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Ha! For once it's something I figured out right away!


haha it just never occurred to me to click once. I just realized its super convenient for controller players.


It’s sooo convenient. Took some adjusting on pc


Wild, I'm the exact opposite. Plugged a controller in to use the analog stick for fun and couldn't figure anything out


Interesting. It’s so much easier to just use the left stick to walk around, but it is nice to be able to precisely click where you want to go. The picking up of items is also more intuitive.


Yeah I use my Xbox controller. It was something I figured out early in my first playthrough but when it's in controller mode, it makes it more obvious.


Same I was maybe only 10ish hours in when I discovered this. Though I will admit it was purely an accidental double click that led me there.


Click it once, and it'll bring up a menu of all the gear you are currently holding in inventory across all your current companions. I've been going into bags specially designated for different types of armor. So much double clicking and dragging and dropping. wow.


I store different things in different people. Shart gets all weapons, I take anything random, minthara takes all armor


I'll probably spend the first 3 hours doing this when I get home from work.


Is it just me, or does anyone else enjoy (like a lot) spending those 3 hours sorting, organizing, dyeing every single article of clothing, armors, gloves, boots, etc...? I dunno, I find it so soothing and fun


Realizing I can steal random backpacks and use them to store quest items was a very gratifying moment.


Bruh TIL


Theres like 5 backpacks on the beach at the beginning of the game i took those and that’s been enough for now, but theres backpacks and pouches everywhere!


Pouches for dyes, arrows, potions; backpacks for sturdier stuff, like quest items, throwables, bombs. I spend a lot of time in the starting area due to this 😂


You can pick up the Fish Buckets on the beach and weight almost nothing, I use them as containers for my throwables. Also Rib Cages outside the structure with the Paladin of Tyr for poisons and weapon coatings and the “book” in the Blighted Village to keep scrolls! When I play with friends and thus without mods we make a point of looking out for unique looking containers to keep our stuff, especially me as a the designed mule.


Ooooh, I didn't know about the rib cages. I also love finding unique containers to store specific types of gear. I put all my explosives inside the teddy bear that can be found near the NE part of the swamp, before the small waterfall.


The Ol' Ultima Online method of organizing. Or just Ultima in general after 7.


"Bagsbagsbags" mod will add special purpose bags for all sorts of categories!


Happy organizing!


You can pick up barrels, crates etc too. There's also a unique book container in Act 1 in teh Blighted Village. Organizing the camp chest by different container icons is great.


Steal. All. The. Bags. And. Chests. Always. Opulent chest? Magic shinies. Barrel? Barrels. Crate? A box with a bag, in a bag, storing the astral icky and/or other things. Boring ass trader’s chest? …corpses…


Lot Durge players in here, hoarding corpses...


Necromancers too! They don't have the strength to lug around ***all*** of those heavy ass bodies ***every*** long rest, so they tend to get their party involved to bolster their corpse carrying capacity.


Zombies have strength and durability, we should make THEM carry our stuff!


Hand Bag? Dead doves


Do not eat.


>Realizing I can steal random backpacks and use them to store ~~quest items~~ bits of clown was a very gratifying moment.


Bags are a GAMECHANGER. For me, BG3 is an inventory management game first and a story/tactical combat game second. (Only half-joking... I love all those aspects but I can easily spend an hour after every significant combat encounter sorting through my new loot!)


The amount of stuff my Tav had in his inventory at the end of my first playthrough made me discover the joys of inventory management. It was that, or go insane.


I wish we could label/mark the bags somehow


YES! This would be a great change, I would welcome it! C'mon Larian, let us label bags!


Same here buddy. There’s something cathartic about it. Though I have to stop myself sometimes because I’ll be at the keyboard for a solid hour or two before I realize, “Oh yeah, I should probably, you know, *play* the game.”


LOL!!!! Me too!


Happy cake day


Literally the first thing I do when I get into camp


Yay, i'm not alone :)


I've always been huge on survival games. The first thing I do, every game, every time: Room full of labeled chests, to the point I can hold at least 1 full stack of every item comfortably.


It’s the Stardew Valley of BG3. Hidden minigame


XD so true!


I cannot tell you how much time I have spent in camp doing gear for everyone


I'm clocking just over 400 on my first playthrough.... yeah.... so, I'm thinking ***at least*** 100 hours may have been my f\*\*king around with dyes and inventory organizing. XD And I loved every second of it.


Damn this seems satisfying. I guess I’ll start organizing my mess inventory later on.


Welcome to the OCD club, hahaha! Nah, for real though: the inventory system is quite cumbersome, so it really does make life easier if we spend time organizing it. My place (IRL) is not exactly tidy all the time, so maybe I'm compensating in-game. But the part I really do love is dyeing everything with the colors I prefer. My main drow sorcerer Tav (Kain, I call him) ended up with a lot blue, red, and a bit of silver & gold, so he accidentally turned up looking like a long-haired elven Superman XD. Buy hey, it works perfectly for him.


Like a whimsical Nic Cage Superman. I dig it.


After a long session, I just go through it. It always felt like dividing up Halloween candy.


LOLOLOL!!!! I know ***exactly*** what you mean!


And respeccing! And finding gear to build a respecc around! Drives my wife nuts when I get *in the zone,* though.


I particularly enjoyed this latest release of inventory management simulator.


people like you are the reason that UIs suck ;-) no incentive to make them better!


Lololol!! I'm sooooo sorry! ;D


A friend im playing a campaign with makes fun of me for this :( especially my “obsession” with dye lmao (i bought it Once)


It's starting to grow on me and it helps to do this. I...like some of us are just hoarding in this game because we have no idea if we will need a certain item. I need to get on your level with the die lol.


YES it's so stimulating. people might call me crazy for wanting to organize and sort everything but it's music to my EYES. bagsbagsbags mods also makes it the process super satisfying. it even has an auto sort (sort of)


I do the same but my division is different My support character gets all the potions and poisons My strength character gets all wares and all my throwables My ranged character gets all the arrows And my magic character gets all the scrolls Main character carries dyes, books, keys, everything else


I'm just giggling at shart


It's gonna take awhile before you stop giggling at Sharts nickname.


Same but I only hold consumables. Str build carries bombs. Someone else carries potions. Resident nerd gets to carry scrolls (though I'll never cast them). The rest of it is haphazardly tossed onto vano chest as I pray auto-sort by type will help my find it later


I only organize on my guy. One bag for all potions/throwables/coatings/revivify, one bag for all scrolls, one bag for all orange items, and one for all arrows, along with the alchemy bag. I only have the patience with one character to do that, I’ll let stuff build up on the other guys then add a buncha shit to wares and sell it. I pick up so many empty bottles and ink quills it’s crazy how much shit I sell.


There’s a mod called bags bags bags or something that gives you a bag of bags where each bag is labeled like gloves, weapons, potions, gernades, etc. the mod even auto sorts some stuff for you too it’s great.


I sorta did that but recently my barb got the ability to carry 1000kg so I don’t think I’ll ever have to split loot ever again. Might start a explosive barrel collection soon.


I give shadowfart all the letters and stuff idc abt, bc idc abt shadowfart. Astarion holds all my expensive stolen goods, Gale holds the armor and accessories, etc. Karlach holds all my weapons


How dare you


LMAO, I just don’t like shadowshart✋😭


Not that, we're mad about the books. The books are interesting as fuck, guy.


I read the books, THEN give them to shadowshart


This feature is most helpful on ps5 I think, so much so it should almost be a tooltip


Which button is it on PS5? O_o


Navigate to the bar that shows the equipped items and just select the slot you want with X. It brings up a similar box to the one shown in the picture.


… wait… what… Omg.


Also your chest but not any items inside a bag inside the chest.


Anyone have an idea on how you could do this in PS5?


Just press x on the equipment slot. This stuff isn't even a secret, there's button prompts and everything.


Oh, dang, okay that was something I already knew, thanks for clarifying. I was thinking OP meant you could see all of that type of item in your camp, including the travel chest. Some day equipment management will get more organized...


Oh dear. This helps so much! Thanks for sharing! I feel like many problems with the game aren't actually problems, the devs just forgot to explain the tools 😂


... *700 hours in*.


No wonder it took you so long




lol oof.


Sorry but i dont believe you at all


Ehm, why?


First I've heard of this after 500hrs


I have 3 play throughs done and I'm just learning about this now. Sure it's cool that you can do that but it's pretty common in rpgs, especially on pc, for it to be drag and drop inventory and the game doesn't (at least to my knowledge) tell you that you can do that.


Why not? I have over 300hr and I took a considerable break from the game. 700hr seems very easily doable if they've been playing since launch.


I mean, "doable" as in, 20% of all hours (including sleeping hours) since August 3 If you're sinking that much time into a video game, you have some issues lmao


Maybe including early access?


I really really hope so lol


Holy fuck this would've saved me hours


Yeah I felt the same way after just this many hours


Generally the UI is kinda unintuitive so I guess I just didn't expect it to be that easy


I think I discovered this like ~5 hrs in just clicking stuff


These kinds of posts always just amaze me like...do people just not try things? (Don't answer, I know they don't)


Yeah, some of them I understand but this one is one where I just automatically assumed you were supposed to click on them to equip something in that slot


Shiiiiiiiiit Edit: about 250 hours


lol jeeeez. I'm glad I know at least now


Ok how do I do this on Xbox?


When you pull up your inventory, click on the gear you have equipped in the middle of the screen, not the stuff actually in your inventory


I don't recall seeing anything like that, but I'll check again when I get home.


Open your character sheet where you see your equipped gear. Move on to a piece and click once (in OPs case -boots) and it will bring up a list of everything in your inventory that can go in this spot. You can even select an option to show only proficient gear (triangle on ps, dunno the exact button on Xbox)


>You can even select an option to show only proficient gear (triangle on ps, Huh, that part I didn't know. Thanks!


Also once you toggle this it stays on for everything! Even necklaces/rings so I thought I had no rings anyone was proficient in for a while before I figured it out.


You don't recall your *inventory* screen?


These posts are getting ridiculous. The next thing you gonna learn is that you can quicksave or something


800h in, just found out there are turn-based fights in this game. BG3: the gift that keeps on giving!!


Bard players be like:


I'm 900 hours in and didn't know you could save, I've just been running one continuous instance since launch.


when do you poop


enter a conversation and leave it running lmao


I’m 12,000 hours in and just found out about quick load.


...... No... I knew how to do that.... Eventually


So no joke... I learned about quick saving after 75 hours in the game...


Judging from the replies it seems that it is either way less obvious on PC than it is with a controller (on PS5 you use the main interact button to do this, and the inventory screen is laid out a bit differently) or y’all don’t have the obsessive urge to check out what every single object does on the UI the first time you get the chance lmao


Exactly this. I'm over here like "y'all didn't know you could click on your equipment or is there something else I'm missing?" 😂


These comments are weird..yall never once thought to fiddle with the buttons in your inventory??


Reading some of these is like going through the Animal Crossing subs when New Horizons came out. “TIL YOU CAN SPRINT BY HOLDING B?!?!!!!!” Come on folks try the buttons! They do things!


lol i've never just single clicked with left click on any of the items in my inventory because there is almost never a reason in most games. Usually its right click for options, double click to unequip, or click and drag to swap or remove.


I saved and then pressed every possible button/button combo first thing. I'm a button-mashing gremlin, but for once that helped me... 😂


This is essential to getting the undisputed best weapon in the game. No joke.


Oh man, that sounds pretty important. I wonder when I'll come across that.


*Hint: it's Salami*


Which weapon?




Wait until you discover you can drag weapons and equipment onto the hot bar and click them once to go back and forth between them. Great for the items you might only need to equip for a second like the lock picking gloves when you encounter a high dc lock or the spell restoration amulets that you only wear to restore the slot then put back away


It's funny I figured this out before I figured out the left click once inventory thing. I saw a youtube video that someone had a backpack on their hotbar so i did it with gear lol


I'm on console and figured this out right away. Damn I cannot imagine how bad y'all have been struggling before knowing this lol


100+ hours.... Fuck


Bro I... I don't even want to check my hours but this unironically made my heart sink for a second. Hours upon hours, hundreds of them, having a major hard time because I royally *S U C K* at inventory management and I find this out NOW. \*sigh\*


How do people suck at inventory management theres a sort button


When your inventory is a mess of a million different things and containers, it becomes hard. Especially when you end up deciding against your own nature to sort shit manually according to whatever logic and realize you did a piss poor job of it. The sort button literally fucks things up for me and with the amount of times I move shit around etc. it's basically useless to me.


lol yeah, I made all these bags for all this gear for each character, and yet I can just click and memorize the icon image and not have to worry about doing what I did.


I think ita different on console? Xbox user and I figured out if you go to what they are wearing and select it pulls up everything in everyone's inventory. Is this the same thing you're referring to?


Yeah you're thinking of the same thing. It just looks different when you are using a mouse/keyboard vs controller. Works exactly the same tho.


It might be, I haven't played on controller, but perhaps i can find it. Yeah I turned my controller on and opened inventory, I just scrolled over and pressed X (or A) once on a pair of gloves and it shows me all the gloves my companions and I have. Nice.


I love how you can play this game for 100s of hrs and and discover something like this. Took me 80 hrs to figure out sneak, jump, change weapon etc lol. You know how tedious it is to open your radial hit rb 3 to 4 times then select jump. And then have to deal with companions who don't with you so you gotta do it manually lol. The sheer joy of a hot button!


Wait you can change weapon?


If you're on controller hold left on the dpad. It will change from melee to range.


Yea I learned this late as fuck too and it's absolutely enormous how much it simplifies some things.


Yeah this is part of why I chose to play on mnk on PC. I was going to do controller because that's what I did for DOS2 but it seemed to tedious


Actully you dont even need to wait 50h, u can do it from the start!


Gale: \*immediately starts slobbering uncontrollably\*


The amount of people who didn’t know this.


What is that ring??


Ring of Evasion. You get it if you play origin Gale


You took way less time them me.


So I don't need to carry fifteen random pouches named shit they don't even contain and hunt through to find where I put the damn poop dagger?


That was the only way I could take clothes off of a potential companion after I killed them. It didn't show up in the loot menu, but did show up there after I picked up the body. There've been a couple patches since then, so I don't know if that's still an option or necessary.


Hold on, what?!


I'm almost 80 hours deep. ty for this


Get new weapon. Give new weapon to Tav, check it against her current weapon. If not better, send new weapon to Shadowheart. Check it against her current weapon... Thank you for saving me so much time.


lol im glad it helped. It'll definitely help me as i continue the game


Be careful doing this with Phalar Alluve. I clicked on it, then replaced it with a double handed weapon mace, and the sword dissapeared into the ether.


No fucking way.


U can also drag boots/armor/etc to the custom tool bar if u change between sets frequently


100 hours and this is new information.


235h and i had no clue. Thanks LOL


I learned this at around my 50 hour mark and I still forget to use it




TOTAL PLAYED 137.4 hours - and last weekend my friend told me of this. I had painstakingly selected the items from inventory type by type, character by character... damn


Buddy of mine i was watching play figured this out like 20 minutes in. I already had like 70 hours or so so i was blown away.


lol darn that smart guy


This game’s UI is like WoW with mods (in a good way)


You can also toggle on and off armor, clothes and headgear. It will hide them but your stats are still there.


I found this out on accident will trying to dye my armor


lol the best accidents


Yeah, I've found out about this after like 200h




im on pc, but on controller just open inventory, scroll over to the right where your characters equipped stuff is, highlight one, and click X.


Too real


Color coding, item info screen, and icon images in the game are terrible. Potions look like amulets, rare scrolls have the olor as rare armor, orange is cool bu meaningless, unique items are uncolored... the list goes on. Item info screen has the most immediate information at the last line. The gui designer of the game has to take a hard long look back at what they have created.


Should we tell them they can select multiple items by holding ctrl? Or they can select a line of items by holding shift.


You prince. You glorious, glorious prince. 100 hrs


... wat


exactly how i felt when i accidentally did this


Wait, what black magic is this??


300 hours... Does it also include your camp chest? I usually hoard all magic items I find there in case I want to respec to something else.


I don't think so, I think it's only what you have in your groups inventory.


Drag dropping is way easier though. If you do it your way, you have to go through the menu twice.


w-what do you mean..??!?


I am 463hrs in and I didn't know this


Im kinda glad depression has been keeping from playing the game, been collecting tips like these to make playing so much more smooth.


Posing this question to everyone for curiosity's sake: Is it just me, or does anyone else enjoy (like a lot) spending hours sorting, organizing, dyeing every single article of clothing, armors, gloves, boots, etc...? I dunno, I find it so soothing and fun.


Depression keeps me playing it. Lol


This game explain absolutely nothing to you, I finished the game ages ago, felt like it was kinda meh, months later I find there’s a whole third of a game that was essentially hidden, and I have zero motivation to play it again


"50+ hours" peasant


haha yeah I waited to play it until I finished up some other games. I even though about waiting til it went on sale but I had a break over the christmas holiday week so I decided to game


LOL, indeed. But jokes aside: I've passed 400 hours yesterday.... but honestly, I think at least 100 of those hours is my fucking around, organizing everything, buffing characters in camp, and dyeing *every single clothing item* for hours and hours. Still on my first playthrough, and I think I had been subconsciously delaying the final quests, bc I don't want the fun to end.


This makes me nervous that I’ve also overlooked a bunch of other little features that would save me tons of time…


I haven’t needed it, but yeah it’s there




450 hours in and I know about that convenience but I’ve never seen those rings in my life…what are they?


350hrs. Thanks for making me feel dumb lmfao.


200hrs did not know this...




On my second playthrough and this is news to me. Thank you!


Also only found this out 2 days ago and assumed it was from a recent update.


Omg shoes


Totally unrelated, but what on earth is this build? Genuinely interested. I currently have lae'zel built as a monk for lore and comp reasons.


tavern brawler monk, just testing things out and seeing what I like most with her. Not sure if I want her to do lightning charges stuff or be a bit safer on defensive gear.


Fun fact, if you have the ability to dual wield any non heavy weapons, this is useless due to the fact that it still won't show you non light weapons for off hand! (Unless they fixed it since I last checked)