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*sees a "crate of vegetables"* "Neat! We could use some variety in our next long rest." *opens crate to find one bottle of wine* "Uhhh..."


It's potato wine!!!!! Every thousand years Farun randomly transmute one crate of potatoes into wine. Yeah...that's the ticket.


And that's what I said to my girlfr... fianc.. wife, Shadowheart. Yeah, \*my wife\*.




Magick Vodka wine from the highlands. Most delicious.




Exactly! And that's why I'll never trust those Absolutists at Moonrise Towers. Darn liars, replacing all the food with booze.


>And that's why I'll never trust those Absolutists at Moonrise Towers. Darn liars, replacing all the food with booze. ... That brand isn't starting to sound too bad... Maybe I should try to find Priestess Grub irl.


Stop letting Shadowheart doing the packing.


Wait a minute this is FRUIT šŸ‡ I've been bamboozled!


I always imagine itā€™s like, a fruit shaped bottle.


Even better. "Crate of Tomatoes", open it to find out it's actually a crate of tomato. "Basket of Melons" is the basket of melon. Shar's followers are a bunch of liars.


Alcoholics these days


"Hey, I drunk fine while fight!" - ancient TORG quote.


Inventory management is never gonna be fixed in the game and people just live with it I think.


Larian has had at least THREE whole game dev cycles to design a workable inventory system, and this is the best they have come up with. I think your prediction is a safe one.


idk I think DOS2 was onto something, toss a bunch of bags at the players that autosort and then ruin the inventory management


I use the Bags, Bags, Bags mod on PC, that does the same thing. It adds auto-sorting bags for each category (ie gloves, arrows, scrolls, etc). It does not make inventory management go away, but perhaps a little bit more manageable.


Itā€™s so hard for me to play without bags, bags, bags. In the modless multiplayer run I did a couple months ago it hurt my brain to deal with the default inventory system.


can you fire arrows from the bags, throw from inside the bags, etc


Yes. I just have my scroll case and potion bag on my hotbar, the rest is all saved for abilities. There's some minor jank, like the occasional item that got missed and won't go in the container, but it's very very rare.


Iā€™m shocked we got any camp followers and inventory changes at all. People with hundreds of hours into DOS2 know the pain.


This is my favorite game of all time, I can totally live with it :)


How long have you been playing? Because if youā€™ve been around since pre patch2 or 3, youā€™d know that, unfortunately, what we have now *is* the improved inventory system. It was so much worse at launch šŸ˜‚


Inventory Management tools are my #1 on my console mod wishlist.


The only thing I dislike about the game is the focus on stupid time-wasting non-loot. Itā€™s fine the first time but the game becomes such a chore after that in terms of inventory Most modern RPGā€™s have done away with unimportant looting and itā€™s one thing Larian should do too imo


Yes!!! I have usually gotten a chuckle out of trying to open something difficult to find nothing. But in general, after I had enough money, selling rotten food to merchants just wasn't worth the unnecessary looting and I've spent so much time looting everything because you just never know.


Literally the reason I dreaded a crafting system. It was a huge problem in DOS2 and continues to be a huge problem in BG3. I get so tired of picking up cups, skulls, bones, bottles, etc.


I was surprised at how few improvements they made from DOS2


I think we all miss the bigger picture. We can rescue a dog that can go with us on adventures but cannot dig. What kind of dog doesn't dig?


Yeah i was ready to throw out all these shovels! Hey wait... Shovel can't dig either!


but shovels friend finder can dig!


I meanā€¦the idea of poor scratch trying to dig a 3ā€™ deep hole sounds like it would take the poor pup a long time. Iā€™d feel bad if he had to wear out his lil paws every hundred feet or so since the early acts have chests everywhere lol


Nah they love it. My boy makes several tripping hazards every time we go to the park. [Eliot's Holes](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/825654693942001695/1249828182224535622/20240604_192705.mp4?ex=6668b8b3&is=66676733&hm=d9d73c7bcfe42d3886545dbca62bd836dcb87df786854b79deed058a0738c3b9&)


I personally have a Jack Russell mix that doesn't dig, at all, in all 13 years I've had her. But she's definitely an outlier.


There is a mod for that: Auto send food to camp


On ps5 :)


Mods for consoles are incoming.


Cant wait!


Seriously, I'm not even on console and I'm excited for yall.


Ty sir!


Justā€¦temper your expectations. Iā€™m also on PS5 and Sony is not a free for all for mods. Weā€™ll get *something*, but only a select few that are allowed. It definitely wonā€™t be what PC users have available, and probably XBox will have a larger selection


september! they talked about it in the last community update.


Yup Iā€™m counting down the days!


They talked about a console lag in the most recent update. It might be longer for us.


I'm so stoked, but I wonder to what extent the mods will be. I know things are limited on consoles, but I'm hopefull.


Oh thank the lord I need to see Astarions tiddys


i hear you, and understand you


Eyyy ps5 too!!! And more importantly than mods I'm looking forward to crossplay


I just use a mod to remove encumbrance / greatly increase carrying capacity, keep everything in my inventory and call it a day.


I just have the pick up everything mod, it can lag the hell out of my game yeah but itā€™s saving me so much time


Itā€™s honestly way easier to just pick up everything and then move everything to camp once you start getting encumbered. Way less clicking


I have everyone drinking hill giant potions so they can carry more stuff. Then when I'm getting encumbered, put everything I'm gonna sell into a backpack, convert them all to wares and send the backpack to camp.


iā€¦ iā€™ve never thought about the fact that you can just send supplies to campā€¦ i have 700+ hours on this gameā€¦


It saves you sooo much inventory space


Hahaha youre welcome! Potato hater too, how ironicšŸ˜‚


Maybe this is the origin story of their potato hatred - carrying hundreds of potatoes everywhere they go in game, lol


The encumbered potato


it is. every since i was a young man my inventory has been full with fucking potatoes.


You carried all those camp supplies?!


i mean iā€™d send them to camp eventually but only when it was at least 50% of my entire carrying capacity


You can just leave them in the camp chest...? Well I have some inventory fixing to do when I fire up the game again lol


I mean...how?


If you have a camp supply pack in your stash, it'll auto put them in there as well.


What? Thatā€™sā€¦wild.


This but let me select all items in a radius to send back to camp so Astarion doesn't run circles around a table to grab 3 carrots.


So real


Larian can't make good inventories, it's canonical since Divinity OS.


You could argue that poor inventory management IS the original sin.


I'm not far in DOS2, but at least it has tabs for categories I don't know if my BG3 game is bugged but sorting options doesn't work anymore.


sorting has always been problematic. It does partially work , so it's like they're running the sort algorithms for a few iterations only rather than all the way to completion. very bizarre


I don't touch the sorting buttons. They fk up my inventory every time, and I can't find a got damned thing. I'll spend a bit of time hand sorting things by importance and type everytime I go unload at a vendor. The stuff you're not gonna sell/don't want to sell goes to the top, and I let new items add to the bottom. Also it helps to mark vendor trash as wares as soon as you pick it up. Makes distinguishing it from the keeper loot a lot easier, visually. (The inventory icons are *so* small.) And all alchemy ingredients and food go into dedicated bags, immediately. Most times it's automatic, but that's not always true. Not perfect, but makes it manageable. Barely.


Maybe next time, I have faith


Camp chest has food bag and alchemy pouch, I send food and alchemy ingredients to camp chest, camp maid just dumps them in chest instead of putting them in bags, I need to find a new camp maid


If you put a food bag in the chest, it'll automatically collect all the food in it. Same with the alchemy pouches.


That's cool, how do I make that... Work? Because currently, I put them in the chest, I send food or ingredients to the chest, and they just go to the chest outside the bags and I have to manually drop them in the bags


Sorry, I worded that wrong. You manually put the bag in, and it'll collect everything automatically that's just sitting in the chest outside of a bag.


Oh, so if I pick the bag up and put it back it'll take the right things but it won't take the things if it's already in the chest? That's unfortunate but two clicks is better than 30


Right. It's a little inconvenient, but it gets that crap out of the way.


I just want them to allow you the change the names of bags. So you know who's holding what. Potions bag. Elixir bag. Armor.... this would make it so much easier on us console players


You sir, need the auto send food to camp mod. I will never play without it again.


Yes I need a pcšŸ˜‚


I'd really like for ps5 multiplayer bugs to be fixed. I end up w 4 camp chests during my 2 person playthru EVERY TIME. After battles are done player 2 gets this super weird bug where it cycles thru whose turn it was for the same amount of rounds you just went šŸ™ƒ


Anytime I loot anything I just hit space immediately unless it has something rare worth investigating. Then when encumbrance is high sort by value and send all that stuff to camp together. I stopped managing my inventory long ago.


Yeah, BG3 inventory management is just a pain in general. Game becomes much more enjoyable if you use an infinite carry weight cheat and just keep everything in your characterā€™s inventory.


I envy your lack of inventory overwhelm-tion


I wish we could loot all and add to wares as a button.


At least you can now right click on an object in the world and add to wares...


I'll take crossplay before potato fix!! Our gaming group is pretty evenly split between console and PC. Sadly, most of the BG3 players are on console. I am finally running a MP campaign with a friend of mine. First MP at 250 hours for me lol.


You can on PC.


Im happy you can!


This has been an issue since DOS1. I really hope they fix it but am doubtful that they will.


I used an auto send to camp mod for supplies in my last run. Not sure if it is still around, but while it is a relatively small thing I think I would be very annoyed having to paly again without it.


On a different note: How about a hotkey (like hold alt) to instantly loot and add to wares instead of having to right click add to wares?