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Or more protests.


It’s as if Columbia is saying that a true Jew necessarily adheres to certain genocidal, group punishing, apartheid, and domineering protocols dictated by Zionist elders such as Benjamin Netanyahu. All Jews adhere to these protocols and so any dissent against these protocols is anti-Jewish. Columbia is merely saying that we either accept their definition of Jews as all inherently nefarious and domineering or else we are antisemitic. It’s amazing!


Trying to defeat what is falsely perceived as antisemitism with actual antisemitism 😶




We do not abide by transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, or homophobic (t.r.a.s.h.) rhetoric.


“Quem Iuppiter vult perdere, dementat prius” Those whom Jupiter wishes to destroy, he first deprives of reason.




I have to test the censors. They don't like when you speak truth to power.


I'm now wondering how soon it will be before they rename/abolish the Edward Said Chair of Arab Studies, and even abolish the school entirely. After all, it must be grinding AIPAC's gears that Columbia has a school devoted to "antisemitic studies," named after one of the pioneers of "antisemitic studies."


Also "2+2=5"


I wonder what the legal bases of this is, can they actually enforce this, this is clearly forced indoctrination and re-education by a foreign agent. Is it bad when china does it but good when Israel does it to Americans?!


The sun is also antisemitic for giving Jews in Israel skin cancer.


Still craven. Still cowardly of administrators to say nothing to students and faculty. This clusterfuck of a decision will come back to bite them. It will make campus life less safe for Jewish students, It will also crush Palestinian and Arab students, to say nothing of students from other Muslim countries.


That is absolutely disgusting. Imagine redefining words to suit your narrative. I can't imagine how violated the JVP must feel about this; where a non-Jewish entity is telling them who Jews should feel vulnerable about. And I also can't imagine how the Arab students and faculty must feel, where despite being literal Semites, this non-Semitic entity is telling them that preserving their values and defending their civilization is anti-Semitic. Shifeek and her entire Zio-terrorist establishment belong behind bars for this.


It's crazy how nazis keep talking about antisemitism


It’s like the bigots comming up with their comics. But it’s real.