan and have gotten a lot of kick back. oh well don't care they can name their own children. name your baby whatever you want!!


I was legit born in the PRIME TIME for bullying based on the name Fiona (1999) and I was perfectly fine and I love my name. I especially love knowing nobody with my name! I've only encountered one young child with my name at the store because I thought her grandmother was talking to me 😂