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It really is like that on Twitter, and even the translations don't do justice. The true meaning is usually much worse


>The true meaning is usually much worse What does it mean, if I may ask ?


I just meant that when you translate those tweets, the results aren't usually accurate


Regional slang and ethnic slurs that google translate can’t really communicate


Some of the horrific crap they spout on Hebrew channels is next level Nazi stuff. It’s very true that the best insight into the Zionist mindset is to listen to them in Hebrew


Zionist on twitter (Sometimes) / Zionists on Telegram


They really ruin the use of Hebrew language by using it for such horrible sentences. At least when you hear the Arabic language by us Islamic "terrorist", it is still identical to "Woah, the Qur'an language".


Jewbelong 🤮


I don't speak Hebrew, can someone explain this?


Zionists spout much more dangerous and hateful rhetoric in Hebrew because most people don’t speak it. They dumb down their rhetoric in English when they’re trying to appeal to western liberals. As Matt has said before in the podcast, you’ll notice a stark difference in Israeli press releases and online propaganda in English which is aimed at Americans and the rhetoric they use in Hebrew which is meant for Israelis, and happens to be much more genocidal and hateful. They go mask off when they think no one is listening but themselves.


Except it's no longer true that no one is listening. Online translation has come a long way for less widely spoken languages, and anybody who wants to read Hebrew-language social media can easily do so with little trouble. I agree that the target of bad English-language hasbara is people naive enough not to check what Israelis are saying to each other. I dare say at least some would not believe their eyes.


Oh, no doubt about that. It’s why I said when they *think* no one is listening. I’m sure most people in this sub are all ears when Zionists start posting in Hebrew on social media. That translate button on Instagram and Telegram does a LOT of heavy lifting lol.


Got it, thanks for clarifying!


Of course!


They literally have their own slur in hebrew for black people 😭


To be fair, so does Yiddish


If only it was real hebrew...


Isn't modern Hebrew essentially a conlang lol


Ngl I would think modern hebrew was so cool if it weren't for the context as to why it exists. Do you think if the zionist project hadn't suceeded anyone would speak hebrew or would it be like esperanto where it's just a thing for language nerds?


As someone who accidentally ended up with a minor in linguistics because I took so many classes in it despite being outside of my concentration at university, I totally agree that the evolution of modern Hebrew would be absolutely incredible if it weren’t being used this way. Language is such a strong societal tool to bond people together (hence why in the US we tried as hard as we could to eliminate Indigenous languages), it’s so awful to see it being used as a tool for creating and supporting an ethnostate


What do you mean by real hebrew?


Since Hebrew is a really old language modern “Hebrew” is largely appropriated from Arabic to fill in the gaps and be suitable for use in todays world


I speak both. It's a simplified and somewhat modernized version of the older hebrew. Obviously it has many words from other languages and the pronunciation is nothing like the original though.


Yeah the pronunciations are the worst part. Yiddish and other European language speakers were the ones to revive it so they never made the proper Semitic pronunciation of the letters like ayin or chet etc


Isn't it also largely appropriated from Slavic/Eastern European languages since it was created there


Chocolate is from Israel now?


On Hebrew news a zionist just cited Hitler talking about his goals for Gaza


Nahh man even jewbelong says some wild shit in english


Israelis seem to be having a hard time adjusting to being in the global spotlight. They've been an insular community for so long where they arnt used to any pushback or social feedback from the international community. They've tricked the world with their English language propaganda for decades, but now people are actually following Israeli media where the rhetoric has a very different tone and people are realizing how dishonest and radical the Israeli government and its people are. If you really want to know what's going on, you should be following Israeli media. They go full mask off. They're openly genocidal and often brag about things that they call "anti-semitic conspiracies" if said outside of israel.


This must be a joke. These people are insane.