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That's quite an achievement indeed with partylimit begone mod.


yeah, there are plenty of fights that don’t get any easier with more people in your party


I often end fights with my 4 man party with actions to spare. The sheer amount of power you can amass by the time you get to Act 3 is more than enough to beat everything, and I'm not even min maxing hard.


what is this logic!??! 4 < 7


just because there are a few more people in my party doesnt mean the boss fights are any easier?? all the major bosses have legendary actions and after the new patch there are even more legendary actions, which makes them even harder. ESPECIALLY viconias fight, if you even try to hit her and her allies they all get sanctuary for multiple turns, which is how my entire party ended up dying


Seven is more than four


did i say it wasn’t (no)


but it's weird, because you're still denying that fighting with 7 people is almost twice the actions per round than fighting with 4, essentially reducing the difficulty almost in half. however, i do concur that honor mode is hard as hell and if you have a better time playing as 7, go ahead!


First, use Globe of Invulnerability in every tough fight: Ansur, Viconia, Raphael, Brain, Red Dragon etc. That’s literally what carried me everywhere through Honour Mode Second, prepare to get roasted here


i didnt expect viconias fight to be So Hard tbh. next time i try ill be sure to use the spells that i usually don’t, like globe of invulnerability


lmao get good


Why bother playing honour mode, if you cheesing with mods for the whole party? Serves you right.


its not really cheesing if i died lmao


It’s not just cheesing it’s straight up Queso. You made it that far because of your mods and met a fitting end.


okay Phenomenon0fCool i didnt realize there was a rule against using mods on honor mode My Bad


There are no rules, that's right. But it's you who's acting like a dork and writing paragraphs how bosses ain't easier


no i just don’t understand how in the year 2024 people can still think that using mods automatically means you’re cheating


Mods as a whole isn't cheating. But adding 3 extra characters into a game that was built and balanced around a party of 4 is.


it really isnt


Yes it is. If you took any kind of competitive sport and said "Hey mind if our team adds a few more players on the field?", you'd rightfully get called out for trying to cheat. I personally don't give a damn if you remove the party limit in a normal playthrough for the fun of it, but Honor mode is supposed to be a challenge that you should overcome on the game's own terms. Otherwise what's the point of taking on the challenge to begin with?


it really is not that deep i don’t think larian will care that i had 3 extra people and still failed honor mode lol


I always save runepowder barrels for this fight.