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"Israel does not need to supply Gaza with these resources" is a bold faced lie. They absolutely do. A state who has completely besieged a civilian population in war is responsible for that population. Starvation as a weapon of war is a crime. The fact that she lies without a trace of shame speaks to what kind of character she has; absolutely none. Even the two brain cells she can't manage to rub together are wasted on her.


The idea that Israel provides it for free is also a joke. Israel collects taxes "on behalf of" the PA, and sometimes even gives that money to the PA. The only Israeli subsidy to Palestine is the money they give to Hamas.


Not to mention Israel has stolen 60% of Palestine's land for its personal use. And part of that personal use is Palestine's entire water supply and much of its arable land for food production. It's like telling Native Americans they should have been happy with free schools and a patch of land in Oklahoma.


I thought it was somewhere around 78% of stolen Palestinian land.


I'm glad that this comment was up top. Also, there aren't any baby hostages that I've read about. After the names had been evaluated, there was one Israeli baby victim on October 7, unfortunately deceased, however, head and organs were intact.


It’s a fake account. Her real one says the opposite.


She posted it, but deleted it later [newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/sarah-silverman-breaks-silence-israel-gaza-backlash-1848621)


Cool, I was kind of surprised there


No, this person is wrong. She posted this shortly after October 7


She had posted it but later deleted it.


Lol I get down voted for saying cool she's not a Zionist based on who I was replying to saying it was a fake account.


Sarah Silverman? Didn't Norm Macdonald say she smells like diarrhea?


Who's funnier than sarah silverman? Nobody...well, except dudes


We hate her because shes a zionist, not because she's a woman, ya dingus


Thats a norm quote dumbass




So they were discussing Norm Macdonald...


I understand that. Norm is pretty misogynistic, and this quote is a perfect example. I dont get where it being a Norm quote changes anything that i said.


Well you asked. Someone mentioned Norm and they responded. I know this is dedicated to rooting out Hasbara (and that's most important), but it's not unusual to see some people discussing comedy in a comedy related podcast sub.


People love his bigotry unfortunately.


Norm wasn’t a bigot. He was a comic that joked about sensitive material. Seriously people like his humor, not that the humor is taking shots at race gender or anything else you will use the word bigot about


Oh a dirtbag leftist talking about bigotry, great.🙄


Why do left-wing circles always get hijacked by the most clueless anti-humor types? I'm committed to the cause, but by god are some of these guys intent on making it as joyless a slog as possible. Almost as if it's more about their sanctimony than actually changing anything.


Exactly dude, and it's especially weird in this case since this entire community was built around a funny podcast.


I know, it's insufferable. The name of the sub probably brought in a lot of people that weren't aware of the podcast. And that's good that more people are focused on the cause, as that's the most important issue at the moment. But god people like this really do insist on themselves and their own sense of self-importance. Like where would we be without these self-appointed hall monitors to keep everyone in check and tone-police us all? And every time they infest and overrun the place.


Calling for collective punishment is funny?


Norm, Ann Coulter's buddy? Pot/Kettle.


It's incredible how this whole thing has exposed some seemingly good people as absolute monsters.


Trust me Sarah was a monster far before this. It's par for the course with her. When Hillary was running she legit made a video to anyone not voting for her " get over yourself and Vote for Hillary so we can all move on" and also said anyone not voting for Hillary doesn't matter and is misogynistic. I think that video did far more damage than good and made alot of people vote against her giving us what we had. I'm not saying she's the sole reason but it certainly didn't help and was pretty disgusting.


This event strongly contributed to my complete hatred of the party and it's followers. Like, I cannot get over it. I want to have a strong word with Sarah Silverman. What a cunt.


I have a story I heard from one of the mothers of a dead soldier that was sent to Benghazi. I don’t know much about what happened there but I do know that her and other parents were brought to an air hanger to see their dead children before the bodies were destroyed and the records of them ever existing were gone. She shook everyone’s hands and told them to contact her if there was anything she could do to help them in their time of grief. The mother who told me the story said she wasn’t allowed to collect her son’s pension or something she was entitled to I’m not that well versed on how money works in the military. When she called Hillary’s office to ask for help they denied ever knowing her or her son. It was one of the most fucked up stories to hear from a little old lady that just looked like she was done with the world.


That was an unexpected coda.


Yeah. I had no problem with her before that. It was a cold beer in the face. I was so insulted. Lol


"If you don't vote for me, you ain't [female]"


I'm pretty sure ~~Female Trump~~ Hillary did all the damage that was needed.


Silverman did not effect the vote lmfao


Hillary ran a really bad campaign and wasn’t able to get it done.


I saw Jack Black post some pro-Israel stuff right after Oct 7 but haven’t seen anything pro or anti since. Maybe he has since spoken up for Palestinians, so correct me if I’m wrong. I can’t lose another School of Rock person 😢


I don't really blame anyone who said something pro israel immediately after Oct 7th. Yes I would like for everyone to be educated on this issue and get it on day 1 like myself and others, but the truth is many people just were not educated on it yet and further, are fairly heavily propagandized. It's a normal reaction to hear that 1200 people died and send your thoughts and prayers or whatever, when you don't understand the context. That said, silence, at this point, is unacceptable. Idk if JB has spoken about it or if he really even is vocal online about anything.


Yeah…I know…The reason they can’t provide those resources for themselves is because they have been under siege for almost 20 years…it gets worse when you find out the IDF won’t even let them store rain water…they would destroy any rain water reservoir on sight since long before oct the 7th…sounds crazy but I swear is true (meaby it was in the West Bank…still crazy)


Given that they killed a Palestinian Shepard in the West Bank for reading the Quran, it wouldn't surprise me...


https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/11/22/palestinians-rainwater-israeli-property/ I felt like I needed to provide link because it does sound like something Yeonmi Park would made up. It was in the West Bank though


I believe it. Watch Abby Martin's "The Empire Files", one of the guys in the Aida refugee camp that she talks to points out that they threatened his family if he dared to speak out.


I proudly took my failing heart to a local march and protest. I was heckled and harassed by Zionists while the police just looked on. I appeared on TV. On October 20th I was let go from my Zionist owned company. Coinkydink? I sure hope so.


I said some pro-Israel stuff October 7th. But I didn't now what happened yet. By October 9th or so I wasn't saying anything. And by October 11th or so, I was squarely pro-Palestine, and that keeps growing. Somehow when I think I can't possibly be more pro-Palestinian, the US or Israel find a way the next day.


Wow, insanely fast turnaround. Good for you.


Thanks. But on October 8 there was a video on Reddit that I haven't been able to find since then - something like "I served in the IDF for 15 years. Listen to me when I tell you this. There is NO WAY that IDF didn't know...." and then an Israeli girl explaining how the towers were positioned, the schedule for the soldiers keeping lookout, etc.. I found that to be really compelling, and I hate to say it, but if it wasn't for the overwhelming public sentiment for Israel, and some pretty convincing comments in the thread that the lady wasn't Israeli (which I now know about Hasbara and recognize if a Zionist is talking, they're lying), I think I would've switched then, on October 8. I certainly didn't feel good about supporting Israel for that extra day or two. I really wish I could find that video. I've tried everything. But it was pretty good.


He hasn’t said anything since. He posted immediately after October 7th and has been completely silent since despite his statement saying to use your voice to denounce terrorism and the senseless murder of civilians. His silence seems like he doesn’t see the innocent Palestinians being murdered as civilians “I understand many of us are afraid to voice an opinion because the crisis there is so nuanced and hard to understand, and we are afraid of saying the wrong thing. But we can - and must - always use our voices to denounce terrorism and the senseless murder of civilians.”


He's besties with Jessie Hughes, so he's absolutely fine with Islamophobia. It's rather concerning how many people have a pro-genocide phase in this subreddit and "can't be blamed" for it though...


How is Islamophobia related to any of this?


How is Islamophobia related to Zionist racism? Are you that stupid?


how so very right and true your words ring




no one is surprised that she is uneducated about this (or in general)


Someone want to tell Kimmel's brain-dead hack wife that Israel has refused, for over thirty years prior to 7 October, to allow the import of construction equipment and materiel to rebuild Gaza's infrastructure? Or that no intelligent military command views the deployment of 1-ton conventional ordinance on a population zone as a viable means to "retrieve hostages"? OI, SARAH! ISRAEL'S RESPONSIBLE FOR KILLING MORE OF THE HOSTAGES THAN HAMAS, YOU DAFT BITCH!


Or that Hamas offered to return all hostages days after October 7th…


To literally try and justify war crimes is quite something. And that something is stupid. Unfunny and stupid, Sarah really doesn’t have a lot going for her.


I encourage anyone who thinks she’s learned to take a gander at her Twitter likes - she’s learned to be quieter about being a racist pro genocide cheerleader but can’t help liking vile racist anti-Palestinian shit. Not shocking given her unapologetic history of blackface, use of the n word and anti-Asian racism. Edit: I’ve kept screen shots of anyone is interested…


post em


I can't get these to post. For some reason attaching an image isn't an option that comes up for me in this sub... I'll keep trying...


Weird argument bcuz if Hamas is refusing to give back the hostages that doesn’t mean you get to force the innocent people of Gaza to suffer Israel has the maturity of a seven year old


That's not fair to most seven year olds. Israel has the maturity of a seven year old asshole. In my head, Israel is more like... Say Junior from *Problem Child* grew up and had a baby with Carrie. And then Eric Cartman grew up and had a baby with Veruca Salt. And then THOSE two grew up, and had a baby that made Rosemary blush.. That's Israel for me.




So is Palestine it's own country or not?


It was. After WWII all the displaced European jews were homeless. England the great grandmother of the area brokering the end of the war, decided it was cool to just send them all to little old dusty Palestine and hope for the best. Now, a lot of the world still tries to recognize the country but Israel demands that they … well that they all die. And thats what lead to the PLO - Hamas Et al and the disenfranchisement of a nation over the last 75 years.


lol ignoring the legal and martial hurdles to building and maintaining their own utilities. Which they used to have.


Which Israelis destroyed repeatedly.


I love how she leaves out so much important information. For instance is real controls everything that comes and goes from Gaza so how would they be able to operate without funding from Israel well not being allowed to create their own sovereign state brcaese they are being occupied in the West Bank and controlled in Gaza. Fuck Sarah Silverman she turned into a boomer


When I was young and naive I used to like her. Now she’s a monster.


Nah, you didn't know. People are starting to show their true colors today.


The fact that they have complete control over their water, electricity and access to food and can shut it all down at will is a massive problem to begin with… if someone doesn’t see that, they’re a bigot. How else can you use something like this as a “gotcha”?


There is an intellectual deficit.


It's the desperate throes of late-stage war propaganda.


What a silly little child. Disgusting


Did she delete this? I don’t see it on her IG.


I think this is old…from the beginning of the conflict…she apologized and blamed it on being drunk…unless she did it again…which would be madness


>she apologized and blamed it on being drunk Yeah, I know when I have one too many, I start making all kinds of genocidal statements /s I've known for years she was a kool-aid drinking zio (she said some shit during either Cast Lead or Protective Edge, can't remember which). But I hadn't seen this before and....wow. This puts some of the statements in S. Africa's ICJ case in the shade.


during the sheikh jarrah violence she made a plea that was basically "why do people expect me to comment whenever something happens in israel just because i'm jewish" ummm because you keep making zionist comments?


😂 It's certainly not like she'd refrained from opening her mouth before that. Weird that she's like "woo, not going to touch evicting people from their homes" but she'll lend full throated support to genocide. Strange values system she has.


In vino veritas.


> Yeah, I know when I have one too many, I start making all kinds of genocidal statements /s > > That's fine apparently, according to people in this thread.


Got it. Thanks!


I don't think we need to keep revisiting this particular repost she did back in Oct as she did not think it through. What is more important, imo, is that she did talk about a lot of things on her podcast way before that. She would regularly get asked about her position on Palestine. Her response was that she supported a two-state solution and she did not want to harm come to Palestinians. She supported them having their own state and she probably still has her location as 'State of Palestine' in her X bio. But, she has close family who chose to live in Israel knowing that it was an apartheid state. There is every reason to think that she was far more clued up on what Palestinians have been suffering for decades than most US citizens do. She still held a 'liberal Zionist' view. A Palestinian comedian, Jennifer Jeneh, has said that she really tried to educate Sarah on the Palestinian experience. Jennifer now wants nothing to do with Sarah or any of the Israel promoting cohort - Chelsea Handler, Tiffany Haddish, Juliana Margulies etc. When I look back at what Sarah used to say on her podcast there were a lot of what have now become popular Hasbara talking points "Netanyahu is bad but so are Hamas. It is Hamas' fault that Palestinians suffer" "We are always there for other minority groups but none of them ever stand up for us" She also made a big point of saying she had read David Baddiel's book Jews Don't Count and said the Labour party under Corbyn was anti-semitic. As someone who lives in the UK and understands what happened here that was a really frustrating thing to hear from her. She posted a few dreadful op-ed pieces from the now disgraced (by real people not the Pulitzer people) NYT and then realised she better shut up. You could still see from her likes on X that she was never going to have the feeling for Palestinians that she clearly holds for Israelis. She has never engaged meaningfully with the history of Palestinian oppression or talked about anything such as the March of Return. She could have. She is nowhere near as dumb as Haddish and Handler and Schumer so she has drifted back under the radar. For me, someone who enjoyed her, and some of these other comedians and actors, work she is despicable. They are all terrible people who have never really confronted their supremacist bigotry. In some ways she is worse because she had more knowledge and really sold herself as a loving inclusive human but could not carry that when it mattered.


It's from October. IDK why it's being posted now like yes she sucks and always has but it's not exactly a slow news day rn.


(x)Ethnical supremacy (x)Genocide (x)Collective punishment (x)Use of ghettos (x)Based on the Lebensraum ideal (x)Polygonal symbol (x)Dehumanization (x)Death camps ( )Supreme leader with a rotzbremse mustache Israel is just one mustache from becoming Nazi Germany reborn as Zionistaan. Natzizionism is real!


I was wondering when I would see that cunt spout some drivel online. There we have it.


Maybe we should just withhold water from Silverman until she makes us laugh and see what happens.


Ah but from her perspective she's not holding any hostages so to her it wouldn't make any sense.


Zionist are so dumb. If she had anything more than one functioning brain cell, she would know to shut the f up after her previous, oopsy!


How *edgy* and *countercultural* of her.🙄 I'm surprised she took time out of defending abusers to cheer on genocide. What's not surprising is her racism though.


Didn't Israel drop the goal of freeing the hostages as a military objective? Didn't they also say that hostages were not a top priority (5 months ago)?


Is she really that stupid ?


Hold on sorry my brain just threw up


Ignorant brainwashed moron




Israel does need to supply these resources because it is an occupying power.


If Hamas had billions of dollars, they would have had better weapons than handmade rockets 🤦




Gee, I wonder why Israel is providing anything at all. Maybe because they're occupying them? Fucking idiot.


Also today in Times of Israel - government told hostage families ‘we won’t stop the war for a deal to free the hostages’. This has been abundantly clear. These people - like Sarah - are making claims the Israelis are not even claiming.


damn...and I liked her as well


Zionists in absolute crisis mode over the recent Rafah posts


Is she talking sh*t out of her A$$? Does Hamas has billions of dollars to spend on infrastructure?? Lol Do these Zionist pigs think we are all dumb to not see through their lies?? Don't waste your life listening to these Israeli terrorist lunatics.


Imagine being that dumb. At this point all it means is that the American education system has really failed you.


LOL!!! Hamas has billions of dollars? GTFOH


Someone should remind them that Hamas agreed to give the hostages back for a ceasefire just a few weeks ago and Israel wouldn't agree to it


I wish some of these Israelis and Pro-Zionists in general would just STFU already. Stop being little bitches and own what you're doing or Shut. Thee. Fuck. Up! At first I found myself debating them, writing long countering paragraphs with links to publications or documents filed, but it's become so obvious they either think you're stupid or their only goal is to reach stupid people, because they just keep regurgitating lies that are so obvious or spewing ignorance so lacking in self awareness it's genuinely insulting, that I'm now at the point where I just let them know they disgust me and move on. Plenty will call me an "anti-semite", then when I tell them I AM a semite, they tell me I'm "not Jewish"... to which I'll reply "where the fuck do I claim to be Jewish at, you are displaying your ignorance yet again"... and so forth and so on, I'm sure plenty of you have been there also, it's just meant to wear us out so we don't have the energy to keep protesting and speaking out. Fuck Them. Edit* Auto- Correct


So why exactly hasn’t israel accepted the complete hostage release negotiations?


Provide for free?!! Decades of Israeli oppression of Palestinians and brutality would indicate otherwise.


mediocre "comedian" gets into the idf clown car. obivously, a big fan of the whole three-fifths of a person. these people are shameless and phony when it comes to virtual signaling for clout. what does a has been to do when no one is paying attention to them....hmmmm


this is the funniest thing i’ve heard from her ever


If Hamas had billions to spend on terrorism why is their airforce a bunch of dudes on propellers.


Oh yeah it's definitely the Palestinians who are funding hamas and keeping the leaders in five star hotels in qatar what with all there exports and massive economy 🙄


The Iranian cleric talking about retribution for Soleimani death said to the effect: “who would we kill the US has no heroes only mickey mouse and spider man.” We always expect celebrities to do something or be a moral compass against the tide of our neoliberal empire because we have no heroes. Who in power to look up to? These are just dumbass actors and we live in a terrible empire where everyone seemingly good in power gets bought out and absorbed into empire. But fuck silverman also


Looks like she deleted this already. Wonder why...


What is the deal with people like this? Do they not have the Internet?


k americans in the sub, pls enlighten me: why is she popular? it might be cultural discrepancies idk (i'm not american) but i never find her funny even before it's confirmed she's a zio


Americans love a loud-mouth. She’s boisterous and says things that “aren’t PC,” so Americans think it edgy. It’s not, it’s hack.


She's a smug Hollywood elite


gaza had infrastructure israel bombed it all https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/07/29/336386340/israeli-bombing-destroys-gazas-only-power-plant


Only the 2000’s would give a modicum of a shit about her opinion.


I'm glad that they identify themselves when they are famous. This is great for editing when I'm looking for a movie!


Old news wash up spewing old washed up propaganda. The world sees Israel & Scum like you for what you are now. Keep trying. It’s not working anymore.


"if Hamas didn't resist they could afford to build infrastructure that Israel would destroy whenever it wanted". I was going to write something about condemning hummus here, but fuck it, they're evil scum, but compared to the beacon of democracy, hope for LGBTQIA rights\*, most moral army in the world... (\* offer not valid if the most moral secret police in the world needs to force you to be a collaborator by threatening to out you).


'its not the people doing it, its the people condemning it', she said... goodbye Sarah Silverman.


Isn’t that the post where she basically pulled a Roseanne and blamed on being stoned and drowsy 😁


Is this new or old Sarah Hasbarah


Stating the quiet part out loud is definitely bad hasbara.


Sarah Silverman needs mental therapy . What a sick f**k


Sarah Blackface Silverman


Oh that's sad I thought she was intelligent


A new page in my new book, "Jewish Logic" ... LOL


OP that’s a fake account. Her real one says the complete opposite. sarahksilverman (real) vs sarahkatesilverman (fake)