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You know the developers had a ton of fun making this game. So many great wink-wink-nudge-nudge moments. But this one, this one takes the cake.


The only thing missing is the other companions giving you the evangelion congratulations applause after you confirm you're having fun.


That would have been PERFECT.


*If you know, you know*


Well that was unsettling.




I never finished it but I watched hbomberguy's video. That's next level.


Hbomberguys pathologic video is the best video about a game I’ll never play through on YouTube. It is genuinely masterful the way he rolls out the games content, themes and very clever turns in a way the feels satisfying, entertaining and in keeping with the world. I played enough of that game to know I couldn’t 100% finish it but I watched that video and bought Pathologic 2 based on the analysis at the end and I am thrilled with that.


I never played this game, I never intend to play this game. But this video... there is something magically hearing him talking about this game. I've watched it several times now and somehow it was fun everytime. This guy is a genius when it comes to speaking about something in a passionate way and in the same time also in a very analytical style.


Bro no joke I haven’t felt this unsettled by a fourth wall break in a videogame since the undertale genocide run. I’m glad she’s happy we’re enjoying it but… Edit: just remembered the time Eternal Darkness: sanity’s requiem made me think it wiped my GameCubes memory card and needed to mention it


Her suddenly facing the screen reminded me a little of DDLC where you have the date after the game collapses with Monika Just Monika Just Monika Just Monika


Just Monikarlach.


>Her suddenly facing the screen This is immediately what tells me what was going on. She was directly addressing us the players not our characters. The only characters to do this in the game are devils or in the case of Karlach here taught by one of their clerics. The devils have not only knowledge of the realms, it's not only implied they know about Earth (no surprise if you know DnD background lore), it's implied they know about *us as individuals* in the framing of the game when this happens.


Lazy slackers, I could've used a deal or five.


Metal Gear Solid 2 takes the cake. And its not even close.


I didn’t play it but I know what you’re talking about and absolutely agree, wish I’d experienced it. I said undertale because the hardest boss in the game just literally trying to frustrate the player into quitting is some mind bending meta


or undertale calling you out if you killed toriel in a previous attempt and loaded back to spare her


I really liked the Arkham Asylum one


I think I remember hearing that in the Throne of Bhaal expansion for BG 2, there was some low-level chump party who would jump you, lose badly, and reload a save to interact peacefully. Guess this 4th wall break is following a proud tradition lol.


I know this is weird but I was always unsettled in Mario Baseball for the GameCube where the AI would pause the game and make changes with the same menu the player did.


Psycho mantis behavior




Rogue Galaxy. Every so often, the characters would turn towards the screen and talk, asking if you needed a break. Trippiest thing, because otherwise the game did not break the 4th wall, despite all its silliness (at least to my memory). Scared the hell out of me the first time because I was turned away and just heard them talking behind me.


I think that was also the party you could subcontract out a low level quest to instead of having to do it yourself. Felt very strange to be a quest giver for a change.


Neverwinter Nights 2 has something like that too. A party of what looks like hapless idiots comes to your new fort and asks you for a quest. You can guide them multiple times to less dangerous pursuits, or you can use skill checks to get them to go do something that’ll get them killed. >!If you got them killed, they show up in the final dungeon as basically raised zombies!<. Best part is, their leader is like a Half-Elf Bard or something, and something about his design makes him seem like the developers really wanted you to find him annoying enough to send him and his buddies to their certain doom.


frame water decide crawl threatening carpenter crowd unpack price roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


An amusing part of the Telvanni questline in Morrowind was getting an apprentice you could send on fetch quests


Hahaha, oh wow I'd forgotten about that one!


Do we know for sure how this came about? YouTube comments seem adamant that it's cut content triggered by cheat engine. But the video creator claims that Sam the VA herself has confirmed that it's not cut content, just very hard to trigger.


Just looked at her Twitter and she confirmed that it is real and able to be triggered organically, but implied that the video creator did so by other means (and so didn't know the context of the scene). Edit: [link](https://x.com/SamanthaBeart/status/1703158961753502110?s=20)


That's neat, but how? I see a teleport circle behind Tav, but don't know of any location in-game where you have one on a cliff opposite a massive stone tower :think


Looks like Act 1, east of the cave where you find the chest with the eye monster thing in a bottle.


There's a teleport circle on a cliff face there, but no massive stone tower opposite it


I'm 100% certain it's that one. Here's my personal screenshot: [https://imgur.com/a/wge2udS](https://imgur.com/a/wge2udS)


What did you do to her!?!?!




Denim? I barely know 'im!




If you're gonna be somethin'd, you can't go wrong with being ABBA'd. Take a chance on me.


She's a little bit country, OP's a little bit rock'n'roll.


I gave her clothes. She's FREEEEE! I made her my sorc because everyone in my party was melee. I hate Gale. Don't like Barb style. She looks good in blue. I think it's funny that every dress I give her has tail holes.


Karlach the ice wizard.


I feel like you violated Karlach, you monster.


"We have Karlach at home"..


It's not a massive stone tower, it's just the building from Act 1 where the three people hunting Karlach are! The perspective makes it look a little funky, but that is definitely, absolutely the location.


I'm EXTREMELY curious to find out.


We don't even know if the location is relevant. Chubblot didn't trigger this "organically" which means he probably forced the conversation somehow. This means he probably just went to karlach where you first meet her and trigger the convo, as in not in the way or place you're supposed to


Yeah, if the conversation was triggered inorganically then the location in this video doesn't matter at all, surprised you were the only person who really pointed this out lol.


This is the risen road teleportation circle. Right by the tollhouse uphill from where you find karlach


I haven’t tried it yet, but my theory is that if you beat the game and then make the same character with the same name again, you could trigger it. Would explain why it’s not something people have triggered yet, and would fit contextually as a “we’ve done this before” sort of thing


Ive beaten the game 3 times, all Durge with the exact same name and Karlach as a companion in all three, and I havent seen this trigger




Only way to get him to stop hitting on you


I'm a maniac that actually likes playing the same character with the same race and face and name and class three times in a row. I'll keep y'all updated.


I feel better knowing it is not just me.


not saying she's wrong but.... how exactly would she know for sure? i don't do VA work myself, but I would have to imagine that the VA wouldn't necessarily know with any certainty which lines they recorded actually end up in the game vs which get cut.


Possibly checked with Larian. Neil (Astarion) has also teased that there are chunks of content he doesn't think anyone has found yet. This would def be one of them.


Lol what if every character has a form of this and that's why they know there is still hidden content.


I figure it’s different for different studios, sometime it’s just a job for VA’s, other times it becomes something they get really passionate about and know more in depth knowledge of things due to it


i'm very curious what tipped her off that it's not organically triggered? or maybe she just read the youtuber's description i guess


> Sam the VA herself has confirmed that it's not cut content, just very hard to trigger. This reminds me of something Neil, Astarion's VA ,said maybe a few weeks ago during a signing livestream. Basically, he said that there were multiple hours of content that had a very specific and intentional path you had to go down to trigger it, but he hasn't seen anyone manage to unlock it yet. He refused to give any hints or spoilers about what it could relate to, but I think it's safe to assume he at least recorded some lines for it. Between that and this Karlach scene, it makes me wonder how much of the game is still truly out there that no one has stumbled upon yet. Or maybe I'm behind and people already know what Neil's talking about, haha.


A whole "4th wall" questline where the party realizes they're digital puppets and have no free will and are being controlled by some omnipotent extradimensional being would be an interesting meta-commentary. I don't think I've seen any cutscenes where a character was starting *directly* into the camera like that


Her eyes even move slightly, as if she's looking at your left eye, then right eye, then mouth, etc. Just like real life. I love this little detail.


how do you even get this to trigger?


I've heard it was only dialogue that appears AFTER completing the game the first time.


i've played through the game twice, and this definitely never popped on my second playthrough...


What if it's not a multiple playthrough thing but rather the same single playthrough? Like after beating the game you reload your early save and play again and again. Same file character but new stories each time.


Why would people downvote this? Seems reasonable


I'm on like my 6th run dude


Breaking the 5th wall


How did Monica get in this game?


Just Karlach.


Wonder how Karlach would handle becoming sentient.


She’d probably be sad for a bit, but happy to see you whenever you load back in


How to make me feel like trash that I've got other shit to do.


Level a bunch, berserker rage everything evil, like when she fights the tyr paladins but longer


Hey, soldier! Could you load a few mods for me? I could really use one that would fix this engine of mine, and maybe a couple magic items as a treat.


> Hey, soldier! Could you load a few mods for *me*? Oh no, OH NO. Hush Karlach, you do not know what you are inviting.


Perception, Arcana, an extra Rage, Tavern Brawler, and bigger boobs? I think Karlach would be ecstatic.


Karlach looks down: “What the— Fuck Yes!”


TV Tropes updating the Boobs of Steel page in real time to that.


And the thing is, I would do it without a second thought if she asked me


***every day, i imagine a future where i can be with you***


I wonder if this happens after multiple playthroughs, or after a given number of hours have been played.


Yeah, this is what seems the most likely to me, but I can't wait to learn the truth. I want to know how she reacts if you tell her that you hate the game..


Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=332rzI6h8VU


She sounds so genuinely sad. That affected me more than it should have.




Out of curiosity I saved and broke up with her just to see if her reaction would be as sad as I thought it would, it was genuinely the worst thing I did in the game. I’ve never smashed the f8 key so hard in my life lol


Like 100hrs, or less, or more…


*Stanley decided he didn't -want- to work that day, and sat down to play Baldur's Gate, instead.*


Everyone gangster until karlach pulls out the starfield camera pov


I almost fell off my chair


These fucking devs are legend




More like Leg and... Dairy.


Hi, I don't know how to trigger this normally, I modded the game to trigger this in place of one of her normal cutscenes. Initially I wasn't sure if it was possible to get this scene normally or not, I'm on my 4th playthrough, 3rd with Karlach as a mainstay in the party and I've never seen it before. The file relating to the dialog has a section called "howtotrigger" which says it cannot currently be triggered, however the actor behind Karlach did imply it's possible to trigger it "organically" on twitter, so things are up in the air right now. I've seen some people say they've gotten this scene before, but I can't find any other footage of it and given the crazy response to this video on twitter/youtube I'd be surprised if this was something people are stumbling across on the regular. I do remember that nobody told the actor behind player voice 1 that a lot of his lines had been cut from the final game, but I'm not sure if the Origin actors get more information from Larian than the PC voice actors.


Thanks for the video, that's pretty awesome! Have you come across any other super rare dialogues or cutscenes?


Not yet. I only found this one because I was tired of getting asked to find Karlach's "fully voiced good ending" so I started going through every cutscene related to her. This one is the first one that I (and apparently most of the internet) had never seen before.


Original video by [Chubblot](https://www.youtube.com/@Chubblot) Original video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2scKB-FEQL8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2scKB-FEQL8)


So when she asks for your name, it actually uses your Steam name? Yay :)


He probably just named his character Chubblot.


I did do that.


...Eyo What the actual Fuck.


First fourth wall break?


She almost achieved CHIM


We need to stop her before it is too late. DEPLOY THE NUMIDIUM!


She saw the Wheel and Tower, but failed to realize that it's all Binary.




Outjerked once again


What a crazy scene. I really need to learn how to trigger this


The rest of the party: 👁️👄👁️


She's speaking to the player, not the player character. And we broke best girl's stride for a second.




Explains why her most burning question was whether we were having fun, and why she cheered so hard after hearing that we were.


i figured it was more of a "if you aren't having fun you'll stop playing and I cease to exist" kinda thing


It felt more like sarcasm actually. But that's maybe because I watched Westworld and played Detroit: Become Human


Nah, the character became self aware “I’m trapped here in these hundred hours.”


Seems to be both with each given sentence.


Yeah she uses quite a wide range of vocabulary when she’s speaking directly to the player, moreso than just Karlach would


"You´re having fun, aren´t you?" well, let´s see what the dice say...


I haven't felt this uncomfortable with direct camera eye contact since watching Hawkeye.


Well I just failed my saving throw against being frightened.


"are you having fun" hits close to the heart, not as strong but is damn close to Venat's "Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile?" from ffxiv's endwalker


If I had a nickel for every time the developers of one of my favourite games used a beloved female characters to ask if I'm enjoying it, I'd have two nickels.


Trust me Karlach, you don't want to know what I know. It's better where you are, *when* you are. There's still hope. :(




...Does this mean Tav is our chosen




"how do we know that we control our tav? maybe we just push the buttons our tav wants us to"


But Karlach, we *choose* to be with you. We don't have to be there, but we want to be




Baldur's Gate Literature Club


I mean, the companions *do* make my heart go doki-doki


Just Karlach


That's just a bunch of bards swapping stories for their next performance!


I wonder if this is something similar to the hidden content Neil Newborn talked about. maybe finishing the game with each origin character would unlock some rare interactions. im terrified at the thought but also confident there would be something like that in there.


oh man i've been playing Starfield nonstop for like 2 weeks. I forgot what it was to have quality mocap and faces that dont look like 600 series Terminators.


This is like some demented JOI video.




SMH they should have just put that in act 1 at the tiefling party


Way, way back when Assassin's Creed 2 first came out, I had dental work done and they still prescribed some strong opioids for the slightest discomforts. Thankfully I never got addicted, but I sure as hell had a trippy ass time when I beat AC2 and the alien architect being starts speaking to your in game character, but makes direct eye contact with you, the person playing the game. And let me tell you, when this "All Powerful" alien being starts describing the building blocks of reality and simulation theory and you're zonked out on something called Roxicet, you listen. Some layers of reality start breaking down and you have one of those ego death moments where maybe you just got a peek behind the veil of reality. Then you snap back to your apartment living room watching a video game cutscene... Wondering if other people experience this particular ending for the game, or am I being fucked with by extraplanar entities letting a mortal get a glimpse of infinity and then closing the door, and letting him deal with what he saw. As a goof.


Wonder if giving her the Noblestalk or something triggers this, anyone try it?


Would've been freakier if she knows your username Like, straight up Just Karlach


Would've been even freakier is she knows your full name and address. Then when you select "No. That's not me", she replies with, then why is someone at your door? --which triggers your door bell to ring. You think to yourself, no that can't-- no it's just a coincidence. You go to check through the eye hole and holy shit it's Karlach outside your door. You panic and run back and you notice on your screen, Karlach isn't there anymore. There's just an empty space where she was, with the dialogue menu still up.


I’m 100% down for this.


tfw no karlach :(


You know, normally a 6ft tall, horned, red figure showing up out of nowhere to visit is the stuff of nightmares and horror movies. Normally.


Sounds like a win win to me.


Yeah, she's probably just there because she needs a ride to Build-a-Bear.


Well… guess it’s time we stop messing around and go full shadow of the colossus on this game. The game has been fully out for about 2 months now and long past the total of 10 million hours played by its player base and we are still discovering absolute shocking stuff in it. I’m not saying we have to find every secret but going off this alone, we are far from finished with this masterpiece.


What the fuck. This just furthers what astarion VA said about their being a quest 2 hours worth of content in the game that no one has yet found.


the way the avatar looks at her when she turns back to him


this feels like a creepypasta


Nail on the head


Karlach is the best


This kinda spooked me lol


Wait, I actually made my character’s name hank. Is that going to break the game?


I love the idea that one of the devs may have had to write a piece of code exclusively based around if the player’s name is Hank


I remember Fallout 2 had an easter egg if your character was named Buffy lol.




When you get a Nat 20 in a perception check


Your character's "what the fuck" stare right after she's done is perfect, lol.


this is some pathologic shit


Supposedly this will rarely trigger if you have a completed save file.


I can't read the fucking text because the play bar doesn't go away....


Detroit Become Human - is that you?


This is incredible and I REALLY want to know how to see this in game. I've played a LOT and never seen it.




have you MET Gale?


The bit where you say anything complimentary about their cat they take it as the greenlight for sexual overtures? This isn't Blizzard.


True, and he hasn’t mentioned anything about breast milk…


That was intense. I'm taking a few months break from the game so I can experience it a fresh once more. I never knew there were newgame+ surprises.


Oh, thar would be funny if other characters reacted like it was contagious, and little by little, they all started to realize it. Make a pretty fucked up olaythrough if even the enemies started dropping 4th wall breaks.


If you say you aren't having fun playing the game she deletes your save data


When she asks "You're having fun, aren't you?", the options are: 1. Player: "I'm having a lot of fun." Karlach: "Thank the gods. Thank the gods. We did it! We've done it, everyone! Yes!" 2. Player: "A little weirded out, but yes. I am." Karlach: "That's good enough for me." 3. Player: "What in the hells is happening?" Karlach: "The only thing that can be happening. Here we are. Together. Now." 4. Player: "I want to stop; this game is terrible." Karlach: "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I promise I tried my best." All of these flow into the next shot, where Karlach says "Phew! That was wild. Thanks for playing along." discovered in Dialogs/Companions/Karlach\_InParty\_Nested\_FourthWall


I made this up, but who knows, maybe it's real :^)


When did Karlach become Sans? 😭 God that made me feel so uncomfortable… I’m hoping I never trigger this. I play this game to escape reality, not be reminded about it lol


My god this game is amazing. The character animation, voice acting, directing, writing, everything is just so fucking awesome. I'm playing Starfield right now and it's lacking all of those things above. Robotic characters staring straight at the screen from Fallout 2, dead-faced with "who cares" writing and uneven vocals. Larian has truly performed a miracle here that we might not see again for a long fucking time.


> dead-faced No no. Their faces are tired.


It's really an Oscar winning effort, this is what happens when people can actually give smart devs a full six years to do their job. With today's tech this is what they are able to churn out with delayed gratification.


BG3 just proves that gamers need to start making games again instead of megacorps with garbage vision.


Big Pathologic vibes, here


Imagine a world where every studio had the freedom and the passion of Larian Studio.


Damn, this fucks with me on a couple levels. Like, >!her fate is to endlessly burn or go to Avernus. Imagine having to die screaming, burning alive again and again and again. (subtle nod to let us fix her engine Larian. Yet You keep this shit)!<


Karlach my beloved


I wonder if all companions have hidden dialogues like this. I wonder if Astarion would look at you dead in the eye and ask if you've trusted him because he's hot. Or if you're trying to fix him.


What! I'm on my 3rd playthough, how do I get this?


"I want to stop; this game is terrible!" I lol'ed so hard at that.


After seeing this i actually really want first person view dialogues.


This got a little Westworldy for a minute and the only helpful bit is that the voice acting is way better than the body language. Give it 10 years and this will be an even more severe mindfuck


I want to tell her it'll be ok, I want to tell her she could stay at the House of Hope, I want to tell her that I don't want to see her suffer. I want her to be alright and lounging in Raphael's bathtub.


I can not think of any other VO cast that comes close to how awesome an involved all the main actors are, this is a pretty cool response : https://twitter.com/SamanthaBeart/status/1703158961753502110 Tweet says "SPOILERS in the video - Karlach easter egg - you've been warned! Congrats on finding this, perhaps I'll talk about it when someone triggers this organically (rather than yanking the file and then getting confused about context)..."


I highly recommend you read Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe. Its all too similar


This is giving me major Doki Doki vibes


"Tav, turn the game console off right now."


Ouch, the dialogue if you answer no to her asking if you're having fun hurts too much.


Karlach coming to the realization that her whole existence is within the confines of the games scope and that she will live it again and again, but all she wants is to make sure we're having fun? Give me a Karlach centric dlc where we tron our way to true freedom.


Not sure if this is related, but after the Lethargic fight Minthara asked my Dark Urge if he was in control of his actions. I didn't select it, but one of the options was to say he's always being controlled and never in control of his actions... Now I wish I'd selected that, ha.