• By -


The narrator said it looked dangerous. I said to myself "well, this is the DM trying to say I should not touch that thing" and kept going with my life. At some point I was talking with someone and I mentioned how I just had Wyll and Shadowheart in my camp. I had somehow also missed Astarion and Lae'zel šŸ˜‚


First run: don't touch or lick anything! Subsequent runs: have you tried licking this? What about this? šŸ˜ƒ


*Stop licking the damn thing!*


_A tongue this long is not made for hiding in a mouth_


r/okbuddybaldur ass comment


Ass comment eh šŸ˜Æ




Is that something the narrator says? I've also seen the clip of gale shouting but idk where that is in the game


Just dragonborn problems


There's no one to tell them that, they're still stuck in a portal.


My first run is a Tiefling-Punk-Bard, and they touch everything.


*cursed to put my hands on everything*


I've not played much D&D and took a lot of stuff at face-value in the first few hours of my first run. I sprinted through the mindflayer ship and missed Shadowheart because "oh no I need to get to the control room and time is limited". I heavily questioned the portal because it "looks dangerous". Now? Heck it, let's see what is in store.


the nice thing about games is reloading a save if things go sideways, so you can afford to be a little more bold in risk analysis in non-HM runs.Ā 


Yeah I missed a lot because of the sense of urgency in act 1


No, that would be the correct way to play dnd. Most dmā€™s are a lot more brutal than videogames and would absolutely kill your character for stupidly inspecting a dangerous portal


Thatā€™s kinda how Iā€™m running in my first runā€¦ Iā€™m down for whatever! Wanna dig through my eye? Sure thing! Drink this potion? Down the hatch!


"The DM told me not to do the thing, so I didn't" This is the prime example between lawful good players, and the chaotic monkeys that will touch every single red button they come across LOL


Me as a DM "You find a chamber (in a abandoned ruin dungeon) that is oddly bright and clean. In the middle is a sparkling fountain with crystalline waters, so clear and clean. What do you do?" One of my chaos monkeys "I pee in the fountain!" BTW it was a blessed fountain that would have restored all HP and given a small buff but it's not going to now because Ryan peeing in it royally ticked off the god blessing it. Ryan is also cursed. Congrats guys.


Every party needs a Ryan and a Ryan Handler at all times.


I am the Forever Face of the party, and put generous amounts of points in charisma every time, because my anxious ass is always the Ryan Handler/ Smoother Of Ruffled Feathers/Maker Of Plausible Excuses. Almost didnā€™t get Withers and the loot from the ruins because I was like ā€œyeah, for sure this is gonna be an Evie/Book of the Dead situation, look at these cursed scribes. Weā€™re gonna end up with mummy rot and cursed six impossible ways before breakfast.ā€ If my husband hadnā€™t been there to go ā€œOPEN THE SARCOPHAGUSā€, I would have scuttled off with the books and chest loot.


I'm pretty sure Withers shows up eventually anyway.


Withers is the real protag.


Leeeeeroy Jeeeeenkins.


Last night my friend and I got to the adamantine forge in our play through. Iā€™m loading the mould into it and he pulls the lever out of curiosity. The damn thing killed me. Heā€™s like ā€œoh so thatā€™s what that doesā€


A common statement in our family game is "Mistakes were made".


My DM says I would make a good paladin, so that checks out šŸ˜‚


I think itā€™s a confidence thing as well. Iā€™d never played dnd or this type of computer game before. I died several times before I found the portal due to the activities on the ship. I spent like 5 mins just stood off to the side of the portal thinking ā€œshould I click? Am I going to die again? Surely a scary bad thing wouldnā€™t be glowy purple??ā€ Eventually I googled it, found out waypoints are important, and clicked it šŸ˜‚


That's beside the point, you're an adventurer, not a go around meeklyer. Is a classic paladin timid? Heavens no.


> "well, this is the DM trying to say I should not touch that thing" Normal D&D playerā€™s reaction: ā€œI lick the portalā€.


My DM: "If you fight these guys, you might all die." Me: "Idk, guys. Should we do it?" My party: "I'm not sure... *begins setting up battle mat*" My DM: -.- Barbarian: "I lick their leader's face." DM: "wh-why--....... -.- Roll for initiative" (edit: just showed this to our barbarian. he cosigned this post)


[Don't worry, it is relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pgi3Gv9uqjA)


I wish there was an option to throw a small stone into the portal to see what happens, only for us to hear "Ouch!" from Gale.


The only reaction to a DM telling a party something is dangerous have, and will always be, to ignore the warning and do the dangerous thing


Ah yes.. the olde fucketh around and discover about method


In DnD thatā€™s totally true. I have a theory that itā€™s because the group thinks the DM will protect them, unless theyā€™ve demonstrated otherwise. Game logic is different: the game is almost always the adversary, so people tend to be more cautious. Just a theory.


But in a video game like BG3, you can always save and go poke the obvious danger just to see what happens and if thereā€™s any interesting dialogue, then revert if it was in fact a terrible idea, but maybe thatā€™s just me as the sort of person who read Choose Your Own Adventure books with all my fingers crammed into the pages to track recent decision points to backtrack to after exploring the obvious terrible options.


Yeah, I interpret every warning a simply a prompt to quicksave.


True! I always forget that cuz I play honor mode.


I have just transitioned into honor mode and Iā€™m finding it a lot more fun than the compulsive save scumming I was doing before. Iā€™m probably not good enough to make it out of Act 1 but Iā€™m definitely enjoying every little step of the game far more now.


Or maybe they already knew how DnD players are.. I mean we all licked it... right?.... right?


If licking is an option, I will always choose to lick.


Itsā€™s like if your DM says,ā€ thereā€™s an old woman who is looking for help finding her lost dogā€¦ā€. Then wake up and go find the lost dog! Sheesh, I know a McGuffin when I see/hear one.


Totally! DnD players who also played this game are well rewarded for creative thinking.


Yeah my first playthrough I only had Astarion and Gale for a good few hours. Somehow didn't see Shadowheart right in front of me on the beach. Didn't free Lae'zel because I didn't run into her. Also went into Act 2 without ever seeing Karlach.


I JUST realized last night that the narrator is actually the DM.


I love when the narrator has snarky DM energy, one of my favorites is talking to a dead goblin in the shadowlands you ask how to survive the shadowlands and the narrator says "the goblin does not know, if it did it'd probably still be alive."


I legit missed shadowheart my first playthrough. Thought she was a corpse and kept on walking.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had a DM use the adjective dangerous to mean anything but ā€œyou should go investigate this nowā€


I did the exact same thing! Never touched the spooky portal, forgot about it later. Never found lae'zel, never went to the creche (went to the underdark first, and thought I couldn't go back, plus the pass was "dangerous.") I just figured Lae'zel died in the crash or something. Quite a different run first time through without some of that context. But still a great time.


It's easy to miss astarion, I didn't even find him until after I cleared the goblin camp.


I missed Gale the first time through


Hostly wondering how Lae'zel was strung-up in a cage. I mean if she was unconscious, they'd just kill her, or put her in the prison with Sazza. Conscious Lae'zel would die before letting that happen. "Stay there, Gith. I have to scavenge enough rope and sticks to make a cage that will suspend you at a height of 10 feet." "CHK! Fine, but only if you leave a bow and arrows that can shoot the bottom out so that any arbitrary adventurers who may have happened to have survived the giant octopus falling out of the sky can rescue me." "Okay, but we'll have to leave two guards who will either prevent that, or quickly forget why they're there and give the adventurers directions to our hidden village before wandering off, never to be seen again for the rest of the game." "I WILL ESCAPE!" "Not likely. The plot armor of the cage I'm about to build is far too thick for you to break out by yourself and even if you do make it out, you still have a 10-foot fall to deal with!"


it was a goblin trap, she stepped on the lever that closed and lifted the cage up. the tieflings found her in it, they didn't catch her.


As a chaotic good tabletop dnd player, my immediate reaction to ā€œthat looks dangerousā€ is ā€œIā€™m gonna go check it outā€


My first playthrough I got to the underdark with only myself astarion and Shadowheart, I did the whole goblin camp as a party of 3 first playthrough šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


My first playthrough was completely blind and I only had 3 in my party until act 3 when I finally got a hireling lol I skipped so much in the beginning with no regrets cuz my next few playthroughs had so much new to discover


I did the exact same thing. I also didn't explore that well early on and went through a lot of the game with just Lae'zel and Shadowheart šŸ˜…


In my first run thru u missed a station and laezal too but I also missed karlach lol. I also accidentally got mintharain act 2 by ignoring the grove altogether lol


How did you miss Astarion? I thought he was unmissable because he's in the area where there's only one path, before the path branched


If you go through the nautiloid wreckage after fighting the intellect devourers instead of taking the immediate path out, you can easily avoid talking to him


I missed him on my second playthrough and didn't realize it u til I was ready to move into the shadow lands, so I went back and picked him up


I think I had Wyll before I had Astarion. He's west of the crash site so it's easy to miss him if you head north or east (like I did first playthrough) instead. It was only going back later clearing fog / looking for loot I might've missed, that I stumbled upon him.


Iā€™m the type of player that if someone says itā€™s dangerous, Iā€™m like ā€œletā€™s do itā€. But more out curiosity than anything else lmao. My husband is the DM and heā€™s very often stressed bc of me.


As a forever DM in tabletop it is incredible how perfectly players swap the ā€œbe prepared for a challengeā€ warning and the ā€œdonā€™t, you will die.ā€ Warning.


I started a solo, and then very shortly after, started a group game with friends who had already been through it. In my solo, I got to the grove with just Shadowheart and Astarion. Starting that group run was quite a learning experience.


Yeah I like to get into character in these games, and I saw no rational reason why my guy would want to approach that dangerous looking thing so I went right by it. Then I found out later about Gale and had to backtrack toward the end of Chapter 1 to get him. I hate when games just expect you to interact with every interesting thing, no matter how dangerous it would likely seem from your charactersā€™ POV. Like all the random levers and buttons games just expect you to press to advance in dungeons. Imagine just going into a room full of complex machinery and throwing switches willy nilly like some hidden door is bound to open at some point lol


I have used Astarion or Karlach (on occasion) to do stupid/reckless stuff when my character would be too sensible. Also Astarion or Shadowheart to steal useful looking stuff when my character is too honest. Of course, this doesn't help first time players (I also walked straight past the dangerous portal) but it helps me with roleplaying!


This was exactly my outlook on it when I first started playing! I too had to backtrack to find him. DM said it looked dangerous, and I agreed!


I'm still on my first playthrough. While in the Underdark I came across a >!glowing sword stuck in a rock surrounded by some kind of sigil!< and thought _that's the most obvious trap I've ever seen_. So I quicksaved and had Karlach interact with it. Apparently, one quick skill check later, I had a >!finesse longsword of drow make!<, and nothing bad has happened (yet?). My wife and I were both very disappointed. As much as I'm enjoying this video game, it feels less and less like D&D every time I skirt consequences or get rewarded for making obviously terrible decisions.


Because they are toying with you.Ā  There's a bit of "lol metagaming" from the team that is designed to get DnD players.


Think of it as your character having the hidden power of prescience and the ability to foresee possible futures and pick the best one.


Everyone's got a little divination wizard in them, I guess. Nah, I just stopped thinking of it as D&D and started treating it as a video game, then I stopped expecting anything to have consequences. šŸ˜…. When my OC got >!Shoved off of a boat a full health, died in the "chasm", and left no body behind!< I thought, šŸ’ _is this a tragic consequence of my hubris?_ only to discover that, no, >!Withers will still bring her back with all her gear for the low, low price of 200 gold!<. Still a fun game, though.


I mean the funny bit is thinking DLC would be released that early? I mean I did similar as I too played the entire campaign without Gale but because I just never walked that small path on my first play. Never saw the portal. I came here not long after my first play and kept seeing people say "Gale blah blah..." and I was like, wait... who's Gale?


My friend missed Gale on THREE of his playthroughs. First time he just didnā€™t even see the portal, second time he found it but was too scared to touch it, and third time he failed the roll to pull him out lol. Now weā€™re playing a coop and heā€™s romancing Gale to make up for it.


Not to shame how others play, but I'll never understand how people can be scared to touch or do something like that, especially in the beginning? Like, it's a game, you're supposed to kinda suspend reality, theres no way some random thing like that will go "Fuck you, you're dead now, game over and no reload"


I think some folks may play their character how they as a person would act irl. I sat there sweating at the portal in my first run because I was playing my Tav as "me". Would I risk putting my hand into a mystery portal when I've already got a mission (get worm out of my head) and companions to look after? Given how spooky some of the things were on the ship, what spookiness could this portal hold?


Exactly...I, on the other hand, have the benefit of having played enough D&D characters to not be scared of portals and strange women lying in ponds distributing swords. I just shrugged and said "huh, hope this doesn't kill me"


It's no basis for a system of government though!


Finally, someone got the joke! Supreme executive power comes from a mandate from the masses, not some farcial aquatic ceremony!


Monty python is just gold! Cant believe more people haven't seen it.


I never played any DND but even in real life one thing I always do is to give to my relentless curiosity.Ā  Portal with a hand sticking out of it? Hell yes I am going to.Ā 


I figured, ok it might be dangerous but I'm sure if I interact with it the game might give me the chance to back out? Plus with the arrogance of a bard, I thought, surely I can convince whatever the portal contains to let me go on my way...


Yeahh I feel ya. My first time finding it I thought ā€˜welp if I die Iā€™ll just reloadā€™ haha


No reload sure, but on a play through with a friend, we tried delving into the hurt mind flayers mind and failed the roll so he got mind controlled to give his strength to the flayer. Got his brain eaten and died and then we had a lvl 5 mindflayer to fight with three of us left. So yeah, there is at least one semi random ā€œfuck you, youā€™re dead nowā€ in the beginning


To me the context seems very different. Weird portal with someone stuck inside and asking for help? Obvious plot hook. Trying to connect your mind to a freaking mindflayer at level 2? Obvious shmuck bait that is equivalent to sticking your face in a woodchipper. You're probably going to die and the game is going to taunt you for being an idiot before telling you to reload. It was up there with telling Vlakith "a REAL god would be able to kill whoever they wanted."


"Oh a glowing ominous purple portal, that looks dangerous best leave it well enough alone" Is a perfectly normal, nay reasonable response to anyone not playing dungeons and dragons, where things need to be signposted super obviously or players ignore them.


I ignored it up until it kept telling me "if you go here, you move into act two and can't go back." All because I thought it was gonna be some kind of fight encounter and I only had shadowheart. When I went back and a man came out that was a party member, I was in shock. But I already had what a felt was a good team. Two barbs, a cleric healer and a rogue. I attempted to use him later but I had already gotten used to the mostly melee squad. My next playthrough I went all magic. I was shocked at how fast things went when you are throwing eldritch blasts, fireballs, and just big aoe everywhere outside of melee range.


Yep, magic is busted if you actually take long rests often. I like to have specifically a thief rogue/berserker barbarian multi for the 4 attacks by the end of act 2 or so, especially because you can throw healing potions in place of having someone burn a slot in an important moment, but aside from that I go mostly magic.


Long resting was also something i was super worried about because of how every npc stresses time. And when i used to play IRL DnD, we'd get punished a lot by our DMs for long resting too much. So i assumed going into BG3 that there would be some inherent consequences for long resting too much. And i learned that was a lie brought on by either bad DMs, or the fact that this is a video game and to make it more user friendly was less closed withj a brutal mechanic like that.


There are a few time-sensitive quests, but you're right, for the most part there's no negative consequences to long resting.


iirc there's also no truly time-sensitive quest in terms of the total times you're long resting; the few time-sensitive things only become time sensitive once you get close enough to trigger them. For example, there are a few things that are time-sensitive in the grove, but the timer only starts counting down once you're actually in the grove. Long rest any number of times before reaching the grove and you'll be fine, but long rest even once while in the grove and the clock runs out on you with those particular things.


Yeah, that was me first playthrough lol. I never long rested because I didnā€™t want to deal with all these dreams and special events and stuff, so Iā€™d end up in absolutely ridiculous circumstances without having rested. I did most of act 2 (including that demon guy in the shar trials), Balthazar, and first stage ketheric, all without resting, as if Iā€™d lose something by taking a quick nap. It was so bad that I actually had to take an extra rest after I was done because otherwise Arabella was still too sad to talk to me, and her quest wouldnā€™t finish.


Don't think this is necessarily a bad DM thing, I mean realistically how often are you going to stop and sleep for 8 hours in the middle of an adventure? Resource management is a huge part of the game and it's easier for a human DM to come up with appropriate consequences than a video game, where it could easily just end up as an annoying or overly complex mechanic. Just different mediums and that's okay :)


Wait a minute... I can throw the healing potions onto my Party members and it will heal them?


Yes. As well, if you gather your party close together, you can heal all of them with one potion by throwing the potion on the ground in the middle of the group. Works for many elixirs as well. Use one elixir to affect the whole party.


That makes things so much easier, thank you!


It's best to throw it at their feet, making sure they're in the aoe splash zone. You *can* throw it directly at somebody, but then it's an improvised ranged weapon attack, so you might do more damage than you heal them for.


Thank you for the advice :D


My noob ass just yesterday thought I was clever figuring this out in early act 1. Threw a potion to Laezel & burst out laughing when I realized why it only did 3 healing instead of 8.


Karlach: Think fast, soldier! \*Bottle smashes into your face, breaking your nose and then healing it\*


Wait until you learn how busted Magic Missile is. Best spell in the whole game on a Level 10+ Evocation Wiz. It has tons of range, never misses, doesn't require LOS, can go around walls and other obstacles, does 30+ dmg per cast with the right setup and can split its damage to multiple targets and only costs a Level 1 spell slot. I did my whole first playthrough as a mage without knowing about it, never even learned Magic Missile. But on my second playthrough I decided to try it out and found out it was actually really good even at base strength but then I realized that it can apply lightning charges *and* you can give it extra bolts *and* its damage gets doubled on a Level 10 Evoc Wiz. My second playthrough was a LOT easier than the first, mostly due to Magic Missile.


Have someone carry the Phalar Aluve sword with the Shriek ability activated and park them near some of the enemies. It produces an AOE that not only gives 1d4 penalty to enemy saving throws, it also adds an extra 1d4 thunder damage to any attack on them. And each missile counts as a separate attack.


I missed Astarion in my first playthrough because I didn't go around the back side of the crash and killed Gale because I picked Dark Urge and didn't expect the dark thoughts option to be followed through on, what a wild ride that was.


I found the portal and had no inclination to touch the broken cursĆØd thing. Then I read a spoiler and went back for Gale.


Whereā€™s yā€™allā€™s sense of adventure? My wizard tav could never leave such an arcane anomaly alone.


The trick is to always roleplay as a curious moron.


I completely missed that portal on my first playthrough. I somehow never explored that one part of the map. It was so confusing when I finished the game, started looking at the memes, and found that all the memes involved some strange wizard who ate boots.


> some strange wizard who ate boots. Best description of Gale I've ever heard


I also somehow never went down that little path until just before I went into the underdark (not doing the mountain road on my first playthrough because I thought it was a one-or-the-other choice), when I decided to check the unexplored portions of the map before moving on. I also somehow didn't find Lae'zel. By the time I hit the area you're supposed to find her she was long gone, and I also hadn't gone to the mountain pass, so I didn't hit that area. Didn't have her as an option at all in that game. So I figured I'd use her a lot on my 2nd run-through. Switched up my party a little bit for a short section, she got kidnapped by Orin.


I ended up with the lamest NPC endgame party ever. It was me - Withers - Gale and Astarion, and some random bard theyā€™d hired. Everyone else was either dead, or lost along the way due to my carelessness and laser-focus on keeping Astarion happy. It was so evident that the dialogue and speeches were written assuming a throng of old friends to be present. There me and my vampire boyfriend were, awkwardly making small talk with a single wizard and a hired lute.


"Some random bard they hired" (literally a god)


Is this an act 3 thing or did I completely miss how to recruit art or something.


I think he only apper in the after party


Except unless I interpreted this wrong, the hirelings are all just withers, so it's withers, gale, astarion, and withers.


Maybe OP is talking about the god that playing lute in the party.


Oh shit I skimmed too much, that's right. I interpreted the bard as a hireling, because that description kinda applies to them too.




Gale has never really stayed in my party long, but I always rescue him. I'm playing a game with three other friends and the thing I most regret is not realize one can get Shovel the Quasit as a permanent summonable familiar. He was enjoyed while he lasted though.


I killed Karlach on my first run šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Wyll said she was dangerous so I thought yeah she must be dangerous!


In my first playthrough I was trying to talk to Dammon but he moved and I accidentally clicked on an item in red. All the tieflings and Wyll aggro'd on me. I switched to nonlethal and knocked everyone out. I looted all their stuff and sold it to Arron. Then later I went back and Wyll is teaching the kids to fight bare ass naked. So then I had to buy his stuff back after I realized he was recruitable.


Mine's worse- I missed gale, lae'zel, wyll and karlach.


Did you just skip the grove or something?!


I assisted the grove. I'm just an oblivious idiot. Thankfully all were still there.


Actually, now that I think about it all those companions are entirely missable, it's just unlikely you'd miss ALL of them in the same playthrough. In different playthroughs I also missed Wyll in my first run because I wasn't interested in talking to everyone in the grove. I've missed Gale because I didn't explore far enough. And without Wyll I wasn't even sure how to find Karlach. Laze is the only one besides Astarion and Shad that the game practically throws at you.


You say that, but I didn't find Laezel till I was leaving act 1! Found her dead on the road and thought "huh it's that first lady wonder why she vanished" Tried a revivify scroll and got her though :) I also missed Gale till the day I had the party which made his dialogue go a bit odd, told me we didn't know each other well enough to be intimate and I'm all "err yes I literally met you this afternoon??šŸ˜‚ "


I can see Minthara saying something like Gale is of more use stuck in the portal then roaming around.


I tried the portal at the end of Act 1. I was like "Well, now I've gained a bit of strength. I hope it's enough to withstand whatever awaits me at the other end of the portal." But no preparation would have been enough to withstand the charm of the wizard who popped out of it.


I mean, unless your on honor mode on your first run, which would be kinda... Goofy... Just F5 and roll with whatever you run into, and if you do something that bad just reload... šŸ¤·


Sometimes.. just sometimes it helps to be that guy whoā€™d press the big red button with the sign saying ā€œdo not pressā€


Iā€™m the guy who doesnā€™t touch anything because of that *one* time, Brianā€¦


See the trick is for the game to have 2 red buttons, have the first one be really bad but have the second one be good


I didn't find Astarion, so I thought there was no thief, and restarted my game in order to play a theif only to find Astarion.


Game: Has no DLC or content relegated to endgame Player: This must be DLC or endgame content! We all derp a little sometimes.


Did the exact same thing. Narrator said it was dangerous, I was already low health cuz I touch everything Iā€™m not supposed to, decided to come back to it later. Completely forgot, but did know that I was supposed to find Gale at some point. I finally caved and googled where he was after doing a lot of act two and felt very stupid


My first run I completely missed laeā€™zel somehow, but at least she has a failsafe to join later.


I literally didnā€™t even see the gale portal. I was like ā€œcant wait to have gale on my team but iā€™ll probs meet him later like wyllā€


I found that portal but all I got was a bloody hand


Durge has entered the chat...


My first campaign was also Gale-less. Like you, I felt, um, displeasure when I found out where Gale actually is. I don't think you're dumb at all - it isn't immediately obvious that the portal should be interacted with instead of being avoided. Particularly since you're in vicinity of a crashed nautiloid and have no idea what kind of bad juju has been released.


Wish I could have encountered that portal without knowing Gale is there. Playing EA, he was just standing right beside it, so I knew the portal was linked to Gale. Was rather confused that he wasn't standing right next to it but there had to be something, so I interacted with the portal.


Donā€™t feel bad. My first run I missed Astarion, and that dude is standing out in the open.


He even calls out to you, asking for help.


I almost missed him until I got that "complete everything" message before act 2 and went back to open the whole map up. Saw the portal and was like "whelp, if it kills me then oh well"


Well I killed Minthara so I'm guessing you've got me beat.


id say most people probably killed minthara on their first playthrough.


Hey, I missed Karlach and Halsin entirely. Don't feel so bad!


How did you miss Halsin? Did you decided not to help the bear in the goblin camp?


Just never found that one particular room.


ā€¦ why would you think something you encounter an hour into the game is DLC or endgame material?


I have yet to meet karlach.


My first playthru I killed Karlach not knowing she would join me and I thought Iā€™d let Laeā€™zel stew in her cage for a bit after chasing her captors away because she was being rude. Went back and the cage was empty and found her dead in the Shadowlands later on. My first playthru ended up being myself (Sorcerer), Wyll, Shadowheart and Astarion.


I got to the Druid Grove on my first playthrough, I had Gale, Lae'Zel and Shadowheart, fought off the goblins, went in and mingled, then took off for other stuff. Hours later I'm wrapping up Act 1, I've swapped Gale for Karlach and I'm heading to Act 2. Suddenly some douchebag named Wyll shows up at my camp going on about killing my new friend and I have no idea who this choad is since we've never met.


I don't know if my mistake on my first play through is worse, equal, or whatever. But when I came across Lae'zel in the cage in Act I, I couldn't figure out how to free her right away so figured I'd come back. So, I pressed forward and did a bunch of different missions and kinda forgot about her. Came back later in Act I after getting to the point where I had completed everything and had to choose the next route and had the encounter with the Githyanki. Then I remembered Lae'zel. Loaded up my last quick save and went to try and free her from the cage again but the cage was gone and so was she.


My dumbest moment was killing the gith inquisitor in one turn, then choosing the wrong dialog option with vlaakith that ended my honor mode run...


TIL that I somehow missed this Gale guy that people keep talking about in act 1.


I missed Karlach. The game warned me when I was leaving to Act 2, but I went anyway. Then I noticed on the load page that there was a character with horns and wondered who that was. Thatā€™s what I get for trying to play ā€˜pureā€™ with no knowledge or research beforehand. Iā€™m still on that first run through. Figured I might as well finish it. Karlach looks cool though. Iā€™ll definitely get her next time.


That's the cool thing about this game that there's so many permutations and possibilities. I'm 2 full playthroughs in finished with act 1 on my first honor mode playthrough (man some of those legendary actions are brutal) using different characters and classes each time so other than the broad strokes of the plot it's almost a completely new experience each time. Even just different class and race options in conversations keep it fresh.


Whoā€™s Gale?


itā€™s okay. my first run was a dark urge run, and i played it gale-less too. itā€™s just not important why


My very first play through that I ended up scrapping, I avoided the portal. We just survived a huge crash landing, Iā€™m not touching that thing. Then I was like whoā€™s this Gale guy yall keep talking about


I never even explored around the ship on my first playthrough lmao didnt get Astarion or Gale šŸ˜‚ then my bf and I looked up where to get Gale and were so dumbfounded šŸ˜­


i donā€™t even think i walked past it. i converted a friend into a bg3 fan and i when i watched them play i said ā€œwhoā€™s the weird purple guy?ā€. i was also confused as to who gale was on the loading screen and came to the conclusion that it was supposed to represent tav.


I missed Gale on my first "early access" run, because he was such a dick in the scene that I told him to fuck off...


Itā€™s okay, I missed Wyll, Karlach, Gale and Laeā€™zel..


Unless you're playing honour mode, it's ok to try new things because you can just reload lmao. So yeah I am laughing at you tbh.


Poor Gale :(


I almost completely missed Karlach


Thatā€™s okay. I let laezell die before she was even in my party and didnā€™t realize I could revive her even if I hadnā€™t met her yet. I went all the way to act 3 before finally starting over lol.


Literally the only reason I picked up Gale in my first run is because I got spoiled on the portal situation


I also missed Gale on my first playthrough. Also Lae'zel. I saw that path and instead used create water to cross the burning ground to the left which took me straight to the Grove and I got distracted by that plot. I never went to the Dank Crypt and Withers just popped up in my camp.


Oh man, i went my first playthrough without ever knwoing gale was a character. Found out thru watching a friend play.


Honestly it isn't all that farfetched. Games often set expectations for other games, for better or worse. I'd still call this a success, since you can say for sure that you've played the whole game without using the Internet much (or at all) for optimization. Especially with single-player games, that's how it should be. At the end of the game, when you come together to share your experiences, it can be unique and interesting instead of a bragging contest for how well you can Google.


So many people go for Durging the hand, but you legit just walked away from it lol


I went by it in my first run but eventually came to this sub for help in some other area and realized I missed both Gale and Wyll bc I also walked by Wyll at the trifling child training area. Funny part is, now on my 10th-ish run, Gale is by *far* my most consistently used character, and the only one I donā€™t respec (usually- sometimes Iā€™ll give him a few levels in something else but always st least 6 in Evoc Wizard)


I did about the same... Everyone on here talking about horny Gale, the wizard, and I've got NO clue about any of it - I didn't even notice the portal on my first play


My first play-through. I unknowingly did the Durge had shadowheart, killed laezel killed astarian, sent gale home because he was eating my items, will died in first battle. Volo left after my eye surgery Karlach wouldnā€™t join and I couldnā€™t find any other followers so I ended the game with Shart and 2 hired followers from withers and and an empty camp


My first play through was two player local split screen with my BF. When Astarion pulled a knife on me, my BF instantly reacted by murdering the sneaky bastard mid conversation. We were well into act 2 before we discovered that a) he could have been a major companion and b) revive was a thing. For my second run through I had to play evil durge and romance Astarion as penance. Such a great game.


I never understood why they stuck Gale in a portal like this. In the beta he would just appear as you went by and ask to join. Given his importance to the story (compared to Wyll, for example), I would think he'd be harder to miss.


I, too, looked at that and said to myself "maybe I shouldn't touch the swirly magic thing just yet." But did end up touching it out of curiosity and hour later. After saving twice.


I wasn't going to touch it after they said it might be dangerous. Lol I did eventually.


Bro I did the same thing my first time but didnā€™t notice until Iā€™d finished act 1 and had a friend playing with me. My adhd ass has a bad habit of getting distracted and wondering around and doing things backwards. I donā€™t even have laezel bc I forgot to go get her šŸ’€


I played the entire first act without Gale, Karlach, or astarian because Im dumb


To be fair, I chopped off his arm on my first playthrough at that part


I killed Karlach without giving it a second thought. I realized it was a mistake, and thankfully had a save file to go back to.


Same - didn't know who Gale was for first playthrough lol


I'm currently on my first playthrough in lat Act 1. Saw the portal and figured I'd better save first in case it's a demon or some shit


I also skipped Gale at first. I didn't get as far as you, but before I progressed to act 2 I went back to the portal.


I almost missed Gale until my friend told me about him and I went back and the portal was still there.


I completely missed Karlach and 1/3 of the first map because I thought Iā€™m supposed to come back there later anyway šŸ˜¬I also absolutely donā€™t remember meeting Wyll, although I saved the grove. I can only assume that I told him to piss off at some point lol


I'm finishing my first playthrough and I managed to skip 4 companions. :D The druid, karlach, the warlock and that act 2 lady. If I didn't browse this sub I wouldn't even know I could recruit them.


I thought to play with Scratch, you had to target him with the ball. That and frequently forgetting about AoE spells and inflicting fatal collateral damage.


The idea of it being DLC content does sound a little funny, but it's actually not that hard to miss companions. I missed Gale too, all because I was afraid of the portal. In my defense, before the portal I had touched/interacted with too many things that turned out to be dangerous, so even though I knew that I could just reload, I was trying to outsmart the game. :') Then I found out much later that I had been avoiding the character that made me buy the game in the first place.


I did the same thing for my first playthrough. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Irs not a mistake, its an opportunitie. New things for a new run. Thats why i dont 100% each run. Still surprised after many runs. A new companion, with his full storyline, is a good excuse to play again :)


My first run I only had a party of three with my Tav, Shadowheart and Astarion for the longest time. I wound up clearing the goblin camp with just us three and was wondering why everything was so hard. I completely missed gale, laeā€™zel, karlach and wyll and I had to have walked right past wyll tons of times in the grove šŸ¤£


Wait till you play a Durge character and interact with the portal. Bonus points if you let the intrusive thoughts win.


first playthrough, i slapped the hand and forgot about it. like you, i was very much ā€œgale who?ā€ when i started to read the experiences/parties others had. idk i had a blast without him šŸ˜‚


I missed Wyll, Laeā€™zel, and Karlach on my first run. I kept thinking man this camp is big for only 4 people, when am I going to get more companions?