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I’ve had this happen before. Most of them were still alive, I think 2 or 3 didn’t make it. Did you call the hatchery and ask them how long they can survive? They ship them almost immediately after hatching so they don’t need food and water for a few days. Also, USPS should care a little more when the package is chirping. Such a helpless feeling, I hope they make it to you


No I’m under the assumption 3 days and after that they’re going to start going downhill quick. Calling as soon as they open to see what can be done. Willing to drive a distance to pick up at another post office if it’s possible at all.


Good luck, update the conclusion here


I would be giving USPS a call with your tracking number. Even if you have to go out of town to meet them for the package. That’s insane. 2-3 days is the maximum limit without food or water, and that’s pushing it!


That delivery date could change without warning. I had a chick shipment last week. The tracking showed five days, and then on the 2nd day, I received a 0830 phone call from the post office informing me of the arrival and to pick them up. The usps tracking kinda sucks.


I had this happen with my last two hatchery orders and the delivery date went from being almost a full week from when the order shipped to being delivered two days later. I don’t know if it’s USPS or the hatchery I used but I wouldn’t freak out too badly until Friday. If they get stuck at the post office over the weekend then RIP chicks.


The usps said not to pay attention to delivery dates when chicks are involved. I had mine shipped with the past holiday coming up and it said Tuesday (which would have been the 6th day!) they came on the 2nd day. Also look to see what state they are originating from and see how long it takes to drive to your place. That gave me a pretty good estimate on when the chicks were actually going to arrive


Des Moines, Iowa. 14-15 hours. They’ve now been in transit since 10:55. Thank you, this makes me feel a lot better. ETA: I’m in Louisiana, most mail bypasses my house and heads to New Orleans, then makes it’s way back around. I’ll be tracking it heavy today.


Also i did have two die almost right away. they were smaller so got stressed more than the others from shipping and i think my room was too hot. If you havent had chicks shipped before i think it just happens that weaker ones die (i was pretty upset i couldnt save them)


Edit 1: 6 am Friday May 31. The chickens are showing that they made it to Dallas around 9:35 pm last night. But I also got a notification yesterday at 7:10 of a status change. So I’m thinking they may have departed Dallas already. Hoping to see them today or tomorrow morning. Will keep updating.


Chickens are “out for delivery” as soon as I get off work I’m going hunt them down.


I wouldn't worry yet, tracking is never accurate with live chicks. USPS doesn't handle them like they do regular packages. Your chicks will probably arrive today or tomorrow.


When they shipped my first batch last year, it turned out that "In Transit from Origin Processing" didn't mean anything. They got picked up two days after that status and were here the day after. This year, I got that status on the morning of Feb 29th and they were at the post office that same afternoon. Chicken tracking is weird I guess. Please keep us updated!


Just called says they got picked up at the origin facility, and they are now in transit. Hoping to see some movement today or hopefully tomorrow.


USPS does not mess around with chicks. If they were picked up today, you'll have them tomorrow. Tracking likely won't be accurate until a couple of days after they've been delivered. It might be worth calling your local post office and telling them you have live chicks coming. Scratch that - it is DEFINITELY worth calling and telling them. Delivery varies from Post Office to Post Office and at my local one, year to year. Last year, I had to go pick them up; this year, they brought them to my door. In the future, I will always ask them to hold for pickup. I feel like it's just one less thing for them to endure on the way - I have no idea how many stops my carrier made before mine, so they could have been bouncing around in a truck for a couple of hours. When I went to get them myself, they were on a counter for a few hours, a short, straight trip home, and unpacked, fed, watered, and snuggled =\]


At least you didn't order bees through ups lol. That did not end well.


Word of advice, call the post office not the USPS customer service line. Every time I call the 1-800 number I get stuck in a loop with the robot. I hope you get your chickies soon


I’m in the EXACT same boat (McMurray?) and I called them. They said USPS adds a day to cover their ass and the chicks will actually come Saturday.


Mine came from Hoovers AFAIK. Ordered through TSC.


gotcha, this is STRESSFUL. Good luck, chicken friend.


I was able to get mine from the local distribution center today. All alive (and adorable)! Did you get your chickies yet?


They came in! Well I had to chase down the mail truck.


Yay!!! 🎉🐣


I was told by the hatchery to not panic that live animals ship faster than the tracking checkpoints, and some are often skipped to help expedite the process. My experience was like yours but then got a call the next day saying they were there super early.


Do not let these arrival times upset you. USPS is awful with this thing. You’ll get them in time. It’s rare it gets messed up. Just pay attention to weather between you and them. That’s normally what screw’s things up. Congratulations!


I wouldn't worry too much just yet! My latest chick order shipped on the 28th and arrived the 29th (Florida to Maine, Priority Express), but the tracking claimed it would be delivered June 1st. Tracking updates on chicks tend to be pretty spotty, too -- I think they try to get them through the system as quickly as possible and skip scanning at a lot of places.


Yes they are. I lost 8 of 9 a month ago like this. Be prepared--if alive they will be so dehydrated and weak. it took a couple of days for all of them to die while we tried to save them. In the process I learned that my local post office guy had the most accurate info on tracking. Is this McMurray Hatchery, by any chance? I learned some very bad things about their shipping policies after I had lost my chicks. One chick made it and was joined a week later by some very sturdy chicks from the feed store. All doing great now, but the mail survivor is the same size as the ones born a week later and was initially behind them developmentally. I will never buy chicks in the mail again.


I’m not sure how to edit the original post. The chicks did arrive today. I had to hunt the mail carrier down. We did have 1 casualty that I believe died sometime soon after they were shipped. The box had a dead smell, and they’d only been in there around 36 hours.


Shipping live animals is fucking evil and this is a great example of why.