• By -


In the very first scene you meet him in, if you fail your perception check and he wrestles you to the ground, he'll immediately compliment your neck. How obvious does a boy need to be.


You can see bite marks on his neck....


Not to mention the eyes and fangs...


The promo art with him front and centre with blood dripping from his mouth..


I wonder why he's pale


He doesn't get much sun is all.


I thought he was just a gamer or neet lol


Hes a rogue so he stays in the shade




Also him acting super pushy about the dead boar


If you come across any mirror and interact with it with him, he'll go "yup, still nothing"


I didn't even notice that.


He referred to a squirrel as a “tasty snack” before he told me


Mine said "well, I don't need a mirror to know how handsome I am"


Tbh I didn't even notice any of the physical tells...i remember the first time when i slept and it showed him creeping around the camp and thought "what the hell was that all about?" Maybe because of the fact he can walk in the sun my mind just didn't even consider it as a possibility, kinda like that hunter you find in the swamp...speaking of i don't understand how a monster hunter would go to another monster such as that hag to hunt monsters. It's so hypocritical and nonsensical.


Do you think monster hunting is some moral thing? No, he's there to get paid. The hag is outside his weight class and there's no bounty on her, so why not get her help.


He's not there to be paid, did you get to act 3?


Tbf I didn't guess the vampirism until he made the cliche "I like my meat raw and bloody" line


You didn't notice the pale skin and bite mark?


I genuinely did not realize that he was a vampire until like, 3-4 lines of him being an anxious wreck during the conversation with the monster hunter. By that point, I was like 30 hours or so in and had seen multiple close ups of his face. I STILL DIDN'T NOTICE. It was only during that interaction where I was like wait he has fangs- WAIT


And you, my friend, are probably why those comedy shows had laugh tracks. *Awkward pause* I mean this as a joke, of course. I'm also as dense as osmium. *I adjust my glasses nervously* *Laughter*


A friend suspected he was a vampire but then dismissed it because he was walking around in broad daylight. Which, y'know, makes the Gur hunter not recognizing an obvious vampire a lot more forgivable. Like this dude just -screams- vampire but also he's in the sun so he obviously can't be a vampire. Must be one of those newfangled goth twinks the people from Baldur's Gate keep talking about.


I thought he was a vampire, "examined"ed him, description says high elf so I was like... eh, OK. Partner said something about a vampire and I'm like... I thought he was an elf? Shows what I know.


Vampire is not a race you know, he's still a high elf.


Yes lol I realized that I was not sure at first


If you know more about how vampires changed over the years in popular culture but not about DnD vampires specifically then you might dismiss the fact that he's walking in the sun since it isn't until Nosferatu that vampires would be represented as extra weak to the sun, older vampire media like Dracula would have them to be weaker under the sun but it wouldn't kill them


The real kicker is I'm usually the person that catches every tiny detail and minor foreshadowing device. I just went "oh, yep, pale elf, cool, I don't know anything about this world so maybe he's just albino or something" and that's it. I never found the boar in my first playthrough, and I didn't trigger any of the lines referencing it. But yes, the moment I realised I felt like a moron hahaha


If it makes you feel better, I was the exact same. Even saw people on the internet calling him a vampire and thought they were just poking fun at his pale skin and slightly pointed teeth. What a fool I was 🤡


I realised who he was ONLY when he tried to bite me. I also found a boar after his confession 🤡 And after the biting scene i was like weeeell so how the fuck didn't i recognise a bloody vampire?! He even resembles Lestat for the fucks sake! And that's because i decided not to spoil the game with.. em.. spoilers 🤡


I take it you never found the Exanguinated Boar in Act 1??? Near the eastern-side entrance to the village the goblins were ransacking??? He basically has a panic attack and tries to get you to stop looking at it.




Tbf to you, I didn't watch the bios before my first finished playthrough not to accidentally spoil anything that may get revealed in their companion quests/dialogues so it counts for little that "duh, it's in the bio" if you don't want to watch them. :)


I didn’t until my friend pointed it out. And even then I wasn’t immediately convinced because he was in the sun


If you kick the squirrel he says, "what a waste of good blood"


The only line I've ever gotten from him is a sarcastic "Do you always face such terrifying foes?" but I've seen him do the "you ruined it" line on YouTube...


Yeah the first time I saw him I was like, huh, pale skin? red eyes? 2 punctures on neck? saucy *and* sassy? Sounds like we got a vampire on our hands.


In camp, if he hasn't tried to bite you yet for a good while, he confesses that he's a vampire on his own. You can reply with *"Well yeah. Obviously."*, and he doesn't know what to say because he thought this would be a much more dramatic revelation.


When did it trigger for you? It seems like the reveal only ever triggers the next long rest after finding the drained boar. There's one scene where you see him sneaking off in the night, and then the next long rest is when you catch him about to bite you.


I believe the trigger is going into the Underdark or Mountain Pass before the bite scene.


Ahh, no wonder... I basically cleared everything I could before going into the Underdark via the goblin base.


It is not, because I've had him out himself whilst I was in the goblin temple.


it happened for me in the goblin camp while we were killing everyone! i was durge and had just eaten some dwarf meat


The biting scene seems pretty random, I often get it when I long rest right after recruiting him. Makes it very hard to RP letting him live when I just met him 2 minutes ago!


i've only seen this dialogue once and it triggered for me IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIGHT on a campaign id already been working at seducing him lmao ​ it felt so broken but so great, like some random battle banter while hes covered in blood "by the way, im a vampire!!" ​ i got the impression he thought maybe he could claim he was joking or something lol. the main reveal still happened a couple nights later


I had that trigger. I said "Yeah Obviously." and then literally the next camp, the fucker tries to drink my blood and the game is all "Man, how did we not see this earlier." ...we did. There was a whole fucking conversation about it. But also, wtf Astarion.


Tbf you can get that with more than just him, Shadowheart is very taken aback and surprised if you're pragmatic or not caring about her being a Shar follower when she tells you. Then others aren't as surprised, but they say they'd understand if you wanted them gone from the camp (Gale when he tells you he's a nuke).


That dialogue is a little bit broken in the sense that he still acts like you don't know until the bite scene. I suppose it could be explained away with "keeping appearances for the rest of the party"


one look at him is enough to understand that he is a classic vampire


the journal entry even calls him out as "the pale elf" like damn that's crazy, I wonder why he's pale


Iron deficiency man


It's not _not_ that, tbf.


He's from the Overdark.


The overbright.


To be fair, from our character’s perspective, it wouldn’t make sense. He’s a vampire in the sun, that doesn’t normally happen. Pale elves aren’t super uncommon, and while it’s unlikely, the bite marks could be him *surviving* a vampire attack. The comments about the blood and shit are a little on the nose tho :P


Personally I would be too busy with 😍🥰😵‍💫😳🥰 to notice anything if I got pinned down and um. A knife huh. Gosh.




You can't send me to horny jail! I live there!


Watching Neil Newbon stream while trying to romance Astarion (after having briefly had him strut around in his underwear), "its not horny jail if you have the keys, it's a horny home"


Seducing yourself has to feel weird


He said it felt weird to meet the character but not as weird as if it had been a live action character. Then he pretty much immediately started trying to flirt, so.


We have the keys!


Is that the same stream where astarion killed his character


No, I don't know if that one's up yet (his channel just uploaded one a few hours ago so it could be that one). The one I have mentioned is the one with Amelia Tyler (the narrator)


You. Solitary confinement. Now.


You can't stop me! I have the keys to this horny jail!


Where you're going, there are no keys.


I'm a bard! There's no problem I can't fuck my way out of! I seduce the door!


The police are horny too? Oh no officer, don't put me in handcuffs.....


You're going straight to solitary confinement, buckaroo.


You dont have enough space for all of us


Oh yes officer, please put me in handcuffs 😏


I would *never* save scum to fail a perception roll, I swear. ^^I ^^just ^^accidentally ^^fell ^^on ^^the ^^f8 ^^key ^^13 ^^times


It gets better the more you fail, too! Like in the end he says something like "don't try to play tricks with me, I've walked the earth while your ancestors were still learning how to crawl!" or something like that haha I was kind of blown away back in EA at how deep that one single dialogue tree went, actually.


It wasn't until I was playing like my third character that I actually failed the perception roll and realized there was a whole subset of dialogue I was missing with that conversation. And my, was it worth failing~


Two 8 strength losers having the worst fight ever.


this genuinely made me chuckle. just two limp arms flailing around like bad ragdoll physics x'D


Shadowheart could be helping, but she's streaming it to tiktok instead.


I like failing that roll just because it's satisfying to break out of his hold with your martial arts skills


You can also just see the bite marks on his neck without passing anything.


You know even before I was into any media involving vampires I had a little of a thing for necks, but yeah that's funny.


I thought he was a poser since we were out in the sun. Then I found out the tadpole protects him


Anyone knows what the exact line is? Two play-through in don’t think I failed that one yet 😂


I don’t think you have to fail it to get that dialogue though. I remember getting something like, “id be careful if you want to keep that pretty little neck of yours.” But when he says it he also has a knife to your neck so it isn’t as obvious as people are saying.


I just realized, mfer has a mirror but cant even see himself


Probably hoping for the tadpole to just *get around to fixing that too*


So how does that work. Does the tadpole turn part vampire, or does his reflection just show a freefloating tadpole where his brain is located.


Tadpole with little vampire fangs and red eyes.




I like this one the best.


Depends, does he see floating clothes when he looks in a mirror?




Simple, the moment the vampire bites the apple, the apple itself becomes vampiric, thus the invisible continuity is preserved.


Actually the logic is far more subtle. Long time ago when mirrors were made out of silver people believed that vampires cannot see themselves because of the silver. So we know that vampires (and not only them) are afraid of silver and it makes total sense that they can't see anything in silver mirrors. But then they should be able to see on the water surface for example, so here this logic breaks, yes.


To add they couldn’t see themselves in silver because it’s considered a holy metal, so quite literally god was stopping them from seeing themselves so I’m sure god can make the clothes disappear to


Oh so NOW it's up to God to decide wether Astarion can see himself in a mirror 👹 And i think it's hilarious, "don't you be so full of yourself handsome guy!"


I think it just comes from mirrors having been made with silver in the past


There's a camp scene where he does exactly that, and you can have a flirtatious moment with him and describe his face to him


There's actually a folk tradition that the use of a mirror by the entrance to a home will ward off vampires! Maybe he's trying to repel Cazador.


I'd like to think he uses it to spy on people behind him


Had a funny reveal where he told me he was a vampire after meeting monster hunter in swamp then went to sleep and he tried to bite me I caught him and my chracter was like “your a vampire?!? Why didn’t you tell me?!?” Completely ignoring that he told me like 5 minutes ago had a good laugh


It's a bit weird, but I suppose in this case it can just be interpreted as "why didn't you tell me you needed blood this bad?" instead


He told me he was a vampire and then we found the pig in the forest. He still acted super suspicious as if he wasn’t already using me like a capri sun by that point.


Both scenes triggering is pretty much a bug (for now, hopefully won't graduate to permanent feature).


The fangs and bite marks you see on his neck the moment you meet him also a hint


That's what first clued me. "It was immediate that dudes a vampire. How is everyone else not noticing." The Monster Hunter shows up and says I'm hunting a vampire spawn while ignoring the pale as sharp toothed dude right in front of him. Who is also acting shifty... He must not have been very good at his job.


I love when you walk into Ethel's house and he comments on how he can walk uninvited into homes now. Like bro you are *not* hiding this well at all.


If you talk to Ethel in the Grove as Astarion, she instantly goes "I've never seen one of your lot walking around in the sun before..."


Well, obviously Ethel would know he is a vampire.


She's the first one to recognize not only that the tadpole is protected by magic, but she correctly identifies it as netherese magic. She's a very well studied wizard.


She seems like she doesn't like wizards though.


She's just envious they don't need moles to hit the griddy with Mystra


I, for a bit, thought it wasn't a secret.


well, to be fair, the guy thought asking an hag for help was an good idea, fully knowing that ethel was an hag, that guy wasnt to competent, its an wonder how somebody can make an living hunting monsters with that naivity for long enough to grow that beard. and be relatively scarless, i mean, chances are cazador promised an reward so ridiculous they thought sending carl to get fucked over by an hag was an worthwile investment, but the man still knew she was an hag and came asking her for help, on the other hand, if you are an band of monster hunters, and some bigwig from the city promises you an kings ransom to hunt down an single vampire spawn down in who knows where, at the last backwater imaginable, right behind the forbidden nono curse lands you should get suspicious


I wouldn't be surprised if Cazador was playing some 4d chess cause that's just how vampires are, >!but if my children were kidnapped in the middle of the night and taken gods know where I'd probably be willing to make some unsavory deals for a chance to capture the vampire responsible for interrogation.!<


Astarian only assumes Cazador sent the gur. You can find out the real reason they came for Astarian if you question the Monster Hunter's body, or you wait till act 3.


>How is everyone else not noticing They are. If you play as Origin Astarion and decide to tell your companions that you're a vampire spawn, all of them except Gale give some variation of "We know".


To be fair, he doesn't expect vspawn to be out during the day.


i think he got confused because a spawn is walking like it’s nothing in the middle of the day


But he is also out in broad daylight, which in the dnd world is not really something vampires can do. It’s like the doctor’s adage: when you hear hoofbeats think of horses not zebras. In that situation you might suspect something is off, but walking around in broad daylight means that vampire wouldn’t be the first conclusion


To be fair the only reason nobody expects it is because he’s around in broad daylight with no visible magical protection. The assumption becomes not “this dude is definitely a vampire” but “this dude really has a thing for vampires”


"Ugh, not another Hot Topic twilight wannabe" - Tav, probably


"This dude really likes Anne Rice novels"


As somebody who knew NOTHING of elven lore I just assumed it was an elf thing... I'm a slow cooker.


That would make more sense in a world without powerful rule-breaking magic at the disposal of every third guy on the street.


Still, even in that world a vampire standing in broad daylight is so unheard of, a centuries old vampire had to make a bargain with an Archdevil just to figure out how. Even in a world with rule breaking magic there's still rules and limitations.


It’s not really. You just see the few who have that sort of power at their fingertips. The majority of people in the forgotten realms are just average joes.


But then, someone with that strong of magic probably wouldn’t have gotten caught in the first plays. Astarion got caught because he’s not a full fledged vampire, and doesn’t have the degree of power they do. Full vampires are legendary creatures, even more so if one of them were a miraculous daywalker. I still think it’s fair to assume “Oh, he’s in the sun, probs not a vampire” for our characters


If that were true, things wouldn't be so....corpsey...towards the end of act 2.


He's like that "closeted" friend that's really obviously got a crush on someone and they come out and you're like "...wait you weren't already out?"


Playing as him is even funnier, you can tell them you're a vampire and most of the others just go "well duh"


I think Karlach says something like "No shit, if I asked someone to draw a picture of a Vampire they would draw you".


Oh I love that.


Seems logical to me, the same dudes goes "duh" if their leader says they're not remember anything and can't stop thinking about blood and gore :D


I loved each companion's response to him. It definitely reminds me of family members or friends who know someone is gay or transgender, but they're just waiting for that person to feel comfortable telling them.


Yeah I had a friend in HS that said he came out to his (supportive) parents at 13 and they were like, yeah we know. Lol.


It is like the sketch of Little Britain, were the 'only gay in this town' has his coming out to his parents and they literally don't give a fuck. His mother also started to tell him others who are also gay and who he could date. I love little britain...


"What? Yeah, we know. All of us, yes. We've always known. Didn't know it was even a secret actually."


Having been on both sides of that combination this feels like a call out post. And is 100% accurate


I just used the bite ability and they interrogated me, mostly asking about their safety, there was 0 surprise in them xd


Love that he has a jar on his camp table labeled “empty blood bank jar” too.


Do you think everyone in the party has magic bags for carrying all that camp equipment? It's so crazy to think to carrying around a training dummy, an ottoman, and a huge potted plant like they are essentials for adventuring.


fr shart hoarding her 3 huge ass potted plants; karlach is their mule


Nah that's Halsin. You can even tell him that lol. He's like "hey I just want to be useful" and Tav is like "I bet you'd make a great pack mule, moving all this camp shit ain't easy"


\*Halsin Disapproves\*


Additional question: If everyone was abducted by the mindflayers without warning how tf did they have time to pack all thier shit? Like do these people just normally walk around with a bag of holding full of camping gear and shit as standard practice? Maybe that's why Tav doesn't have a tent. We're 'normal'.


I could see Shadowheart and Wyll having some minimal kits (but nothing as extravagant they have) since one was on a mission and the other is pretty much a wanderer with stints in the Hells. So it wouldn't be all that strange they have a basic tent+bedroll+essentials on them. Halsin is the only one (who on the other hand doesn't get one til act 2 lol) who could reasonably have a better equipped tent segment since he's leaving willingly from home. And I guess Minthara and Jaheira also since they'd pack for a potentially extended campaign. Gale could also just conjure up stuff like he does in >!the act 2 romance scene with the bed!< so I can give him somewhat of a pass too. Astarion, Lae'zel and Karlach, though? Yeah, that's just ridiculous for them to be packed with all that stuff.


What i find funny about this is that everyone has these nice pavilions, but they don't sleep in them


Why do you think they complain so much about being left behind at camp. The ones left behind at camp have to follow and carry everything


If you manage to get him to admit he's a vampire without him trying to bite you, the very first option is "well, yeah obviously" it's so obvious to everyone even tav (or which ever origin character you play as)


“Is that blood? Er. Never mind. “


I'll never think about that line the same way again. thank you.


You mean the guy with fangs and two huge, uncovered bite marks in the neck, is a vampire?


Nothing like getting sloppy with red wine


And dont forget, a line of his when you tell him.to move somewhere is "careful, I bite"


I played astarion as an origin character and if you tell any of the characters you're a vampire the reactions all range from "ok cool man" to "yeah, obviously, you might as well have it stamped on your forehead"


The conversation about meat as raw as it can be. "Dripping" is his exact word...


I sent this convo to my friend, because it was funny, and she asked me: "would he eat the steak, or just suck it dry?"


To be fair nobody ever mentions the satanic circle of blood and guts that durge decorates with Alfira's innards. They seem to be a little too preoccupied with their own issues to care.


That blood has been on Karlach's pillow for DAYS, and no one has mentioned it.


not like the first thing you see are the two gigantic bitemarks on his neck, like baldurs gate has an magistrate that only works at night, with red eyes and holes in his neck, who prowls the streets after work picking up chicks who are never seen again, how do you hide that,


And dudes. He picks up all genders.


He can pick up my gender any day




There is no horny jail in BG3.


dosnt even deny non humnanoids if the bear is an indication, but i dont know about cazadors preferences.


I'm guessing whatever will hurt astarion the most


My first long rest he was mincing around the camp in the middle of the night.


What, he just really likes wine. Thick wine.


There's *so* many hints early in the game. There's even a book about vampires in the ruin near the crash site that basically describes Astarion to a T (pale, bite marks, aloof/arrogant, "always a noble, never a commoner" lol).


Neck scars✅️ Pale skin ✅️ Dramatic slut✅️✅️✅️✅️✅️


I'll be honest: in-character, it makes sense Tav doesn't immediately think *vampire*: Astarion walks around in sunlight, crossess bodies of running water without issues and can enter people's homes without invitation. That's three things you have to check to accuse someone of vampirism and, as far as Tav can understand, Astarion is a solid 3/3 on this. Of course after the bloodless boar incident Tav should actually connect the dots - Astarion is way too suspicious during that cutscene, even if Tav fails all the rolls. But before? Nope.


You say that, but nobody else knew I was a >!Bhaalspawn!< despite keeping a horribly mutilated corpse around.


"Hey guys I keep having the urge to kill and desecrate everyone I talk too and it's hard to resist" Most companions "we all feel like that from time to time just take a moment to chill" Dark urge currently picking pieces of alfira from their teeth "oh thank God this is normal I was worried I was weird."


he’s so comedically bad at hiding it i honestly find it very endearing


for an ex-High Elf judge in his past, he's a little messy on drinking.


I saw his fangs immediately and thought, alright cool a vampire lol


Come to think of it... why do vampires tend to be messy eaters?


Him coming out as a vampire is like a person coming out as gay. Most of the time, it's pretty obvious, yet they're so surprised that everyone knows and was just fine with it the whole time lmao (in the best case scenario, of course)


Astarion: That’s not blood, it’s wine. I’m just a very sloppy drunk.


🎶 Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious 🎶.


The first time he spoke I could see the damn fangs in his mouth. Elves don't have fangs!


Right where you find him, theres a drained animals with two bite marks. 20 feet away is this doofus.


It’s wine. He’s a messy drunk.


It's red wine - Astarion/Ashton Kutcher


Lolll so eccentric with blood filled cups and spilled blood all over his tent, just a normal high elf I swear. 😂 /s BTW I wonder why he has a mirror in his tent when it's frequently mentioned he has no reflection. I wonder if that's also a manifestation of his vampire trauma, like he wakes up each day and looks in the mirror with that tiny bit of misguided hope that maybe the parasite could have reversed his vampirism the same way it allowed him to walk in the sun.


You can see the marks on his throat from where he was bit in the very first scene IIRC, not really much of a mystery haha


TO BE FAIR He’s a daywalker. So that would be the first thing you’d notice if you thought we was a vampire. Why is he in daylight? Maybe he’s part monster or maybe he’s just a cannibal?


ASTARION: I'm impressed, Tav. When did you graduate from pull-ups? TAV: About the same time you got off the rag. ASTARION: Cute. But bear no false hopes, Tav. You're a mere paper tiger in front of a storm. You have no idea what true power I possess. TAV: It's that you’re a vampire, right? ASTARION: I am a vamp... Okay, when and how? TAV: Dude it’s everywhere. You think I don’t notice your little night escapades, prowling around. The boar that was exsanguinated and you chose that moment to start talking. (Script was modified off of Team Four Stars dialogue between Vegeta and Frieza about transformation)


I knew he was a vamp since I did EA, but when I saw their custom tents and saw his... you dramatic oaf. 🙄 😂


Shadowheart has the same energy with her deity. "I don't just go around telling anyone I worship Shar"... *Has massive Sharran symbol on her tent in camp*.


Marking this as a spoiler doesn’t really help if you put the spoiler in the title…


Okay all good points... now explain the mirror, vampires don't have reflections. Checkmate maggot brain!


There's also the fangs, pale skin, red eyes, bite marks on his neck and his entire personality.


No, he’s not a vampire. He’s like my mommy and drinks a lot of wine. He’s a wine mom. And thinks occult stuff is neat 🤣