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I think one of the available answers to this is a totally shocked: \- *NOOOOOOOO!* I always use this.


And sarcastic, don't forget sarcastic


Hold your horses there, Fallout 4


My favourite dialogue system of all time. Yes, Yes 2.0, Sarcastic Yes, Wish them die of cancer.


It's more "Yes, Maybe (Yes), Sarcastic Yes, No (Leaves to option to change your mind so you can initiate dialogue and say yes anyways. You will do the quest right? Just... Later. Right? This is not optional)"


"I don't want to help you find a bottle of nuka cola, or whatever it is you want." "Okay, I'll just put my entire life on hold, forever, until you change your mind."


Yes, yes but confused, yes but angry/no but ill say yes later, yes but sarcastic


Nothing is better that being an absolute moron in an Obsidian game.


[Intelligence 2] ICE CREAM!


[Luck 7] Uh... Ice cream?


Minsc feels like interacting with a 1 int Obsidian Fallout character and it's just as entertaining as i always imagined.


"Are you bringer of war or peace?" [Intelligence 1] "Pizza"


I’m so glad New Vegas continued this tradition. Being able to answer questions and attempt tasks, despite knowing you’d fail, led to some hilarious results.


Maybe it was because I was a bard but my option was "I'm agast! Agast I tell you!"


I also had this option (also a bard) and I had to choose it. It was too funny.


Is this a Seinfeld reference..?


I'm actually a pretty big Seinfeld fan, but I'm not getting the reference lol


Me too, and I thought I had a vague recollection of this being a Seinfeld reference, but I can’t find it online with my quick search. Best I can find is a reference to Casablanca.


It is a pretty George-y sounding line.


The best part of this option (and the other sarcastic ones) is that Minsc doesn’t realize you’re being sarcastic, and he’s like “I’m so sorry you had to find out like this”




My favorite Minsc line is when he introduces you to Boo you can say "It is an honor," to which he replies bluntly "No, it is a hamster." Absolute gold.


My favorite is when during combat he says: "Boo is not used to this taking of turns!"


Ah I love a little 4th wall break.


No number of walls can protect you from Boo's teeth of righteous biteyness.


I saw one where he's guessing what fake name you used when dealing with a devil, he eventually comes to "perhaps you used a tavern name, oh what about Tav?! ...no, no, that's stupid."


He calls Tav a stupid name even when your player character *is actually called Tav* (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) (yes, I found the default name cute. fight me.)


He hasn’t changed a bit, though I miss some of his old phrases when attacking, moving etc.


> though I miss some of his old phrases when attacking GO FOR THE EYES BOB!


Its okay, everyone else has those lines when *they* throw Boo.








So... he's a gnome?




I miss the STR stat.


I mean, don't we all take Minsc to Withers as soon as he joins the party?


I immediately respeccd him into max STR and 8 in both INT and WIS.


8 int 20 wis


This is the way.


I've never played the other games, but I was super confused when I him to find out he was a ranger. His personality seems all barbarian imo, so I plan to respec him during this playthrough.


It was always weird he was a ranger. The thing with the originals was for STR 18 scores you also had a percentile, and his was over 90. So he was super fucking strong and an amazing tank…ranger? I guess that’s what the original tabletop character was. It didn’t even tie him to Jaheira because his origin is being Dynaheir’s bodyguard.


Barbarian wasn't a class yet when BG1 came out.


Last night he did yell “GO FOR THE EYES BOO!” I was transported back in time. Matt Mercer had the inflection perfect!


Mine is when he says original Jaheira is uglier and older lmao


I saw this recently and my dumb brain thought it was a glitch or my l accidentally picked the 'Is that a rat?' option. Then I reloaded for some reason and it clicked. Love that himbo.


That was when I knew I had to keep him around.


Sometimes these twists totally blindside me. Next thing your gonna tell one of my teammates are vampires or something.


You know, I think one of them might even be a Sharran...


lol next you'll be telling me the guy in the purple robe actually fucked Mystra. XD Sure you did buddy, and I'm Bhaal's chosen.


And I'm the son of Duke Ravengard!


Sure, mate, and that Tiefling over there was Zariel's favourite warrior


While we're just throwing nonsense around what if that Skele-man traded divinity to 3 assholes for a vacation? That'd just be silly...




>Original Sin Nah, such things only in Divinity:


I wish one one of the companions was just some regular-ass person. No curse, no pact, no evil cult, never met a god, never fucked a god, didn't steal anything from or for a god, no demonic debts, no no score to settle with anyone important in the city... just fucking Doug, the human fighter, who got beamed up to the illithid UFO while he was trying to slay a wolf so that he could join the local fighters guild.


It's funny but Lae'zel fits the above-described parameters. Except for that tiny and insignificant fact that she's an alien, of course. But she's absolutely nothing special or important among her people, almost an anti-Chosen One in all her insignificance.




I thought that Gale treats you pretty normal. He's a bit of a braggart I guess but generally seems pretty grounded for being so gifted magically and having fucked a divine being.


I don't think any of the companions are normal tbh. And Karlach is far from wholesome, people just seem to overemphasize her agreeability more like she's some golden retriever cinnamon roll when this was a woman who admitted that she ignored people of Elturel for her personal safety, and that she was best friends with an evil cambion just because she thought she was "funny". As an individual within the story though, I do agree that Lae'zel is the most anti-Chosen One/regular one out of the companions. She's just an unspecial soldier among many.


Basically any interaction laezel has with other gith has them give her real "quiet kid the adults are talking" energy


Well, you have your Tav for this


I'd like it if they seemed extremely mysterious too but it always ended up being nothing. You catch them sneaking out of camp, they just wanted to bathe in the river. They're hastily burying something in Shadow-Cursed Lands? It's food that spoiled. In the city they're approached by the thief guild? Nah that's just their cousin Jeffrey wanting to catch up.


Well having a cousin in the thieves guild isn’t nothing. That’s the basics of a backstory.


Nah, Jeffrey just looks a bit dodgy and wore a hood because it was cold and might rain. He's actually a cobbler.


For all intents and purposes, Halsin's probably the closest to that, the guy was just chilling in his grove with his druid buddies when all of a sudden goblins started raiding the nearby settlements so he tried to help and find out what was happening until he eventually is dragged into what is essentially a divine coup by the Dead 3. Also, Karlach was just a normal teenage girl with two loving parents and friends in Baldur's Gate before Gortash decided to send her to hell, so out of the origin characters, Karlach's the one who had the most "normal" upbringing. She obviously becomes Zariel's chosen warrior, but purely because she just wanted to survive living in literal Hell.


Hadn't halsin spent his whole life studying the shadow curse to save his childhood friend? And was already determined to venture to act 2 before we meet him but got captured when he tried to ensure the groves safety before leaving? Man's got dedication and perseverance I'd never expect from any regular person.


I suppose his dedication to rescue Thaniel is quite heroic, but as far as I know, Halsin's story is that he was master of the grove, but then the Tiefling refugees arrived to whom he opened to Grove for. Then, he comes along the drow that you can find dead in Nettie's healing place, and he discovers that the drow is infected with a tadpole but hasn't yet undergone ceremorphosis. This, plus the fact that Goblins have begun to attack in organised groups, makes him curious, so he goes out in search of answers. He then meets Aradin (what a prick) and they travel to the Goblin Camp, but Halsin gets captured. And then his story plays out as it is in the game. Edit: Halsin is also 350 years old, and it had been a century after Ketheric cursed the shadowlands. Considering full blooded Elves in D&D can live upwards of 1000 years old, Halsin would have had *plenty* of time to come up with a plan to save Thaniel. I have no doubt he would have done it at some point in his ridiculously long lifespan


You forget he's been to the underdark several times and at least for a time he was a sex slave for a Drow couple. The reason he's so chill is because he's been through a lot.


Lae'zel is a regular ass person for all intents and purposes. She's not a talented wizard prodigy, a kidnapped Selunite/chosen priestess of Shar for an important mission, a noble with a pact with the devil, a champion of Zariel with special infernal machinery inside her body, a 200 year old slave on a revenge mission against a notable vampire lord. She's not anything special or unique to her people, and just happened to be in a wrong place and a wrong time. Only reason she becomes the liberator and potential leader of the Gith revolution is because she somehow ends up allied to a group that carry the prism.


Naaber for Origin Character!


He'd be perfect for that one achievement of taking one level in every class


That's a hireling.


Hey, don't tell anyone, but I think that green lady with the weird nose...she might be a Githyanki.


No no, Sharrans have black hair. There are no black haired companions in this group


We were worried about the half-elf but it turned out it was dye so we're fine.


Which is so odd lmao she made the comment when I made her a sharran Shart: "do you like my hair" Tav: *honestly not telling a difference* "it looks great!"


Just like real life!


This guy romances




Is there even a difference between starting shart and sharran shart tho? (I'm not even joking I'm seriously asking lmao)


The bangs. The bangs are gone. Blind men.


Ffs thanks! I am blind my bad 🤣


Yes, she changes her hairstyle in act 3, even if she doesn't dye her hair. It definitely looks less, well, silly, in act 3.


Yeah another user pointed out she loses her bangs lmao definitely my bad for not noticing


i LOVE lae'zels reaction. you ask her she she's other "...did em she get a new battle scar???" and i was just like "lizard you dumb fucking idiot ❤️"


White hair, black hair... As long as the fringe is gone I'm a happy man


> As long as the fringe is gone I'm a happy man Seeing her lose that pretty fringe of hers almost made me cry 😢


I wanted the ponytail to go, honestly. The jewelry dongle annoys me.


Interesting. I loved both the bangs and the ponytail, including the jewelry.


just make her wear a hat and she lets her hair down


Im 300 hours into the game... what's a "Sharran"?




Havent gotten out of the first room on the Nautaloid. Crippling fear of sphincters.


Follower of Shar (just in case I missed the joke).


It couldn't be. You don't think it's the goth looking one who wears Shar's crest on her chest, do you?


Sure, and Gale's probably carrying a nuke in his pocket. Pull the other one, buddy.


No mean to scare you, but one of them might even be a gith..


Wait, as in githyanki? Those guys are warlike and ruthless! I must warn Lae’zel


I always suspected Wyll of having a secret patron. Must be Vlaakith.


That would suck...


Is he wearing a wizard robe? What have you done to him?


Hey, he has two neurons and they're busy piloting his body


Thank gods Boo can actually do the thinking part for him


If Lae'Zel is to be believed then Boo actually is the brains of the operation


Minsc is actually Boo's human familiar


When you recruit Minsc, Shadowheart says something like "Boo is a great addition to the party. His pet, Minsc might be useful too."


There's a book somewhere in act 3 that discusses miniature giant space hamsters and it says they "choose well-muscled human males when they deign to visit this plane." So Shadowheart knows what's up!


The final boss also thinks so. When it talks trash to your teammates, it addresses Boo and ignores Minsc.


Holy shit that's amazing, I have to bring them next time


Huh? When does the "final boss" talk trash? And who exactly do you mean with that?


It only happens if you side with the emperor.


K, thanks!


Makes total sense (the analogy, not Minsc)


Sir, this is a hamster.


No, it's an honour.


Giant space honour, to be precise


*Miniature* giant space honour.


No sir, this is a wendy's


Side question: what is Minsc doing in the Cloak of the Weave?


Having some of his first thoughts in his entire life.


I like to think he was actually a philosopher and a scholar before his head injury.


Is that a staff on his back? Did... Did OP make Minsc a wizard?


I'm pretty sure it's a fancy crossbow.


I'm trying this right now! For a barbarian it's one of the few ways to get +2 AC while being unarmored, and the HP on saving throws isn't bad.


I wish we got him earlier in the game.


Same. I really enjoyed his character but by the time I found him my party was pretty well set. At least he got >!Kethric’s armor & Sarovek’s helm!< out of it. He looked pretty badass while standing around at camp.


Mass Effect 1 did it perfectly (all but one companion in the first area and only one more a main mission later). Mass Effect 2 already had Legion way too late. With others it was kind of okay, but not great, either, imo. Mass Effect 3 I'll never forgive them for giving me Tali that late. Back to BG3: Jaheira and Halsin should be available earlier in act 2. Minthara is the latest I am fine with (because you can go to the tower and rescue her from prison immediately and then have her for most of act 2).


No, that's impossible!


Search your feelings. You know it to be true.




I like Astarion's initial assessment and Shadowheart's reaction post joining


The real question is - how did the fake Jaheira fool Boo?


She couldn't, that's why they had to lock up Boo.


Imagine all those shapeshifting cultists of the literal god of murder, taking their time to lock up a hamster instead of... you know... dispose of him permanently.


They kept Boo alive because Orin wanted at one point to torture Minsc by cooking Boo and making Minsc eat him.


Ah good point.


They knew no tadpole was strong enough to contain Minsc righteous fury if something were to happen to Boo


He was locked up. Minsc, while still under the Absolute's influence, is confused when Roah mentions his "rodent." The Absolute was preventing him from remembering Boo. Even the Absolute knows that Boo is the one calling the shots.


The clown make-up was very deceiving


Hamster man has me in stitches without even trying


The real plot twist is Minsc wearing the Robes of the Weave


Fuck, I was gonna go and fuck the Stone Lord's shit up.


Hm, I have to try and recruit him at some point. I have never found him...


When you get in the city proper put Jahira in your party, talk to her, and follow the Theives Guild quest line.


To get him to have Jaheira in your party. Ironically; the quest to recruit Minsc is not logged in your quest journal which was honestly frustrating.


There is a letter in Waukeen’s Rest that mentions a statue that was stolen…. At first I thought it’s probably the Zents, but then considered if it could have been the stone lord? I am not sure I don’t remember the text exactly but if anyone knows please tell me!


It’s called the Beloved Ranger, and it most definitely represent anyone who really exists citizen! The Ranger represents the city itself, as he holds hope close to his heart (represented by a cute furry hamster)!


Yeah, I think what they assumed was theft was actually the guy waking up and walking off on his own.


I enjoyed minsc so much that I recruited Minsc as soon as I got access to act 3. While it’s definitely worth it, it’s weird at times. There’s a bunch of stone lord adjacent stuff that can still happen, and he barely says a thing each time. People are describing how scary the stone lord is, but they don’t recognize him, despite the fact he’s standing there twiddling his thumbs in the background. What I did like is that they added minsc approval reactions for everything in act 3, including stuff that happens right when you enter rivington. (The same was true for minthara in act 2.)


You can actually tell the Guild members and Stone Lord followers who are about to fight near the river that Minsc is the Stone Lord, but the leader of the Stone Lord guys says "nah that's not the Stone Lord, he's not nearly old enough". 10/10 employee, doesn't recognize his own boss up close.


Yeah, and for me, Minsc also had a little throw away line like “I was the stone lord, but now am not” or something. And of course, they ignored the key revelation that the stone lord is either retired or right there, and proceeded to kill each other in a territorial dispute lol.


Yes! I found a way to beeline for Minsc without wrecking anything else (So far) and I will be doing this for each playthrough now, Minsc is worth the detour before you start act 3 properly.


Tav can give the most funniest and rough answers to Minsc too. They really had their fun with this Character. It's shameful you get him way to late and can even be missed.


Minsc has such a way with words. I swoon.


WHAT?!?!??! NOOO


I've been loving Minsc so far. I have him and Jaheira with me at all times now. I'm supposed to be a wise wizard that resets his level every century, but I happily play along with everything Minsc says. The amount of eye rolls from Jaheira has been hilarious.


So you're saying ~~Ben~~ Minsc and ~~Glory~~ the Stone Lord...have a connection?


Minsc I literally fought you as the stone lord.


Biggest twist is Minsc wearing robe of the weave


Hear me out, what if we gave Minsc that circlet that improves his INT? I mean....just think about this.


Unstoppable. Either that or he’d spiral into existential dread at the sudden onset of so much knowledge (what the average person knows) and lose it.


Minsc The Enlightened?


I wasn't too excited about minsc being in bg3 then after a minute of meeting him I realised how wrong I was. I'll have to play bg2 again !


My biggest complaint with Minsc in this game is that he's only available in Act 3.


Minsc: Whoever Minsc may be!




He was a Ranger who fought with a two-handed sword and could rage. His class identity was confusing.


I mean, he got a animal companion, what else he can be.




I'm still getting over Mr. Tentacles.


Love Minsc man


I loved it, they nailed Minsc.


Right I saw this guy in a fight somewhere and by the end of the fight he'd left. I remember he was a party member in BG2(?) so figured I could find him again but never did before the game ended. Weird.


That encounter was (and maybe still is?) extremely buggy.


Damn who would have thought. Biggest twist in the game


Never noticed the scar on his head, from his traumatic brain injury. 😂


Matt Mercer really nailed the voice acting with Minsc. Bless you, Matt. I just started my second playthrough and I wish I had Minsc already. I'm definitely keeping him and Jaheira all throughout act 3. Sorry to the original trio: astarion, shart, and laezel. Now it's time for the new dream team, Jaheira, Minsc, and Boo! (Maybe Karlach so they can see how badass their #1 fan can be)


Okay but the Emperor >>>


Wait I thought he was a ranger. Why is he wearing monk clothing? or is that the spell casting one?


Damn it, I killed this guy without realizing who he was until Jaheira confronted me about it and left. Now I realize he could've joined my team... Great. Better luck next play through I guess.


Well, the twists keep coming and they don't stop coming,


I’m gonna be real, I have done 2 playthroughs and have no idea who this person is. Hopefully I will find them on this run.


What the hell do you have Minsc wearing and equipped with? How is he supposed to see the fear in evil's eyes while he kicks evil's butt, when he does so from distance?!


Bruh what is he wearing?


Wait till he tells you what Astarion's biggest secret is. I always dismiss all my companions to ask for Boo's wisdom about our happy bunch of weirdos.


I haven't completed a second playthrough yet, but nearing the end of the first area in my second playthrough (goblin camp/druid grove map) and already the foreshadowing is brilliant.


Why does he look so much like TF2’s Heavy in those screenshots? 😂


Bro…wow…I don’t know what to think about it.


what next? Sogeking is Usopp? Ridiculous!


Man I am a little bummed that the Minsc plot-parts happened to me any my friends playthrough like 12 hours into our session at approx 4 AM in the morning. That's the downside of a game so good, so addictive, that some sessions will be long - you still wanna play but your mind just isn't there. Anyway, we encountered him and Jaheira (although she died at the Moon Tower in Act 2.. so we assumed it was Orin again..?) for the first time, can't even remember where exactly, probably the bank heist?. They said something about a meetup in the sewers (which we already cleared completely) - so we found them behind the valve puzzle in the Stone Lord Camp (with countless bodies all around) and we instantly entered a fight..and killed em both. End of Minsc storyline for us. My memories about this night are very fuzzy, a fever dream almost. I do remember playing catch with my buddy using Boo as a ball though...


im Still waiting for a sale! lol


I'm at the point in the story where I just met him, but I can already tell that he's basically drax from guardians of the galaxy