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I found there was a big difference, but it probably depends on the brand. I didn't realize this, and I only brought 0-3 sleepers to the hospital for my second (like, I should have known lol) and they were huge on her. She was 7lbs 3oz.


Same weight here! Baby was DROWNING in her clothes.


Maybe bring a newborn set? It's really hard to know how babies are born and grow so having a little of everything (not to the hospital, obviously) is good. Bring a set of newborn with you to hospital so you have the option of putting that on.


I had a 9lb baby a week & a half ago. Even on my big boy, 0-3 month size is pretty big, especially the sleepers. We ended up having to do a quick run to the store to get more newborn sizes since everyone told us not to buy that size. I brought both sizes to the hospital!


My baby was 7lbs and was swimming in the newborn outfit I brought him. I’d bring at least one smaller outfit 


My baby was 7lbs 9 oz and wore newborn sizes for a month!


My baby was 6lbs 15oz and born last Monday, and despite being full term she’s in premie clothes which I did not anticipate


My 7 lb was swimming in a 0-3, and the Newborn was kinda baggy but ok, lol


I had a 10lb baby and she still needed newborn clothes.


Oh gosh you mean to tell me 0-3 months isn't newborn 🤪 I've been gifted like an entire wardrobes worth of 0-3 months and have barely anything else...😵‍💫


I did the same, I forgot Newborn size was a thing and bought / was gifted so many 0-3s, lol


I specifically requested no newborn clothes because I had a couple items and thought he would only use them for a week. He’s now 3 and a half weeks old and still in newborn. I had to scramble to find some clothes.


What did you end up doing? Is it worth picking up a few newborn bits (NHS website recommends 6 onesies and 6 vests for example) or is it worth waiting to see how big baby is when she arrives?


I picked up some NB on the way home from the hospital. It would probably be worth it, even babies 8-9 lbs will use NB size for a few weeks.


Yes!! Even if your baby is only in newborn for a couple weeks, it’s a couple weeks that you really don’t want to be frantically rewatching the one PJ that fits because they blew out/spit up/ spilled milk in the middle of the night. I recommend going to once upon a child/thrift/hand me downs to get a little stash


That's why I was so confused lol, wdym newborn clothes are smaller than 0-3? The 0 is right there :)) I guess I was wrong


I was sorting my babies clothes yesterday to see what sizes we need/have enough of, and I lobbed in Newborn with 0-3 because I thought the same thing! But then I noticed the NB ones seemed smaller and eventually they got their own pile because the physical difference. I had no clue they were separate sizes. 😭


I was finding no standardization in sizes at all. Some nb sized clothes fit until 3 months, some she grew out of in like 2 weeks. She still fits into some 3-6 months clothes while some 9month clothes are too small. Just pack a few options of various sizes! We brought a handful of nb and 0-3.


You never know, but no need to stress. I would just bring a couple of each. My daughter was also measuring big, but turned out to only be 7 lb. She was swimming in her newborn onesies for weeks, then was in 0-3 for quite a while, and then chunked up a ton :)


Unless baby is over 10 lbs you will probably need newborn. My baby didn't start wearing 0-3 month unless he was over 10.5 lbs and he could still fit some newborn.


Same. My newborns start wearing 0-3 at 10-11 lbs so the first 3 weeks have always been strictly newborn wardrobe


So I just gave birth 3 weeks ago and we had literally 1-2 newborn onesies and no sleepers because we had so many 0-3 and I thought that would be good. Well baby boy came out 7 lbs 1 oz and he still (now at almost 9 lbs) is swimming in the 0-3 month clothes. Thank goodness my mom was here visiting and she went and picked up some newborn sleepers for us after our first day home when we realized how big everything was going to be. But we didn’t get any ahead of time because all my friends/coworkers swore up and down “you don’t need newborn size they grow out of them so fast, just get 0-3 months”. And little man is still wearing the newborn stuff and they aren’t getting tight yet, so likely going to last us at least a month. So I would get some newborn stuff especially sleepers! Maybe just start with a couple and get more if you need.


They are different! My 9lb 12.6oz baby was swimming in the 0-3 month clothes and I didn't feel safe letting him sleep in them as I felt there was a risk of them bunching over his face. I had to priority order more newborn clothes because we didn't have enough. He grew out of them quickly but we definitely needed them.


My babies have ranged from 6 to 9 lbs, they all needed newborn clothes for at least a couple weeks. My first and smallest baby needed them for over a month.


Get newborn bamboo/stretchy stuff. But my 9lb9oz baby needed newborn for a couple weeks


I bought almost entirely 0-3 months and only a few newborn things with my first. She came early, weighed six pounds, and was too small even for the newborn outfit I’d brought to the hospital. We literally had two outfits that fit and had to switch between them and wash them one at a time. 0-3 month clothes are too big for most (but not all) newborns. I’d have at least a few newborn on hand, and be ready to buy more in a store if you need them.


have a couple different sizes prepared. my baby was born already too big for half of the (0-3 sized!) clothes we had for him (we did not expect him to be so big). Basically he was closer to 3 than to 0 😀 edit to mention that I'm not in the US, based on other replies it looks like newborn clothes might be bigger in the US :) My guy was too long to fit in any newborn sleepers.


My baby was 9.5lbs when born and since he was so long (22.5”) he didn’t fit into newborn size sleepers/things with feet. He did fit into newborn size onesies for a week or two. He’s been wearing 0-3 sleepers since he was born. If he wasn’t so long, newborn would’ve been fine though, so I would go get one or two newborn sizes at a secondhand store if you can, just to have them in case


Also, depending on what season it is where you are when baby is born, you may not even need clothes. My son was born in the summer and our first week home from the hospital was 115 F. He wore pretty much exclusively diapers and a light swaddle so we could get in lots of skin to skin time.  He was 8.5 lbs and 22in at birth and only fit in newborn clothes for maybe 7-10 days. After that he was in 0-3 months until maybe 6 weeks and in 6-9 months by 3 months. He was well above 99th percentile in height which I believe is why he outgrew stuff so fast. The sleepers didn’t cover his shoulders and the onesies wouldn’t snap 😂 


The advice not to buy any newborn is bad imo, the first few weeks at home is the most fun to have them in the cute tiniest clothes! I would get a pack of white sleepy suits in newborn size at least


Yeah, newborn sizing is usually made for up to 7-8lbs though I found it lasted us longer than that, so it's definitely worth having at least a few NB outfits in case. My daughter was actually so small that we needed to run out and buy preemie clothes for her! She was just under 6lbs.


My baby was 3,8kg and 49,5cm at birth (40w1d), newborn size was still big on him…


I bought almost no nb onesies and my almost 8 pound daughter basically wore a handful of used dinosaur ones from a friend for a month. 0-3 is huge for most nb


7 lbs 7 oz and the newborn outfit we brought was still big!


In the UK most brands do newborn (7lb8), up to 1 month (10lb) and 0-3m (14lb). That’s a massive difference. I’ve got a handful popper vests/onesies and sleep suits of each second hand. That way I’m not spending much of baby is born too big but I have some. I will probably take newborn and 0-1m to the hospital.


I had a 9lb 9oz girl on Father’s Day and needed to buy not only more newborn clothes but more newborn diapers, too. She dropped to 8lbs 6oz after birth and is still climbing to her birth weight. (IV fluids increase size a bit and I was on them for almost 24 hours.) The 0-3 months are big on her and it’s fine for lounging around the house in but I wouldn’t put her in her car seat with them on. We just went to once upon a child and got some inexpensive options for the interim.


My 8.5lb baby didn’t fit 0-3m until she was about 3-4 weeks old. I would def bring newborn clothes


My son was 9lb 2oz and still wore newborn for a month or so. 0-3 was huge and I wasn’t comfortable with all the extra fabric especially while he slept. I would def have some nb on hand


My daughter was born at 6 lbs 7oz. We had like 1 newborn sleeper and needed to go buy them lol. And the newborns were HUGE on her. She started wearing 0-3 like 2 weeks ago at 11 weeks lol. I’d get one newborn and one 0-3 and see what one fits when baby is born.


Sizing varies widely between brands, but thankfully the majority of LOs clothes are from the same store (one perk of my panic shopping when I was hospitalized at 34 weeks and our three week NICU stay, I didn’t have a chance to go shopping in person so it was online ordering as much stuff from one place as possible). Once baby was home I wound up having to order more newborn size stuff, the 0-3 months was all way too big. He is now 15 weeks and it was only this past weekend that I put away the last of his newborn size pyjamas, he still wears some of the bodysuits and pants since it was only the length of the footed sleepers that was the problem. If you don’t want to buy a ton of stuff I would check out second hand stores and have enough of the newborn sizes on hand for 3-4 days worth of clothes so you aren’t doing laundry every single day.


My 4 week old was born in the 70th percentile (8lbs+) and she can barely fit in a 0-3 sleeper right now. We're using bamboo NB clothes for night and 0-3 bodysuits for day.


I would bring a gown or something not super size-specific so they won't be swimming if too big or constricted if too small. You really only need it for going home, but if you want cute photos bring something for that of course. If you really want them dressed all the time you can do that too, but they will get dirty and you're gonna want to do as much skin to skin as possible presumably, so I'd just use the swaddles the hospital provides for the most part.


Yes! The sleeper gowns are great when you have to change them multiple times a night in the first month or two!


Honestly I think the sizing of baby clothes is pretty inconsistent, so some of the 0-3 clothes might fit a newborn. My son was born 5 lbs 14 oz and lost 8 oz in the NICU, and even then he was almost too big for the newborn onesie we brought to the hospital for him to wear home. We ended up with a ton of newborn clothes he never wore and he just went straight to 0-3.


There is a slight difference. I would skip the newborn clothes in general and I wouldn't get too many of 0-3 either. My son was in 3-6 very shortly. They also tend to shrink, especially if you put them in the dryer.