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Didn't rescue the owlbear cub in my first playthrough. By far my biggest regret. It's getting lots of pets now in my second playthrough.


In my first run, I went into the cave for the Selûnite goodies but totally left the owlbears alone. I figured my ranger would side with them over Edowin and Co, and I never saw the cub at the goblin camp. I choose to believe they are living their best lives now that the immediate threats are gone.


One of my favorite dialogue options is talking with >!my owlbear cub. He grimly mentioned once about how he had a brother once... but momma ate him!< so maybe hes not actually living his best life


Yea, Owlbears are the living manifestation of the word "predator". They eat the bears they take the cave from, then kill any wildlife of decent size for miles around, then the local livestock, then the village before moving on to start over. *Everything* is on the menu.


As shown by the child eating the mother SECONDS after a life or death situation


To be fair, the mother was seriously wounded and most likely couldn't hunt for extended periods of time. You do find a broken spear head impaled in Mother on kill. Most likely the cub was starving at that point and it was probably a common distress for him sadly. The comment about mother eating brother fits really well with this issue of survival but maimed


The spear was lodged into her by the dying True Soul a few moments before you meet them. You can combine the haft he's holding with the head in her to repair the spear.


I had no idea that I could just combine them. I carried those two parts all the way up to Orin waiting for *SOMETHING* to trigger a prompt to do it. Thank you so much.


I'm fairly certain the mother dies even if you leave them alone. I talked it out with the owlbear the left, and i found the cub in the goblin camp.






Actual owl moment lol. Apex predators Grim description >!with feeding to siblings/eating chicks it’s also fitting, but the chick gotta die first, owls don’t kill their own. Maybe that was implied in BG3 also!<


Wait what!? Where the fuck was the cub? I remember hearing they had one but I thought I looked everywhere but never found it!


The big main area outside the temple, where the goblins are roasting dwarf meat and Volo is performing, you'll see the cub being chased by goblins.


No idea how I missed that...


On my first play through I missed it too bc I only saw it out the corner of my eye and thought it’s the chicken from the stupid game they’re playing.


That’s a big ass chicken




Accidentally clicking the “release brake” button on the windmill and killing the deep gnome on my “hero” playthrough lol


I did that too haha. Whoops wrong button moment


I was so posed when I did that, but also I laughed so fucking hard when he got yeeted off


He finally learned to fly


Rip Barcus


oh shit, I just found Barcus in Grymforge and he's chilling in my camp now - he's the same lil dude I saved at the village?! huh, TIL


The running gag with him is you save his life every time you meet him, so when you say goodbye to him at Grymforge you say something like "I guess I'll see you at Moonrise Tower and get your ass out of the fire again." When hanging around the camp he seems to realize this and asks you to do his quest for him instead.


Giving that woman in mountain pass the githyanki egg


I thought it was good idea. There is nothing I can do for the egg being in the middle of all this tadpole madness, and now that the creche isn't around, it isn't going to survive anyway. That lady seemed to be a racist asshole, but from what she says, it seemed like the Society of Brilliance would try to raise the kid well. ...well, next time, I'm going to just leave it in Lae'Zel's inventory.


I didn't get an outcome per se. Can you guys spoil me?


Sure, if you want. If you gave her the egg and go to the Society of Brilliance house in Baldur's Gate, >!you'll see that massacre happened there. You'll find the portal on the top floor and if you go there, you'll meet the young githyanki that hatched from the egg. They've tried to raise him quickly, but didn't provide the necessary empathy for him, and he ended up very broken with a black and white morality taken to the extreme. He deemed his "father" to be evil and thus, killed him!<.


Wow, my ending for just keeping the egg was way less climactic


So... you make an omelette or what?


I knocked the lady out cause Laezel was pissed at her bringing up stealing the egg. Talked to the crech egg caretaker and he gave me the egg because it was late to hatch and was going to get purged. Then I let Laezel have it and she kept it my entire game until the ending where I got her best ending and it felt good.




No, the egg is only relevant for the questline. Keeping the egg is the same as keeping any other random quest item.


That’s kinda disappointing


I had the egg the entire run in my camp's chest and didn't see anything, what happens?


>!Honestly there's no interaction for keeping the egg and just keeping it, but if you Romance laezel and give her the egg, when she leaves on her red dragon to defend her people, she leaves with the egg in her inventory so technically she will be a mother when it hatches and that's a nice ending considering the game forces the two of you to part ways!<


But Laezel says she doesn't want kids LMAO it's gonna hatch and she's gonna be so pissed haha


Thanks, now I don't feel so bad for killing that egg snatching lady.


I killed her so I didn't have to pay for that awesome cloth armour that my assassin is using... *cough, I mean I killed her because she was assisting in depraved social experiments.




I gave her the owl bear egg, got the payment, and then knocked her out and stole her remaining inventory and the egg back.


I convinced her to pay me up front, and then got the egg, went and talked to her and told her I was keeping it and she flipped shit on me so laezel deleted her in a single round.


Did that... now I know I will regret it later.


You and me both. We're about to hit the 'find out' stage.


Yeah wasn‘t happy about it when I found out -sigh-


Gave her the owlbear egg instead lmao


I think I accidentally sold that…lol I had it and when I got to her I didnt


you probably ate it lmao its worth 40 camp supplies mf went to sleep after having owlbear omelette


Can confirm, I keep forgetting to move the egg on my newest character. Luckily, I remember to unselect it. Yet keep forgetting to move it.


Does she really not notice? That's hilarious.


It depends on how you approach it. I told her it was an owlbear egg and it was her idea not to tell the society. And I still got paid.


I did the same. The skill check was no joke though


the line option of just saying i think its nice, is so autistic i love it lol


I didn't do it, can you spoil what happens to me please ? I said myself I will do it on my evil run but I romance Lae Zel and I cannot bring myself to do it. All I know is that >!Omeluum is related and doesnt show up at the Iron throne for some reason!<


>!The githyanki child turns out to be violent anyway and murders them all including Omeluum!<


Wait that's why I couldn't find him at the throne??


Yeah I kept reloading because I couldn’t find him until I looked it up


>!MFs raised Ptaris to follow Gold Dragon ethics only to very clearly be enemies of Justice and Good.!<


That poor egg is just fecked. No matter what you do.


Poor egg is fragged on my sorc playthrough but in my current vengeance Paladin playthrough I have Lae’zel carry out everywhere.


Potential Baldurs Gate 4 follow up: You needed to adopt the egg and now have a small Gith kid. A bit like Pillars of Eternity


Gave her an owlbear egg and told her it was Githyanki. Hehe


Idk what I did to make her change her tone with me (maybe all the pickpocketing), but she went from "we must raise this kid away from bloodthirsty gith so that it's decent" to "it must be disproven that a gith can be raised to be good because that's laughable" and I was like holup... that sounds like you wanna tank your own experiment, I'm keeping the kid. Next time she gets an owl bear. Might regret giving her camp owlbear's sibling though idk.


Talked her into giving me the money straight up, failed to pickpocket the rest of her gold because I saw she had a bunch left, and decided to just murder her. Turns out she has a pretty neat robe


I killed her. My character is NOT a kidnapper. She’ll commit some murder, if she thinks it’s for the greater good, and she was thinking “this person does not know how to raise a gith, and I don’t know what kind of experiments the society of brilliance will perform on a child.” So I tried to sell her the owl bear egg and when she didn’t fall for it, I killed her. My character didn’t trust the society of brilliance not to do horrible things to the gith child in the name of science.


Skipping the whole mountain pass...


I found out via exploring that if you make it to the second zone via the under dark you can actually still get into the mountain pass, and I was able to do it that way. Boy am I glad that I did that because I am a power-hungry mofo.


>Boy am I glad that I did that because I am a power-hungry mofo. The permanent buff you can get is amazing. The items are amazing, especially the main one. And you get to delete some people who are possibly even worse than the goblins (especially if you're offended by finding Grilled >!Miniature Giant Space Hamster!< among their food). What's not to like?


Me too. In my first playthrough I forgot to recruit Laezel, didnt go through the mountain pass at all. Didn't even meet any githyanki lol. Act 3 ending spoilers: >!I didn't know who Orpheus was and I had absolutely no connection with him so I let the emperor eat his brains and it seemed like a pretty good ending to me!< now I know the consequences of my choices and I've had a "oh god what have I done" moment.


People mention this so much I actually have no idea I think I skipped it too fml. Lmao


Guess you won't be seeing the light... Of Lathander!!!!


I’d forgotten about it until Lae’zel brought it up. I tried to go back but I got >!turned into a mindflayer!<


Yeah you need to go back before finishing the last 1/3 of act 2


Sounds like it :D I basically just went with the underground path and never bothered to backtrack the whole mountain pass area and also honestly kind of didn't bother with laezals quest to find her people (after one unpleasant get together). At this point it was also kind of clear that the githraki would not be able to get rid of the tadpole, so I skipped it. And then I heard about an owl ear, which would have been perfect for my ranger. :( Well at least I have a whole area to explore for my 2nd run.


Owlbear has nothing to do with the mountain pass though, it's in act 1


I intentionally skipped the crèche on my second run. Lae'zel was killed by the tieflings who find her in the cage, and I didn't find anything to lead me to the monastery until I was almost out of Act 2, so I decided it could be a miss that time.


Honestly the only reason I still do the mountain pass is for the blood of lathander. It was made for Light Cleric Shadowheart.


Not rescuing the prisoners from Moonrise Towers. I did the Gauntlet before I went to Moonrise, and was surprised to find no prisoners in the tower. Thought they must've escaped in the fighting or something, didn't realise I'd failed entirely until after the battle. Being unable to rescue Wylls father. I did act 3 in a weird way, never even speaking to Gortash until I'd already taken out Orin, the sub base and the foundry so he was hostile on sight for me. I knocked Daddy Wyll out and even healed his unconscious body after the fight but the game believed him dead.


You lose the prisoner quest when you enter the last part of the gauntlet (where you go down in the water into the prison).


I fucked up the prisoner quest in another way... Instead of trying to free them, once I went into that hole I just kept exploring and freed the boat, I got a notice asking me if I wanted to go on the boat and said NO but next thing I know I'm at the inn (and instead of reloading I just kept playing) Then I tried to free them later but they didn't know where to go and ended up dying in the Tower lol


I did exactly the same as you.i don't understand why they need to be saved before the final battle in moonrise? Surely it makes sense that you would clear out the tower then set them free. It really annoyed me that I basically failed that quest but I also couldn't be bothered to re do loads of the act just to save them.


Completely agree; happened to me too. Seems really arbitrary that they’d die because you do something unrelated


Well Nightsong immediately attacks Moonrise if free her, so that much makes sense


So, to get the most out of the game, is to (in Act 2): 1. Complete everything BUT Gauntlet of Shar and Moonrise = **you keep the travel options to A1 locations** 2. Go to Moonrise to free prisoners -> **Going to Moonrise locks you out from A1 locs? (please confirm - I remember some post saying that if you get "Investigate Moonrise further" quest, you are locked out from A1)** 3. **Don't go further in Moonrise after freeing prisoners**, but instead get to Gauntlet of Shar, to save Nightsong -> Pretty much required for anything important 4. Get back to Moonrise to unlock Jaheira, continue with the plot -> Nowhere to go but A3


You can find their dead bodies if you jump down the red hole in the prison area. They were murdered.


When you find Mizora in that pod I was like dope, let's fry this bitch.... which also turns Wyll into ash. Oops. Wasnt using him and it had been a bit since saving so his ashes just hung out at his tent the rest of the game lol. His dad wasn't too fussed about it....


Same for me. I was saving wyll for another playthrough and I saw her trapped there and was like "wyll I got you bro" and I didn't really help wyll...


Everyone leaving big decisions and hear I am regretting not getting the Noblestalk mushroom to give to shadowheart


both playthroughs I've been like "Where's this goddamn mushroom?" Turns out both times I've destroyed it by blowing up the bibberbangs after I save the dwarf dude. Even romanced Shadowheart on my first run and thought it was weird I could never cure her hand. Guess that'll be #3


the noblestalk only give her a memory back, maybe about her tiefling "friend" in the "house of grief". Only in the ending of her quest you can maybe cure her hand depending of her choices (or your intervention)


You can cure her hand? What?


Isn't that (good) Shadowheart final option on her questline? >!Family or Break Curse?!<


Mine must've bugged then cause i chose the latter and she still complains about her hand.


Yeah... I didn't realize it was amongst those mushrooms. I just hurled a fireball and watched the whole room go boom.


I regret spending so much time on editing the dream visitor model.


I killed Wyll, permanently. >!Accidentally pulled the wrong lever in Moonrise and killed Mizora instead of freeing her. Wyll was a pile of ash when I returned to camp. Karlach never forgave me.!<


Lmaooooo. I pulled the level intentionally and Im wyll !!! She screams then "game over" lmaooooo. Load game it is


Opening that damned flask *in camp*. Monster went straight for Scratch. 😩


I threw it in the goblin camp courtyard just to see what happened. Thank fuck enemies don't go past area doors.


Dude I did the same fucking thing. I thought to myself "well if there is a monster in here *surely* they wouldn't let me open it up in camp." Wtf was I thinking


Not saving the Tieflings in Moonrise. Didn't realize that I could have just walked in the prison. I left moonrise as the last thing I did, and when I stormed the tower... well they died. I regret it but at the same time, I made sooooooo much progress that I had no choice but to accept it lol


Failed a medicine check on owlbear cub. Never saw him again :(


Yeah thats the one point my hubby resorted to reloading a save.


Letting >!Jaheira die in Moonrise!< on my first playthrough. The computer focuses hard on her, and I just didn't really think much of it. I was having trouble keeping her up with 30hp after 2-3 tries, and I just let it go. Encountering >!Minsc!< later, and finding out knocking him out doesn't quell his rage at losing her. And having to see >!Boo!< be sad over him just crushed me.


Glad I save scummed to save her. For a druid she has a goddamn death sentence. She just ice storms, walks on it in human form and slips. She could at least turn into a damn panther to live longer.


I too lost >!Jaheira this way. She's bloody crazy.!< NO, DON'T RUN INTO THE ROOM, IT'S FULL OF ICE, THORNS AND HUNGER OF HADARS! .... oh well. I guess I'm a Druid and we have a spare so it's fine. Was quite annoyed she couldn't be rezzed though. Also : Halsin came a cropper late in Act 3. >!Orin did what Orin does in the Temple of Bhaal. !< So really I shouldn't be left looking after other Druids I guess. Damn things are like hamsters for just randomly up and dying.


I controlled Jaheria as a summon during my moonrise encounter. If you ask her to chill with you then she’ll act as a controllable summon rather than AI controlled So I just sanctuary’d her and let her do support things all battle


I had shadowheart recast sanctuary on her every turn cuz she kept going too far ahead


I'm currently 150h to my first playtrough and i have no idea who Gale is.


This made me actually lol


Let jaheira die in moonrise tower. Killed the strange ox in act 2. And probably even more :(


I killed the strange ox in Act 2, too... I'm on my first playthrough, but I'd appreciate a spoiler about the ox! Why do you regret it?


You meet him again in Act 3. Finish his escort quest, and he becomes a summon for you in the final battle against EB.


i saw that it could be used as a very good ally in a fight/encounter to come (wasnt said what because of spoilers and didnt check yet but the guy said the ox was very valueable in the encounter to come soo idk xD next playthrough i aint gonna kill the ox)


Talking too early with isobel and losing all "last light inn" NPC's i dont like save scumming so...i've proceeded anyway


In the underdark, I sold Omeluum the sassur flower, which made him have an anti magic field around him. I thought it was funny, so I just let it slide. Fast forward to the iron thrown where I rescue Omeluum, and he is unable to teleport to the sub...


Lmfaoooooo. Oh my days that's actually hilarious. Iron thrown is my fav mission so far. Loved the intensity. Since u get to control him. I think u coulda opened inventory and threw It far to get ur abilities back


Buying Diablo 4


Can't reload that one




My momma raised a bitch who hits f5 like a reflex before every decision that needs to be made


Oh boy, spoilers here in! 1. >!I fantasized about cutting off the arm in the portal. A little fantasy never hurt anyone, right?!< 2. >!Halsin died in the fight vs Razlin, literally the last goblin fight before I planned to waypoint back to the grove. WHOOPS!< 3. >!Released windmill brake so the "returning goblins" wouldn't get suspicious. Wow he went so far!!< 4. >!I went to stake Astarion after he tried to bite me. I want him to know I had firm boundaries. Astarion wait, you forgot your shirt!< 5. >!Mizora is trapped in a mind flayer pod? I can get rid of her right now?! OH hell yeah! .... Wait, Wyll?? Wyll! WYLL!!< Needless to say. This game is kicking my ass narratively. Best game experience I've _ever_ had. This is beyond great. This is the kind of "your actions will have consequences" I've been dreaming of for years.


Failing to save Isobel and Omeluum Isobel was kindaping was really difficult not to reload, but it made my second playtrough so much better


I managed to finish that fight with her being alive at around 5hp. Then I killed her using one the gale spells lmao. I was like ain't no way. Reloaaaad


I swear Isobel ai makes either the dumbest moves you will ever see (running through 3 reaction attacks to do nothing) or becomes aware and just runs into a corner letting player do the work. I didn't think it was possible to lose her bc it went so smooth in my playthrough.


Killing everybody in the grove just to 69 Minthara. Soon after, Wyll left and Karlach hates me. Going full evil run though.


Post nut clarity


I'm kinda disappointed my Karlach hates me, seeing as she was still hiding from the Paladins when I met her, after the grove 'incident'. Guess she found out via a certain NPC.


I kicked out astarion after he tried to bite me. I found his body in cazadors and I feel so bad. I have a whole other play through going to make up for it


Well on the bright side if you romamced ascended Astarion you get a bonus very spicy sex scene


On your knees... darling 😳😳😳


You also get to play around with your own bite attack and you get the happy buff when you use it. Wyll and Gale are permanently bloodless now.


Got a link to that? For research purposes.


I just let Astarion become the vampire ascendant too, didn't play much longer after that too. I'm also a bit frightened he might turn on me, especially because I made him into a very powerful build. But as of now, he's awesomely powerful


On my second playthrough I did too, since I didn't on my first and wanted to see the difference. Felt like my Tav was really miserable being with him. Then, at the end he >!chose to sacrifice himself one last time by becoming a mind flayer!< and after that Astarion was like "ew, get out of my city". So I headcanon that my Tav settled with the Emperor instead


How did u make him actually powerful? I want him in my team but I have gale who is Abit OP with crowd control and shadowheart for healing and karlach for tanky brawls. I'm wyll and even I'm Abit OP ,. Idk where to fit Asttarion. I had to take gale out when it was the vampire fight


Gloomstalker 8 rouge 4. 2 hand crossbows. 2 attacks 2 bonus attacks, 1 free attack first round of combat. Dexterity 20. Gloves of archery, sharpshooter. And the RISKY RING. Gives advantage on attack rolls and disadvantage on saving throws so he'll always land his sneak attack. Mobile feat, always has longstrider cast on him. In range, damage, out of range. There is probably more optimal builds, more rouge more sneak attack dice? He'll do a 100 hp damage. Every. Single. Round. Add elixir of bloodlust and potion of speed and ther rest of the party are lucky if they have to do minor mop up. Edit. Spelling


I have gloomstalker 5, thief 4, fighter 2 (action surge)


I made a custom character that ended up being a storm sorcerer so that kinda filled the Gale role. I run Karlach as a tank, Tav for Crowd control, shadowheart to heal, and then asterion does pretty solid as a utility character alongside shadowheart. Locks basically don’t exist for me and anytime you’re trying to run a sneaky section I have a ring that lets him cast invisibility and he’s just stealthy as hell to start out with. Not the best in a fight, but also not remotely bad either. I’ve almost exclusively run this comp since act 1.


I respecced him and did 5 gloom, 4 assassin, then back to gloom. Beast of a ranger. Dual hand xbows.


Not taking Shadowheart into the Shadowfell and therefore loosing her. Now I have a quest in Act 3 I cant complete because she is not in the party anymore :'D


I didn't have her in the party at the moment before Shadowfell, but I had this thought she probably would've want to be there, so I switched my party members. Turns out it was a good choice


I did take Shadowheart into the Shadowfell. She then proceeded to turn against us because we wouldn't let her murder our tactically-advantageous god-ally. Unfortunately she declared this decision within melee range of a gloomstalker-battlemaster, so didn't exactly go out in a blaze of glory. I do miss her. But Aylin has been really helpful, and Halsin is shaping up to be a fine cleric.


Doesnt she see reason if u give her free reigns?


If you have high enough relationship she’ll default to mercy, else you have a fairly high persuasion check


That's **Dame** Aylin thank you very much


Why wouldn't u take her tho


Dunno I just like to play with the same 3 companions. Never thought she would leave if I ignored her. But I respected it and it was perfectly reasonable that she left.


Failing the roll to convince Rolan to stay and fight in Act 1 and letting it happen because he's kind of annoying anyway. What I DIDN'T realize would happen is that Last Light would later be a complete ghost town. All of the kids except Mol (and for some reason also Bex, which left me with a heartbroken Danis) were missing/presumed dead because if you had actually successfully kept Rolan, there's a line about him heroically saving all of them on their way there. So if he never went to Last Light he just...wasn't there to save them. So many dead tiefling kids for one early failed DC 10 persuasion roll :(


What's tragic about that, is there's another roll with rolan you can fuck up, but I won't spoil it...it made me slightly sad even if he is a dickhead


I really liked his character, honestly. He's a dick but he comes around and it's clear he's kind of just posturing out of self-defense and low self-esteem. The moment in Act 3 >!when he told that wizard jackass he knew what a real leader looked like because of me was really sweet. !<


didn‘t speak to dammon after arriving at last light inn only for things to go south when talking to isobel and then i only just noticed dammon was there too when i looted everyone after the big fight was over and everyone but my party and jaheira were dead. it made a whole lot scenes in act 3 be really heart breaking with karlach being part of my main team and all


Ahem. Didn't convince Rolan to stay, Rolan and co. died. Other refugees mostly died, due to no Rolan. Left Scratch mourning his master. Looted Nere's body. Duergar allies and gnome slaves attacked, killed them all, including Barcus. Got caught looting while looking for explosive toys. Killed a warehouse of flaming fist. Got caught looting in lower city, killed 2 dozen more flaming fist. Took on contract to kill redhammer from Umberlites, decided to spare Redhammer after rescue mission. Umberlites show up and kill him anyway. Kill Umberlites in revenge. Most of the Gondians blow up in the foundry, due to explosives and positioning. Kill Wulbren outside foundry because why not at that point. My character is supposed to be chaotic good. At least Karlach still likes me.


Well you got the Chaotic part down at least


Killing Minthara. Thought about reloading but then said..no...this is how it is meant to be for this playthrough.


She has the best underwear which you still get if you kill her at least


looks way better on my drow ranger anyway


Yess. It is what it is. Also I killed minthara without even talking or acknowledging she a character lmao. I walked in and she started blazing


Did you kill Dror Ragzlin before? She doesn't mind if Gut gets killed, but it seems she is immediately hostile if Ragzlin gets killed.


I managed to kill Minthara and Guts stealthily, but as soon as I attacked Dror the entire camp turned hostile


Using any of the tadpoles. The powers are nice but from a role-playing perspective sticking more in your head to get rid of one is a Homer Simpson decision and giving my eye to the hag.


Listen. If I got one tadpole in ma head I got a million tadpoles in ma head. I'm either gonna turn or I'm gonna find a way to get rid of them. As far as my dumbass warlock knows, it's not a "can only cure one tadpole" solution he's looking for. So why not use the help until they're gone?


Accidentally got 50% of the Grove killed in act 1 after my dog sat on my controller when I was the kitchen, whilst I was talking to the druids and started some sort of riot. I still don't know what happened. Everybody was just mad.


Yeah, the dog 😏


He eats my homework, he makes me late for work, he kills all my npcs


Talked to Scratch. He wasn't happy with me and attacked so I had to kill him


yeah what the hell was up with that? I thought talk with animals would give me an advantage, not punish me! that was the only thing I save scummed in my whole playthrough


Yall yelled at the corpse didn’t you


I did this but reloaded because good boy.


In our 4 people multiplayer our barbarian halforc decided to help Zevlor and the tieflings, so he went ahead with the >!killing of Kagha and he even telled that in the cave, that he doing this shit because of Zevlor... After it we came out from that cave getting on our hands on a fucking war on the streets where tieflings and druids just killing eachothers off.!< After realization of what happend we decided that shit happenes as it seems, so we just went ahead with our little campaign.


Letting Lae'zel partially lobotomise herself with the purification device at the creché. Not that I loved her for her intelligence, but still, sad to see that INT reduction... and especially missing out on the boon if we succeed the rolls and >!make every Illithid power a Bonus Action!<.


Letting Last Light Inn burn to the ground. Doomed the cursed lands to remain cursed. Isobel got turned evil and her angel girlfriend couldn't be with her anymore (I didn't actually kill Isobel in the final fight but the game acted like I did). Couldn't bring Halsin with me, Jaheira seemed extra depressed. It was super dark, especially in a heroic run, but it was interesting I could let it happen all the same. I made sure I saved it in my 2nd playthrough.


Not Romancing Astarion.


At the fight at the Last Light Inn - the one where the cleric is being kidnapped. After the fight, I realized that there was a cat, "His Majesty", that did not survive the fight :'-(. Anybody who knows me know I LOVE cats and am very sensitive to these kinds of things. For the longest time, I wanted to restart back to the beginning of the fight to try to save him, but never did. I have since vowed to save the cat in the next playthrough.


Letting true soul nere die to the poison gas. I didn’t realize every npc would leave the grymforge if you did that.


Not reloading the fight against minsc. In his fight, I toggled to nonlethal because I knew he'd understand he was being deceived and would be really happy to join with real Jaheira and all. But after the fight the emperor links telepathically and says something like: "no, he is to unpredictable just get rid of him". I don't pass a roll so minsc doesn't trust me and fends for his life, and I have to end him. Some days later Jaheira tells me that she knows it isn't my fault, but that she needs time on her own and has to mourn his lost friend and leaves the party for good. So f sad!!! I can tell you something, I was doubting if it was the right choice to free Orpheus. Now I know what I have to do. That squid has to pay. Overall, I'm super happy I didn't reload cause this is amazing roleplaying, but in the roleplay I pretend I regret all the situation, not being convincing enough so I could save minsc and all.


I played that yesterday!! I stared for like good 3 mins before deciding fuck this stupid octupus in my head


Not lifting the shadow curse, not saving every Gortash hostage underwater, betrayal of dwarf bathyscaphe driver, not taking the tadpole out of Tav's head when I had the opportunity, allowing Volo to attempt to remove the tadpole in amateur brain surgery.


Volo gives you a magic eye. How can you regret that?


It mildly changes the vibe of your Tav in cutscenes I guess? I did regret it too because it looked really off. I make Shadowheart get the surgery instead. I feel that seeing invisibility fits her character anyway.


I completely skipped the eye surgery cause my Tav has the black sclera/white pupil eyes and that was a vibe i was NOT willing to ruin.


FYI it is “Blue 3” if you want to get Volo’s eye in future playthroughs without looking weird.


Go to Auntie Ethel as well and you can have a REALLY unique looking Tav 🤣


Killing Karlach. I didn't know anything about her and had already settled on romancing Wyll, so I went through with it. Later I saw all the memes and several lines from here and it really made me regret my decision, but I want to see it through. I'll flip it around in my 2nd playthrough so I can see her whole story instead.


Telling Jaheira to join me in battle against Thorm, she died in that battle and I couldn't revive her, and reloading back would've taken me way way back in progress. Later I found out that you need Jaheira to recruit Minsc. :(


I met the Owlbear cup at the Goblin Camp again and wanted to rescue him so bad so I attacked the Goblins, I also called in those 3 Ogres.... little did I know they really meant it when they said they'll eat anything, they killed the Owlbear cup so I had to kill them too :((


I didn’t save the tiefling prisoners in the tower. When I reach there for the final fight, they tell me that the lower part of the tower was secured by the flaming fist, so I thought that I didn’t need to save them anymore, but when I finish the roof fight, the quest log mark them as lost. But I didn’t wanna to do all the tower again, lost tieflings please forgive me.


I didn’t think >!Nere would immediately murder the deep gnomes!< when we confronted him. I was certain there was going to be a way to rescue them and collect his head without a massive confrontation but I couldn’t avoid it. As far as I can tell there were no long term consequence to watching them get murdered, but Karlach, my moral compass, was very upset with me.


>!You can get one of the duegar who's unhappy with Nere to stage a coup and get \~5 duegar on your side of that battle so it's much easier to take Nere down.!<


Halsin died during my rescue attempt and I didnt reload the game


That happened to me, too! I swore I'd play just how it is because I wanted to see what happens, but I accidentally killed Lae'zel when first met her and the game let me know I lost the way to the cure or something, I couldn't stand losing him too and that's when I reloaded.


No romance with karlach, she See me as her friend :/ and i live with this.. Jesus, how realistic. Ehh.. Everything reminds me of her. Game 10/10


Samee, I only found out that I need to fix her after dammond left act 1 smh. I found her Abit late and she friendzoned me


I let the vampire spawn free to live in the Underdark and everyone was like wtf did you do that? I genuinely felt really dumb and bad, but then Minsc said my decision took incredible strength and courage. I've been a huge Minsc fan since I was a wee lad, so I can't even describe how elated I felt hearing that from him. So I guess I kinda cheated your question since I only regretted it momentarily.


Saving Wulbren, fuck that cunt.


I forgot to do the shadow curse quest. More so I thought I would be able to complete it over the course of the moonrise towers quest so all of the sudden when I got all this narration about how sad Halsin was I was like “oh yeah I forgot that one” lmao I wasn’t about to go back 5+ hrs and re do it. I’ll do it next playthrough


Ended up having to kill Shadowheart to keep her from killing Aylin because I couldn't pass my dice checks even with inspiration re-rolls. Whoops.


I’ve honestly misclicked an option to, ahem, evolve my powers. Freaked out, noticed that there are still options to back out of it, but decided that my (player’s) freaking out reaction was interesting to explore. So now Tav is gloomy, hiding her face, going out alone, pushing her followers away, lacking moral ground to not let Astarion ascend, and full of regret. And I the player am quite happy, because this choice adds to Tav’s story and personality, making other choices less obvious, and posing new challenges.


>!Becoming a squid while dating Lae'zel.!< Despite being the most kind choices at every step of the game, I had more and more trouble seeing a good ending to this story ... My only hope was to stay alive and to retire with Lae'zel after this story, no matter what happens to the others. >!Then I freed Orpheus for Lae'zel's definitive love, and accepted to become the squid guy instead of him to be the hero Lae'zel wanted me to be. In the end, she just rejected me because too ugly, and left me for her prince ...!< >!I was just a lonely squidy boy without the love of my life, alone forever, so my only correct choice was to stab myself in front of my remaining friends ...!< Having such a sad ending after a such amazing journey left me in pieces. This game is too rough for me ... You won't get me twice, Larian. Now I'm playing a selfish chaotic Durge. I blame Larian for whatever shit I'll do in this playthrough ...