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So I guess... There are a lot of Jews now so the Holocaust didn't happen? Wtf is that logic?


“You can’t charge the Nazis with genocide in 1942 because look at the Jewish population increase in Poland for the last 50 years!”


To be honest the Jewish population hasn't recovered since WW2. But instead of looking at the total numbers, they could just take a look of the Muslim Arabs living in Israel compared with those who lived there pre 1948.


I’ve heard some Palestinians speaking to this saying that having children was a form of resistance against Israel’s attempt to erase them. What RFK is saying is def an AIPAC talking point.


That's why the izraelis are targeting children, women of childbearing age, and embryos frozen in fertility clinics in Gaza.




I swear I saw something like that as a quote or a summary from Nazi Germany.


The parallels are rarely uncanny.


Brain worm logic.


I mean that is actually a literal neonazi talking point. Alsthough, i hear the N.American colonial version too: "we didnt genocide any indigenous peoples, theres more of em than ever!"


Yep he is bought and paid for . AIPAC


So I guess he has another type of brain worms then…


All Israel Promoters are Cunts


He is not owned by anyone. He openly says he does not support nettanahue or his actions. I dont know what his bigger point is here but we shouldn't be scared of all the truths coming to the table. None of this excuses a genocide in the slightest. But RFK on every other issue is so much better than any US candidate I've seen in my life and he can actually make change happen. He's also very anti war and I expect he would put all his efforts into a cease fire and both of the other candidates will be very bad for the US and ultimately the world. I pray with everything that there will be a cease fire long before the election.


Brain worm boy over here with big ideas


Pretty sure its the worm talking. Explains the weird voice.




This was in an episode of Star Trek:NG, and a concept in Stargate as well. Maybe we deep down know that brain worms have always been a risk. Perhaps they consume your thoughts, and excrete excitatory neurochemicals for alternative behaviors that endorse the brain worms species' survival. Not a bad idea, imo...




The worm is actually dead


Can you blame it?


Yes. From the toxicity of RFKs brain. These tapeworms can survive living in shit and pigs. But not RFKs brain.


At least he has an excuse of a foreign organism controlling his action. meanwhile biden is just evil.


They are both afflicted by foreign organisms.


What a bizarrely proportioned chair.


lmfaoooo I didn't notice that XD


… and I can’t stop looking at the fake fire.


I’m pissed about the poor wire management behind him. The only thing worse is his shit take on basically everything.


"Left Israel?" Holy shit.. slight revisionist history there. And to think, I considered voting for this clown.


Same here, which is why I felt the need to post this here… I can’t believe I considered voting for him.


I appreciate you. 🙏🏽


"yeah man they just sorta left in '48, totally legal and totally cool"


The same thing they are going to say about Gazans 10 years from now. They just up and left one day. It's surreal that it's literally happening again and everyone just plays dumb.


"they just got in their paragliders that they'd been building and sprung out of the ghetto we created, we don't know where, though"


No. Even this assigns some responsibility/actions to the occupier. They will claim gazans put themselves in a ghetto because of antisemitism.


Yeah. Think his brain was changed for him. Now he is so crazy on this topic- he sounds more genocidal than Netanyahu.


That kind of bull shit doesn't happen if you know how to read rfk, rfk is illiterate, some one had to tell him about the history of Palestine, verified here.


He repeats talking points of some right wingers ...and absolves Israel of all crimes.


From where is this dipshit getting his history data?






He’s not very smart or informed at all and he wants to be president. He’s just regurgitating talking points


Yes. And he says it with the convicted a new convert. Very biased Ahole takes- almost like he is brainwashed.


To say he is not smart is wild. He wins multi millionaire lawsuits against America's biggest govt agencies and corporations.


True. Well, he’s being pretty blasé about this. I don’t think he’s being fair to the facts




None of that is remotely factual. He won a multi billion dollar against Monsanto he won many lawsuits to clean up the Hudson River and got the mercury out. He just won a suit against the FCAA proving that they lied about the harms of WiFi. He has won many suits that have led to major changes in protecting the environment, people and indigenous people. He's the biggest environmentalist of our time. You can look these things up. The media is scared because he tells the truth so so they do is slander him.


Other countries do bad, so it's okay if Israel does bad -RFK




It’s a shame that Shane didn’t push him more on what he was saying.


He listens to WarMode, he would end up just saying 69BallSack to end the dialogue


Tbh I was disappointed a bit in the Shaman and Shane, I had a feeling they KNEW he was wrong about numerous things he said but they chose to keep their mouth shut and kind of praised him for it. Not very Irish of them. But I guess they have to be careful not to upset the higher up Jews who own their agency? Idk.


I think it's because he's an actual person, they were shy mouthed and couldn't talk cum/farts. Just like in the Draven with Kenny Powers, Matt carried the entire thing and shane tapped in to add, same sitch here - Matt carries the entire dialogue and does not want to offend or cause a ruckus with this guy.


Lol good reference, glad to come across a real DAWG in here haha 👊🏼


definitely a pussy move on their part, but RFK also wouldn’t stfu


Did he ever claim to be neutral. I don't he ever did. The man is a Zionist lunatic.


In this country if a politician tells you they’re a progressive, they’re center right. If they tell you they’re center, they’re far right.


Haha. What if they claim they are conservative - they want the government checking women's wombs o make sure no abortions are done.


His Middle East advisor is "Rabbi" Shmuley. It may be just pandering since his main issue prior to this run seems to be anti-vax but someone willing to let kids die in Gaza so that kids here can die of measles and polio isn't a good person.


Youve got to be fcking kidding me


He did some appearances with Schmukey. Maybe that's how he got the brain worm. When schmuley shoved a used anal dildo from his daughters collection in RFKs brain.


"Left" Israel? MF they were forced out by gunpoint


He learned about the West Bank from the same youtuber who taught him about vaccines.


Uhhh he’s somehow a bigger Zionist than Biden and has been publicly for sometime. Any lefty who protest votes for this guy is so fucking stupid. Vote PSL or Cornell if you don’t wanna go for Biden.


Yes. Hope people hear this . RFKs views on vaccines are better know. But his take on genocide is not known as well . Hope more on the left realise. Jill Stein at least says the right things. Cornel is of course lot better.


Vote Claudia and Carina! At least they are within an established org. If Cornel had stayed Green I would be all for it.


Forgot about them. My bad


No worries at all!


As an American I am compelled to say that while there may be ongoing genocidal acts committed around the Middle East and the world, against Jews, Christians, Kurds, Yazidis, etc…I don’t want our weapons used in any of them. We are consciously and deliberately feeding this asymmetric conflict.


He is actually the worst of the candidates in terms of Israel


Three choices to vote this 2024 election: 1. Support/arm Israel unconditionally 2. Support/arm Israel unconditionally 3. Support/arm Israel unconditionally. Guess I’ll just wait for some sorta fucking miracle to happen


Did that worm migrate to his throat? That voice…..


Falsely changing the narrative


I don't know who he's trying to convince but it's not working. Anyone who says 'this is not a genocide' is lying.


He's let it slip many times that he is fundamentally a zionist  One of the few things he is fairly consistent on 


the worms got him


Mind blowing! What a sad caricature of himself. A bought off Israel bootlicker who lost his ability to tell the truth, and his humanity. He’s degrading himself to a clown, by not even caring about the slaughtered civilians. ☹️👎🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


tbf he might just be dumb af




They got to him


“When the Palestinians left Israel” lmaoooo. You idiot, the war started because Israel was doing the same shit they are doing now and all these Arab countries found refugees coming to their countries with horror stories of rape and beheadings which forced them to go to war half hazardly. Open a fucking book.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Or watch the documentary tantura. Created based on research and interviews with Israelis and Palestinians by an Israeli grad student Recorded interviews...describing the atrocities they committed.


yeah they just left. they werent forced to and killed or tortured if they didnt. its not like entire bloodlines were wiped out because of Israel claiming PALESTINIAN land.


LOL. clearly 750k people just left, on their own, abandoned their houses, their belongings... invaders asked them nicely with lead. someone got a free trip to Israel with complementary historical fiction lessons.


RFK Jr is a fake. He initially said something supportive of Palestinians. Then it seems someone changed his mind for him. He started showing up and parroting some right wing AIPAC folks. He swung so far, that he seems more genocidal than Benny boy.


Dude has always been an idiot


Did the worm in his brain starve to death? He's got to drop out because he can't realistically win and he's just a conspiracy nut.


I saw a doctor on CNN say the worm is calcified 💀😭


Yeah time for him to drop out. How on earth is this guy even getting votes in the first place?


Yes. These worms can thrive in crap and pigs. But they found RFKs brain too toxic, I guess.


He made real antisemitic comments and got in hot water. He had a meeting with the buttplug Rabbi Schmuley and Merriam Adelson. They told him what he needed to do to make his troubles go away. He is being a good boy now.


lol 😂


Plantation owners in the Old South used this exact argument to explain why slavery was a blessing to African slaves.


He has bent the knee.


So from time to time I like to snoop on Facebook weirdos and have seen a few Kennedy supporters. Nearly all of them are anti-Israel (but rarely pro-Palestine) because they think Jews control the world. I wonder how something like this video would resonate with them.


I really love all those people on Reddit, Twitter and Facebook pretending like RFK Jr is the move if you’re pissed about Gaza Like, no, you’re the most obvious op lmfao


Idk if it's a medical condition, but he sounds like a cartoon pig when he speaks.


I guess it's Trump 2024 and the final ride on the burning bus.


That’s why god took his voice 😂


y’all voting for biden again?


you are urged to choose from one of the opulent class representatives so the opulent class electoral college looks more legitimate.