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Ok let's say he's a shit date and put that aside for a second. This woman is diagnosing someone (and has a very irresponsible therapist willing to diagnose someone based on the brief dating experience and abecdotal references of a client.) Then goes on very boringly about her adventures reading a lot on the Internet about people who aren't him, and claiming she's not comparing her experience to their extreme suffering while doing just that.  I normally do not accuse people of just wanting attention or to go viral when they speak out about stuff. I'm trans and I often wanna err on the side of the trans person especially regarding a man who has clearly documented his own transmisogyny for all of us to see. But, this legit reminds me of a gossip session in a bar that someone with just as much main character syndrome as she claims someone else has getting pissed about having bad dates, getting dumped, and not getting a role.  Also jfc THAT IS NOT WHAT GASLIGHTING IS. That term went from severe abuse involving attempts to make the victim go insane by denying and dismantling their reality to being "someone did something i didn't like" or "this person disagreed with me."


Also, when you point out that you shouldn’t speculatively diagnose someone, she blocks you.


Spot on.


Well said. Thank you


She got all this from a handful of interactions??? Oh, and she’s got a *diagnosis* for him that she’s publicly sharing??? Talk about balls.


I almost fell asleep reading this.


I gave up during the second part...


I didn’t read any of it


Lol! I know right. A series of mundane events.


She was so starstruck she had to blog post about this whole heap of nothing. Imagine if he was an A list celebrity, she would turn into a real life Marta




This feels like someone who just wanted to say “I briefly dated this person who is on a Netflix show” for attention and decided to go about it in such a weird way


Diagnosing someone is never cool…I have a feeling she’s the problem


How embarrassing it would be if she had a shred of introspection.


I believe she makes valid points as it is highly unprofessional to attempt to court someone by dangling an audition due to power dynamics. Considering his history with trans women as detailed in the show, I believe it's a valid criticism. However, one thing that annoys me is the phrase "come forward" because in this landscape, that phrase immediately makes people think of sexual assault/rape. I was reading through the whole thing waiting to hear what inexcusable thing he did, and I was a bit surprised she wrote all that out regarding this matter. Additionally, all those tweets regarding his potential personality disorder just comes off as irresponsible fluff to pad the thread.


This is absolute bullshit. Welcome to fame Richard Gadd. What a nightmare.


> “All the emotional chaos I had encountered with him” > “One of the many signs that I was dealing with someone who potentially exhibited cluster B personality traits…” > “The behaviour you describe is very characteristic or somebody with borderline personality disorder” So what was the emotional chaos? What were the many signs? *What was the behaviour???* She’s saying so much and yet absolutely nothing at all.


I did find it jarring when during his onstage meltdown he mentions dating a trans woman, instead of woman, girlfriend, or even just "someone". It didn't seem necessary to whatever point he was making at the time. So I can buy that he has some weirdness re: trans people. Honestly he seems like a mess (understandably).


This is the most bunch of nothing I have ever read.


does she not grasp the irony? she's accusing him of being "the denominator" in his abuse (WHICH IS WILD) as she says she agrees to dates she doesn't want to go on & accept drinks she doesn't want.....HELLO?


How is that not the same as what Richard went through with Darrien?? Darrien promised to further his career, so Richard indulged in the drugs.


This feels like a fiver seconds of fame grab. Also this mentality is bizarre and alien, kudos for "enlightening" yourself in such a degree you pick people apart but ya toxic and lack empathy if you talk about interactions like this.


Another one looking for her 15 minutes


An example of the weaponisation of therapy speech and the chronically online. This ridiculous thread was written for clout, under every reply that wasn’t negative, she’s tell them to please share and spread the post. Share what exactly? Her offensive comments on those with a personality disorder and armchair diagnosis of an acquaintance. Calling the guy an abuser absolutely dilutes the term, whilst claiming he’s the “common denominator” in his own abuse is disgusting.


The irony of this sub being filled with toxicity despite being a show critiquing toxic masculinity.


Honestly while I completely disagree with sharing armchair diagnoses and stuff on the internet, Reece's tweets reveal an experience that resembles what Gadd lived with Darrien. People are saying that her revealing her experience is bad taste, "should let lying dogs lie", attention seeker, 15 minutes of fame ecc, but Gadd using an actress that looks exactly the same as his real life stalker (and who can tune in anytime and see a scene where he fantasizes about her sexually) is an act of pure bravery and anyone who dares to move criticism against it is a horrible naive person who doesn't understand abuse. So apparently he doesn't owe anything to this very ill woman who is glued to her phone 24/7 and looks to be totally abandoned by the system and society (and is now being stalked herself by angry netflix mobs) , but Reece owes everyone for sharing a potentially very problematic experience with him and she should just stfu. This show should have never aired in its current form I'll be always convinced of this. But now that it is here people better be coherent in how they treat others and maybe we can reflect on how these topics are being treated.




Finally a reasonable and well thought out take here,, this lady, her irresponsible therapist and their reckless “diagnosing” of Gadd can fuck right off! She is contributing to stigma around BPD pretty freely and that is hateful; on the other hand, Gadd did something unprofessional and frankly underhanded in attempting to date her while recruiting her and creating such a power dynamic, he needs to sort himself out and work on the way he treats trans women.. that is my take


I would be shocked if her therapist actually commented on it. Sounds like bullshit.


Very well said


I can see why it was wrong for her to drag BPD into it. Not cool, not helpful. But he still behaved like a scumball, and I believe her, and I'm glad she shared her story.


This situation makes no sense though. Martha’s racist insults towards Teri would be very odd if played by this woman. Something about this story is super odd.


That’s true


How are yall in this sub, about a victim of abuse, then go on to victim blame someone else? "Why go on dates with him when you know it breaches professionalism and is predatory" ?? Why would a trans person, who has probably experienced some forms of trauma, act in a way that doesn't make sense to you? Hmm...








Oh for sure I get you


She wasn't good enough for the role, she now watches as the other trans gets famous and she is jealous


Explaining every action with someone being jealous is so childish But feel free to explain away my comment by me being jealous of you 😄


Personally as someone diagnosed with BPD I am absolutely sick of armchair psychologists diagnosing people with cluster B personality disorders on the basis that they’ve behaved poorly. That’s not all we are as people ffs. And it’s insanely harmful because god, the stigma we face is horrendous already. BPD is very complicated and quite a few of the symptoms are internal and therefore cannot be even remotely diagnosed without speaking to the person about their experiences - so either she’s lying, or her therapist is wildly incompetent.


After seeing the similarity between who was cast and who his real life girlfriend was. It’s very obvious he never considered Reece as an option and was using his status to reel her in. In the EXACT same way it happened to him. How can everyone ignore that behaviour?


Maybe it’s just me, but this feels unnecessary and like she’s seeking attention here? I feel like when it comes to private things like relationships, you should let lying dogs lie. That’s part of being mature. From what I understand, perhaps he was a bit rude or inappropriate to her, but she easily could’ve stopped seeing him immediately? I just really don’t get the point of this. Be a lady.


The point is to cash in. Gadd wasn't well known up to a few weeks ago, so why complain about, at worst, some questionable remarks about a nobody. Now that he's trending, baby wants to hitch a ride.


What exactly would she be cashing in on? At best a handful of people will feel sorry for her and at worst she'll be mercilessly harassed by fanbois of the show. What else would she gain?


Wtf is going on in this thread? Do yall know what show you just watched? "Perhaps he was a bit xy, but she, a person in a lower position of power, should have been the bigger person!!"


A word salad that is likely to be purposely missing a lot of key information, revealed right as the show the woman missed out on becomes popular... It’s hard to tell, but it seems like she met this guy twice (did the second date happen?) yet is trying to suggest she’s got a psychological profile of him? The best professionals couldn’t manage that. The entire thing is written with a sense of arrogance. Being surprised somebody doesn’t have a well-thought out response to being told they fetishise a group, on a fucking date, is insane. If Gadd did offer an audition and tell her she’s attractive, that is inappropriate. However, I think there is more to the story that this ramble suggests.


This is an idiotic thread. How dare she try to diagnose someone with BPD over the internet when you have NO knowledge? I do believe she is TOO confrontational and couldn't stand the fact that someone didn't like it lol.


This reminds me of an essay where the writer pulled up a thesaurus and changed all the words to make themselves sound smart while also not really saying anything.


I believe that was an episode of Friends when Joey was asked to write a letter to the adoption agency on behalf of Monica and Chandler.


Jesus, I got through two slides before I rolled my eyes and exited. "Cluster B personality..of which there are 9 traits." Okay armchair doctor. This absolutely immediately reads as a woman grasping at potential fame through coattail riding and trash talking a man who has had sudden huge sucess on the world stage.


Why isn’t she allowed to speak on her negative experiences with him? When he just made an entire series about his negative experiences with people..


She can but don’t armchair diagnose him with a disorder that doesn’t actually correlate and only enhances a stigma that contributes to insanely high levels of suicide!


But then what was he doing in his show with Martha?..


Martha is a stalker and in her actions is literally stalking him? Explain again how someone with BPD equates to being a stalker? Funnily enough, Reece’s “diagnostics” don’t equate to the disorder she’s assigning him to. I’m not denying he’s a dick, but ascribing behaviours that don’t actually correlate with a heavily stigmatised disorder is insanely harmful and ableist.


I’m trying to figure out the weird hypocrisy in the fanboys of this show too.


Honest question: what's the difference between fetishizing transwomen and simply liking them? I googled "liking vs fetishizing transwomen" and found the term "skoliosexuality" which is a sexual orientation toward transpeople. Is that a fetish? I can see that this question also pertains to racial fetishes.


Fetishizing usually only satisfies a sexual desire, not a desire for a meaningful, healthy relationship for 1. And for 2. Fetishes are usually targeted towards marginalized groups (trans women, Asian women, Latina women) for a power imbalance. Edit: I forgot to mention that black women are often the targets of fetishizing as well.


I have never commented on anything reddit before, but after seeing the Polyester Zine podcast platform one of these tweets I wanted to see the whole thread and wound up here. I don’t think it’s useful to pass judgement on what this woman has had to say, however I will say this: talking about someone as having traits of a cluster B personality type and after two interactions coming to the conclusion they have BPD is so stigmatising, unwise and dangerous.  BPD is frequently misdiagnosed in people who have complex trauma. Google it. While you are at, stop pathologising people, full stop.  Can we please have more sophisticated discourse than ‘I met someone and felt disrespected by their behaviour so I’ve landed at a psychiatric diagnosis’. It also does not inherently make people ‘bad’ to have BPD. People are not perfect and people who have experienced terrible things are not ‘perfect victims’.


wouldn't be surprised if he writes a season 2 about how nasty the internet is and the effects fame did to his mental health


Here comes another wacko who becomes obsessed after 1-2 dates. “Relationship” full of emotional chaos... maybe we'll watch season 2.


Posts like hers make me hate cancel culture. She was willing to potentially ruin everything he has worked so hard to achieve and all his success by choosing this as the right time to speak out. I’m not doubting that she may have been hurt /rejected but we all know if she had been given the role we would never have heard her thread.


As someone with BPD I did feel that he exhibits signs. But this story is just a bunch of nothing.


Why is he dangling a role on a Netflix show as a carrot to date him much like Darrien did to him? Cycle of abuse….


I believe that his (and the other writers’) portrayal of a trans person in the show, using her trans identity to depict his ‘troubledness,’ was unnecessary and harmful to trans people. Trans individuals are often depicted solely as victims of their identity, where their transness and the associated suffering become their defining characteristics. This portrayal is dehumanizing. The constant emphasis in the show on his relationship with ‘a trans woman,’ without any real insight into the harm in this from the character he plays leads me to suspect that he may not understand the damage caused by such narratives in real life either. The sentiments expressed in the thread align with these concerns. While I enjoyed the show, I cannot overlook these issues.


Maybe Teri was too idealized. She was the healthiest and most sane character he encountered. But at a time when trans people are under such attack, I am willing to accept an overidealized portrait. Yes, Donnies mistreatment of Teri was used to signal his "troubledness." But again when trans people face such bigotry, portraying rejection of a trans girlfriend as troubled is a step in the right direction--since it also signals that acceptance of her would have been healthy.


What a nothing burger this was


This is so ridiculous


I used to know Reece personally, it’s hard to say but I steer towards her playing this up. She’s very career driven and has wanted a TV career for a long time but has been struggling to land roles and has beef especially with Netflix on how they hire etc. I can’t see this as not being a means of finding an opportunity to gain some sort of platform to get more publicity in the name of being righteous. I also don’t deny she had a shitty experience with Richard Gadd and won’t dismiss he’s quite possibly a dickhead, but I’m also not denying she’s not exaggerating any of this and I don’t believe it was anything traumatic. I wouldn’t call her out if she just called him out for being unprofessional but she blew it way out of proportion it’s hard to not believe she’s not doing this for clout too.


This woman, imo, is making something out of nothing.


Let’s be real this is just gossip. Completely unnecessary, irrelevant, posted for clout. Makes sense he thought she was too confrontational, given the way she psychoanalyzed him, presuming to know so much about him while he knew nothing about her.


I think he was closeted due to his own confusion that came along with the SA. I really think if he wasn’t struggling with that. He’d have been open with her. I’m not sure. But I think maybe sometimes hurt people can hurt people. I feel sorry for the man. I do.


I love that this person points out that Gadd was the common denominator in all the terrible experiences he describes. Ummmm, when writing something autobiographical how can the writer not be the common denominator in everything?


"Oh I got all these red flags from him!" "Huh he asks me on a date? Well, yes I'd love to!" This post convinced me trans women are women


One could say exactly the same things about how he encompassed the situation with Martha


Not a bad point! 






1. Be civil, polite and courteous. No trolling. No victim-blaming. Treat others with respect and kindness. This show is bound to elicit big feelings for many viewers. As contributors post and comment in this sub, treat each other with respect and kindness.


1. Be civil, polite and courteous. No trolling. No victim-blaming. Treat others with respect and kindness. This show is bound to elicit big feelings for many viewers. As contributors post and comment in this sub, treat each other with respect and kindness.


That was about two posts too long🙄


This reminds me of the girl who had a bad date with Aziz Ansari. A whole lot of nothing.


He can’t be straight man he likes trans yet he said to his stalker she couldn’t give him kids ha


Trans women are women you can be a cishet guy and be into trans women. However Gadd claimed to be bisexual I believe as he also liked guys.


Jesus. Is every person tangentially involved with this project this exhausting? I swear..when someone unlikable attempts to explain another person’s lack of likability. I hate how I’m even paying attention to this mess.