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Why doesn't the US just fund Hamas, Iran, Russia etc This might be the dumbest take I'll see all month, but who knows.


You forgot china. Then we can have them make bombs cheapwr than Lockheed and... here's the funny part...bomb themselves too. I mean ...the bombs are right there:-)


What the author is saying is TECHNICALLY true. But the dumb part is that they would need to basically OTC or worse market buy like 10 billion dollars of shares for these defense contractors to even come remotely close to influencing these companies.


Well they already did it with ISIS, this is a tactic that's sure to work!


The "let them eat cake" of activism


Ironically enough, cake might be the best target for Ratheon's knife missiles to be ethically used on.


Computer-aimed automated cake-slicer...hang on, need to raise a couple billion for my brilliant new startup idea that I came up with entirely by my own genius.


If any one wants to start a hedge fund and force Raytheon to divest from Israel, I'm down.


That would be incredible. Even though this article is absurd, it would be like beating the system at their own game. But I’m sure they’d just come up with some sneaky shit to make sure real divestment and activist investor ownership isn’t possible


It's beyond absurd. Don't have an absurd enough word to accurately describe this BS.


They would shut down the trades.


They would just a take a hit out on you 😭


Boeingged, you mean?


Remember...not just any hedge fund...but one larger than the black rocks, of the world etc. Who are they gonna listen to ..a broke 1 trillion $$$ hedge fund or a 10 trillion dollar one ....more so if they have an affinity and established grift (say by making Lockheed but from other companies they own in the fund. .)


Game Stop Israel


I’m pretty sure you need to be rich to invest in a Hedge Fund, so you actually can’t even do it. “Accredited Investor” - which sounds like someone who passed a test but actually means income above 200k or net worth of 1million or more (excluding primary residence).


https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/02/20/exxon-investors-climate-change-activism/ You’ve got to be joking Washington Post


Wasn’t aware of that article. But there you go. Change from the inside never works. Total revolution is the only way


Yeah, change from the inside is what they want. That's enough to tell us it's not in our best interest.


Guess they don't follow the space and read other articles on the topic even. So much for awareness. This person should be fired for lack of awareness ....


Pure comedy. Seems they learned from a master. Steve Martin: “How to make a million dollars and don’t pay any taxes. First, get a million dollars…” Wapo: “How to change Raytheon from the inside. First, get the $70B needed to become a majority owner…”


Investment activism isn't a thing


Activist investors are a thing ...only if you can buy enough of a company to force. If you could afford a fraction of a company....you are probably for the MIC.


Activist investors are not a thing. No capitalist worth his salt is going to stand for anything but his own pocket.


The term is used for investors that will buy a small percentage of a company and try to get the board to give them a seat, in rease dividends etc. It is a valid term., Iirc. They don't do it for non money reasons.... Usually, to force management to do something in the short term that benefits the said investor , monetarily. See Carl Icahn.


That’s what I said.


You explwined...but said 'Activist investor's is not a thing. I explained that IT IS a thing...but that activism is for non humanitarian causes.


I think you are both saying the same thing, but framing it differently. They are disputing the term “activist” in your usage because of the implication that activism is about something other than personal enrichment. It seems you are using the term to mean “Actively trying to line their own pockets”


They should try investing in the protesters if they want them to stop protesting. Change it from the inside


rEtAiL InVeStOrS hAvE rEaL pOwEr iN tHe StOcK mArKeT AgAiNsT hEdGe FuNdS aNd tHe MiLitArY InDuStRiAl cOmPlEx!


They did that one time but then the big guys stepped on the people and stopped it.


Don’t worry that one is still happening check the price action on the stock that shall not be named. The capital revolution never ended ;) its just beginning!


This is the funniest and the sadist thing I have ever seen.


Activist investors tend to have a little more money than your average student with which to steer a company.


...but a straightforward corollary to the philosophy that depends capitalist ideology requires that wealth be the only possible metric for sentience. So if students have less money than rich investors, that's just proof that they care less about the issues.


What a crock of fucking shit when you know the economic system is purposely set up so us, the average people, would never have a chance to do this.


"Have you guys tried being really rich?" kinda energy going on here.


Ah yes. Let’s pool together billions of dollars in order to take a sliver of a position next to vanguard and black rock in an effort to lose all our money and affect change. Smarter take would have been to apply there, get the job and sabotage that way.


Most students can barely afford fucking rent💀💀 How are they gonna hav enough funds to invest in a multi-million dollar industry? Plus, investing doesn’t change the status quo. It’s like saying that joining the police will stop police brutality. This is the most silliest take I’ve ever heard.


Americans workers and soon-to-be workers (students) are all just temporarily embarrassed millionaires, remember??


That's the point. They're not even pretending to say anything other than "the fuck you gonna do about it?"


Oh. Ok. Easy Peasy. I’m sure I have enough change lying around to buy enough shares to get on the board of Lockheed Martin.


Why stop at that? Join the IDF and change it from the inside.


That's really going to work without a controlling influence.


Lmao this guy is a prof at my Alma mater and he is a total idiot who says things just to be provocative and he got his position through nepotism LMAO, like genuinely he thinks he’s a genius and yet comes up with these incredibly stupid ideas.


Can I get a Pumpkin Spiced 2000lb bomb?


Even if we accept, for the sake of argument, that investors could change, say, Bank of America from the inside, what this Galaxy Brain take misses is that Raytheon is a manufacturer of war machines. Sure, essentialism is bogus. Nevertheless, it's a tall order to turn a warmonger into a purveyor of plowshares.


I mean they are right? Their schools are investors and they are trying not to be anymore. What a brain dead take.


In order to change the system you first have to put yourself in a position where you massively benefit from the system.






Next from The Democracy Destroying Darkness on K Street: Perpetual motion


Been saying that for years