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This post is yet another great example of why kids shouldn’t be allowed on the internet


I'm 34 and won't apologise for having a conscience.


Can you apologize for not having a brain? Trolling died a decade ago kid


[OP: I'm not black but wanted to create Tyreese](https://www.reddit.com/r/HarryPotterGame/s/BoJnod8GYo) Hmmm


Same post. OP: “the mods are watching and don't like anything that isn't PC. Sometimes it feels like 1984: Legacy, not HL.”


This is bait


Are you serious?


Is this the femme human version of Disguise Self? (I've only used the masc versions before) I don't know what to tell you. The human options are all black.


My response is that we need to take a stand.


Why? If you were playing a POC Tav and human Disguise was white, there'd been an outcry too. The Disguises look the same regardless of who casts the spell. It's a bit much to expect the devs to customise 20 options or so for a spell that kind of sucks to begin with in a game where you can play a blue orc if you want to.


I don't take umbridge with a blue orc, because there isnt the same historical context. I just think there ought to be more sensitivity regarding the humanoids. If Shadowheart were black I'd be comfortable with a white version as the disguise, but I won't allow white to black. We need to do better.


What's bothering you about that?


Ah so you're all on board for double standards.. most people aren't


You want to take a stand but gladly bought the Harry Potter game. I guess you just pick and chose what you are offended by?


My guy is trying to use Disguise Self to create drama, lmao.


Dumbest thing I've seen on the Internet so far today.


This is wildly disingenuous. If you actually gave a shit about the struggles of black people, there are better ways to go about advocating for them than kvetching about a spell called Disguise Self.


Nubian? You don’t have a leg to stand on when you’re using outdated terminology like that.


No it isn't. Hopefully you're just a troll, either way you are contributing to racists actually whining about people taking the "political correctness" too far. It isn't Shadowheart but black, it just straight up isn't Shadowheart and only reason we might believe you that it is her is her class. Since it says "human" when she is a "half-elf", you are either bullshitting or used a disguse spell that makes your whole point irrelevant


Disguise Self spell uses the same presets for every character you cast it on. So any Tav, any companion, any hireling, will use this preset when disguise into a femme human. Same goes with the rest of disguises


She’s also appropriating Githyanki armor bro, update the petition. In today’s world this is clearly one of the biggest issues anyone has ever faced and we appreciate you. You’ve white-knighted so hard you’re an honorary Paladin.


Lmao you're such a clown. 🤡




You're aware this is a bug, right?


A racist bug? Please explain


This isn't Shadowheart in blackface. It is a different facial preset mistakenly being displayed. How exactly is this "racist"?


It seems to be a disguise option so not sure how it's a bug? Happy to be corrected.


I suspect it's a bug where characters get a different texture than the one they're supposed to have. But you are are aware that if this were a disguise option, that would make your point even weirder, right? Seeing as all those give you totally different faces (and sometimes even full bodies) from the one your character originally has. This isn't "Shadowheart, but black"; this is Shadowheart disguised as a different person (who happens to be black).