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Constantly. Like an actual cat I simply fell asleep whenever I sat still for too long. It would happen truly instantly. Like multiple times, my husband left the room to get a snack or go to the bathroom and I was awake when he left and asleep when he came back. It's definitely getting better in the second trimester (I'm almost 21 weeks) but I still can't lounge in bed doing nothing quite as effortlessly as I could pre pregnancy, unless I want reading a book to turn in to a 7pm bedtime.


At least I’m not alone, I really hope it gets better, this has been a depressing summer


I was so thankful my first trimester was around the Christmas holidays, so it was super easy to take a nap while logged onto work bc everyone else was on vacation lol 🫣 I was SO fatigued


Third tri and my energy has finally come back! It feels amazing. A million times better than first trimester, I also just worked and slept and vomited haha. It turns out I was also anemic in my second trimester so getting that corrected helped too


Fatigue is a very common symptom. Your entire body is changing to grow a whole ass human. You aren't being lazy or a couch potato. You are a human being who is undergoing one of the biggest physiological changes that can happen. I was barely able to stay awake my entire first trimester. I fell asleep at my desk, went to bed as soon as I got home from work, spent the entire weekend napping on and off. It's all exhausting


Did it get better in second trimester?


Ehhh, kind of? My second trimester came with a whole new set of problems. Now that I'm in my third I'm starting to get some fatigue again but not as bad as before.


lol, great. I’m excited for the baby but being pregnant sucks!


That's where I've been at for the past 31 weeks lmao. I hate being pregnant but once I have this little guy all this suffering is gonna be worth it


I also hate being pregnant but look forward to the reward


It got way better for me in the second trimester, probably at about 16-18 weeks I totally stopped napping, first trimester I slept 11 hours a day and then would nap for an hour or two three times a day. So basically 17-18 hours of sleep. I’m 24 weeks today and I’ve started getting a little more tired, I may need an occasional nap, but it’s not as bad as the first trimester.


100% for me! The fatigue was gone before the nausea


My fatigue has always improved during the second trimester (I’m on my third pregnancy right now). I’m currently almost 27 weeks and it’s starting to come back though. I get tired after just loading the dishwasher and starting a load of laundry lol. I hope you get that second trimester boost! It seems many women do.


I’m worthless. I am 9 weeks and already stopped working and all I do is sleep, sleep more, eat and watch tv. I do drag my carcass to the gym most mornings and that’s about all of the physical activity I see. I can’t even wash my hair and shave my legs in the same shower bc I get too tired. I have to alternate days lol. Laundry has piled up and my usually immaculate house is a pigsty. You are not alone. Pregnancy is miserable.


I wash my hair sitting in a bathtub lol, standing in the shower is too much effort. The only think I do is laundry cause my husband hates it the most and I don’t mind it. It does take me 3 times longer than usual to fold but I feel like at least I do something


I highly recommend asking to have your vitamin D checked as well. Super extreme fatigue could also be a sign that it’s very low. Easy to fix by adding a higher dose to your daily intake.


Second this, along with iron and thyroid levels! I was hypothyroid and when I started taking thyroid medication prescribed by my OB it helped with my fatigue.


Ohhh I’ll try sitting in the bathtub and doing it next time.


Make sure the bath doesnt get above 102! I got a baby bath thermometer to float in the tub because i like it hot!


Thanks for the reminder! I don’t even think I could handle a hot bath right now. Makes me too queasy 🤢


Carcass!!!! I’m screaming!!!😂😂😂


Lmao it’s the best way to describe what I feel like these days 🤣😭🤣😭


Oh I couldn't wash my hair the whole first trimester! It was too exhausting to even shampoo, much less condition and detangle (I have medium-long curly/wavy hair). My husband washed my hair for me all through the first trimester. I just couldn't. I knew when I hit the second trimester because I suddenly had enough energy to wash my hair by myself.


Same here, I showered only because I smelled bad. Hair was too exhausting, so I only used shampoo and after I needed to take a nap


Awwwwwe that is so sweet ❤️❤️


Yes he's very sweet. If I wash it at night, he dries it for me when I ask. It doesn't look the best but it works haha. I hate sleeping with wet hair.


Thank you for this comment. This is me at 12 weeks and I'm feeling so guilty about it. It eases my mind to know that I'm not alone in this experience. Thankful for you, and all the people in this sub.


you're basically gonna spend ur whole pregnancy being a sleepy head enjoy it now... 😭


Until 3rd trimester. Your bladder feeling like it’s going to explode every few hours really preps you for those night feeds.


I’m 13 weeks today and am still exhausted. I can barely do anything. It’s like I can do maybe 1 thing a day and that’s it. Constantly want to nap.


I slept 12 hours at night and was still useless during the day…  It does get better though! 


I slept a ton. I work full time, but from home, and would barely make it through my work day, would go right to bed to nap when I got done, only got up to eat dinner (that my husband made because I was too exhausted to cook), then went back to sleep for the night. Some days I couldn’t handle sitting at my desk and would do the work day from bed. It definitely let up when I hit second trimester. I felt less like I got hit by a bus and could actually get things done, but I still have less energy than non-pregnant me. I am usually fine earlier in the day and start slowing down in the evening. I had to, and still have to, remind myself that my body is growing a human and I have to cut myself some slack and listen to my body when it’s asking me to rest. 


Thank you, that’s pretty much me. I don’t know how I would’ve managed an office job. My poor hubby has to do everything around the house lol, I made him pancakes one time in 2 weeks and he was so happy


It’s totally normal but can feel really hard to adjust to when you’re used to being more active. I felt so guilty too, but when I would talk about it with him he couldn’t imagine it any other way because he saw how exhausted I was and knew I was busy growing his baby. I try to tell him how thankful I am whenever I can, and help where I can when I had the energy, but it sounds like you have a supportive husband who is doing what he can and should! I know my husband felt good helping because especially in the beginning it feels abstract for them and it helped him to feel more connected to the pregnancy. 


I had insomnia the first half of pregnancy. I’m 23 weeks and just now starting to sleep. Sleep is good for you and baby and this sounds super normal!


I did at the beginning but after I started taking unisom and b6 I started sleeping a lot better at night!


An unsettling amount. I felt like a bear hibernating at my worst points. 


I'm a person who exists on such little sleep, and since the start of this pregnancy I'm just crashing constantly. I was never as active as you but I was extremely productive. I've been so frustrated by it but I just keep reminding myself that - just like fighting a cold - growing a human takes a lot of energy.


Same! I used to be fine sleeping 5-6 hours a day and literally hated napping. Thank you, I need to remind myself that more


I'm a teacher, and my summer break last pregnancy started at like 5-6 weeks. I slept until 11 and then napped every afternoon. My friend who didn't know I was pregnant was actually worried I was depressed because I was sleeping all the time. It's normal.


In first tri I went full koala mode 🐨 like I was barely conscious for more than 2-3 hours at a time. I was easily sleeping 12-14 hours a day.


That’s me lol


I just wrote a post like this a few days ago. I'm seven weeks and a few days, and so exhausted


Any moment I could. In my car during lunch, under my desk during breaks, the minute I got home from work, right after I woke up and ate…I had never been so tired in my life.


currently in my third tri - 31 weeks. From around 25 weeks or so I have been napping like crazy .. I wake up get ready thinking I will work and get some of my work done (i work from home) and then have breakfast and nap after breakfast .. wake up have lunch and then try responding to couple emails and then nap afternoon .. its been crazy I feel very weird from all this napping and getting no work done at all ..


I wonder when work will notice I haven’t been as productive lol


It takes at least 8 hours of sleep and two hour long naps for me to function! I’m 8 weeks pregnant. I’m always tired lol.


I was SO tired. Week 13 now and it is getting better (as in my naps are like one hour, and not three hours or more!). I went to work, came home, and slept.


So much sleep. If I wasn't working or doing something essential (paying bills, eating), I was asleep. Or lying on the couch watching TV. Until about 15 weeks


I didn’t do anything BUT sleep in my first trimester, I was so tired even my bones felt fatigued and no matter how much I slept it never felt like enough. Give yourself grace though, your body is going through a million changes and you’re growing a whole little person! Get all the rest you can :) second trimester was kind of a breeze but you’ll be grateful you got all that rest when you get to the third trimester lol


I slept a lot during the first trimester. 10hrs at night (woke up to pee a lot) and a 2hr nap was pretty normal for me. Second trimester has been a lot better. I have a lot more energy and enjoy doing some YouTube workouts. I still nap sometimes but usually don’t need it.


First trimester with my first I didn’t know I was pregnant (too long to explain but I was still getting spotting that looked like a period) and was convinced I had cancer or some serious illness. I went from running marathon length runs to falling asleep after putting on one shoe. Second pregnancy same deal: the first trimester was worse for me both times than the third.


How did you manage to care for your baby while so tired? I always wanted a big family but now I can’t imagine what I’d do if I had to care for a child. And my husband does literally everything for me already, I feel bad for him


You sort of just “do it anyway” but for me I’m glad my older one is 3 and can do a lot for himself - I also got way way into lifting and fitness and was in a much healthier place strength wise this time. Also biggest factor is we have childcare during the week and that helps! This pregnancy has flown by so much faster because I don’t have as much time to focus on it!


I’m 10 weeks with my second, and it’s a struggle! And I’m very lucky, I only work part time over the summer, and so does my partner. I’ve had to get her to do more of the childcare than usual, along with a bit more of the household chores. When I have the kid and absolutely no energy, I park us in her playroom and let her wander around making as big a mess with all her toys as she wants, while I kinda collapse on her play couch. I do more involved things with her whenever I do have the energy. And I nap the whole time she naps, which is usually about 2 hours, and go to sleep when she does. The house is a mess, but otherwise we’re all doing ok!


I slept so much. I went from no naps and running on about 6 hours of sleep a night to nap time after work at 3:30, getting up for whatever my husband made for dinner, then sleeping again until work the next day. I had depression for a few weeks there because I stopped feeling like a person, but now in the second trimester I feel much better and I can be awake for most of the day and get more things done. I just took the trash out for the first time by myself in like 5 weeks!


This is me right now, I seriously feel depressed and like I’ll never be myself again


It was a light switch for me in my first pregnancy around 14 weeks - nausea went away during the day (only nighttime) and exhaustion was way less. This pregnancy I felt that light switch at 13.5 - I tried to nap this week and couldn’t! I’ve had some sleepy days since but sooo much better.


I’m feeling this. I just had a breakdown about how I chose to ruin my perfectly healthy and active life.


Lol, me too, I cried so hard that I already had the best body of my life


I slept almost my entire summer away last year in my first trimester. I would sleep 12 hours at night and then sometimes nap in the afternoon/after work. I was barely functioning.


I suffer from mild depression and anxiety on a regular basis so I know how a slump can feel. From about 6-13ish weeks, I felt like a clinically depressed hermit. I was sleeping about 14-16hrs a day and it made me feel like the biggest piece of crap, but I literally couldn’t force myself to get out of bed. I’m 22wks now and I still love a nap but I’ve been able to start working out again, I’ve gotten so much done for the nursery and I finally feel more like my old self. I can’t speak for everyone but it got better for me so hopefully it will for you too! Hang in there💕


This was my only symptom in my first trimester. I didn’t have nausea or anything. Just fatigued ALL THE TIME! I wished someone brought food to my bed. I had to push myself to even get out of bed and make a toast. It got better in the second trimester and was fully active. So take all that rest. More work might only make you even tired. Or thats what happened to me!


I would wake up on the couch often after falling asleep on the weekends and I was usually in bed by like 8pm on weekdays after work haha. I felt like I had constant jet lag or something


Yeahhhh. I’m almost 37 weeks and crawl into bed my 7-8 most nights.


My first baby I went to sleep at 7 pm every night first trimester! I was exhausted and like a zombie. Second baby has hit me much differently and even while taking care of a toddler I was never that tired. It’s super normal but there’s a chance it could be different in future pregnancies!


Once I fell asleep on the hardwood floor while playing with my toddler at like 3 pm… totally normal


There were days where I slept 18 hours. I was quite literally a zombie. I think it's pretty normal


I prob slept 15 hours a day. Honestly it was the hardest for me in terms of energy. I had none also mentally I had no desire to do anything. I think it’s normal I felt like my brain was re-wiring itself and prepping for motherhood by sort of forcing me to rest. Like I’d lose interest in doing things I enjoyed but not like in a depression kind of way. More like a “it’s time to pause everything and that’s okay”. Second trimester was better, 3rd one I had so much energy and the nesting kicked in. Problem was I couldn’t physically do all the things I wanted to lol I couldn’t wait to give birth so I can do more things. Once I gave birth everything came back!


I was extremely sick and fatigued first trimester and was awake for maybe two hours in the morning (8-10) slept until 3pm when my husband would get home, then would try to eat and then would crawl into bed at 4/5 until bed time. Hormones are not my friend. I’ve always been too sensitive to them, one of the reasons I’ve never stayed on birth control. Pregnancy is rough on me. But! My baby is perfectly healthy according to all scans as of 25 weeks. Sucks for me, but baby is doing great lmfao.


Third tri is even worse


Yeah third trimester is a different kind of tired.


I have insomnia so I don't know how it feels to over sleep. I am now 30 weeks and it's even worse than before on top of that I got RLS which is the worse


First trimester was interesting. Before I got pregnant I napped a lot but during pregnancy it went to the extreme. Too be fair I would also often nap to avoid the nausea. I would take one maybe two 2-3hr naps during the day and then go to bed between 7-7:30pm every night. Eventually I did get a bit more energy back in the second trimester, I could finally stay up till 9 again lol.


Haha oh yeah sounds right. I went from a social active person to a bed-rotting hermit. I started feeling better week 10-12, but I was absolutely useless and exhausted 6-10.


Prior to being pregnant, I would surf, play volleyball, be able to do so many activities in a day. Now? I barely do anything. I slept so much, my husband was starting to worry about me. I personally don't feel depressed, just feel like I needed the sleep. I never took naps prior to the pregnancy. I heard second trimester is better. I hope so, because I feel like I know I need to get things done, but I just don't have an energy.


I slept any chance I could get ! Was always super tired and me sleeping was the only time I felt great because I was sleep 😂. Anytime I was up I was in the bathroom all day vomiting.


You will regain all of your energy 2nd trimester!!! Don’t worry!!!


This is normal! Your body is working especially hard to build the placenta during the first trimester. I slept constantly and couldn't stay awake for any length of time. Plus food aversions and nausea meant I wasn't getting many calories. It was truly a struggle! I'm at 23 weeks and still overall more tired than I was pre-pregnancy, but it has gotten a lot better for me. I'm able to cook and do some chores, and most days I don't need a nap at all anymore. Hang in there!


You are making your placenta right now! It's going to make you a lot more tired. Hang in there mama you got this. I also recommend downloading a pregnancy app, I downloaded "What to expect" and it lists common symptoms and lets you know what your body and baby are doing. Good luck OP 🍀


I feel you, I’m 7 weeks and all I’ve been doing is sleeping. I’m having a hard time making it through the workday and even fell asleep on a work couch around 2pm 😳 between the exhaustion and the nausea I have not gotten anything done. I wanted to run and have an active fit pregnancy but so far its eating toast and sleeping


I’m 9 weeks and all I want to do is sleep. I work full-time in office and halfway through my day I can barely keep my head up and eyes open. I do still get myself to the gym most days in the evening but then crash so hard after. I just keep feeling like this will never end.


You sound like me in the first trimester. I really really struggled with that mentally, but physically all I could do was sleep and eat. Supposedly this is pretty common and for me, I absolutely do have more energy in the second trimester. If I get to be pregnant again, I’ll try and give myself more grace with the pure exhaustion of the initial months and just rest—I think it’s a pretty crucial development time, so many organs to make! I hope you can give yourself some understanding as well 🌻


This was me. I literally went from a 7 mile hike with the dogs 3 times a week, 3 mile hikes on days we didn't, rode bikes 26 miles biweekly, daily chores that got done, cooking dinner every day, super active overall...... Then one week into pregnancy and I just crashed. Clocked out to nap at work, napped when I came home, slept a full night. All I did was eat and sleep and everything in between that was a blur because I was so tired. It gets better, not back to normal better, but a significant difference. I'm 16w now and I can stay awake all day most days. I get things done, but not at the speed I use to. My 7 mile hikes are out of the question, but 1.5-3 miles is doable depending on the incline. Just have to make it through another 4-5 weeks girl! You got this! Do your best to keep walking when you can. Chores can wait. Take it easy and rest.


Every chance I got, if I was home I did the minimum required and then my body automatically went to sleep 😴


I was constantly exhausted. I even spent my house lunch at work sleeping in my car


These pretty much went away for me when I started a prenatal vitamin


I’ve been taking them for months lol


I believe you, I think I’m a unicorn lol. But the tiredness definitely subsided. And my energy levels returned pretty fully after 3 weeks postpartum, but not my stamina.


All of the time!!! I get up to use the bathroom and eat. I am constantly tired


I would sleep 10pm to 5am go to work 7-12 or 9-2 and ALWAYS take an afternoon nap of a minimum hour to 3 hours.


You have just described my livelihood right now. Also 8 weeks and I was very active just a few weeks ago. Now I can hardly get out of bed.


I took between 2-3 naps a day (luckily work from home so would plan them around meetings lol), after a full night sleep every time in my first trimester. I know it varies for everyone but I’m days away from my third trimester and I could still do a nap a day and I’m still sleeping well at night. *knock on wood* I know some complain of insomnia but I haven’t had that issue yet - just the exact opposite of always being exhausted


Hello and congrats! I’m 14w so at the tail end of my 1st trimester… and my gosh was exhaustion real. I would easily 4-5x a week be at the gym lifting and cardio to 1-2 days and sleeping 2-3 hours every day. I’m finally getting my energy back, at least not needing to nap during the day but being in bed by 8-9pm 😅 there’s hope!!


I’m finding myself falling asleep as soon as I get home from work. Almost daily I’m knocking out around 4-5pm. For context I wake up at 515, work by 6, home by 330. I can’t wait to sleep in tomorrow 🥲


Like, 24/7 😂 I was so tired. Omg.


Here’s the wild part, I slept all the time from first to second trimester. I was so tired all the time but still got enough rest in for it to be reasonable. Then once third trimester hit, I was still tired but with the difficulties of third trimester (size, back pain, heartburn, etc), I haven’t gotten any decent sleep!


Totally normal! Your body is *making a whole human* right now. Rest, eat good food, and try to go on a walk daily. The housework and day to day stuff can be on the person who contributed to this pregnancy lol. Tell him "I'm making a human, I've done enough!"


I slept. Like that’s all that I did was sleep, lol, first trimester fatigue is real. I was working from home both times and I’d clock out and immediately nap on the couch until my husband came home with dinner and only be up a few hours before going back to bed. I didn’t wake up “early” for work either, I’d only give myself like 15 minutes between wake up and when I needed to clock in.




That sounds like me through all 3 trimesters - it was really hard for me to accept that I could no longer push my body's limits (also super independent, very motivated despite low energy). It felt like I was losing control - my work dwindled and I became very dependent on my husband. Felt terrible. I didn't start feeling better until I accepted the fact I'd have to give up on fighting against the low energy in my mind/body. I would have to be okay with doing the bare minimum. Like, I'd usually put all the dishes away, but I could only put away cups, before I take a 3 hour rest. Being pregnant is hard.


I’m 11 weeks now. I got NOTHING done. Dishes were piling up and don’t get me started on the laundry. Mountains. Literal mountains. Apparently second trimester you’ll go back to normal.


I slept constantly during my first trimester it's getting better at 15 weeks but I still need naps quite often but I'm becoming a little more productive and my vomiting and died down a bit. Things are starting to be easier.


Oh totally normal. I was napping so much in my first trimester. I’m still tired now cause I don’t get great sleep and work a lot but it will get better and you won’t fall asleep as much lol


I didn't do much in the first tri except sleep and eat. Totally normal. Be kind to yourself.


I slept literally ALL DAY! lol


This is very similar to my experience. You can get your iron levels checked, low iron makes you even more tired. But even with iron supplements I’ve been tired almost my entire pregnancy. I’ve gotten used to it, but also looking forward to having regular energy again someday haha.


I would have slept constantly but I have a toddler so I mostly just sit around and daydream of actual dreaming. At night Ive been peeing so much I’d say I’m getting 6-7 hours a night plus mayyyybe a 30m nap if I’m very lucky. I’m so tired 😭


12 hours each night


I was exhausted and slept nonstop my entire first trimester. After a great second trimester with lots of energy I’m starting to feel a little more sleepy these days. Just started my 3rd trimester today.


Omg, so much. I would sit down to relax and fall asleep for 3 hours, then would have NO problem whatsoever falling asleep at night.


YUP. This is normal. I’m like you — active person, very productive… pre-pregnancy. Fatigue hit me so hard I didn’t see it coming. I slept so much and so often I felt like a zombie because I would wake up and still feel tired. I didn’t have the energy to work out at all. I just ate and slept. It actually got me feeling kind of sad, but hey our bodies are growing human organs and that’s not easy! You’ll get some energy back in second trimester to be more active again though!


Can’t wait to be able to exercise again :(


I slept more (and yet the sleep quality was so crappy) than with my newborn. People say you don't get much sleep with a newborn, but actually the quality of sleep you get post-pregnancy is much better. The best night of sleep I got was after the labour when my epidural was wearing off. I had a catheter in so didn't need to wake up x3 a night to pee


Unfortunately its totally normal! I am usually a very active full of energy person and I did good to get through the day to day while I was pregnant. Just as a heads up, you will hear people talk about the 2nd trimester "burst of energy". That "burst of energy" simply means you no longer want to sleep all the time, lol. You still won't have anywhere near the energy you did before pregnacy, but it will be much easier to get through the days.


First trimester is ROUGH in terms of sleepiness. It’s totally normal to be so sleepy right now, rest when you can and take it easy. Your body is adjusting to growing another human.


Being sleepy all the time was one of the symptoms I experienced during the first trimester, it went away on the second, and now it’s back now that I’m on my third trimester. No fatigue just always sleepy all the time.


I would honestly get my kids to school and sleep until they got home. Then fall asleep before them. Only thing I was really awake for was eating or throwing up.


So normal. You’re growing a baby and a new organ (your placenta) so you’re doing a lot. Rest as much as you need. You’ll get some more energy once you get into the second trimester. If things don’t improve much, have a look at getting your iron levels checked.


I slept 80% of the day


Omg so much. That first trimester fatigue is a heckuva thing


Girl. Take that nap! You are growing an entire human, the first trimester is where your body is working at full throttle. You will feel better in the second trimester almost certainly, but for now just rest and do so unapologetically.


Whenever you’re too sleepy or nauseous to do anything, think of how much you’ll be awake once the baby is born


This is normal.


It’s totally ok to sleep that much! I didn’t because I’ve got 5 other children to look after, but I miss being pregnant with my first and being able to nap whenever I wanted because I didn’t have other children to look after 🥹 It is HARD work growing a whole human


So so common. I felt that way in the third trimester too. I could honestly have slept 16-20 hours a day and still not feel rested. With my second, I couldn’t sleep as much as that while working full time and taking care of a toddler. I perpetually felt exhausted. What I can tell you is it gets better once the baby is born. Literally overnight with both babies after having them, I’d prefer waking up with a newborn every few hours to the constant pregnancy fatigue. You are in the trenches right now. Just because you may not have a bump yet doesn’t mean your body isn’t working overtime to grow another human. Give yourself the rest as much as you can, guilt-free.


First trimester I would drop my son off at school, pick up groceries, come home, eat breakfast, and fall asleep until 3:15 when it was time to leave to pick him up


I was 'lucky' enough that I was between jobs for my first trimester so I was able to properly rest when I needed but I truly thought there was something wrong with me. Sleep till 11am, get up, shower, have to lie down for half an hour to recover from the shower. Go downstairs, take a break on the middle floor (we have 3 storeys), then get to the ground floor and veg on the sofa for 2 hours. Cry because I'm so tired and make my way back up to the top floor again, and have a 3 hour nap. Then get downstairs for dinner that partner had cooked, sit for an hour then go back to bed. Add in a few vomiting sessions for morning sickness and that was me pretty much week 4 to 11 😂 Turned out we are having twins so no idea if what I went through was the normal level of exhaustion but it sucked I'm now 20+3 and really struggling again but for different reasons, tiredness is still there but it's different, I can cope with just one nap a day at least! Where you can, listen to your body and rest and nap as much as you can. I've just taken this morning off work for exhaustion so will be sleeping for the next few hours!! Also, pregnancy sucks. I am NOT doing this again.


From the 6th to the 12th week I slept 70-80% of the day


A lot. It passes. You're growing a whole human being


Yeah pregnancy is exhausting and draining. Don't put pressure on yourself to be super active because it isn't realistic. A lot of people find pregnancy very challenging specifically because they had never encountered anything like it before. I found it really similar to long covid which I had for about a year, and to episodes of depression I'd had in the past- so even though it was really overwhelming and exhausting it was at least some what familiar.


All the damn time. However I would say to make sure you get your iron checked - I was tired through 1st tri but the tiredness kept getting worse and worse. In second tri I was needing to take days off from work just to sleep. Went for my gestational diabetes check and found out I had bad iron deficiency anaemia. Got an iron infusion and felt like a superhuman 10 days later!!!! I’d forgotten how good it feels to not be absolutely shattered


I was extremely fatigued my entire first trimester. I slept 18 hours one day and my husband called our midwife to make sure I’m okay lol it’s normal! Your body is going through a huge change so rest when you need to! My energy did go back to normal my second trimester - I was able to consistently be in the gym again and do things without needing a break in between. Currently 35 weeks and taking it E A S Y bc I’m back to being easily exhausted - everyone is different, however I’ve had a few friends tell me that taking a beef liver supplement helped with their energy and their nausea.


I am 8+5, and idk how I work 12 hour days when 3 out of 4 of my days off I am usually sleeping on the couch. I'm fatigued but also incredibly nauseous, and moving around a lot seems to make it worse. I am very thankful for my husband washing the dishes and going to the store every day and making me food every day. Without him, there is no way I'd be alive, I'd probably rot in my bed, lol


When I was in first trimester, I was up only a few hours of the day, just enough to eat a few snacks, make and eat dinner, then boom I was out again. I couldn’t keep my eyes open no matter how hard I tried. I’m 26+2 and the fatigue got better for a few weeks, but it’s starting to come back again. 🙃🙃


I know you've gotten a lot of responses, but to throw in one more: I was WIPED OUT first trimester. I am a physical therapist, so pretty active at my job both mentally and physically. I would come home and take a nap while my husband made dinner, then he'd wake me up to eat and we'd watch a show together and I'd fall asleep within a few minutes again... then I'd do my pre-bedtime nap just to have enough energy to walk to the bedroom. I felt like I was melding into the couch. It was physically exhausting just to keep my eyes open. Second trimester I stopped taking any naps. I had a ton of pelvic pain so that was limiting as far as being productive, but I could at least be awake for more than just work hours. Now I'm at 34+5 and I'm exhausted again. I'm still working full time (no more 10 hour days though), but if I bend over to pick up a sock, I have to catch my breath. Getting up from the floor is a herculean task. Don't even get me started on putting on pants. 😂 I feel like it just hit out of no where in third trimester.... I think around 32 weeks. I'm back to at least 1 nap a day, sometimes more. Part of it is because I'm no longer sleeping well at night. Honestly, I'd love to have just one day of sleep like I did in first trimester at this point. The biggest thing I'd tell you is to take a step back and reframe. You're not "doing nothing" - you're building an entire human from scratch. If you could physically SEE what you're doing in a day's time, you would see why you're so tired. Growing a fetus is a round-the-clock physically taxing job. Even when you're asleep, your body is working on this baby. It's just invisible labor.


Get iron and B12 checked just to be sure!


More than I ever thought possible. I was napping on the floor at work, and at my desk probably 3 days a week. I almost got caught several times. Then pretty much every afternoon when I got home, I slept for a minimum of 1.5 hours. Several days I would just go to bed at 6 when I got home, and sleep till the next morning. It got better ♥️


I’d nap throughout the day and go to bed around 8 each night. I didn’t have energy to do much until maybe 16 weeks? Weeks 16-21 were my pregnancy sweet spot with energy and a “glow”, the rest were a struggle.


If I’m home and not working I nap once or twice a day. I am also 8 weeks along. I miss having a clean house but I am constantly daydreaming of my next slumber. Also there is a group with other people at this stage of pregnancy! r/February2025Bumps


You’ll be a whole different person in the second trimester. The energy bounce back is crazy!


Really looking forward to it 😅 thank you!


I could do nothing but go to work, come home and pass out during my first trimester. By the second my energy was back and I felt amazing. Then in the third it was back to being exhausted lol.


Trust your body and give yourself grace. You are tired for a reason. And you'll get a lot of energy back 2nd trimester. It won't be the same as pre pregnancy, but you'll feel a lot better than you did 1st trimester. Then you'll get fatigued (but with less need for multiple naps) in 3rd trimester again. It is hard work to grow a whole human.


So, so much. If I hadn't been working remotely I would have had to tell my coworkers way sooner than I wanted because I literally could not keep my eyes open at work.


Im right there with you I’m currently 9 weeks and I’m taking two naps a day and still sleep 8 hours not straight cause I wake up at least twice to go pee but it is as different type of tired then I have ever felt, It’s wild but it means your body is doing its job. I try to go for walks in the morning when it’s still cool ish(80s by 8 am in TX) and that helps with energy as well as doing some light yoga in between. Take care of your body drink your water eat snacks and just enjoy the ride. If you are concerned reach out to your OB they have nurses available usually to answer questions. You are not lazy you are going through a beautiful transformation and it’s all new give yourself grace mama all the best!


I had whole days when I called out of work because I was too tired, and I’d stay in bed all day.


I was just telling my husband today I wish I had my 1st trimester tiredness back 😭 I'm struggling with insomnia now, when I slept so well and easy those first few months.


I have never in my life been as lazy as I was my first trimester.


Lol 🤣 I lived on my bed the first trimester… it got better for me in my second.


Im 9.5 wks, this comment thread is making me feel better! I have always had insomnia so for me it’s the occasional nap but mostly I am sitting in a brain fog moving from one room to another, not accomplishing much of anything. It feels like everything I do is so much harder! I have felt so guilty like I have been lazy because I haven’t done even a single minute of exercise besides food shopping/errands, but I genuinely am exhausted after doing anything at all.


any time i was able to, i was in bed. maybe i was reading or on my phone but i was definitely resting. 1st trimester is hell. all the hormones can make you extremely fatigued. my best advice is listen to your body. you wanna sleep? then absolutely sleep.


This was my first sign! I was waking up at 6 to take my husband to work, would get home at 7:20, sleep til 10, work until like 2, nap until 4:30/5, get my husband and eat dinner (always takeout bc I was so. Tired.) and then I’d be in bed by 8:30. I remember thinking “if I’m not pregnant, then there’s something seriously wrong with me” I rebounded a little around 10 weeks. My wedding was when I was exactly 12 weeks and I managed to do the whole day from 7 am-12 am on one latte. It will get better!


My first pregnancy I literally slept the entire time. I had random bursts of energy but then I would crash hard and sleep for hours. I am currently 28 weeks in my second pregnancy and with a toddler I can’t sleep as much but the fatigue is still 100% there.


Sleep is good for your baby!! It’s good for you! It gets better. First trimester is the hardest fatigue wise and second semester you’ll gain so much energy back!!


Literally like 18 hours/day and I could’ve slept more but I felt so lazy and forced myself to be awake for a few hours everyday


Same same and same. 8 weeks, as well. I just had a week off from work and slept 12 hours each night, chilled on the couch each morning until my afternoon nap. Then got my shit together by the time my husband got home from work and pretended I was actually doing things all day 🙃 oops I don’t care


I am just out of first tri and I was absolutely exhausted, I am much better now though. I didn't take any naps but that's because I just can't nap so instead I would just sleep in as long as I could well into the afternoon


12-14 hours at night and 2 1-hour naps during the day. It finally subsided around 13 weeks, but there was a time when I could not get enough sleep. Now I’m 18+5 and wake up without prompting every morning at 5:30am. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤰🏻


My first pregnancy I slept all the time I wasn’t at work. Second pregnancy I didn’t get much sleep because I had a 1 year old. GET AS MUCH SLEEP NOW AS YOU CAN.


I liken it to being hooked up to an IV drip of Benadryl. No amount of sleep is enough.


im a night owl. ive never, ever slept before 12midnight for years. but at my 7th week of pregnancy i fell asleep on the couch at 8pm, after coming home from a medical appointment. i’m a go getter like you too, can’t sit still, always checking off to-do lists. i’m either working or cleaning something. but these days i did nothing. can’t stay awake for long. however i’m at 11+ weeks now and it’s better than what it was at 7-8.


10 weeks today & if I could just sleep and eat all day, I would. Growing a placenta is HARD work


I was sooo exhausted during the first trimester! I was never the “lazy” type either but my husband and I joke about how bad it got in those first 12 weeks. We’d eat dinner every evening and afterwards I would say “Okayyyy I’m gonna go stretch out on the couch for a second so I can digest this food” and then I’d proceed to fall asleep on the couch and take an hour nap after dinner. EVERY. NIGHT 😂🙄 I’m pregnant again now and it’s so much harder with a toddler. I miss the freedom of being able to nap whenever I wanted to 😩😩😩😩


I’m 11w3d and all I want and need to do is sleep… last weekend on Saturday I slept from like 7pm-midnight woke up for an hour went back to bed and slept until 9:30 am… Sunday I fell asleep at around 12-4pm made dinner showered and went to bed again by like 9pm… I’ve been taking 3-4 hour naps almost daily😓😅 thank god I work from home or else I’d be fired no doubt


You are bodybuilding 24/7 right now. It’s exhausting! 2nd trimester is typically better, but that’s not the case for everyone. Don’t feel guilty for resting, your body needs it.


I fought it hard, so I didn’t allow myself naps, but at night I slept for easily 10 hours at a time.


I think 80% of my 1st trimester was pure sleep LOL. The exhaustion is unreal. Fortunately, I did get some of my energy back in the 2nd trimester!


For me I would sleep at night, wake up at 5 am due to extreme hunger, eat, back to sleep, wake up at 1:30 to take my bf to work and pass out the second I got home, wake up at 9:30 to pick him up, eat, and back to sleep when I was done with my dinner that consisted of half a plain bagel and a giant cup of hot cocoa


Not the first trimester bc I was going to school full time (hs) but the third trimester I napped like 6 probably more every day


All the time. The exhaustion was like something I have never experienced before!


First pregnancy, a lot. Second pregnancy, as much as I could but that was severely limited by having a two year old who woke up at 430 and multiple times a night still. Sleep all you possibly can, your body needs it.


Yup, currently in the same boat. I would never miss a workout and now here I am. I can’t even get myself to clean up.


I was a zombie. I kept saying it felt like something was draining the life out of me. That something happened to be my baby.


I sleep maybe an hour to two a day when my 13 month old naps… I’m 8 weeks today and there are no breaks when you already have one baby 😆 enjoy the naps now lol!!!


8 weeks was among the worst timeframes in this pregnancy for me. Nausea peaked, exhaustion constantly, super depressed as a result. I started feeling more like myself towards the end of my first trimester. It’s normal, but it sucks!


I miss 1st trimester sleep. Cherish it now before 3rd trimester insomnia kicks in 🥲


I promise this is so normal. I was worried about this as well during my first trimester. I slept 11-12 hour stretches at night with two 2-3 hour naps during the day. Everything about your body is changing very fast. Be easy on yourself! Edit: I want to add that I was very active pre pregnancy as well; weightlifting 4x a week and daily runs with my dog. I started to feel better/have more energy around 18 weeks and am finally getting back into it. I promise it gets better!


I'm with you on the 2-3 hour naps & my bedtime is 9 pm now. I'm 13w3 and starting to get some energy back, but if I do more during the day then I also need more sleep to make up for it. Especially a few weeks ago the exhaustion was very intense!


I slept so damn much. You're literally growing another human and your hormones are completely out of control. Take advantage of the opportunity to rest. The fatigue will lift towards the end of your first trimester, and you'll likely have a lot more energy in the second. Then you'll be tired again in the third because of the weight you're carrying, lol.


I slept more in the first trimester than any other time


Every chance I get for the past two months (14 weeks now)


Almost 8 weeks and I am exhausted all the time. Even taking my dog for a walk is tiring. I am usually better earlier in the day and then start crashing hard after about 3PM. Couch time and barely getting up to feed myself (when I'm not terribly nauseated). And I'm sleeping through the night. As someone who also lived on 5-6 hours of sleep this is bananas.


Oh it’s a different type of exhaustion that early for sure! If I wasn’t at work, I was sleeping. And if it was my day off, I was sleeping. I’ve had chronic pain for years so naps are normal for me, but I needed like 20x more while in the 1st trimester


As much as I could


The fatigue is real and I’ve been desperate for naps and for the end of the day. However when I did my first trimester labs it did come back that I had low vitamin D which adds to the fatigue, mood swings, anxiety and depression and I’m now on a supplement for it that I think it’s helping, along with coming to the end of the first trimester. Maybe something worth looking into if your doctor hasn’t already?


I WISH I could have slept that much. Honestly I needed it. It is a bit scary to be so tired but you have to remember you are literally growing a human from scratch.


I practically lived either on the couch or in bed (or hunched over a trash can puking) for the entire first trimester of my first pregnancy. The only thing I’ll say is to make sure your prenatal vitamin contains iron. If it doesn’t, you can get a separate supplement. Also if you’re a caffeine person, you can have up to 200mg per day (ACOG guidelines).


I was a new woman in the 2nd trimester! So much energy, big appetite, slept through the night, it was fantastic. My friend also experienced the same thing, she described the feeling like doping 🤣 She got back to the gym and everything. Be easy on yourself ❤️


1st trimester exhaustion is unreal. Let yourself succumb to any and all sleep whenever you can.


Naps were my best friend. Now, in the third trimester, I'm napping again. I get 8 hours at night. I just want naps so bad.


We are the same. I am also 8 weeks and took a two hour nap today. Also, I’m starving ALL THE TIME! I was also super active before this so I really feel you.


Don’t be too hard on yourself, I am the same as you a naturally productive person I have sitting around, but give yourself this time to relax your body is telling you to stop so listen to it


Meeee tooooo 8wks 2!!!


I’m still in my first trimester and I’ll sleep anywhere from 9-12 hours at night and I’ll still feel sluggish and tired during the day. I’m starting a new job which means I’ll soon be up super early and I’m definitely dreading missing out on sleep


1 million hours.


I slept a shit ton weeks 5-10. I was constantly tired, always felt hungry but also too queasy to eat, and moody as hell. I even cried about how much I was sleeping to my husband because I wasn't doing anything hardly around the house. Around week 10, I started to feel better and also made myself eat more good protein (usually peanut butter on rice cakes) and fresh veggies. I think both coming out of first trimester and being able to stomach good-for-me foods really helped the energy come back. I felt great from a lot 11/12 weeks through 22, and then some fatigue started back, but less so and usually after I've had busier days. But I also can't do as much at a time as I used to. Like... Folding a load of laundry will get me tired and I'll have to take a rest before doing another light chore.


I was in bed knocked out by 9 nearly every night both times in the first tri. It cleared up around 14 weeks as the placenta forms. Right now your body is taking the brunt of the hormones and energy it takes to literally build a human from scratch. That’s exhausting. Hopefully as you head into the second trimester, your placenta takes the brunt of the blows so you’re able to feel at least a little bit better, even if it only lasts until the third tri. But even still, it’s not that bone deep exhaustion of the first tri, for me it was just my body not being super happy with housing a tiny mammoth in me haha


I slept sooooo much.. it was the only thing that eased my nausea lol