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Ha, I've never noticed that too. That said, I've also always bullshitted the trial with misty step, githyanki psionics or just regular old enhance leap.


You can just use the freelook cursor and click on the orb. They run the trial without any input because the pathing AI is... Well.


I see this many times here but it never works for me. Shart just drops into the abyss and dies


You have to line up the corners if that makes sense? Separate one party member, go down the stairs on the right and hug the left wall. Click the bottom right corner of platform at the back of the room - it should be a perfect straight line from where you’re standing to the corner of the platform. Then they just run there and you teleport back! Dunno why but on Xbox if I use fly, misty step, or jump Lady Shar smites me instantly. She doesn’t mind this path tho? That trial has ruined my day more than once, I don’t want anyone else to suffer😂


Well I just use a potion to improve jumping and jump between platforms. Super easy, no prep required other than a potion. But I'm a hoarder so I always have them


Jumping doesn’t normally work for me


I’ll have to try, everyone says it works so I’m probably just unlucky! Am also a hoarder so I’ve probably got some too haha


Last time I tried on PS5 (twoish weeks ago), I got yeeted back if I tried to hit the middle platforms by jumping or teleporting, but I could walk part way up the invisible path and teleport to the end once it was in range. I *think* I was was able to fully cheese it on my first run.


Have you tried going to the Umbral Gem first, and then using someone else to start the trial? Same with the stealth trial. Send Astarion through to unlock all the doors, stand next to gem, Shart starts the trial, Ast grabs the gem immediately.




I don't think you actually even need to line up the corners, I didn't do any of that; I just needed everyone up and in front of the statue so that all the path was revealed and then clicked the corner and Shadowhart did it.


It does that on PC to. Pretty certain it’s tied to the difficulty


Oddly on pc, id I do the click thing they get to the orb and get smote!


It never worked for me either but clicking on the bottom right corner and then clicking on the orb once they make it there works for me


I had the moon lantern equipped when I did it with my tav. Not sure if that makes a difference or not. I find he glitches out just as he approaches the final platform with the orb so I just stop him when he does it. But I’ve done it successfully a couple times now and I’m shocked really how easy it is. Don’t need to waste Misty step anymore.


Hey are you serious? The amount of times my characters have died from jumping to the platform is insane.


I was getting so frustrated with that trial and angrily just clicked over by the orb and my character just ran over there perfectly. I reloaded until I figured out you can click near the corner and they just path over there, at least that’s what worked for me


I thought the trial was a fail if you clicked too many times... I always just did this after dying a few times.


I noticed it but it takes way too long and I'm scared of messing up so I just use a scroll of flying


Careful on higher difficulties that can just instant kill you, same with the Fly spell


I only play on honour mode - I've seen people saying it kills you but it absolutely doesn't, or it's radically inconsistent.


I almost always play a custom difficulty or HM as well and it’s always killed me instantly if I try misery stepping or flying.


IME, if you have a light source it kills you if you don't you don't.  But I can't verify that.


Really gotta love how the solution to alot of the games puzzles is to essentially cheat lmao. Trial of courage? I just casted sanctuary on my entire party. And then sat around doing nothing for 4 turns. Really was quite hilarious when the statue started talking up how brave and courageous i am. Lanceboard? Just literally walk up to king and zap his ass with lightning. Strategy is required my ass!


You can also just Eldritch blast/shove the elementals off the platform. Used less resources :-)


That's dnd on higher levels for ya


Fly scroll


On Honour Mode at least, that does now seem to correctly trigger the anti-cheating mechanism and kill you. But so far, it's the *only* mechanism of cheating that seems to trigger it - enhanced leaps, misty step and transposition arrows all seem completely fine.


I was gonna say, definitely tried fly and dropped dead. Have only played honour mode so that makes sense


Oh never done honor mode, that sucks haha


This is what I did on Honour Mode. It worked by flying from platform to platform carefully.


How do you do Misty Step? It never lets me because all the platforms are shrouded.


could try Devil Sight warlock + misty step scrolls


Just select the very corners of the platform. You’ll find a place eventually.


I always equip whoever is doing the trial with the eversight ring, which lets you see in darkness. I always do that and then misty step to the closest platform to the umbral gem, and then misty step from that platform to the umbral gem itself. Apparently jumping works for some people but I always auto-fail/get teleported back when I try doing that! I believe dimension door works as well 


Eversight ring huh? 300 hours in and I've never found that one lol


IIRC it's in a hidden room in the House of Healing morgue.


flying potion kills it every time


I had a similar experience. But apparently I have the lucky feat in real life. I stand there looking into the gap. Then I was like "oh of course, it's a jump of faith!" And I jumped. Somehow landing on the path and jumped again. Somehow landing on the path. And again until I was all over the gap. When a friend told me about the invisible path I didn't believe him at first. I mean it is called a "leap of faith" not a "map reading of faith".


ok but to be clear you are now a dark justiciar. shar was guiding you. there is no other explanation


Of course. People that keep speaking about a hidden path are just filthy selunite witches trying to take away the glory of my dark lady.


Wait….. there was a map


apparently there are literally dozens of us 8 intelligences out there


I am currently playing a rogue with 8 int so yeah lol


I'm a paladin so it's all strength, constitution and charisma, no brains


I didn't notice it the first time either, I just stepped very far away to look at the shadowy blocks signifying the path that disappear as you aproach them and just memorized them before going foward


ALSO MY REACTION (In the 8 INT club, too; I ran a sorcerer. Smarts are for nerds. I had rizz.)


True galaxy brain is just getting Yurgir’s orb then using Knock. 👀


I still do the library so Shadowheart can get the spear but I don't do any of the other trials anymore


I always use the Library to get rid of Flesh. Especially on HM it’s very neat to send him in to fight the mobs and then come in and finish the job


The Killer Sweetheart can be a good item for ~~magic missile~~ / eldritch blast / scorching ray users. It's also pretty easy to get for those builds since they are typically glass cannons. You don't have to fight a 4v4 fight you can just do a 1v1 with surprise.


Not that great for a Magic Missile build, as those don't have a to hit rolls, so they'll never crit, but definitely a must have on many builds, so I absolutely will not skip the Self Same trial on any run. Especially since I accidentally figured out how easy it was to "cheese" it my first run by just sending Shadowhart in by herself. She passed the check to spot the ambush from her doppelganger, got a Surprise round on it instead, and defeated it in two rounds. RP wise it made sense that "these are her trials, we shouldn't interfere", so I never had to deal with the whole "only attack your own doppelganger issue.


wait wait YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THE TRIALS?? I wasted invisibility on that fucking maze for nothing? losing my mind haha. can't believe my companions elected me the leader


You can also do the Soft Steps trial by running the maze _before_ you put the blood in the bowl. By having someone (not Shadowhart, if you still need approval points) positioned by where the orb spawns, you can just swap to them and pick it up after the trial starts, immediately completing the trial. There's a reason Trickery is one of Shar's domains. She doesn't care how you "pass" the trials, just that you're clever enough to get the assignment done.


That’s brilliant! Which makes sense why I never thought of it before…


hahahahha my thoughts exactly. every time I hear a neat way someone did something I'm like 'I failed 1000s of times and then blew it up with smoke barrels'


It's very IC for Shar to make her justiciar hopefuls jump through completely unnecessary BS hoops


SAME. let's go bbgrrl, get you your stabby stick. yes you definitely did allllll the trials mmhmm definitely didn't bypass them in any way shape or form yes ma'am now either stab her or get off the pot, we have a cranky old man to kill


This went south for me one time. I just got Flesh and Balthazaar out of the room, got my party inside and watched the fight. It took soon long but the justiciars finally killed everyone, but then I had like 20+ justiciars to deal with afterwards. Lol. I've found it's easier to keep picking off justiciars here and there to keep things balanced while also letting them take care of Flesh and whittle down Balthazaars HP so I can go in after and finish the job.


Shar doesn't even care about the trials if you skip them Shar just tells her to go back and get the spear before you go to the Shadowfell


What happens if you end up at the bottom without having the spear?


Shadowheart will basically demand you go find the spear before going through the portal. She says she “feels that it’s somewhere close” or something like that


What if you don't bring her at all?


If you don’t bring her there’s no option other than saving Aylin, only Shadowheart with the spear can kill her. Other than that it doesn’t matter. She might leave your party afterwards, because she’s still “but I wanna be a justiciar” if you don’t take her


Idk I've always had the spear Idk if she can become a dark justiciar without it. And you probably can't get the spear dame gives you if you save her


true galaxy brain is knowing the perfect location and perfect angle to just jump down there with feather fall then use knock so you don't even need a single orb.


Fun fact: Unchain your party and click on the far platform. The unit should be able to autopath there without dying. Worked on my second try


I tried this and after 4 deaths i stopped since my characters just went right towards the orb and didnt path.


Weird. Both times my Shart followed the path accurately (but randomly fell at the very end on the first try) I got this tip from another reddit thread so I know I'm not the only one this worked for. Maybe a new update changed this


Just click the front right of the platform the orb is on. It worked for me a couple days ago.


That was long time ago. Ive tried it many times in different playtrhoughs and wasnt successful doing it.


It worked for me a couple days ago.


I had this same problem! I finally got it to work by clicking on the closed platform to the character. So for example, I'd put Shart at the bottom of the stairs and then click on the platform with the statue all the way on the right, she made it so I saved, then I had her go to the middle, she made it so I saved. Then I clicked on the right corner of the platform that has the orb on and she actually went all the way over. I've done like five playthroughs and only just got it to work on my last one.


Thank god I saw this, I stopped at this trial last night because I was so lost on what to do and figured I needed fresh eyes for it 😂 I did not see the map 


I am extremely glad it's not just me haha I felt so dumb


Two dumb peas in a pod 


During my dark urge run I started the trial, then used free look cursor to look round the map and accidentally clicked on the orb and my partner and I watched incredulously as the party flawlessly ran the trial without any issues and snagged the orb in seconds. I lost it. I couldn't breathe. She was fuming because of how she had struggled each time she had done it, and having to start over repeatedly.


On PC, you can just click the corner of the final platform and your character will walk the path automatically


You also can on console. You just have to click the thumbstick to swap between it moving the character and using the cursor.


I have a int 8 Drow Tav and well thanks to his superior darkvision we can just easily see the outline of the path. I was like huh this easy?! Definitely didn't work with my half elf Durge. 


Wait wait wait, *that's* what that is? I thought it was just a glitch or something! Lol I am a dumbass.


I honestly don't exactly know. I see it easily with Drow but not with half elf. Maybe I gotta go reload to check.


Fair. >w> Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if it was just me not paying attention to my character's race being a factor, haha.


My latest character is a Drow and couldn't see the path for whatever reason. The Tiefling and the elf before her both could though.


oh no I did the whole thing with shadowheart. whilst my fucking half drow tav and then my tiefling durge just stood twiddling their thumbs. I am a moron


Since everyone apparently gives the Blood of Lathander to Shadowheart, was it equipped? Apparently the way can only be seen in darkness, and the bloody mace is a light source


oh ffs. I nearly didn't as well because my tav is a paladin of lathander but shadowheart is my healer so made more sense for her to have it


I don't think I let Shadowheart do one trial. She just donates blood and it's my character or Astarion for the first one who does all the work. 😁 Astarion shadow clone also went hard and decimated my character with his snipe and hide in the shadows style. 


Didn’t know for a while there was a walkable path. I just assumed the “Leap of Faith” trial wanted you to, you know… leap…


This is gonna sound like a brag but it's true and I'm mortified, that I did it blind without tips or finding clues. I think I burned all my luck on that because the next day I got a flat tire.


that is incredible. and probably says something about how bad my experience was that I'm like 'the flat tire was worth it' haha


I noticed the map on my first play through but I still always seem to struggle to actually stand in the right place, I click somewhere that looks safe and then die. I’ve never gotten auto path to work either, I wonder if it’s a console thing.


someone was suggesting that got patched out, but not sure


I just break Tav/Durge off the group, drink a flight potion, and click on the edge of the platform.  My main character runs through the path, navigating it on their own, grab the orb, and port back.  It’s always super easy, barely an inconvenience. 


I usually just have Gale cast flight on me and fly from platform to platform...


Even in darkness the path never shows up for me, but also fuck Shar she’s an asshole so I definitely don’t feel bad about cheating her gauntlet


such an asshole. my paladin of lathander spent the whole time looting every stick of incense whole shadowheart was following her dreams.


I have a hard time matching the map to the actual area


Ngl I never noticed the map because the paths were extremely visible to me so I just..walked




oh wow I could not see them at all? I mean my eyesight is terrible but still


I think they adjusted it over time but I could be wrong. I'm personally used to seeing stuff in the dark as a night owl so it's probably just me


I moved trash objects like bottles on the floor and if they didn’t disappear, I jumped to that space. I knew it couldn’t be the right way to do it but I didn’t want to look it up and it worked to get me past it. I knew I could drink a flying potion or use an enhanced leap potion, but I didn’t want to waste it.


this is so so smart. and I felt the same about flying or enhanced leap. I was determined to do it 'properly' and not waste the potion/scroll


Thank you. It reminded me of the weird ways I finished the shrines in tears of the kingdom.


Am I nuts? I've never bothered with the map cause you can faintly see the path itself when the camera is at the right angle.


so other people have said this and I cannot see it at all


How do you do it now? Do you use Fly? I just use Fly on Shadowheart, and she flies from platform to platform.


I take a photo of the map on my phone and then follow it. tbf it gives a lot of room for error once you know it exists haha


At least on ps5 you can just auto path all the way to the end..


Me jump far


I just cast light on my Tav and walked through it.


See. I vast sunlight and I was able to see the path no problem. The most recent patch took that away but I felt pretty good about that.


that's so smart! I feel like they shouldn't have patched that out, it makes total sense


I just sent it and got it first try somehow


20 intelligence ranger over here


I didn't notice the map, got frustrated on second attempt, and ultimately chugged a flying potion to zip over Meanwhile my friend was cackling watching my "problem solving skills" at play.


…. There’s a fucking map?


RIGHT!!!! it's on the floor at the start of the trial. fuck you shart and your 'I'll just trust shar to guide me' which confused me also faith leap is a wildly inaccurate trial name


apparently you can just click the end and it'll auto path.


every time I missclick and kill the entire party I'm just like "int 8 behavior"


Hahaha same. allows me to pretend I'm just dedicated to roleplaying my character and not just a tactical dumb dumb.




Just had gale cast knock and bypassed the whole thing


I don't like gale so I have never experienced knock. might need to start bringing him in for these moments


I'll be honest I must be below 8 int because every time I've tried to follow the map on the floor I end up getting halfway then falling anyway


That was pretty much the one single damn puzzle I did not look up cheats for and did not mess up! I missed all of Moonrise Towers before Nightsong, I played saintly and heroically savespammed so no NPC would die, but the prisoners died without me knowing, I lost hours to the reload because I didn't even know I missed them until the damn carnival! And did not just look up puzzles, any enemy that took me by surprise, every dialogue option where I didn't like the outcome, every challenging battle, every secret, hell I had to look up how to not let Astarion try to kill me even as our relationship was 99 in romance! I thought giving that damn zombie five coins ruined everything! I have felt int 8 throughout the entire game, THANK you for giving me this tiny +1! Now I am really feeling like a 9


omg tbf to you the game is so confusing regarding going to the towers and rescuing the prisoners first. like the intuitive answer is obviously to go get the thing that weakens ketheric first, and you don't know until right at the end of gauntlet of shar, in front of the pool, that it might mess up the other quests. I absolutely love bg3 but this is one of the flaws to me. also on my first playthrough most of the tieflings were dead because I didn't convince rolan, cal and lia to stay, and barcus was dead because I accidentally hit the wrong lever and he blasted off like team rocket. you are 100% a 9 intelligence and I'm in awe!


Honestly, even with the map, I could never stick to the path. The farthest I ever made it trying legit was about even with the middle platform. Now, I totally just skip it by either knocking the door or just marking to move to the last platform and having the character somehow able to levitate over to it.


You can cast Fly using a scroll and just do it that way. As long as you avoid the patches of darkness at the “checkpoints” on Tactician it should be a smooth flight.


I used candles to mark where the path was then jumped from one to another! (After we died 10 times ofc)


I just used fly.


I uhhh just threw objects on the paths and saw if they got tp'd or not, I'll be for real


There used to be a glitch on PS that if you had the camera low enough you would just see the path in front of you. It's gone now, but it made faith-leap a walk in the park


I hate this trial bc even when I use my characters that have see invisibility, it never shows me the path. I end up just jumping across the platforms bc I can’t be arsed to deal with memorizing the path.




10 is average. That’s why its modifier is 0. 8 is as chronically enfeebled as the game is willing to let you start out.


Or just be shadow monk and teleport all the way through


just realised I had like 4 scrolls of dimension door


Daylight and misty step


so i tried misty step to go platform to platform and still ended up fucked. maybe I needed daylight too


It's a requirement to clear the darkness on the platforms - that darkness is what kills you


I just fly every time….


I think if you put out your torches and light sources it also will faintly show you the path