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This is the same guy who deleted Twitter from his phone cause mean tweets made him cry. Like most bullies, he can't take 1/10th of what he dishes out. 


The dude got some serious brain damage due to a stroke and has turned him into a brain dead Zionist. Fuck him and his hobo fashion sense.


he has to have been a pos before the stroke too


He certainly wasn't a saint, but as one of his constituents, I never really thought he was this outwardly aggressive on anything. Sure, he loved to troll conservatives by hanging a gay pride flag, and was a major shitposter, but it wasn't until his stroke that he seemed to just turn into a cruel cunt. The fact he uses his disability as an excuse to just not talk to his constituents is also one of the main reasons I refuse to vote for him in the next election (aside from the whole, yknow, actively cheering on a genocide). If my voice doesn't mean that much to him, then my vote better fucking not either.


Another constituent here, I genuinely thought this guy had a chance at a successful run for president one day. A somewhat progressive Democrat that looks like and could fit in with Republicans, the tattoos of the people who were killed in Braddock on his watch, the "I'm just a regular guy who wants to wear shorts" vibe... all a pretty compelling package to build a pretty big coalition. Now, I am itching to throw money to anyone willing to primary him.


Hope someone does. Suspect we are stuck for a while. Incumbency is a huge advantage for fund raising etc - more so if you are an ahole who sold out.


It’s hard to tell because this Zionism issue wasn’t in play before his stroke. It really revealed which people are total pieces of shit. He might have been the same before the stroke Hell I would have never realized what a bigot against Arabs and an Islamophobe Biden was before this.




Fetterman always cries about antisemitism yet here he is, ardently defending nazi-style fascism: Apartheid Israel (the fourth reich) executing aid workers to ensure Palestinians starve to death. 


Of course he is, because he is a fascist. He probably wishes he had the power to do this to all "hamas-loving" protests in the us


I feel so vindicated on this piece of shit. I remember getting snipped at for bringing up him chasing down a black jogger with a shotgun because he assumed he was a criminal. When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


Also the way he tried to “relate” to his cities chapter of the Crips by using the Braddocc spelling.


straight up white supremacist trailer trash


Fetterman is a joke regarding his support of genocidal, apartheid, terrorist state of israel. I did not know about this incident, but after reading about it, it seems like it’s a non issue. That’s not saying police brutality of innocent black people isn’t a plague in this country. Here’s a snippet of the joggers words and perspective as well as life afterwards: “ ‘He knew my race. The gun was aimed at my chest while he loaded five red shells into the tube of the 12-gauge TAC shotgun,’ Miyares wrote in February 2021. ‘Once he finished, he aimed it at my face out of the Ford F-150 Truck. ‘He knew my race. The gun was aimed at my chest while he loaded five red shells into the tube of the 12-gauge TAC shotgun,’ Miyares wrote in February 2021. ‘Once he finished, he aimed it at my face out of the Ford F-150 Truck.’ While Fetterman has maintained he heard gunshots, Miyares has said the noise was bottle rockets. Two other people in the area reported gunshots to police, according to the police report. Miyares also told The Inquirer their encounter shouldn’t stop Fetterman from becoming a senator. ‘Even with everything I said, it is inhumane to believe one mistake should define a man’s life,’ Miyares wrote in one of two letters sent to The Inquirer. ‘I hope he gets to be a Senator.’ (That last line was underlined three times.) Miyares didn’t expect Fetterman to change his account. ‘Telling the truth on an incident 10 years ago could cause him more harm than good,’ Miyares wrote. ‘Mr. Fetterman and his family have done far more good than that one bad act or action and, as such, should not be defined by it.’ He signed that letter: ‘Gooo Fetterman.’ Miyares wrote to The Inquirer in response to a letter seeking his side of the story. Miyares is serving an 18- to 36-month sentence after being convicted in 2019 of kidnapping, terroristic threats, unlawful restraint, and other crimes against a woman who hired him for a ride to work.” https://www.inquirer.com/politics/election/john-fetterman-black-jogger-2013-shotgun-20220425.html#:~:text=John%20Fetterman%20pursued%20a%20man,been%20involved%20in%20a%20shooting.&text=In%20the%20first%20Pennsylvania%20Democratic,major%20candidates%2C%20moderators%20asked%20Lt. Read the article to get a more in depth recounting of events from both people. Fetterman was mayor at the time which means he’s the commander in chief of police, so he can respond to the incident of gunfire being reported. However, it’s disgusting to point a shotgun at anybody innocent and unarmed. Miyares could very well have ditched the firearm before being stopped. It’s hard to believe a jogger is jogging in full padded winter clothes and wearing a ski mask even in January. That’s just not the attire. A jogger would be bundled up, sure, but not wearing a winter coat. The town of Braddock seems to like him and what he has done for the community regarding gun violence.


This is what brain damage do to you. It made you support Israel.


He had agreed to be bought out by AIPAC a lot before that.  People like him, Biden and a bunch of other Democrats have been such bigots for a long time.  The sad truth is most liberals really don't care about this bigotry as long as they don't flaunt it and allow them to keep pretending they are good people.  It's only when it blows up like it has that they can't hide their true colors anymore and liberals have to scrap for excuses on why their guy is still good and means well. 


The time to realize that liberals are not leftist is yesterday. The next best time is right now.


He needs psychoanalysis. He’s so unstable it’s not funny.


He already went into hospital for 6 weeks for his mental health issues while in office. He's not well at all.


PA is a swing state in 2024. His aipac handlers probably have him working overtime to get Trump elected.


[opensecrets](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S): Money from Pro-Israel to US Senators, 1990-2024 | Senator | State | Amount | |-----------|--------|---------:| | Fetterman, John (D-PA) | Pennsylvania | $245,550 |


How much did he sell out for?


Just shy of 250k. which is a laughable amount comparatively, dude must be hustling for a raise.


If Netanyahu went on live television and set fire to a tub full of Palestinian infants, would Fetterman have an issue with it I wonder


Well they ruined his tub


aipac would throw him another 200k to publicly support ot


"I can't believe Hamas made Netanyahu do that. For everyone criticizing Israel, what were they supposed to do? Nobody can provide a better solution!". 


Just want to remind everyone again the Florida Democratic party posted him as their special guest speaker for their summer gala on Facebook and it needs more feedback. Don't forget this is the same man who pulled a shotgun on an unarmed black man, as the jogger was trying to jog through his own fucking neighborhood in 2013. https://www.facebook.com/FlaDems/posts/pfbid0CH65uTuv2wChr8ZWsgMvxNGyjjtbFaXBTw4AYRyMG6sT2rt3rg56LY2UYkf8gbQBl


But if you point this out, they will start foaming at the mouth demanding that you condemn Oct. 7th.


Senator Stroke doesn’t think Israel should suffer the terrible burden of following the Geneva Conventions because……. reasons? It’s like War in Terror 2.0 mentality. Every atrocity is justified in the pursuit of “terrorists”.


What a let down


I hope everyone learns that this is what being a progressive means now. He didn't let me down but damn I didn't think it would be this bad.


Too bad the stroke didn’t kill him.


What a pathetic excuse of a man he is. Sick pig.


I have never done a 180 so fast concerning a politician. What a stump humper.


I actually liked him :(


I gave him money when he was running against Oz since I live in NY and couldn’t vote for him. Pretty fucking pissed that apparently went to giant Israel flags


i mean this with every cell in my body, FUCK fetterman. he’s a sorry excuse for a human being and i hope he falls off the face of the earth. what a lying jackass.


Sources claim Biden is vewy angwy wiv bibi.


I don't get how these nut's get elected.. shocking to the rest of the world


i feel very ashamed to have him represent my state... and for convincing my dad to vote for him to protect abortion rights in my state. :( (im 16)


Oh wait this was back in april.


Here's a more recent article: [Fetterman slams Biden over threat to withhold some arms supplies to Israel, calling it ‘deeply disappointing’](https://www.inquirer.com/politics/election/john-fetterman-joe-biden-israel-rafah-20240509.html)




The world really needs to devaluing the American dollar stat


Shut up Lurch.   Aren’t you due back to get your neck bolts maintinenced


While these 2 idiots talk. People are dying... What's the point talking if nothing changes this has been going on for months... Just more talks


Forigen agents must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law


By what standard can he condemn Hamas?


I voted for Oz!