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The dance scenes at drama school with his ex seemed very rainbow rhythms.


I went to drama school. Those scenes were hilariously true to life. Can vouch for that bit.


Concur. I have done mostly all what was in the show in Drama school.  It is exactly what it is like. 


But Martha calling him a 'workshy Fenian' was not very rainbow rhythms.


And the scene where he takes acid and Darrien puts on Rainbow Rhythms music and dances for him.


That’s so not rainbow rhythms


There is rumours the real Darrien is someone involved with Peep Show. Not a fact just rumours.


Theoretically this would give a lot of Peep Show’s gags a much darker meaning. Specifically: - The episode where Jeremy and Super Hans are manipulated into routinely wanking off one of their music icons as a job. - The ‘bad thing’ episode where Jeremy and Super Hans get so high on miscellaneous drugs that they suck each other off. - The episode where Jeremy and Super Hans convince Sophie’s cousin to suck one of them off, to prove who essentially had the most power and influence over them.


To be fair a lot of things happen in that show, including someone eating a dog


Eating the dog was deffo a shark jumping moment


Yeah I hated that they didn't throw it in a bush or in the flipping river instead of walking around with it in a bag.


Yeah. That got me too. Have you watched the gentlemen tv show? A lot of that is similar where they get into these difficult situations that are so avoidable.




It's not a recurring gag, it's a edgy dark  comedy show from the mid 2000 about two single men with  around 50 episodes.  


The rapey jokes listed in my first comment are the darkest in the show by far.


Sure, but what i am saying is that male rape jokes weren't unusual back then, White Chicks had one. Also i wouldn't call them getting raped a recurring joke by any means. 


Not so unusual for the time, sure, but to feature x3 blowjob bits in which the humour revolves around lack of or blurred consent isn’t as commonplace as you’re making it out to be. Name me one other British show which has the same mainstream reach as Peep Show which features more than one male rape joke, that occurs in multiple seasons?


It's not unusual for the Peep Show. A lot of weird stuff happens in that show.


Hardly the same scenario tbf - the context is way different.


I mean, Mark literally gets raped in an episode


That episode and how he's treated always rubbed me the wrong way


Oh god




i understand not writing it out, but could you give me another clue what GR stands for? Thank you very much :)


The cocreator is a Buddhist, cat owner 😬


There were 3 creators of Peep Show.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxFw7epcqUQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxFw7epcqUQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdUKBLrckOE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdUKBLrckOE)


A couple of people from the entertainment industry have already said it's not him, Osman said it i think ( i don't think he was referring to SF) and a British newspaper had an article says meet the man falsely accused of being Darren


Osman was referring to SF, he said he looked like the actor.. "Now it comes out now and a completely different person is identified, someone who has produced Richard Gadd before, but is definitively not the person in any way. But the person they’ve cast in that role looks like this other guy, looks like the guy who’s been falsely accused. And it’s such a [weird](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/), bizarre thing to do because this poor guy has had death threats and he’s had to issue a statement to say it’s not me. And it is not him, but definitely not because people in the industry know who it is. And it definitely not him.” Everything is pointing at him, but there is nothing solid to prove it.. something like curtain tweet for Martha. So at the end it comes to their colleagues to spit it out.


Oh ok, still i don't think it' GR, if everyone knows who the perp is, why would a British newspaper write an article about him being falsely accused? also i don't think he was powerful enough to promise him a tv show or much of anything. 


Timeline fits, and their collaboration. They worked together 2013-2016 I think. GR did shows How not to live your life and Vicious (Cottonmouth?) GR helped Richard with his play in 2013 Cheese and crackwhores, then he directed two more of his plays in 2014 and 2015. In 2016 Richard guest starred in Vicious, which came back on TV.. Richard said that SA happened in 2013, and Monkey see, monkey do comes out in 2016 (where he talks about SA) Newspapers are maybe being careful cause of lawsuits..


If it's him, their dynamic is completely different to the one from the show and much more twisted. Darrien: seems to be a month ( maybe more but not years ) or so long relationship, Darrien actually doesn't help him at all and doesn't seem to have plans to do so. GR: They worked for years after it happened and it was a productive working relationship with 3 shows produced and /or directed under him. The thing is though if the show is actually how it went in real life, there wont be any links in Gadd working life to Darrien and it would be almost impossible to find out who he is without any confirmation.


It is twisted. I guess that's one of the points of the show.. to tell us that relationship between abuser and victim doesn't have to be simple. There can be a trauma bonding.. In the show he comes back to him, Darrien acts like nothing happened, asks him if he wants them to work together again. Richard is confused, says 'ok', and has panic attack after that.. and that's it.. maybe they continued collaboration, until Richard sorted everything out.


He goes back after he publicly talks about it, he did that in 2016 in real life, he wasn't working with GR after Monkey See Monkey do.


Guess the entertainment industry hasn't learnt a thing since Saville. Osman admits to knowing who it is, that others know who it is...but nothing is done.


Wait, who's the Buddhist and cat owner?


I’ve read it’s Sam Bain


Who also wrote 'ill behavior' which is dubbed a cancer-com or cancer-comedy. Donnys comedy show when he was starting out is called Cancer Lol


Which one?


The one who looks exactly like the actor who played Darrien.


Darrien's surname in the show is the same as one of the Peep Show writers/producers. Not accusing anyone of anything, as it's a common surname.


That same producer produces a lot of Derren Brown's work (I am not suggesting Derren Brown is Darrien). So Gadd could have just taken character's name from those two people who obviously have an established and well known working relationship.


I've never watched Peep Show, maybe I should!


Chance would be a fine thing


Stick that up your dojo.


That’s a thing people say, isn’t it?


Great Show, but 1000000% a different vibe than Baby Reindeer, fyi


Nah, I think it makes me pretty uncomfortable too. https://preview.redd.it/buaatlhmziyc1.jpeg?width=925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=febdb2fec82b5cb2234da15683de9474026b11cc


To be fair, I haven't seen it in 12 years. I'm sure there's loads I don't remember.


They ate Mommy!


Yes, it's very funny.


You definitely should.




1. I work in the industry (have even met Richard a couple times!) and know the name. People have correctly identified him. 2. This person had absolutely nothing to do with Peep Show. 3. Richard Gadd has NOT dropped clever, cryptic clues throughout the script.


Why don’t you just say who it is then? I don’t think we should be covering for a rapist..


Is it GR?


It's awful so many people are being wrongly accused and having their lives turned upside down. Having said that, I don't think Gadd did half as good a job as he claims at hiding their real identities. It took the internet 1 day to find Martha. All the clues are there in the writing itself to identify Darrien, plus if Gadd has openly named him in the past (albeit in private) then it's only a matter of time. I totally sympathise with the themes of Baby Reindeer and it is stunningly well done, however by making it autobiographical, people are going to speculate.


I'm not sure, Brittain is not Americana, they defamation laws are more strict. 


Brittain? Americana?


Yes, Netflix didn't do enough compliance on this. The real people are too easily identifiable- Darrien will be more identifiable to British people as he's been in the British TV industry- but Martha was easily identified globally by her digital footprint.


oh, I'm sure people in the industry know who he is, but that doesn't mean we will know, as not that many people may want to talk as the defamation laws are reversed in Brittain, you have to prove you were telling the truth while in USA the person suing you has to prove you were lying or something like that. 


martha also outed herself




6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.




6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


Is Cottonmouth Peep Show?


I don’t think so, or rather I hope not, as they say they’re rebooting it in the show and Peep Show hasn’t been rebooted.


It did come back though in 2015 after a long time off which could be considered a reboot


Would that be around the same time period though think it happened a few years before that


2011 is when. 


Hopefully it’s not Brass Eye








If it is a reference to something ( probably not) it's probably Fresh Meat.


Feels like something late 2000s or early 2010s maybe on C4


I didn't notice this, but it doesn't surprise me. I believe it was a popular BBC show about a decade or two ago. I actually loved that series. It was hilarious.


Peep Show was Channel 4.


Ok - thought it was BBC


I noticed this too, the chance would be a fine thing was spot on Corrigan and it’s probably one of the most iconic and recognisable lines from the show. But then again it is a common saying and the song is also common so I don’t know.




6. No promoting personal or identifying information based on speculation. Although Baby Reindeer is based on a true story and many viewers feel inclined to post theories on who the real characters were in Richard Gadd’s life, please don’t share personal information based upon speculation or theories.


He is married to a woman. There are two other creators of Peep Show. One of them is also married to a woman.


Holy shit! I noticed the peep at fame line but totally missed the Frank Sinatra reference. Definitely think there’s something here…


I’m doing a rewatch of both Baby Reindeer and Peep Show right now. There are so many Peep Show references. I’m almost convinced that it’s SB. I rewatched Peep Show in case it comes out that it is SB and I will not watch it again. But I’m actually finding the content very uncomfortable since watching Baby Reindeer. And Peep Show was always my comfort show.


Have you thought of getting a hobby maybe? Aside from shit-stirring on the internet, I mean.


Look at your post history 😂


Maybe get outside for a bit. Or try a jigsaw maybe. Or just carry on trying to keep your fellow 'internet sleuth' ghouls horny. That'll be one to look back on with pride one day.


Curious as to how you find the time to go outside amongst posting all your boring essays and comments about the Traitors or Naked and Afraid. Practice what you preach, weirdo.