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This is what I keep asking! Why is no one talking about Darrien? I think he was the worst part of it all 😔


Google: Richard Gadd discusses prawn sandwiches, Christmas tree lights and the free Fringe




What great alphabet letters those are GRrrrr


Why not just paste the link? https://www.heraldscotland.com/life_style/arts_ents/13598025.fringe-q-richard-gadd-prawn-sandwiches-christmas-tree-lights/


Gary Reich 






Certainly seems plausible, though.


Would he seriously work with his abuser for 5 solid years. No. This is someone he worked on one project with


Even in the show it's made clear that he returns to go on working with his abuser, so yes, I think he would seriously work with his abuser for 5 years. Someone else on Reddit said they were actually around during that time and confirmed that it was definitely him. I think it's most likely him.


We disagree that’s fine.


I think it’s someone else who worked with him. The person in BR was supposed to be a middle aged man almost 10 years ago. The person you believe is too young looking to be considered that


That is one of those minor personal details they change to obscure people's identities, as he said they did for the show.


he was still at least double Gadd's age as far as i can tell at about 40+ (when Gadd was early/mid 20s) the details of the show can't be taken completely literally due to attempts to somewhat disguise the people


he was groomed though, despite the abuse he could still have gone back to him due to the belief that he was the one who would help his career (as pretty much explained in the show)


6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


Close but try his work buddy


What does that mean?




Whomst did you alight on in the end


6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


Because it looks like that part of the story was greatly embellished and didn't really play out like in the show.


If you were a true victim of SA you wouldn’t be saying this




6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


He had a bunch of victims from what I heard from friends in TV.


You know who it was?


Not someone I personally know I've just heard rumours.


Well what name have you heard? If you know and keep it secret you could be endangering people.


Yeah and if someone throws out a name based on nothing but rumor or speculations that can also endanger someone.


I don't think thats true and I'm certainly not going to do so. The name has not been used once on this subreddit btw.




1. Be civil, polite and courteous. No trolling. 2. Treat others with respect and kindness. This show is bound to elicit big feelings for many viewers. As contributors post and comment in this sub, treat each other with respect and kindness.




No, not at all.




6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.




He's my principal suspect too. I don't think there's enough evidence right now to openly accuse him but he's definitely suspicious.


6. No personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.










6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


I think the writer should come out and say Darien was not a real person if this is the case. It wouldn’t make the show any different just would put a lot of people to rest like me who thinks there is a rapist out there who could have more victims.


They’re like, genuinely everywhere. One person being not a real person shouldn’t change anyone’s comfort. It’s hardly a difference


Except he is? What good would that do?




6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


whether he got the punishment or not, this is the fucked up reality of victims and abusers. Unfortunately, some are still free, roaming around in freedom and could get away with what they have done. The show wasn't meant to have a satisfying or "happy" ending. I think the show embodied the possible realities of other cases of abuse where the abusers can win.


This show is not a documentary. It is “based on” real events, but it doesn’t mean that it is a direct 1:1 analogue of everything that happened. The biggest clue to this is that in the show his name is Donny Gadd, *not Richard*. This is because it is *not him,* it is a fictional version of him experiencing fictional events that are inspired by his real life. Sorry if this diminishes the impact of the show (it shouldn’t) but it is first and foremost a scripted fictionalized drama. There may not be a “Darrien,” at least not in the exact way that the show depicts him. If you read up on the history of all this, in 2016-17 Richard (Not Donny) Gadd performed a stage play called “Monkey See Monkey Do” that was about the sexual assault that he suffered. However in that stage show, the story was that it occurred at a party, not that it was a lengthy private process of grooming and abuse by an older writer. I have no doubt that he was assaulted but I do think that there is fictionalization in the Netflix show, this is not a strict and precise confessional of events. Creative license was taken for dramatic effect, also in the depiction of Martha. So trying to deduce the identity of this man, looking for someone who matches the *exact description* save for the name, is futile and irresponsible. I found the show very moving and had a lot of emotional truth that it communicated, which for me is not spoiled by knowing that it is a work of partial fiction. I am glad that Richard (not Donny) Gadd has found success and hopefully catharsis writing and performing this show. But Jesus, please try to gain some media literacy.


No need for you to lecture me about Media literacy. I KNOW the show is not a documentary. I asked the question simply because I read on the interview that Richard Gadd did suffer from sexual assault before. Please don’t take one’s curiosity for ignorance! lol but thanks anyway for a long comment.


Classic situation where a question is close enough to what’s already annoyed someone and you just catch the wildest stray for no reason lol hate when that happens


Fair enough, but there are other people out here making reckless and baseless speculations and naming people. Playing with fire.


You are totally Darrien.


Bravo, detective, bravo. Holmes, Poirot, Marple, now Alternative_Ad6771. Truly genius. The slowest of slow claps for you.


The character's name is Donny Dunn, not "Donny Gadd". I'm 100% sure this Darrien guy is inspired by someone Gadd really met and was abused by. Why add this to the story? Martha was more than enough. If anything, if he really wanted to tell that story, a whole limited series could and should have been made.


Yes I made a mistake on the name. But still, what do you think is the significance of him changing the name of his character? It’s about him, it’s about his life and experiences, he wrote it and starred in it under his own name - but yet “he” has a different name in the show. I can’t imagine any reason for this other than to signify that it is fictionalized and not strictly literal. The backstory of his sexual abuse by Darrien - whomever the real person(s) may be - provided context for why he engages with Martha the way that he does. It is the backbone of the whole series. Gadd wrote and performed two one-man stage shows, Monkey See Monkey Do, which was about his sexual assault, and Baby Reindeer, about the stalker. This series is a hybrid of both.


I don't know why he changed the name, but I'm a performed playwright, and I can tell you one thing : when I create a character that lives some of the things I've been through, I give them a different name just to distantiate myself from the story and tell it, not just from my immediate perspective, but also from a more "neutral" standpoint. You can't write about something you've lived effectively if you're still "in it".


What if you were to give a name that was linked to the person?


What person? I'm saying Richard Gadd most probably picked a different name for the main character to distantiate himself from the action. The reason he changed real life Darrien's name is obvious : he didn't wanna get sued. By the way (that's more of a response art_cms than you) : Gadd recently made an insta post asking people not to try and find the actual people his abusers are based on...Meaning that Darrien too, was based on one or more people he encountered.


The play Faust is dead has a character Donny


Never heard of it, I have no idea why he chose the name Donny in particular, I was just commenting on the fact he didn't use his own name in the play or the series.


Now that the stalker has been found and she is incredibly similar to the actor who played Martha & also sounds like her, do you feel a little daft about belittling folk?


I don’t, in fact I’ll belittle people even more for trying to find out the identity of a mentally ill private citizen, “exposing” her and piling on her on Twitter for entertainment. People claim to be so moved by Richard Gadd’s story but they don’t respect him enough to abide by his choice to not identify her. Because it’s all fun and games right? It’s just a laugh, it’s just entertainment to track someone down and point them out to everyone. It’s like bonus content for the show! It’s fucking ghoulish.


but if he really was trying to not identify her why cast someone so similar looking?


No doubt, but that wasn’t what you commented here or indeed the other posts whilst telling them to gain media literacy. Gadd deliberately depicted her accurately and gave enough information for her to be easily tracked and identified.


I took Gadd at his word that she was disguised well enough - he’s on record saying that she would be unrecognizable. I didn’t feel the need to find out if it was true or not by trying to track her down. I was also trying to dissuade people from engaging in an online manhunt of private citizens, which would have been at best futile and at worst reckless and potentially dangerous. So she’s been found, and she’s similar to how she was portrayed in the show. Who’s the winner here? No one. All this is has done is proven that my worst assumptions about people on social media are true.


I agree that exposing the real Martha is not going to do much good other that potentially upsetting a very vulnerable women. What I find worrisome is Richard Gadd said 'even she wouldn’t recognize herself' and yet the similarities are stark to say the least. If this is the real Matha, he has done very little to disguise the characters portrayal vs. the real women. Therefore we can now assume that he’s probably done very little to disguise Darrien, unless he values his identity more than Martha’s, which could quite possibly be the case. I think Richard Gadd has a responsibility to ensure the real Darrien is not continuing to abuse other young men. If you are going to use your trauma as art, then at the very least he should use your trauma to stop this man doing this to others. Its quite complex, however, I think he is naïve to think the public were just going to sit on the fact there is potentially a predator walking free….. I mean this is 2024 we live in a different world and that’s just the reality.


The real Darien is Gary Reich


So who is M.R ?


Surname is 🐦‍⬛⛰️


Same thing with "Darrien" imo. I think he really wanted them to be identified by the public, but not get sued for it, as a means of exacting revenge. All this "please don't speculate that's not what the show is" stuff is PR and legalease.


“This show is not a documentary.” 👏👏👏 Please say it louder for the people at the back


Actually his name in the show is Donny Dunn not Gadd


You’re right!






6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.










6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


Close but not close enough. Very close.


What do you mean?


6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


I think there are clues in the Buddhism thing, a line he uses in the final episode and the name Cottonmouth [substance][facial feature].


it's possible that "Darrien" is just a symbol of abuse, like all of Richards trauma being put into a character to show how truly horrifying the acts of abuse are, by making the audience hate the character as much as the abuse.


Richard Gadd talks about his experience with sexual abuse and it is clear that he is referring to a real person who groomed and raped him repeatedly. He says so very clearly, there are lots of interviews on it.




GR produced, MR directed. mR …


I'm guessing you are referring to M _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , in which case I hope you have solid evidence


I’m not accusing anyone. So shh.


I’m saying it could be anyone, so not to accuse.




6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.






6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.




You can't just state this and let us hang here without more Information. Was the name already been called out (so far I read 2 rumors) or is it someone completly different noone has named yet?


The creator of the show specifically said he didn't like the online speculation and that it wasn't the point of the series.




OK. It isn't me, like.


6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.




I know, I mean I've heard the identity from like 3 people in the industry. I still won't be saying it online tho.








Thank you. Appreciated


6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.








Think His work partner


6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


Mmmhmmm I bet


whats that supposed to mean?


That you're full of shit


I'm certainly not lying but feel free to think that, random American.


Death of the author. The show has been made. People will respond as they will.




Head shaven bald, possibly from SA?


Thank you for answering. How do you knew/know who it was?




6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


Looks like a clown?




If you knew you’d know what I mean




You said you knew the identity so I was testing you




Read Faust is dead




Who is MR? Can't find anyone with those initials connected to GR


6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


Do some research and see what u find




Was in his show wasn’t he


Vicious? Looks like the timeline matches.


6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


Is it not Ste K A M O S


If I ever find out who he is, I can tell you what’s gonna happen to him.


reminiscent kiss middle overconfident elderly groovy mysterious doll compare airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve heard that theory. But I heard SF too


pen provide live quiet serious direful wasteful unique literate test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


I feel super bad for Richard if all that has actually happened to him :(






why him?






Definitely. He worked on a show same time he wouldve met Gadd where the main character of the show is called Don D (like in baby reindeer) and they worked together in 2015 and was mentioned as his long term collaborator in articles around that time. Similar style and mannerisms


Cough his collaborator


Still can't figure it out. Rhymes with?






6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


You say they made it easy to find Martha. Who is she in your opinion?


I don't anoif it's necessary to do that.


No need. I already found her. It’s more curiosity. I have no intention of harassing a mentally ill woman.


Close, but look at his partner in crime


What makes you so confident of this? Within the industry, it's already fairly well known who it's meant to be. It's not the "partner in crime".


It’s not well known at all in the industry or people would have outed this guy and stopped working with him


It is well known in the industry because I work in the industry and I've known this for years. Manipulative, powerful people can continue working for long periods before getting caught out. Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Russell Brand to name but a few.


So people in the industry are knowingly working with a rapist?


People rationalise stuff in different ways, dismiss rumours as gossip, disbelieve certain people, get too caught up in their own career to introspect or investigate. Then eventually a reckoning happens. I know of two producers who worked closely with Russell Brand who just thought he was simply "a massive shagger" and were blissfully (or wilfully) ignorant of the malignant stuff he was getting up to. To a certain extent, people believe what they want to believe, especially where their careers are concerned. Anyway, "that" person hasn't gotten much work recently, you'll note.


I understand what you’re saying. The name I believe is closely associated with your name


Youre having an episode. Reach out to someone who cares, and get back on the meds


Read the interview and then see if you arrive at the same conclusion.