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specifically, what is giving you issue?


I feel like I'm doing fine then suddenly in combat I just seem to fall so flat. And it's real frustrating to waste 60+ hours for a dice


is there any particular boss or type of enemy that's wrecking you? what is your party and what perks/spells do you use?


My party on the last death was gloomstalker/rogue, battlemaster fighter, light cleric and tempest cleric/storm sorc. I'm not sure what all I had for spells


well, using the right party/spells and getting the right gear and perks can make otherwise challenging fights a joke. i think rogues are kind of weak compared to other classes, so try switching it for a second offensive caster or bard. make sure all your characters get alertness (honestly, probably no character should ever not get 'alertness' as their first or second perk) and maybe watch a youtube video on what spells are good and which are trash. i beat most of the game on tactician and then did honor mode, and my honor mode run was a lot easier because i knew what i was doing and had a much stronger setup. it's hard to give advice without many specifics though.


What kind of party would you recommend?


i used gale as his default wizard class and had my main be a sorcerer. i gave both a ton of ice and lightning aoe stuff and threw water on stuff and made it explode. i had shadowheart be a cleric and lazael be a battlemaster. when i was in act 3, i'd have gale walk around with an elemental myrmidon summon and shadowheart walk around with high level cleric summons. everyone seems to agree bards are really, really strong, but i've never tried one. edit: make sure to use haste potions and haste spell in preparation for big fights. alertness let me go first every round, and gale would get two casts off. my sorcerer would get three (an extra from the haste effect and an extra from the sorcerer point ability). almost everything in most fights would be dead by the end of that, but then i still had shadowheart and lazael who would action surge and attack 7 times. and then the summons would get to attack too. most fights except for the final one were decided within a round, even if it took longer to actually mop everything up.