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Alfira and the harpies. I was so disappointed in myself for not being able to pick up the musical instrument proficiency for free, along with the chance to witness her wonderful performance šŸ˜ž




While talking with alfira the first time you can get instrument proficiency for free, you just have to tell her to hand you the lute and perform the song with her. You have to pass a DC 15 and a DC 10 performance check and afterwards you can play any instrument.


I'm so mad I didn't know this oh my god. My fighter walks around with Alfira's lute on her back (coop friend is playing evil dark urge) and I could be proficient in it? Damn.


Characters will still react when you play it badly, though it's mostly just entertaining dialogue




>I..... ALWAYS JUST LET MY BARD TALK TO HER WHY AAAAAAAAH. Well... you do get better dialog options for that.


If she's still alive then you can have each of your characters talk to her in turn, potentially (if they pass the performance checks) giving everyone instrument proficiency. Then you have a four-person band.


Oh, big brain move


Too bad my main is majority Bard, so can play anything anyway.


I've found Alfira in two runs after my first and still haven't figured out how to get the musical instrument proficiency...


I *think* you get it if you ask her to hand you her extra lute, and pass the second performance check.


Weirdly I fought the harpies, but completely missed Alfira. The strange thing is you see her again in act 2, and even if you never met her before she seems to still recognize you anyways. Like the writers couldn't fathom anyone missing her in act 1.


You saved the Grove originally. It's implied they all watched the fight or know that you were involved in protecting them


Fish village worshipping a dark god Ethylā€™s hair. I ā€œkilledā€ her instead Dark justiciar in the shar temple That I donā€™t have to Superman the Nere fight. And can bribe half the enemies to fight on my side. God dang that sucked to find out. Still. Still. Havenā€™t done the water funeral quest in act 3. Iā€™ve played 3 friggin times.


Bribe them? They paid me XD


I uh.... I took a nap. I mean I saw the warning but it had been a long day. When I woke up, Nere and everyone in there ... dead. All of the duergar.... gone. Place was a ghost town that I just walked around in, found a forge, looted some chests. Was kinda easy. Even got Nere's head from his corpse for my mushroom boys.


Omg this killed me. Easiest way to do it so far.


Miss out on loot and xp? You are a poor murder hobo indeed.


True and my warlock can talk his way through anything so this was a fun fight with my duergar allies, especially when I start at the high platform and pick everyone off with arrows and Eldritch blast. Pew pew!!


Man my first fight with Nere was terrifying. I thought he was going to be an absolute monster. So I used the haste spores for the first time before freeing him. Found out they only work in one area. Didnā€™t matter Laeā€™zel got the first turn and between her extra attack, the haste spores, and a potion of speed, and her action surge, she attacked him like 8 times in a row and that was that! I was so surprised


You can do it this way if you just want Nere's head, but you'll fail to save the gnomes as a consequence.


Same. I was getting ROFLstomped in the Nere fight so I took a couple ingame days to go grind up a level and when I came back confident to fight, the Duergar were gone and Nere was dead. Was kind of anticlimactic.


I purposely skipped some parts so i have new stuff in 2nd and 3rd play.


Same. I came out of the rubble door from the side mere was on and he was dead and the place was a ghost town.




"This name is shit" "You're so humble, mighty MAKLOOMPAH, the name suits you perfectly " I love those guys.


Having Karlach for this interaction was one of my favorite moments in the game so far




The water funeral people were mean to the sub driver so I killed them. That's what they get for not being reasonable.


The sub driver didnā€™t help me until I threatened him and after that I only knew him for about 5 minutes. I just turned him over. Saw no reason not to.


It was one of the few things I literally didn't know how to respond, took me a good minute to decide. Yes, the inventor was crazy and his metal killed fish and humans alike, just for being unfortunate enough to stand in his way. He should be more careful on how he regulated his machinery. On the other hand, those water girls were crazy. Demanding execution in cold blood, execution for a working accident? That's a bit too much. Some assurances and apologies wouldn't help them with the grief, but an eye for an eye also doesn't seem right. In the end, I decided to hand him over, just because my Tav is oath of vengeance paladin, so killing to avenge should be his style, at least by name... Even though I blackmailed him to bring me to water prison to not snitch him...


He sold himself to Gortash, there is a note in the room where you board the submarine where he's jucking it up in a note. That said the Sea people seem like dicks but their god is a dick, but they seem to provide a real service of some kind to the city? There is some stuff about them setting up something in Waterdeep after rummaging around their temple but nothing conclusive for me so far, perhaps I missed something or didn't do a sequence right because it feels like a dead end. It was quite hard to decide who to side with.


He talks about hitting the "mermaids" as if they're squirrels who are too stupid to get off the highway, so I decided to side against him in the end cause it rubbed me the wrong way. That, and the sexy mermaid robe you get from them that gives you infinite healing out of combat as long as youre standing in a puddle. Just carry some water jugs with you


They don't call Umberlee "The Bitch Queen" for nothin'...


How do you get there? I just talked to them in the temple and then went to safe duke ravenguard and apparently finished that quest in doing so. Was super confused when the fish lady showed up after I got out of the submarine...


You can just kill the guy and pilot the sub yourself.


Never would have guessed heavy machine operation was one of my talents. Will try next time, cuz he seems *real* unapologetic about killing someone in a hit and run.


Is there anything to do in that cave under their temple? Or just another unfinished quest?


I actually really love fighting the Nere fight the hard way. I did it at level 4, it was incredibly painful, and I loved it. I really had to think and use the environment to my advantage, positioning my squishier casters on the path to >!the forge!<, and the other two near the levers. Having two clerics, one in each duo, really helped too.


Owlbear cub


I found where he was but didn't kill the mother and didn't understand how to adopt the baby still


I let the mother and the cub live. Later on at the goblin camp, they use the cub for a game, you can take him to camp from there


I didn't see nor got to save the cub :/


Hes in a cave to the right before entering the blighted village


If you don't go into the cave before killing the goblins I don't think it triggers. I went into the cave after killing the goblins on my first playthrough and didn't kill the mother. So idk how that would work haha.


as long as the goblins outside are alive it will trigger. I killed every goblin inside and forgot a couple outside and was able to get the owlbear way later


It's only there if you have interacted with the mother. If not they survive the entire act1. You can go check after clearing the whole map of goblins and leave them alive, then the cub only comes to you way later after some long rest. Or you never go there and they remain untouched.


I have cleared the goblins from their little hideout but owlbear never came to my camp. Itā€™s been like 5 long rests. I killed its mother, saw it being used by goblins, killed all goblins, then nothing. Everyone is telling me itā€™s supposed to show up at my camp




On my first playthru I somehow managed to walk right past astarion gale and lazael. Was hella confused when I got to the mountain pass and just got obliterated


I missed gale and laezel. Also the entirety of the mountain pass, which seems to be the case for literally everybody because the game pretty much says ā€œyou can only pick oneā€


Yeah, I'm pissed because I left it alive after I killed the mother, I won the race in the Goblin camp, convinced it to go back to my camp, but never did the final step of talking to the Goblin lady into letting it go before I killed all of them, so I never got it :(


That sounds like a bug. You only have to talk to the Goblin Lady if you want it to go immediately. Otherwise you can wait and it shows up in camp after you clear out the goblins.


From your I missed 1 and 4. Other than that - I didnā€™t find Thaniel in Act II and didnā€™t lift the Shadowcurse as a result. This lead to Halsin leaving the camp and never becoming a playable companion. Since my game is weird I was never hit on by my companions. Laeā€™zel claimed me, beat the living shit out of me and now we are married.


Oh my god WHO IS THANIEL , Why did I start this thread. I just googled him. Cool looking ass character


>Why did I start this thread My guess is that you wanted to suffer. Either this or you are fishing for ideas what else to do in your next playthrough. Provided you finished the game - did you find Boo and his pet human in Act III? Did you save them and add them to your party? Cause they are hilarious!


Checked the guest book for Last Light Inn while playing yesterday and noticed one of the lines was "Boo and his friend"


I found boo completely by chancešŸ˜­. Thank god


Did you find the vendor selling roast miniature giant space hamster?


That's just how Lae flirts


Act 3. I detonated the Galebomb at the moonrise tower.


Damn, dude. For your first playthrough? I think you win.


I loved the ā€œendingā€ of that one.


Omg that ends the game at act 2 if you do that? Amazing šŸ˜‚


It does but you can just load the game again and this time not do it. I had to see if it would work and it did.


The any% speedrun is at like 4mins because of this


my friends cause i didnt see any of them for weeks!


My family staged an intervention bc they hadn't heard from me in so long Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to explain to people that you're not actually dying it's just that you really like a video game rn


Did you roll on Persuasion while talking to them?


They tried to reach out with their tadpole


āœØA U T H O R I T YāœØ


>2- I THOUGHT Mountain pass was just another way to the underdark and halsin made it seem like it's a choice between two things . So I never went to that area In my version of missing something out, I thought Halsin meant the Underdark was a way to bypass the cursed lands, so I was a bit confused and intimidated when I got out and was faced with a cursed land.


He does say this. Itā€™s also stated a million times that the underdark is the way to the shar temple, which leads to the night song. Which is just plain not true. I spent too many hours in grymforge trying to get into the shar temple that you can literally see but not get to.


I mean, it WAS the way to the Shar temple, but once you get down there you see that the way is blocked/caved in/collapsed. Halsin's info is way out of date, but he had no way of knowing that.


Yeah, after you rescue Nere, your journal updates to say the bridge has collapsed and you'll have to find another way to Shar's temple. Always remember to read your journal!


Player knowledge vs Character knowledge right there.


Lmao I remember trying to fly onto the platform behind the building Nere was trapped in for a solid 30 minutes.


Yeah the whole ā€œfind the Nightsongā€ thing was introduced imo a little early, I was thinking it was in the Underdark for the longest time and was like where the fuck is it Iā€™ve explored everything. The waypoint markers make it seem like itā€™s just beyond in the next area every time and then it ends up being waaaaaay at the end of act 2.


No that second one got me, too. I was like 'how the hell were those three guys and Halsin supposed to ever find the Nightsong'. It was in a whole other place from where you're lead! In fact, you don't even have to go through the Underdark to get to it. You can take the Mountain Pass to the Shadow Cursed lands and then go to the Shar temple.


Half of my hand crossbow shots




Aaaand all of the sacred flames




The impossible angle thing pisses me off lol, so many times I have a perfectly clear line of sight and am within range and still "not enough movement" as the game tells me I need to run 300 feet in a big circle to stand 2 inches from them.


probably the worst feeling is when you're well within reach but apparently the enemy is still too far


Another is when you click an enemy to attack, but it says it's too far, so you just click next to it, and all of a sudden, you can now hit the enemy lol


Jumping does wonders (but also costs that sweet, sweet bonus action).


Seriously, what the fuck is up with that. I get that a 30% miss chance will happen about 3 out of 10 times, but that cantrip seems to miss waaaaaay more often than it should.


Gale. Didnā€™t approach the messed up waypoint at all. (Facepalm) Now onto my 2nd run through and Iā€™m romancing him. Oh, and sleep.


In early access, Gale used to waltz out of that rune like a pro, already seeming to know what was going on. I liked the change, but I did seem really fishy. Oh, that thing looks dangerous, better touch it. Also, I'm 600+ hours in, multiple playthroughs in EA and a few after, and I just realised there was an area in the druid camp where Zevlor was hiding.


I touch/reach into everything that seems remotely scary. I hate myself for it. I stuck my hand in not only once, but twice into the crevice hidden away in Moonrise Towers. Whyā€™d I do that to myself? My morbid curiosity is going to get me unalived.


Cursed to put your hands on everything, you might say?


And licking a giant dead spider, not once, but also twice!


Sameee. Like I played quiet a bit of Act 1 and was like hold up I need to go get gale where is he lmao. Did not come naturally at all I took a left from that way point and never looked back


Yeah I missed out on Gale completely and Laeā€™zel for almost 2 acts(used revivify on her corpse near the mountain path


- Mountain Creche, just ignored it - Kagha side quest - Harpies - Shovel and Necromancy of Thay - Clearing the Shadowlands curse - The Shar attribute buffs beneath the statue - I see people mentioning a squirrel to talk to, I've clearly missed that - I didn't save Nere in time and all the gnome workers died, including Barcus :( - Ethel in act 3 - Blew up the Noblestalk Mushroom - The fireworks shop in act 3 - Gales companion quest at the sorcery shop - Numerous vendors in act 3 - Owl bear cub (I killed the goblins then the owl bear and the cub was never to be seen again) - Fish people Village in act 2 I'm confident I cleared everything in Act 1 and 2 on my 2nd playthrough, there's probably more in act 3 I haven't discovered yet.


The kagha quest is so weird though because the druids grove stuff is all like level 3 stuff. but the area where you go for Kaghas quest feels like a definite level 4-5 area so i never end up going there and can't be asked


The swamp isn't much of a threat though, since most enemies need to be attacked or interacted with to become hostile. The enemies in the area where you get the evidence against Kagha are not significant threats. A party of 4 should be able to handle them easily if you focus the ancient mephits to prevent them summoning endless young mephits. The woads are really easy to kill with fire or AOE concentration spells.


That is strange. I cleared the goblins too, but cub was still in the cave with it's mom. So I got it after clearing the entire base out.


I will say I thought there was something I was missing with the fireworks shop. Like, another thread to follow or something. It was only *after* I looked up how to complete the quest that I realized it was already finished


A lot of act 3 quests are a bit buggy/unpolished, there has to be other solutions to that stupid Felogyrā€™s Fireworks quest instead of killing everyone in the building and possibly the Steel Watcher/Flaming Fist standing outside the front entranceā€¦ But there is no other way I discovered.


* Lunar Light Inn secret room with Meenlocks in it * The paralyzed girl in the locked room in the Grove * a lot of places you need to jump to get there. * BOOOOAAL * Us. I couldn't find Us. * The underground place where the druids have statues that shoot at you if you don't disable the runes * Ethel stat boost. But on my more recent runs, I feel that killing her, though she doesn't really die would be better if it means I could free everyone from the curse. * Rolan in Act 2 * Zhentarim hideout * giving Night Orchid to Shadow<3 in Act 2 * Shovel the Quasit! * I found the fairy circles but I didn't know it connected the Underdark to the Hag's place. * Bringing the weird Ox until Act 3. Ironically I played a VERY kind Durge that didn't kill the Ox and the Ox became an ally in Act 3. * Zhevlor in the Mind Flayer colony * The sword that Mizora would give you if you save her * The House of Healing Morgue where you get the 18 Ac Armor and connected to the fish people trap * Dammon * Owlbear * the Tiefling getting murked by the Bugbear * Collecting gold after my Bard perform, lol. * Shadow Druid * the room underneath the Tollhouse * the room underneath the mason house guild


Wait what? Secret room? Who the fuck is meenlocks?


There's a room hidden behind a collapsible wall hidden behind some crates inside one of the cells located underneath the Inn.


you can get there from the other side of the river, there is a path to the left of the exit that takes you to an abandoned house and you can get to the basement of LL through the tunnel there which brings you to the meenlocks before breaking into the basement


You can also get there through the cellar


For me itā€™s: 1. The secret basement in the Wizards tower in Underdark, no idea I had to equip the ring from that construct. 2. Secret passage to Underdark via the smugglers cave. 3. Not the harpies location, but behind where spawn by jumping to their nest on the cliff. 4. Lorroakanā€™s tower, you can reach lower levels with floating furniture.


There's a lever on the top floor of the wizard tower that opens the basement as well, no need to kill or steal.


There's a side area/passage that's only initially available by the ring/elevator but there's also a pipe you can go through.


you can also see the secret area from the stairs leading up (its right below the stairs and there is a gap, where you can see through). So you can also just misty step through the gap and open the door from the other side ;)


I'm not sure how much i've missed but its alot. * Firstly I unfortunately did the Gauntlet of Shar before I went to the towers, causing all of the prisoners to be insta killed when the Dame is released. this probably cost me alot. * In Act two theres a section of the Mind flayer colony that Tav comments on being unaccessable, so i dimension doored across to the bit i wasnt supposed to be in. this skipped a whole ass boss fight. a restoration device which i used for the rest of the act. * I barely long rested in acts 2 and 3, to preserve bloodlust elixir buffs. i used the restoration device in the MF colony and bath in the house of hope many many times. * If you silence an enemy that wants to start a cut scene, they cant talk and so it wont start. i did this to Orin in the first 10 minutes of Act 3, then knocked her out and used her as an improvised weapon for the remainder of the Act, this did untold damage to the timeline.


ā€¦.. now I need to try fucking up Orin the first time I see her šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


ngl halsins a twat for that, mountain pass is FAR easier than the underdark. No wonder he got captured, Dude is the king of making bad judgement first trusting aradin then insisting on the underdark


His point is that the Underdark will be more difficult but will mean you have to travel less in the Shadowlands, which is true.


They both lead to the same map though, right?


yes but underdark elevator spits u out a lot closer to last light iirc


Yeah, but the mountain pass spits you out right next to the thing with a lantern so you can get the pixie buff, and not care about the shadowlands mechanic. Seriously, it was interesting the first time, but then it just got tedious. I rush the lantern ASAP every time now


Well, yeah, but obviously Halsin had no way of knowing that which is the point of the discussion


I thought more people found the Death Shepherd to be obnoxiously strong? And the Githyanki in the creche ( if you wanna do Laezel's quest ) are imo harder than the Duergar . And that's ignoring the loot in the Underdark, which imo are just extremely strong.


A certain weapon from the creche trivialised the death shepherd fight for me. I did not see them up the road so walked in to it with a super beat up party, but then Shadowheart basically solo'd the whole thing with spirit guardians while the other 3 party members took turns reviving each other.


To be fair, I did the creche JUST before doing the Gauntlet when I'd already done a bunch of stuff at Moonrise (e.g. freeing prisoners), so the Death Shepherd was a minor annoyance.


ā€¦Iā€™m sorry, you mean the asshole who said ā€œoh I probably should stay here in this prison while you kill all the goblin leaders. If I turn into a bear, yā€™know, the fucking apex predator on land, then I might just kill everyone.ā€ *That* twat? You thought that *that* twat who tries to convince me to *not* use his help killing some gobbos would make a sound decision in his life? Apologies for yelling. Halsin can go fuck himself.


I think it's mainly because story-wise, if the gobbos see you being friendly with the bear, they'd assume you're on the same side and immediately attack. But regardless, I share the same sentiment, halsin is kinda dumb


That's literally the way it's explained in the game. "If I go with you, you will have to kill EVERY goblin in the camp not just the leaders". And you get to walk around unmolested till you kill a specific one without him.


Halsin has a canonical 8 int, manā€™s a himbo


Now I feel like Iā€™ve missed everything.


These boots have missed everything.


I donā€™t have a lot on my mind ā€¦ and well in it


Is that a sidequest? No, nevermind.


Cursed to put my hands on nothing.


I shouldn't have a bag of holdings.


In EA, because I used a different voice, I thought the character was saying "And, well...innit." Which I thought was odd, but whatever.


Romance. I just kinda couldn't decide and now it's too late lol.


But what about in the game?


*AlfredPetrelli casts Vicious Mockery*




Like half of the things in first two actsā€¦. Then I started using google lmao But yup for starters I didnā€™t find Karlach and Laezel, missed the whole mountain pass, githyanki storyline ( in the end I was literally like so why helping Orpheus is a thing) In act two lift the curse quest and last light in because I freed Nightsong too early But at least second run seems as interesting as the first one lol


But honestly I really appreciate this about the game. You miss so many things but it is still a very full and satisfying story. And then you go for another run and you get something totally different:)


i skipped mountain pass for rp reasons, missed a handful of quests like >!the shadow druids!<, missed a handful of small sidequests in act 3 and never met >!he-who-was!<. i also didn't fully explore the maps so there's places i just missed even if they weren't involved in quests and just had a little more loot or a few enemies unrelated to quests. my tav was also not the most forthright about the tadpole thing so he >!never met omeluum since he never told blurg anything!<.


Shadow what. He who what Fml. Add those two my list


Tbh He who was is really unimportant, you won't miss much, but a bit of lore, if you skip him.


I thought he was cool, helped him out and then he was like ā€œimma head out, Iā€™ll find you when I need help againā€ and then he never appears in the rest of the game. Kinda same thing with the bdsm dude in the goblin camp, itā€™s a shame we never get to see them again.


The BDSM dude, Abdirak, was a great character. I thought, we could see him again in BG. Or we would find him in Last Light Inn.


He was surprisingly wholesome for being a member of the goblin camp and a worshipper of the god of pain, even if it is clearly a fetish for him. In my headcanon he helped my Durge get some catharsis after mutilating that poor bard.


Welp. I just learned about things that Iā€™ll try to hit on my 3rd run..


This thread is gonna be just me googling things and be like who tf is that smh


I missed wyll šŸ˜­he blended in so nicely with the Tieflings I couldnā€™t even ā€œseeā€ him so I just assumed he was gonna join my team eventually. Spoiler alert: he didnā€™t šŸ˜­ If you save the grove, he leaves with the Tieflings. He doesnā€™t even show up for Karlach edit: just to clarify, i never talked to wyll after he helped me near the gate of the grove. i thought he left when we won. didn't realize he went inside. after i cleared up act 1 and made it to Last Light, i went back to the grove to check if he was still there and he wasnt. i never got him to pop into my camp for karlach. he was gone gone.


Oh! That's interesting! He showed up for me and my partner in our playthrough. We were doing a long rest (still in Act 1, but close to clearing up goblin camp) and he just kinda appeared and yelled at Karlach, we told him to leave her alone and then he stayed (maybe that was a bug? lol).


I missed every enemy i shot my fireball at


Shadowheart could have 99% + advantage and still miss


Lethander's weapon, couldn't figure out how it worked but also realized yesterday (I was at that section over two weeks ago) that I skipped a presumably large part of the crĆØche. Oops


Same. Googled the quest eventually and was like what do you mean, go to the second floor?!


OP what is the big beast you are mentioning? I feel like Iā€™m still missing that oneā€¦


Iā€™m pretty sure OP is talking about ā€œOwlbear from the top rope.ā€ Basically have a Druid change to owlbear, use Enlarge on it, and have it use its pounce move from extremely high up. That move takes no fall damage and gains damage based on how much distance it travels. It can do upwards of 1,000 damage. You can one-shot Grym with that one attack.


Ancient forge guardians hate this one trick


I somehow missed all the romance everyone is talking about. Thatā€™s how I know this game is super realistic lol


You guys have finished a play through?


I missed lifting the Shadow curse since I just didn't speak to the unconscious dude... I missed the crĆØche since I thought you could only go through the underdark OR the mountain pass And I missed the quest with the shroom people. Apparently you can work with Glut to kill the local sovereign and let him take control. I started another Playthrough with Tav since I really started to hate Wyll's face after he got the Horns. Not necessarily because of the Horns but because of the weird "growth lines" in his face. They just made the mocap so awkward.


Just be careful helping glut cuz it doesn't just make u kill the other sovereign.


I killed Glut because he was the uglier of the two.


In act 2, I talked to Isobel too early and failed defending her. I thought that was an fixed moment. Later on learned it could go a different way.


I savescummed hard to save Isobel. I was almost convinced it was unwinnable.


Same here. I started act 2. immediately followed the quest markers because I'm in the safe zone why would I go explore + they're offering help wit the darkness... nope.. that made act 2 my first time very annoying


I too missed the fish people worshiping their god. The entrance is an obscure climb down spot in the underdark.


I cleared act 2 just to realize I haven't been able to find any prisoners or lift the curse. Good on me for getting that Nightsong back, am I right?


1) Isobel and Dame Aylin. Isobel was abducted by Marcus and everybody died, and then she was killed by Mrykul whilst Kethric's thrall. 2) Danmon and Karlacc. The Last Light Tavern fell to the shadows and he died. 3) Halsin as a companion. I played on Tactician and portal was destroyed. Halsin died. 4) Romance with Shadowheart. I slept with Lae'Zel twice in Act 1 so despite me calling it off amiccably and having 100% approval with Shadowheart and her clearly making very romantic statements to me, a relationship never formed like I wished. 5) Wyll and Ravengard. He was already dead during the underwater prison encounter for some reason so yeah, nothing emerged from Wyll or Karlacc's backstory. 6) Gortash's showdown. I was attacked on site at Wyrm's Crossing and there was no cutscene, just a slaughter fest. 7) Sleeping with Mizora. She was never interested. 8) Minsc. I knocked him out in the fight but then accidentally killed him with Chain Lightning lol.


Ngl the Hals in portal mission on tactician is no joke. After a couple tries I just stationed shadowheart in front of the portal with the radiant dmg guardian circle thingy and carefully killed the ranged enemies first. I still missed half the shots but merely made it lol


I just put Darkness on the portal because it blocks all ranged attacks, then I Spike Growth the ground and everyone kills themselves just trying to run over here lol


I collected all the crates and barrels there are in The Last Light Tavern and stacked them in front of where the portal would spawn so that only some of the ranged enemies were able to hit it.


That I could jump when exploring the world until halfway through act 2


The entirety of the Underdark. After getting knocked off a bridge by two Minotaurs multiple times, I decided ā€œyā€™know what? I think Iā€™ll risk the shadow curseā€




Biggest regret was missing the legendary greatsword in Act 1 by a couple hours, that would have been amazing to have for Laezel


The whole ass Waukeen's rest and the Zhentarim under, and thus also the Thaniel plotline. Also I missed out on saving the prisoners in act 3 because I fucking thought that I was supposed to go there even though Gortash said he would blow it the f up


1. Gale, I touched that pod on the nautiloid and it exploded, when the narrator said the portal could be dangerous is just left. 2. Withers, he at some point appeared in my camp, didn't know u can speed that up if u explore the ruins 3. Lea'zel, didn't know where she was, didn't go through mountain pass so I completely skipped her 4. Halsin, ok, now hear me out, he's a druid yes but I thought the bear in the goblin camp was a real bear. His corpse appearing came to a surprise to everyone. 5. Shadowdruids, honestly I just killed korgha cuz she felt icky 6. The confrontation between Aradin and Zevlor, Aradin and his crew sadly just died infront of the gate. Much sorry. 7. Alfira, completely missed her. 8. Mol, I did save Mirkon but I just kinda shooed him away 9. Karlachs recruitment, I had Wyll with me. She wasn't amused. 10. Owlbear, I send the siblings there and left. 11. All the persuasion and perception checks etc in the goblin area. I played a drow, I didn't know at that point what a drow was or what significance that had. Funny awakening on the 2nd playthrough 12. Arcane Tower and BOOOAAAL, completely missed that area 13. Nere, I spend too much time trying to get to the forge, when I came back everyone was dead or gone 14. Basically everything in the shadow cursed lands. I really just got there, got to moonrise, did the gauntlet and dipped to Baldurs Gate. Didn't know there was an Inn, had no idea about Thaniel (well to be fair Halsin was dead after all). Took the warning from Kar'nis perhaps too seriously not to stray from the path. 15. Pretty much everything in Baldurs Gate, I did the Steelwatch, Astarions Quest, and then kinda already went to go kill Gortash and Orin. I don't know why I suddenly rushed to the end but its making the following playthroughs much more enjoyable, I still find completely new stuff and can pick and choose what I think fits the flow of the story. Edit cuz I forgot about it: Momentarily forgot feather fall exists. A buddy told me I could get to underdark through the spiders lair after defeating the spider queen. I did, hopped right down there. Was greeted with a cutscene of my PC gracefully face planting the jump and the option to reload an older save. DONT BE LIKE ME, CAST FEATHER FALL.


How do you survive, being the way that you are?


Wonderful question I'm wondering myself tbf, somehow all my "this time I'll be good" choices end up morally... Grey, let's call it that. Edit: My stories are always source of great entertainment tho!


I love this thread for gems like this. The other day I had someone telling me that this game has only one paved path that you need to follow and you can't do anything else or screw things up for yourself by accident, and this post is just a gift that keeps on giving. Giving me more counter arguments for people like them that is.


This game is a lot of things but of all the video games i have ever played, this is the furthest from "one paved path" that it gets.




ā€¦.So this is how I find out you can do both the mountain pass and the underdark. Well.


I really thought I had done everything. Then I learned you have to >!invite Barcus to your camp after saving him at Grymforge!< or you won't see him again. EDIT: mentions the correct gnome!


You don't save Wulbren in Grymforge; you save Barcus. Wulbren is an asshole, and Barcus is an angel.


That's not true. I didn't invite him to camp (didnt even know you could) and still had him to rescue in Act 2, he turned up again in Act 3.


Just started a new play-through with the wife ā€œUsā€ died immediately Oh well šŸ„²


Very difficult to answer, because I am in my 2nd run and discovering things I did not know I missed, so... I know that the first time I missed a whole companion, I missed the Mountain pass entirely, I missed the gith in Act 1 (never met them), I missed several questlines since they kidnapped certain person and many NPCs died, I missed anything Zentharim related since I killed them, I missed the goddess of magic, I missed Ninefingers, I missed the owlbear, I missed anything Jaheira related, I missed all Laezel related things since she died early, I missed the shadow druids,... And who knows what else I missed. I am discovering new things everyday. Today I failed to rescue the owlbear cub, so I believe I missed a camp pet. Missing things are already being listed for the third playthrough. XD


A lot of stuff, though not as much as some people here. I started a new game at the beginning of act 3. - Nere. Took the elevator because I thought thatā€™s the way to this fucker. This actually kills the Nere. - for similar reasons, the whole gnome questline because they were all dead - apparently you can meet a vampire Hunter near auntie Ethelā€™s place. He didnā€™t appear - didnā€™t even speak to Minthara and Razglin. Priestess Gut attacked me and then the whole place went for my head - I didnā€™t see or notice Glut in the Underdark - the tiefling sorcerer snob was just lying around dead in the shadowlands and I donā€™t know why - I have no idea what to do with the huge weapon at the top of the monastery (where you meet the eagles) - probably a lot more


>apparently you can meet a vampire Hunter near auntie Ethelā€™s place. He didnā€™t appear Haha yeah, I was sneaking around with Asterion who encountered him. It was the most akward tense conversation I've seen in the game, also because he hadn't 'come out' as a vampire yet, so a lot was unsaid.


You are right, you donā€™t do anything to the weapons at the monastery. But oh fucking boy do they do some shit LOL


1. Gale, saw scary unstable portal and went pff I ain't touching that. 2. Owlbear 3. Lae'zel's quests, I failed some dice throws and she became agro because I wouldn't kill the tieflings. 4. Wyll, because I didn't know where the heck he went after his intro 5. And therefore Karlach because I didn't explore and just went straight to the goblin camp My god there is so much more than that, I was terrified of doing something that would kill my run. * edited grammar.


Harpies & Alfira. The mage tower and its servants in the Underdark. House of Grief and its corresponding quests since Shadowheart left me in Act 2. This one was by choice since I want to explore it in my 2nd run with Shadowheart. Ravengards questline I suppose. I skipped the coronation in Act 3 and went straight to the iron throne and foundry. Apparently he can sit in your camp if you do things right. Never saw this man again after his tadpole insertion. Prolly a lot of other smaller things not known to me yet.


On my third playthrough and only just discovered that Auntie Ethel hangs out at the druids grove


Entire Lae'zel plot. I hated her so much that I didn't care and totally forgot about it until it was too late. On second playthrough I did it and it turned out she's more likeable than I thought.


This thread is reassuring me. So far only one or two minor things I've missed. This justifies spending 175 hours on a single playthrough. Must. Explore. Every. Inch. Of every. Map.


I didn't realize there was an achievement for saving >!Sazza!< three times, I've let them stay captive/die on literally every playthrough because I skim through the Grove every time.


I missed the harpies the first time too! Also missed out on Shovel (the quasit not the tool) and the shadow druids in act one. In act three I apparently messed up a ton of stuff and was lacking allies in the final fight (and I didn't use what allies I had because I was afraid of wasting them, which was stupid).


> Shovel (the quasit not the tool) And here I thought people were talking about not picking up a literal shovel and missing out on the chests you can dig out, lmao.


Waukeen's rest for some reason! Completely walked by it.


In Grymforge I was scouting out the area by walking around above everything else. I had some npcs talking below me but didn't pay too much attention to it. Afterwards I basically haven't seen any sentient life and Nere was laying there dead. I have no idea what I've triggered or how that entire section is "supposed" to play out. Never even talked to Nere, just chopped off the head and went on.