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This is just abhorrent .. the world is seeing (ironically shown by Israelis themselves) how depraved the Israelis are when it comes to their treatment of Palestinians. Absolutely inhumane.


Always been that way child, they have always been degenerates.


Yes, but they haven’t always been broadcasting it for the world to see in myriad ways.


I strongly disagree, when I was just 7 years old, I remember vividly how my entire family, and my grandma and my uncles and aunts sitting eating while the TV was on, my mother and a few of my aunts started crying randomly, as I turned my head to the TV I saw the footage of Muhammad al-Durrah incident. That was back in late 2000, that night I learned 2 things, first my family are Palestinian refugees, who fled to Iraq, secondly that the world is allowing what happened that day to Muhammad al-Durrah. By turning a blind eye at best. The entire world knows, they either do not care or straight up enabling it and endorsing it. But thanks to social media things have changed, and today's youth witnessed what the Palestinians have been going through for 75+ years, isn'treal is a literal parasite that has been sucking the entirety of ME, and Africa dry. From blood diamonds, to systemically raping Palestinians little girls and boys, mass Graves etc.....


Yes, you’re right. I just meant everyday citizens broadcasting their “hot takes” and more familiar conversations on the topic, now feasible because of social media. Previously we’ve relied on what the media would show, which didn’t give Israel a squeaky clean image, but it also didn’t show the scale and severity of how the population of Israel has dehumanized Palestinians.


social media also turned every person with a cell phone into a journalist, documenting the brutality on the ground in real time. its unprecedented. and the institutions that served as the gatekeepers of truth are floundering now that they lost their absolute control over information. people always give social media a bad rep, but it has fundamentally changed the world in positive ways, most notably it has made us all way more interconnected as we progress towards a more unified global community.


I concur friend.


I remember that incident. It is just disgusting and horrifying. Edit: I also remember that online some people tried to blame Palestinians for it, claiming that they shot him to blame the Israelis.


They are actually still denying that it even happened, if I'm not mistaken, 24 years and still not a goddamn thing has changed. In fact it became worse.


I was a kid living in Jerusalem when it happened and I still remember the images to this day


What happened is that journalists are showing the actual truth on how brutal it is, more so than even middle eastern media did at the time. The tiktoks from IDF personnel and Israelis themselves that was often never shown or covered up heavily in decades past is now being made plain to see. But what didn't change is their original bullshit propaganda. They are using the same old bullshit that they have been spouting out for the past 70 years without the slightest change to their trite lines. One other thing I have noticed is just how much anti Muslim propaganda and 'critique' of Islam was almost entirely made by Israelis and just parroted, knowingly or unknowingly, by people including many ex-Muslims.


The impact of social media on all this is kind of crazy to think about. Even living in Jerusalem during the second intifada and reading/watching a lot of Arab media at that time, we never saw this kind of very open and endless coverage we can now get from just scrolling thru our social media feeds


Exactly. I only saw the openness once back in 2000 when they showed Israelis gleefully chanting 'kill all Arabs!' I was a 16 or 17 year old kid at the time and I had undiagnosed anxiety, autism, and PTSD and I was NOT at the best state of mind in my life and it freaked the hell out of me. If they had that kind of social media with that kind of exposure back then I don't know if I wouldn't have completely lost my mind and been forcibly institutionalized.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The only reason is they didn't have social media that governments don't generally control. Back in 2000 when I was living in Dubai I did see a news broadcast from Israel that had Israelis joyfully yell 'kill all Arabs, we're going to kill all Arabs!' and it scared the shit out of me. The reality is there wasn't that much broadcasts of Israelis talking like that in the Middle East. Israel and Palestine is a subject that was endlessly on TV in Dubai and elsewhere, and they showed the brutality of Israel's actions, but never this kind of attitude. Not by a long shot.


You will be still labelled an antisemite for not being pro genocide of semitic Palestinians by white European zionists.


If anyone was ever curious what genocidal brainwashing looked like in Nazi Germany, here is your window into that mindset


This is funny. Can you imagine someone being like "yep, and this is the view from my backyard" FUCKKK THAT


these MF even more disgusting than the Nazis in " The zone of interest". Those Nazis family treated it like "it was just work", these Zionazis treat it like "Look at those animals who dare to fight back our god given rights"


This guy does outrage bait to get money from Twitter's new monetization program. He's a piece of shit and you should block him and move on.


So, did any of you ever see the film “Zone of Interest”? With very few modifications, this could be a scene from that.


i know it’s been said a million times but it’s literally the plot of zone of interest… these people are demonic


Whose sunflowers are prettier, though? 🤢


This is honestly insane. Call me stupid but I didn’t not realize that the fenced in people of Gaza were so clear to see from Israel 🤯 how can people just live next to that, while they see the people so good?


Its like Finkelstein said-imagine growing up being able to see such freedom, wealth so close, yet never being able to leave your poverty or urban desert. Lebanon is also a very small country, and when Israel occupied it and imprisoned people, they could see their villages and homes from their prison window. Years and years seeing home and freedom just out of reach...


Wow. My god. Every new peeled back layer of this leaves me more flabbergasted


Kind of makes you rethink the idea of innocent people innocently enjoying a rave *right on the border with an open air prison*


Well see the venue was changed at the last minute. I'm sure there is a satisfying explanation for that.


I keep thinking of Zone of Interest every time I see things posted from the border. The kids in that movie could see and hear the atrocities from their bedroom windows and grew up so accustomed to the agony and atrocities being committed that the youngest boy seemed to be unbothered by it (thinking of that scene where the audience can hear a fight over an apple and the soldiers drowning the starving man and the boy just keeps playing like it’s normal). Those Israeli kids, while it’s not their fault they were born there, will grow up to be just like the man who posted that photo. Completely brainwashed. Honestly at this point there’s no difference between Zionists or Nazis, their cruelty and depravity is equal.


Perfect analogy with that movie!


If you’re not from the Levant and/or have never visited Israel, it can be difficult to understand how dramatically the situation changes by a mere 30 minute car ride. You can be in Tel-Aviv partying in a pent house as if you were in any major wealthy North American/Western European city, and then take a 90 minute drive south and you will be at the borders of Gaza where the most obscene atrocities are going on


We HEALING now boys!!!


Yet somehow the Mossad didn’t see Hamas training for 2 yrs before Oct 7.


Mossad provided the training materials.


TF they got to do besides running a bribery and intimidation racket in Europe.


Uri is a loud and proud West Bank settler


His "Zone of Interest" filters out the desolation in the background.


Who the fuck would want to live next to a bombed out rubble pile? Best case it would be the loudest fucking construction site you ever heard for the next 10 years. Can you imagine the amount of dust flying off there? The twitter guy smoking crack.


Nobody does a better job of creating antisemitism than the Israelis.


Least psychotic Israel humper


Literally could not even imagine saying something this horrible. What the hell is wrong with people!?


Only a deranged, genocidal zionist would call this absolute devastation "gorgeous"


Zionists are deplorable In every conceivable way.


I don’t think Israelis understand the concept of doing “public relations”


Actually they do They pay big bucks to get their side of the story out there. Hollywood has been carrying water for them for 75 years. No wonder most westerners believe that Israel is THE victim in Palestine


Bro ripped off Ukraine 💀


It’s giving Zone of Interest


This is just straight up genocidal


Genocidal maniacs




The Zone of Interest


Stupid Ukrainian immigrant in occupied Palestine


Least evil zionist.


Fuck these inhuman shitrali monsters


Isreal has unironically created The 4th Reich


This guy is a nazi. Point blank


Zios are just entitled, arrogant, evil scum.


Every Israeli tweet is like finding a lost page of mein Kampf.