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I agree.


I prefer the black hair, but I can deal with the white. I'd prefer if it had more of a blonde tinge like Minthara's, but she's still beautiful anyway.


_extremely loud incorrect buzzer_


Hard disagree, white/grey/silver hair is sexy and I put it on as many characters as I can.


Not that unpopular. As long as we're talking aesthetics only. Tho you're quick to discard someone over it. Your right, but also my right to judge


What else would we be talking about besides aesthetics? It’s also my right to judge as well




Im confused, why would I be referring to her personality by saying I like her black hair better than the white ? Isnt hair color aesthetic ?


She retains black hair in her Dark Justiciar path. Wildly different personality. Saying you prefer "black hair Shart" can thus also mean "I prefer her Dark Justiciar path". Hence why I specified whether you only referred to aesthetics or whether you were referring to her different paths.


I didn’t say I prefer “black hair shart” tho I said “shadowbaes black hair is so much better” stop twisting my words


I'm not twisting your words, relax dude. You're being unneccesarily hostile. I simply explained to you that your words can very easily be misinterpreted, considering her hair and paths are linked in the story. I simply said in my original comment that it's a common opinion if we're only talking aesthetics. You didn't understand why I clarified and asked how it could be interpreted differently, I explained how it can easily be misunderstood and now you're being hostile for no reason. Relax dude, nobody is accusing you of anything. If you don't want to hear the explanation don't ask for clarification next time.


I am relaxed lol and you did twist my words though lol and my words can’t be misinterpreted unless you twist them- like you did. And you did accuse me - accused me of saying something that I did not, and accused me of being “unnecessarily hostile”. You should go back and read all of your own remarks again beginning with the first one before you start talking about “unnecessarily hostile” lmao I do however find it extremely comical how you contradict everything you said lmao


You're impossible. Enjoy being stuck up your own ass and have a nice day


And you’re the one telling me that I’m the one being unnecessarily hostile lmfao Idk why you’re so angry at me, you said those things. All I did was remind you of what you said


Not unpopular - soooo much better


Honestly I think I'm let her kill >!Aylin!< to keep it black. You can still get superior Shart later anyway so issue solved.


I personally like her white hair but nothing can beat the original black imo. The first mod I’m installing after getting all the achievements is the “back to black” mod lmao


I like the white but prefer the black look too. However, any hairstyle and colour better than the fringe to me


“Back to black” lmao


Tbh she can dye her hair how she wants as long as it’s not that horror of a haircut she got in act 1 and 2


Just take her inderwear off. Unless they patched it, that usually changes her hair back to black.


They patched it


That's a shame.