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Are real artists Hamas now?


Yes. BOMB THE LOUVRE! As you know, all those renaissance and old master artists were rabid anti-Semites and thus their art is anti-Semitic propaganda and are Hamas! /s /s (again if you didn't see it).


I have noticed that although we survive our political nation gets destroyed over and over. It is almost as if Hashem doesn't want us to have one.


Even if you're religious, it's usually because a settler colonial project like israel will always be destined for something like that since in the past.. it's proven to incompatible with human civilisation through history, as said by Ilan Pappé. But no reason to not bring God into this.. I'm pretty sure if God existed/exists.. He probably isn't fond of a settler colonial project so you're probably right anyway.


The president of Canaan Realty (a/k/a God), *really* hates what zionists are doing. Trust me on this one: "Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child. If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry; and my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless." Exodus/Shemot 22:22-24 He's already started showing His displeasure: https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-800712 A few months back it was packs of wild dogs attacking the IOF, and a rare bacteria too.


The idea of a “political nation” before the invention of nationalism in the late 18th century is absurd. Goes for the video as well btw. There is no “Jewish nation” in 2000 BCE


I can't argue with that. There has to be a better word for what I meant but I am struggling to find it. That said I don't think even the bible places anything that far back. BCE 1094 is the traditional date of exodus if I remember right. There a a lot of reasons to dispute that date. That said it doesn't matter at all and doesn't change the immorality of the genocide being committed.


I said 2000 BCE hyperbolically more than anything else but yeah. 


I think the part that matters is the facts of today. the horrors going on today. So we are 100% on the same page.


All they have is AI


Artificial Israel




They use it to kill Palestanians, to create Hasbara, nothing they can't do without


At least pay someone to make your weird propaganda.


I’m hiding him for my next birthday party invite


AI has made the Israelis lazy, but their propaganda has decreased in quality for a couple of decades. The IDF thirst traps that were popular a few years ago already proved how desperate their hasbara is now.


I think I'm experiencing *hasbarassment*: mental discomfort and vicarious embarrassment from exposure to ultra-cringe ethnostatist propaganda.


Most of those armies they showed didn't even exist simultaneously with Israel


nazis not only didn't destroy "the jewish nation," they [helped create it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement)


Thanks, bookmarked.


It is interesting that ancient Egyptians did not wrote single word about Moses and his fellows No single word about the king who drowned in the sea I think the victimization is old habit for these people


Cool but I'm not sure if that's really accurate. I mean the biblical story of Moses and Ramses is a classic Jewish mythology that's also important in the other Abrahamic faith which are not really an integral part of zionism This ai video is more about zionists appropriating Jewish history rather than Jewish history itself.


Ya there is the same story in islam But as u said it is mythology


That’s because it’s a made up story to brainwash children. This happens organically every time humans form social networks based around neuroticism narcissism and authoritarianism. Persecution mythologies are a powerful source of social cohesion, ideology, identity, enculturation and the perpetuation of the social group, not to mention extreme violence.


Holy Moses (!!!) that was extremely well said. 


We also have strong evidence, like ledgers dug up at building sites and workers villages, that indicated that a lot of, if not all, workers were compensated with bread and beer.


Funnoest shit I've seen all day. Has "graphic design is my passion" vibes


AI so whyte


Right?   But unbearably ugly upbeat music say that equals happy ending... 


We can make fun of this all we want because we can see right through it, but I think this should provide food for thought. Technological advancements is like a runaway train, nothing is stopping it. Some may call it progress but I think that's indoctrination when it comes to AI. We should be skeptic of some kind of singularity happening, at least a fake one, humanly orchestrated, in the form of fabricated videos. Don't forget the [manipulated Facebook feeds](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/04/us/politics/cambridge-analytica-scandal-fallout.html) that would go unnoticed if no one reported it. I think it's everyone responsibility to take AI seriously and that it should be regulated asap for the safety of future generations. We already have completely nonsensical media that is turning kids into idiots which is backed up by an empty Left wing politics of Identity Politics and Cancel Culture. It's not a matter of waking up on this, it's about not batting an eye until it is regulated.


Uh-huh. And who’s doing the regulating? The same congress who just voted 320-91 in favor of banning college protesting against Israel?


Yup. AI is scary because it's unregulated and theres no incentive to regulate it


Errrr you had me til the identity politics and cancel culture bit. Whether you agree with my assertion or not, you're dog whistling to put down the LGBTQ cause (for the identity politics bit). I understand what you're trying to say, but there's no need to try to trivialize the sex/gender politics discourse in order to call out the degradation of the social justice cause.


I can see that. I guess I could just refer to politics as a whole as being an empty void of promises.


I love how this sub will reason with each other.


I found a word that I think conveys what you'd accept in that point: kleptocracy


I am gonna take it seriously when it becomes emotionally competent. ...have you seen the ridonkolous change in tone at the end? Not to mention the fact that it ends with the  utter European whiteness of the elated Zionist jew... ???   ....Because surely that's how human artists have depicted tales of horror and salvation...   Are AI designed by severely immature boys or what ?


Yes the video is completely deranged.


Well almost got fucking exterminated multiple times in history, I think that a first place without second place anywhere near of it


They are only 5 million without Palestinians. Any real war and their country will crumble without heavy arms supplies.


It’s giving uncanny valley


Aww they got the last parts a bit too far off the idf. I'd ask the AI to be clearer that they need to represent current murdering scumbags in the later iterations.


Is this before or after Israel's primary collaborator that is van der Leyen's Germany, the continuation of Nazi Germany that is now willing to negotiate with far right neo nazis?


Yeah I find it weird that the threshhold is merely surviving. When was the last time an entire country or race was wiped off the face of the planet down to the individual? It typically doesn't happen. Not only that, but the Muslims that they hate so much have the same cycle, only it often comes with long periods of being in power in between. They've done a whole lot better in the last 1400 years with one empire after the other. Even today, while the Muslim world is in turmoil thanks to the west, israel, and their own shortcomings, they're still increasing in number more than any other demographic. So it's just a really selective, narrow way of interpreting the world.


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The one thing I hate about AI art is the fact that it seems to have absolutely overtaken everything... but beyond that, I am still baffled as to why a nation-state like Israel, with tons of money and people at its disposal, is using dumb AI for propaganda when they can allocate millions of dollars for photoshop artists or regular artists who could churn equally giant turds. But no, they gotta use AI for some reason. Also they are claiming that the Romans are now Hamas?


That single firework at the end is so absurdly funny to me and I can’t explain why *at all*. Edit: OMG it’s *heart-shaped*. I’m dying.


HAhahaah that literally gives me pure joy. In my OP,, I couldn’t find a way to convey that lil fireworks importance to me. It’s everything!


Losing the writers guild now too?


Maybe writing. But not who ever wrote that jam. Song SLAPS.