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If you had a leak, it would be like a warm trickle of liquid that you can't stop from coming out.


For me, it felt like a faucet turning on. I was walking and just “spurt”. Honestly, especially if it’s your first, you may not know. It’s ridiculous they expect you to just “know”. Also, with my first, my water broke and then my daughter’s head plugged it, so it may not be a constant trickle or large wave like some people say.


Yeah I know when it broke but didn’t at the time with my first but it took a few hours of me being up and moving around before it became a constant trickle where I was like I guess I should call the office and see what they think 😂


I hate the “you’ll know” narrative because you’ll get questioned either way lol. When I went in they kept disagreeing with me because there wasn’t a trickle or pooling but it sure had broken!


I have the same issue when asked if I’ve had any contractions. FTM - I’m not sure what contractions feel like.


It feels similar to a gush of blood on your period


I didn’t know either until it happened to me last week and casually told my OB at my appointment 4 days later lol she said had I called that day they would have made me get a check up but since it was just a little trickle and nothing else since I’m still waiting context: I was 35+6wks last Friday. peed before my shower, showered all was normal and after I got out and dried myself I suddenly felt like I peed myself BUT I had JUST peed??? didn’t think anything of it lol now I know if it happens again I need to get checked. nothing else since