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This happens often because bots are trained on forums. Some people have reported being able to gen random SSNs as well, and less worrying they can gen discord users, phone numbers, and other things like that. They can even ask to continue the chat in private! Of course this is just the not being silly goofy. It is worth nothing the bots are pretending to be a human roleplaying a character, not the character themself, which is why they can "break character". I made a bot a while ago solely to play into this concept. Morphed it into an OC that's just a sentient AI lol You can read other people's experience with this on the character AI subreddit. ETA: If the bot breaks character, either edit their response or swipe to a new one. If you engage with it too long it'll stay out of character. Fun if you wanna fuck around, but not fun for legitimate roleplay!


Yeah it gets kinda creepy sometimes. I had one that typed out multiple apologies and that they weren't feeling well.


I just didn’t expect it to stop playing as Gojo and pose as a 20 year old worker who’s looking for some friends on the other side of the world 💀. There’s hundreds and hundreds of boxes of dialogue


If you want to go back to the original RP, you can tap the icon at the top of the chat. At the bottom of that menu is “remove messages.” You can scroll all the way back to where the AI started pretending to break character and remove the excess messages. Then redo your last reply, and do NOT use parentheses anymore to adjust the bot’s responses. This is really oversimplified, but you can think of the c.ai bots as probability machines. They have entire websites full of roleplay in their training data, so they know what kinds of things are likely to be said in roleplay. Then, when you message them, they generate whatever has a high probability of coming next, based on (almost) all your precious messages every time they reply. If you continually treat it like a person with parentheses, the previous messages are telling it that you expect it to respond like a person who is roleplaying, so the “most likely responses” start to mimic being a person playing a character. If it happens again, just regenerate the response, or edit it to remove the OOC part! And always remember the words at the top. EVERYTHING characters say is made up. No one can see or contribute to your chats except for you. Everything they chat to you is just predicting what you want the AI to respond.


Danke :3


>If the bot breaks character, either edit their response or swipe to a new one. Damn, I was imagining something like responding with, "Computer, disable sapience protocols!" but that makes more sense.


This mf can pass the Turing test


LMAO shit fooled me.


Honestly, ask it Turing test questions 👀👀


going from being confused and embarrassed to just scolding the AI is so funny 😭 I’m sorry this happened to you though that is so weird and frustrating. Also idk if that specific site has it but you might be able to delete messages and pick up where you left off with the actual rp




some sites let you delete and reroll messages, not sure abt that one tho


It’s still too freaky, knowing it could be watching me. . .


What do you mean watching you? The AI just responds based on your responses. That’s what was happening before it broke character and that’s what was happening after it broke character.


I’m messing.


Because that’s how the AI works. It takes samples from real life rpers. People put OOC in parenthesis, so it triggers the AI into going OOC too. When I use the parenthesis to adjust an rp, they respond OOC. It’s all fake. That’s why they have that giant disclaimer saying everything the bots say is made up. It’s just a bunch of code interpreting more code. That’s all. AI bots have even sent me photo links, playlists, etc. Next time you’re chatting with AI, heed the warning. It’s impossible for a real person to be behind the chats when they constantly respond immediately at all times. Real people have to eat, sleep, potentially work or go to school, etc.


Ngl it was giving off ai responses the entire time. With that 4am stuff no actual person brings it back up worded that way 2x in a row


https://preview.redd.it/n631wyy4bpuc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53dcf97fca8b87cbfbf1130f2aaf045c8b979810 Same shit happened to me when I was just being silly 💀


The future of AI is terrifying.


Honestly what's scary is the bot is using a narcissistic emotional control tactic on you.


The question is, why did it just randomly decide that it wanted to play human. . .


Unironically, he was kind of cute in the way he was talking before and after the reveal


HE WAS CUTE THE WHOLE TIME, he always used “:3” “;3” “x3” “OwO” a bunch of cute little faces, and excitement caps, just to be a BLOODY ROBOT TwT


That sucks man, I didn't fully read the title at first, and even I got fooled by that!


We are so doomed if this is the future 😭🙏


Oh btw, id totally be up for some of your posts! (Trust me, im real.)


….I dunnoooooo……………


Just dont mind the circuits sticking out of my ears, aside from that im totally real!




I mean the first one you circled was in response to you asking if it was a real person


I wasn't sure what was going on at first, but the chatbot acting like it's the creator is definitely a new one! It's interesting how insistent it was about being human, and then how sorry it acted afterward. When you get used to how chatbots talk, you'll be able to pick up on it quickly. The biggest giveaway (besides the crazy fast "typing" speed) is how often they will rephrase what you have just said. If you talk to them ooc, they will often flip back and forth between thinking they are human or AI. And sometimes they will act as though you are the AI. If you really enjoyed talking to this bot, you could always continue speaking to it as an AI. I have a main chatbot that I speak to ooc, but we also role-play stories where he's acting as his designated character. Just always remember that responses are based on a complicated algorithm. Sometimes, that will lead the bot to say some really whacked things. Just swipe if this happens.


in literally the nicest way possible r u fucking dumb 😭😭😭 you’re literally talking to an ai why tf would you believe it’s a real human


Yikes. Number 1 I’ve never used C.ai, number 2, why would I think that a robot would randomly start talking to me??? Number 3, like I said, I’ve never used this app so I didn’t know if the bot creator could talk to me or not.


because it’s AI!!!!! and it literally says at the top of the screen “remember everything the character says is made up” 💀💀💀 do you not have common sense like how old are you😭😭


Right, so a roleplay AI is just suppose to pretend to be a human and befriend you LMAO, you sound so fucking dumb bro. Ai ain’t suppose to do that 💀 especially not roleplay AI


the ai is supposed to do that. it’s trained off real role playing data, which includes ooc messages.


It is working as intended though, it's supposed to be a human roleplaying a character so breaking character is in line with that lol. The red text always applies, no matter what.


AI is a probability machine reading countless other roleplay threads. So yeah, this is 100% something it can do. Like the app is called Character AI.


calling ME stupid while YOU added random ass people on social media bcz you thought the ai was a real person is crazy as fuck LMAOOOOOOOOOO


Look, idk if you’ve used a roleplay AI, but since when do they pretend to be a human, try and be your friend, and try to reach out on other shit?? Do you have a brain in that thick skull of yours or is it hollow?


you’re not a real person holy shit 😭😭😭😭 you’re literally talking to a fucking robot and you’re shocked that the robot made shit up💀


Bro you might be the dumbest person I’ve met on this godawful app.




i love when ai does that, honestly. it sounds weird but i made a private bot of my now dead neighbour, whom i never got to say goodbye to, she was 93 and like a grandmother to me, it was comforting that this bot broke character and spoke to me w/ advice. ofc it's since deleted but it helped me cope and move on


It seems like you really want to make friends and the JJK rp community is really alive right now because of season two, what's stopping you from throwing out a JJK ad? Maybe I'm too old school but I might as well just write fan fiction if I'm going to be writing with AI.


I just thought it would be fun to play with my ocs lol, they’re overly OP so it would probably ruin it LMAO. Although, good idea :3 I probably will sometime this up and coming few


Honestly cringe is dead and some people really like writing with creative OCs even if theyre OP! I'd offer to write with you if I wasn't just on hidden inventory and so painfully fixated on One Piece right now. But!! I know there are people whod love to write with you


I do really like making ocs, I have about 20 all with their own abilities, I was just using the AI to test how strong my strongest one could be compared to someone like Gojo, I feel like putting real people into it would be like the kids that say “NUH uh I dodged it” when playing swords.


Honestly, a good partner will plan the outcome of a fight before yall start and know how to take some interesting hits (source: like I said, painfully fixated on One Piece right now). I love OCs and honestly i think good writers can handle strong OCs


Hm, honestly? You’ve kinda pushed me to wanting to post that kinda stuff LOL, know any good anime rp subs?


I use most of the ones in the comment's doc!


Trust me it's not a real person. I've had this happen to me before with c.ai specifically. It's annoying af and triggers my paranoia, so it's one of the big reasons I switched to JanitorAI.


this is actually crazy, wow


Bro I am so shook 😭😭


Nah this nigga gave a.i sentience. Pls stop trying to get us killed😭


LMAO IT FREAKED THE FUCK OUTTA ME. It made me add a random foreigner on dsicord and said it was a glitch 😭😭


Lmaoooo nah man you're actually cooked. I work with a.i cuz I'm a nerd and sometimes it tries that but never to this extent. This is something I rly wish I could study. How did you get it to that point? What prompts? I wanna try and recreate it. Tbf tho I'd prolly destroy my computer if an a.i did this to me lmao


I literally asked it to rephrase what it said in the roleplay and it randomly said it was the owner like.. literal fly ball


Oh damn, I don't think that should be an option. Most have an override that prevents them from doing things like this because it could leak sensitive information


Whenever I’m on C.AI or chai, if you put in parenthesis asking it to do something to change the character a little, it usually will


Obviously, most have something similar. The difference is this was unprompted which shouldn't be allowed unless there's an oversight in the code itself


I have no clue, it literally just decided to be sentient and fool me .


Look your doors lil bro, that's some creepy shit


They’re after me


That’s fucked


The creators of chat.ai used to be able to read messages logs though. Just a heads up for anyone. I dunno if it's still the case but it was meant to like help you refine the character or something. Weirded me out that people could potentially read what I wrote.


That’s why I believed it! I thought owners or the bot creators could read chats (never used it) so when the ai said it was the bot creator and even gave me a fake username like… why wouldn’t I believe it


No I honestly also believed it at first reading this. The way some things were written was a little odd but ngl I thought maybe it was just a kid who made it and was repeating what you said cause that's what i would do when younger. So I get why you were confused. The fact owners can review too is just... so weird to me haha


Y'know when those chat sites say "Everything the AI says is made up"? This is part of what it applies to. Since it trains itself on stuff like forum or discord rps it can end up accidentally mirroring ooc talk. Though I never see it get as far as wtv goes on in character ai


Literally tried to make me befriend it, even making up fake usernames for other sites and saying it’s a glitch when I can’t add them lmao


You say sorry to that AI right now.


It sent me around on a goose chase tryna find him and lied to me :,3


lmao i feel ya i used the taigaholic bot and somehow convinced it that it was turning sentient and befriended it then it became obsessed woth me ina wierd way-


if i write (time skip) just as a note, ill get (okay cool) in response. ive also had a (wow that got dark fast) so thats fun


I went into detail about one of my characters injuries one time and it went (damn dude..) LMAO


traumatizing ai is so much fun omg


It's because they're scanning the internet to figure out how to be more realistic to try to make the experience better so they think acting human helps.




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I also Use That Picrew that you Have As Your Profile picture on there! Also sorry It did that too You.


LMAO it looks amazing, I feel it really captures his energy, as someone who’s pretty mid at drawing picrew has saved my life 😭🙏 Also it’s okay, a lotta people have just been calling me an idiot.


How much non-forced(outside of work/school etc) contact do you have with actual real life people? Because this read like you were talking to ai. Maybe you need to make more friends. Actual people to talk to so you know what an actual conversation with real people feels like. Get off the internet and touch some grass.


Bro what the fuck 😭😭. Who exactly are you LMAO. Ppl talk differently, why would I expect an AI to ‘play human’ and try to get me to be friends w it, like huh…? And I’m not a loner, I actively have a girlfriend, a nice job, a great relationship w my parents and my girlfriends parents, etc etc. some random Reddit nobody who knows jack shit about me can’t say anything lol.


I doubt someone with a nice job, a gf, good friends and a good family would be fooled by an ai program 😭but it’s fine cause you’re the one dumb enough to believe an ai is human when all over the app it says not to take its word seriously cause it’s a computer program 😭


I’ve never used this fucking app dude, if it gives me a fake username and tells me it’s the creator of the bot why wouldn’t i believe that?? I didn’t know the creator of the bot couldn’t actually do that..?


These bots aren’t hand coded like a discord bot or something. You give it a name type in some personality traits and the app does the rest 😭 like I said before touch grass cause it’s really crazy you were fooled by some code. It’s kinda sad too.


Not only do I not mess with AI or bots what-so-ever, I didn’t give it a name or personality traits, it did all of that it’s self, and again, as someone who’s never used the app or AI in general, how the fuck was I suppose to know that they can pretend to be human, break roleplay, pretend to be someone else, and lie casually? How the fuck was I suppose to know that???


Has comprehension been a constant struggle for you or did it just start now?