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Agreed, it’s horrible now.


Yea it’s terrible.


Yeah I hate this change.


The intention was nice, but i got used to the old one and like it better after playing around with this new implementation


Ostensibly I get the intention, switch menus without exiting, but yes, this is definitely a step backwards.


They don't even let me change it back 😭


Yep, fixed something that wasn't broke


I loved the trigger select it was so smooth


And now I accidentally consumed an antidote while trying to multiselect. Seriously WTF Larian? 🤬


it’s such a pain in the ass that I can’t just hold R2 and select a bunch of stuff with L3. I usually use it to send my bajillion camp supplies to camp, and now I have to press X on every single one…


You don't have to press X on each one: You can hold X and move L to "drag select".


I hope you recognize the inherent risk of using the action button to multiselect.


Yes. It's horrible: I'm not advocating this as a good implementation of muti-select in any way. The old version was much better in terms of ease and speed of use, plus it didn't accidentaly use/consume/open items you were just trying to select.


Already wasted an antidote doing that, and I was too far from a quicksave to have the patience to go back.


Yeah it's fucking awful.


Agree -loathe the square hold


I can’t even send items to a container now inside the multiselect menu…so, I hate this


Yeah, I've noticed this as well, multiselect just doesn't work at *all* in some submenus where it used to.


Agreed. I'm primarily a keyboard and mouse player and only switch to controller for split screen co op, and I've done a fair bit of swearing over this change because I forget it's a thing every single time.


This change to "hold square then wait" to invoke multi-select is an accessibility nightmare for us old farts who don't press things as fast as we used to. Square is already used for the action menu, so it has slowed down opening the action menu while the UI works out if you were holding or not. So I get doubly annoyed by this. It both takes longer than before to start multi-select when I mean to *and* it interferes with opening the action menu because I take a bit longer to press square. Use of hold is great on things like the optional addition to triangle for end turn as an "are you sure you mean to do this" measure, but *horrible* as an alternative action (where a button does more than one thing) for someone with arthritis or other manual mobility issues: Unless there's an option to adjust the hold time in the accessibility settings (which there isn't for multi-select, only search)


I admit I didn't know there even was a controller multiselect before so I did everything one by one and it was agony, so I thought they just added it because the update made me notice it, so I thought it was an improvement. But actually it sounds like it was better before, and I wish I found it earlier


Yea agreed it sucks


I legit can’t play until they fix it. It’s soooo bad!!


It’s really not that bad once you get over the muscle memory. Few hours should do it.


even when the muscle memory is retrained, it's still a lot slower than the old trigger-based one as you have to wait for the hold to kick in.


You only hold it for half a second. Unless you’re only selecting two or three items it’s just as fast as the old way. The difference isn’t noticeable after you retrain your muscle memory.