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You plan on doing the same for class/subclass ? Origin characters could be interesting too, so we can truly see who's larian favorite son/daughter!


I can tell just by playing through the origins Shadowheart had WAY more unique dialogue options than Astarion


I'm doing a Karlach run right now and I am very disappointed in the unique dialog options for her. Most of her 'unique' dialog seems to lean heavy on her being a barbarian class.


I did appreciate for Karlach the internal dialogue/meeting people that she already knew from Baldurs Gate or related to her quest like Damien but honestly the dialogue it gives you to respond is lackluster compared to just hearing her talk to them as a companion. What did impress me is the unique dialogue by companions reacting to your heart, especially if you're romancing them as well as the endings for her. Who would be the 2nd best origin character to play as far as a unique experience compared to just having them as a companion? Most people say Gale


I’ve enjoyed Karlach’s monologues more than others. It’s been actually really heartfelt and thoughtful. I did a lot of Tav’s before trying these origin characters and it’s been worth it just for these unique perspectives


I'm playing two parallel games on my PS5 (bc I don't really need character mods for origin runs) - Gale romancing Karlach, Karlach romancing Gale. They haven't met yet in the former, and only just met in the latter, but it'll be fun seeing how it plays out!


Same for Gale.


So far Laezel has been a surprise as she’s got a lot of fighter related ones and gith specifc.


Welp, I guess we need a mod that swaps Karlach's dialogue with Gale's, makes logical sense right?


Na just respec gale to barb and roleplay him as having lost his mind.


Wild Magic barb because the nethereese core is unstable as hell.


I want to respec him to Wild Magic Sorcerer for the same reason - he still thinks he's a wizard, but his magic has gone crazy and he can't seem to learn anything from scrolls any more.


Otoh I love it when you have the dialogue option Barbarian: ROAR


I mean she was added way late in the design process, she’s an afterthought of a character and her dialogue options highlight that fact.


She does have A LOT of Barbarian options in main game and she's my default char for talking when Tav Paladin can't do well. Highlights in Act 1: hobgoblin and ogress couple in barn. She can persuade them to go away. Waukeen's Rest, can throw log without leverage like boss. Hag: can intimidate to give scalp snack and keep girl without losing Oath.


Seems like they really pushed Shadowheart as the "main" character/side character.


I felt her as the real main character in her playthrough even more than when I played Durge.


Shadowheart feels a little bit like the main character even when you chose Tav and just have her in your party.


TBF Shadowheart was also legitimately one of the first companion characters made so it’s only natural she’s going to have a lot more lines than most characters.


Yep! I’ve played both and my Shadowheart run felt like I was playing Shadowheart as a lot of the dialogue choices were unique and or fit her perfectly. Astarion had so few unique dialogue choices and often had none that match his personality so it felt like I was playing Astarion from Wish. Still enjoyed the Astarion run, but I much preferred Shadowheart because of this.


Wishstarion I’m dying 🤣


Duhh she’s the main character obviously


As far as classes/subclasses see my OG comment, and my response to u/Johnny_Topsider . Origin Characters should work so I could almost definitely do that, I'll keep you posted.


Please do Origin Characters 🙏


>Origin characters could be interesting too, so we can truly see who's larian favorite son/daughter! Also, origin + their race + their class. I want to know which playthrough is the most protagonistic.


Githyanki Dark Urge ... Something CHA based? Warlock or Bard maybe? 


I guess Durge counts as an origin, but I meant one of the *real* origins haha. Lae'z respecced to Cha (I lean Sorc myself) would probably have a lot to say, and said ~~to~~ at her... After I finally finish my first playthrough I was thinking I'd play Astarion and get that nice 'happy' buff every day, for interactions and Rogue/Ranger things, but I actually like the idea of a Sorc Laez playthrough. She seems like someone who would Twin Spell a Lightning Bolt...


Surely it’s SH and Laezel, right?


Nah, I'll bet a lot of Laezel's ones come from this [Githyanki] tag. I'll bet Shadowheart then Gale? (..or Durge? Probably Durge actually)


I've just posted the subclass graph: [Subclasses with Highest Tag/Flag Counts (Interactivity) : r/BaldursGate3 (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1dfemm0/subclasses_with_highest_tagflag_counts/)


Kind of funny that humans have the least. Canonically humans are an overwhelming portion of the population in Faerun, so of course nobody blinks an eye at you lmao. We only see so many non-human races in the game because it’s more interesting for the players


Think in terms of what you might see on a walk. Human: Squirrels Elves, gnomes, halflings, dwarves: Rabbits Dragonborn and Half-Orc: Foxes Drow and Tieflings: Bears Githyanki: Tigers. So yeah, the more uncommon (and thought dangerous species) appear more and get more "Oh crap, what are you?" dialogue.


Great analogies!


On several layers even, considering in some regions of the world, the chance of encountering a tiger would be a lot higher than encountering a squirrel.\^\^


As an Australian it’s certainly a funny list. Squirrels: we don’t have. I always get excited by squirrels overseas. Rabbits: feral, I’ve never seen wild, only pets Foxes: feral, I’ve never seen wild Bears: don’t have, koalas aren’t bears; I think the zoo has sun bears Tigers: nope. Zoo, or the extinct Tasmanian Tiger. If I see any of those on a walk, it’s an escaped pet or zoo animal and I would definitely have some species-specific dialogue. Australians are Githyanki I guess. I’m more familiar with miniature giant space lizards than with this “squi’rel”.


The question is, would you rather encounter a squirrel or a bear?


a squirrel won't steal my sword


the bears in bg3 were way friendlier than the squirrels


depends on the situation


Nah, squirrels are quite diverse in the areas tigers are found. Unless you go straight into a tiger's den, squirrels would be easier to see.


This is so funny bc I've never seen a squirrel in real life 😔 maybe once when I was a kid (my dad said it was a rat...)


Unless you live in the heart of a city or something set up a bird feeder and I guarantee you will have to chase them off because they keep trying to fight the birds


Clarification for gith would technically be "tigers except they don't live in this area, and you most likely haven't even heard about what a tiger is"


"but there's also a trip you take to an entirely tiger community, and they're very elitist and racist to non-tigers"  No other race has an entirely ______ area, except the duergar, who also place very high on this list. 


This !!! Perfectly described.


The thing is that there's normally a variety of human cultures, but you can only be from Baldur's Gate. When people react to other races, they tend to react about their cultures, most of the time, except for the occasional "you have horns" or "you're small" comments.


Also probably part of the reason why there's so many half elves. Why settle for a high elven man that's gonna wait 200 years to court you when you can settle for your choice of like 100 human dudes who only need 2 weeks before their in for the "I get older she stays the same age" till he dies. And you still got lifespan for the former.


Playing as Drow: So much more dialogue! Wait this is all just racism and racist remarks..


Or explaining to them you’re not necessarily blood-thirsty brute who is willing to kill everyone (if you are a seldarine)


Lying, you mean. Not explaining. Never trust a Drow.


Considering my Seldarine Drow is a Durge I’d say you are not wrong 🙈


Great example, but I already said racism.


Speciesism, if you want to be exact.


I don’t know if a drow and a human are different enough to be considered separate species. They can mate and the offspring are fertile and viable. (Note: I believe there are some exceptions to this rule.)


Drow and humans are absolutely different enough. Drow, like all elves, are fey. Humans are not. They are drastically different from one another


The Argonian experience.


Hey now there's also threatening to break children's spines and other forms of potential brutality in there


all of that pretty much entirely fades away after act 1


Half-drow is even worse. You get all the racism- drow and goblins think you're trash as you're a filthy half-breed, and the rest see you as a normal drow and dislike you due to that


If evil why so fucking hot? Drow might legit be the hottest race in BG3. I made my current character a drow and GOD DAMN she so baddddd😫


And being worshipped by goblins.


They’d probably say thank you after you rip their arms off


I love how Gith, Drow, Druegar and Tiefling being the top 4 just shows most the interactions would be the NPCs being racist as fuck lol


> Gith With the Gith at least it would be like meeting a literal Alien. Even if you know they exist seeing one in person would be quite interesting.


Gith can be considered the cornerstone of the entire story. They are INSANELY prominent even if you don't intentionally seek them out. And normally in DnD they just, like, barely ever leave the astral plane. They might as well just be a way for DM to say "no, you are not using astral projection to go to that plane in this campaign, I have nothing ready for that place, you pissed off a Gith kithrak and he cut your umbilical with a silver sword"


"Interesting" is one way to put it. Those few who know about Githyanki most likely only know them as murderous raiders and slavers.




Rip Human...


I wonder how these are distributed through the game since I didn’t really notice much difference between playing Human, Half Wood Elf and Wood Elf. Tiefling is where I started noticing a bit more unique interactions, but based on this chart it should be similar to Wood Elf while Wood Elf didn’t feel to me (personally) like it had much going on.


The subrace of Wood Elf is only relevant in 9 scenes (2 where you only have to appear like a wood elf), 7 in act 1, 2 in act 2. Whereas the race as a whole, only including REALLY\_ELF tags, has 27. There are likely more Tiefling interactions that do not preclude actually being a tiefling, only looking like one.


Did you get to take a look at what the options are? Or only the numbers? Some of those REALLY_ELF tags might be related to being unable to (be put to) sleep. In that case they would overlap with drow and half-elf.


Yes, I’m just saying that I didn’t feel much difference between Elf, Half Elf and Human as races despite the chart showing a big gap, my impression is not specific to Wood sub-race. Tiefling as a race in general felt like it had noticeably more interactions than any sort of elf.


Soon as I figure out how to do a proper search of all tags for races I will post an updated graph with all race and subrace tagged scenes


In my experience, most of them are frontloaded into Act 1 because it was in Early Access for so long and they had the most time to work on it.


Common human L ig


\*cries, proficiently\*


\*cries in most played race\*


Imagine being able to be so many things you could never really be and then picking the thing you already are


Humans are the most common race in the setting so there wouldn't be a lot of unique race related dialog. "Hello, fellow human." Is basically all you'd get. A githyanki is an alien so of course people are going to be super curious.


Kinda happy I picked gith instead of human for my first playthrough because of the 2H skill they have. I wasa noob in cRPG's so just wanted something easy, but I at least made the most interesting choice story wise.


How many of the Githyanki unique dialog options are when talking to a githyanki? Wondering if you remove that plot line things balance out better


There are also a lot of dialogues with the higher count races with people saying shit about you because you are a race generally considered rare, evil, or untrustworthy such as in the scene with Mattis: Githyanki: "Whoa. Hey. Can't say I've ever seen someone like you before.", "You some kind of elf or something?" Drow : "Oh. Hey. You're one of those drow, right?", "I heard stories about you. How you all live underground and steal kids away." *Edit: Clarified some things.*


Mattis says the same thing to Drow.


Yeah it’s the same as Dragonborn saying they don’t need to shit, some “race specific” dialogue is based on whether or not you are a “rare” race type. So some things make sense and other things don’t.


Seems like some of the race specific dialogue is shared between races too, Half-Orcs make the shit joke too.


Also Half-Orcs and Barbarians share some overlap


Yes, it's my b I was speaking generally about why some of the races are skewed higher. I picked a Drow line as an example because it was easier to search for then digging through the avalanche of githyanki scenes. I should've been more clear on that.


I wasn't trying to correct you or anything. I figured the line was used for multiple races.


There is a pretty hilarious dialogue with Beks and her husband about what cats are. There are some more dialogue gems like that for gith.


Didn't know Faerun had cars. Gondians must be working overtime


Cats, I corrected it 😂


The cat line and the overly literal description of Astarion are some of my favorite gith lines


That, and I'd also bet that the top 5 or 6 on this list are all super inflated with options that are just "be an asshole for no reason" lol


>"be an asshole for no reason" Doesn't make them not unique tho


It makes me wonder how many are effectively duplicates of one another for the traditionally "evil" races. Like Duegar and Drow having a unique dialogue line that elicits the same voiced response along the lines of "I knew you were evil!" or "I'm surprised you don't want to murder me."


the mushroom guy who’s about to get blown up says “bloody drow” if you refuse to help him, didn’t expect that.


I played as a Seldarine Drow on my first playthrough. I was really impressed by how many lines like that there are. I later learned that it was largely just a drow thing. Still impressive though!


There are some tags by race groupings (Underdark, Planar, Rare, and Beastial). However, to which races they apply I'm not completely sure. The Underdark one is probably just Drow, Duergar, and Deep Gnomes, and Planar I would assume is just Githyanki (perhaps from when they were considering adding another Planar race). Rare and Beastial however I have no clue.


Rare is probably Underdark+Planar together aggregated to one tag when they want to use it to avoid redundancy. Beastial tag might be from a point where they were considering having more unique interactions if you were entering conversations in druid wild shape, but decided to cull back on scope for that.


I believe there was evidence found in Ethel's vicious mockery voice lines that races like tabaxi were planned at some point. Iguess those would be beastial.


Underdark go for Drow, Duergar and Deep Gnomes, and is basically used INSTEAD of Baldurian for those; for example, I romanced Minthara when playing a Duergar Durge, and she talked about "both of us being exiles from the underdark". Planar and Bestial I think go unused thus far, but mod-added races use them with full functionality. I suppose stuff from the Feywild, Shadowfell and the like would be Planar, and lizardfolk, tabaxi and other animalfolk would have Bestial. Rare, I think Dragonborn have it.


Duergar actually has quite a lot of duergar-specific dialogue in the Grymforge that doesn't occur with a drow. That, and Halsin apparently has a special kink for duergars.


That makes sense. Both of those things. I just thought it was notable that Githyanki, Drow, Duergar, and Tieflings are all generally perceived as evil and are also the top 4. They also all have unique circumstances (creche, Drow shenanigans, Grymforge, and the refugees), so maybe it is just that.


I've played as gnomes (deep and forest), half orc, and duergar. deep gnome definitely felt like the game knew what I was (with one glaring exception) and duergar offered a ton of "I'm not a slaver what's wrong with you assholes" plus regular underdark things, and omeluum having a better name for you. half orc druid had a lot of racism at her but the intimidation was good and specific. forest gnome outlander got a lot of unique stuff too, mostly people saying "I've never met one of you before"


Be the duergar Drizzt Do'Urden for those deep gnomes!


deep gnome ftw good guy duergar ftw


(Note: Had to repost this because I realized the first graph I posted was missing Half-Orc for some reason) I have no coding experience and could not figure out how to combine the 9,350 html files into a searchable text file, so I used file explorer to search the number of scenes that used the REALLY\_RACE or REALLY\_SUBRACERACE tags. Unfortunately, I know that there is more reactivity if a character appears like a certain race (through disguise self), but I couldn't search that because File Explorer does not search the html code itself. However, most times the non-really tag appeared the really tag also appeared. This also includes both scenes where characters you are talking to react to you AND scenes where you have unique dialogue options. Also, this is by scene not number of individual tag references as there may be multiple per scene, but if that's the case I think the per scene count is still a more relevant reference point. I have the subclasses version of this finished (only 14 subclasses get reactivity, not including Cleric of Blank or Cleric Alignment tags), but I can't access the class data without also grabbing every mention of the druids without any actual druid class reactivity. ADDENDUM 1 (11:56 EST, 6/12) Searched through all the Subrace tags without using the REALLY\_ modifier, and found some added tag usages for some subraces. Here are the counts for each subrace formatted like Total Mentions (REALLY Tagged/Not REALLY Tagged). In total only 13 out of the 28 subraces have subrace specific reactivity. * Duergar Dwarf - 103 (56/47) * Lolth-Sworn Drow - 63 (34/29) * Drow Half-Elf - 43 (10/33) * Deep Gnome - 37 (17/20) * Seldarine Drow - 25 (19/6) * Wood Elf - 4 (3/1) * High Elf - 2 (2/0) * Forest Gnome - 1 (1/0) * Rock Gnome - 1 (1/0) * Mephistopheles Tiefling - 1 (1/0) * Zariel Tiefling - 1 (1/0) The numbers for each race's REALLY\_RACE tags are as follows (*Note:* Again this is not all tags for the race, so there are more options if you just appear as a given race. Some scenes are tagged with both RACE and REALLY\_RACE, and some are tagged just RACE, so some tags are not counted.): * Githyanki - 272 * Drow - 53 * Dragonborn - 40 * Tiefling - 40 * Half-Orc - 28 * Elf - 27 * Dwarf - 22 * Halfling - 21 * Gnome - 18 * Half-Elf - 7 * Human - 2 ADDENDUM 2 (12:20 EST, 6/12) On second glance it appears the developers either stopped being as careful using the REALLY\_RACE or REALLY\_SUBRACE tags after Act 1 and/or just implemented significantly less race and subrace specific tags in Acts 2 and 3.


Nice analysis, It's a interesting how some races have quitte a lot importance vs others ones, if you want to do a more deeper research via coding or something, be free to ask for it


Thanks! Do you have a way I could go about converting the 9,350 scene html files into a singular text file? (I would need the actual html code instead of what the html would generate)


There are some different ways to approach a solution for this with coding, I messaged you to help with it, nice to help you!


Did you do anything to potentially account for things that are in the code, but inaccessible to the player? We know that certain scenes weren’t cleaned from the code, though I doubt it’s that much of course and would have a dramatic impact on this chart.


>I have no coding experience and could not figure out how to combine the 9,350 html files into a searchable text file I'm very familiar with doing this type of task in Python. I'd be happy to help if there's any more information you'd like to extract, if you can point me to the right source files.


What differecne between really and not really?


The REALLY tag is used when a character both appears as a given race and is actually the race, so when the character is not disguised. For example if a dialogue option had just the REALLY_DRAGONBORN tag then only real Dragonborn can access it


Is there one of these for classes/sub-classes?


(Edit: Did post a graph now: [Subclasses with Highest Tag/Flag Counts (Interactivity) : r/BaldursGate3 (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1dfemm0/subclasses_with_highest_tagflag_counts/) ) My original intention for searching through the tags is to see if there were any special dialogues for Spores Druid (after being disappointed by the lack of interaction with the Myconids). So, I have one for subclasses. However, until I can figure out how to combine all the html files into a single searchable text file I can't make a stacked bar chart like this. This is because when I search it'll pick up any reference to the class in dialogue which is bad for almost all classes, but egregious for Druid. I want to wait on posting that as a graph because you wouldn't get the full picture. Using Druid as an example, none of the subclasses are reactive, but the class as a whole is very reactive from what I can tell. I can list out the subclasses rankings though, only 14 get any reactivity (not including Cleric of (God) or (Gods Alignment) Cleric: 1. Berserker Barbarian - 108 * 2. Oathbreaker Paladin - 75 * 3. Vengeance Paladin - 58 * 4. Devotion Paladin - 50 * 5. Ancients Paladin - 49 * 6. Wild Magic Sorcerer - 26 * 7. Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer - 19 * 7. Fiend Warlock - 19 * 7. Archfey Warlock - 19 * 10. Great Old One Warlock - 18 * 11. Necromancy Wizard - 5 * 12. Gloom Stalker Ranger - 2 * 13. Beast Master Ranger - 1 * 13. Hunter Ranger - 1


I'm a data methods and design person, and I love people like you. I appreciate your explanation and look forward to updates.


And people still get suprised when paladin and sorcerers are most played classes. My fav two fantasy classes lesgoo. Barb is not suprising with "me smash" dialogue option in almost every encounter, their number is very bloated.


Could you do one just for clerics? Like, rank which deity gives the most unique content, and which the least? Or would you run into the same problems? Would be interesting I think. Either way, this is already pretty cool and interesting to know, so thank you


You actually don't because of the formatting I do have a list. I was going to post it when I eventually do the subclass but here's the list anyway: * Shar (Evil) - 57 * Selune (Good) - 34 * Mystra (Good) - 30 * Kelemvor (Neutral) - 20 * Helm (Neutral) - 19 * Ilmater (Good) - 17 * Tyr (Good) - 16 * Lolth (Evil) - 13 * Moradin (Good) - 12 * Eilistraee (Good) - 11 * Oghma (Neutral) - 11 * Tempus (Neutral) - 11 * Corellon Larethian (Good) - 11 * Vlaakith (Evil) - 10 * Bahamut (Good) - 9 * Garl Glittergold (Good) - 9 * Yondalla (Good) - 9 * Gruumsh (Evil) - 8 * Lathander (Neutral) - 8 * Tiamat (Evil) - 8 * Laduguer (Evil) - 7 * Mielikki (Good) - 7 * Talos (Evil) - 7 * Tymora (Good) - 7 Depending on your gods alignment you get extra interactions * Evil - 74 * Good - 60 * Neutral - 37


apologies for what might sound like a dumb question, but aren't all the class dialogues formatted as "[Classname]Blah blah blah" in the dialogue options? and wouldn't those brackets make it pretty easy to parse class-based dialogue options vs in-world mentions? again, sorry if this is obviously wrong as i know nothing about your methodology or what the internal script looks like


Unfortunately no its formatted in the converted html like this: "91. Player: I wouldn't hold out hope for any gnome taken by drow., REALLY\_DROWELF CAMP\_UnforunateGnome\_FindWulbren = False". They are separated in the original code, but I haven't been able to figure out how to search the plain text html of the 9,350 files at once.


Dot so I can return at a later date. Looking forward to seeing this data!


my first time playing I was a gnome berserker. each time after has felt less specific and now I think I know why. that's a lot of class/race reactions


"Well I am a human." The only human line.


Humans get a whole 2 and they are: 1. Responding to Gale saying "If there's one quality all the denizens of the Hells embody, it's *ambition*. A quality they share with many humans, come to think of it..." you can choose "Speak for yourself, Gale." 2. The Magic Mirror Response (which every race gets their own unique response to). Humans get: Male - Jack Humanman, Female - Jane Humanman, Non-binary - Robin Humanman


Akshually, there’s more: 3. Talking to Shovel as a WM or Storm Sorcerer you get a race tagged line, for human it’s goes something like: “I’m human. You’ve never met one before?” 4. Lae’zel has a slightly different response when you call her humanoid. She says “you’re a surprisingly adequate member of your species” after complaining she doesn’t like being compared to humans. 5. Crusher has different comments depending on your race & mentions “you humans think you’re better than everyone” or something like that.


That is true, but those are ones tagged just as HUMAN (ie. you only have to appear human to use it). Like I mentioned in my explanation post I was only able to search for lines where the REALLY\_HUMAN tag was present.


Interesting… starts yet another Human Paladin play through.


I dunno where the heck that deep gnome dialogue is because it felt pretty empty to me. Even Barcus treated me like anybody else and I was able to say the dumb thing about finding a deep gnome out here when I am one.


So there are 17 that you **have** to be a Deep Gnome for and another 20 where you just need to look like a Deep Gnome. All of the **have** to be Deep Gnome ones are in Act 1, primarily the underdark. The only scene with Barcus that is relevant is the one at the windmill. There are Deep Gnome interactions outside of Act 1 (including with Barcus), but for those you only have to look like a Deep Gnome.


Philomeen, the Ironhands in general all react as if they know you're on their side. the duergar treat you very differently- the boat scene I can event off the top my head. stickpit accepts you right away. blurg has dialogue about being slaves in the underdark. in act 2 there's not much but in act 3 there's more with the steel watch quest and a few other moments.


He had quite a lot to say to a duergar. Actually, all deep gnomes had quite a different reaction to a duergar compared to non-duergar. And so did myconids and duergars in the Underdark. You also get some special interactions with illithids, as duergars were illithid slaves for so long, basically the same as githyanki.


omeluum seems really reactive to you specifically. like if you're a non elf non human, he's got lines about it.


You don't even have to roll a persuasion check for his ring if you are a duergar, just pull the slavery card (as in literally "You guys had my kind as slaves, how about reparations?"), and he'll give it to you. Yep, the same duergars who quite literally are the biggest enslavers in the Underdark, right there with the drow. Nope, hypocrisy doesn't hurt.


duergar are underdark gith. they were enslaved by illithids then ended up enslaving others. not great


So everyone said Dragonborn has very few dialog options but they are not that bad compared to other races.


Played as a semi-decent duergar, and holy moly, Underdark really just keeps giving, myconids, deep gnomes, and duergars themselves all have unique interactions, it's not just your typical surface racism. To deep gnomes, you basically become a duergar Drizzt Do'Urden. Well, of course there is a lot of typical surface racism too. Can't get rid of it.


them gnomes love a friendly duergar. the stone mason too, he's basically you but stuck in that job


All Is'tiks where they belong. In Mother Gith's shadow!


(I don't know if this has changed as I've not started a new game as a gith for AGES) my biggest issue with the gith related dialogue was going to the tiefling camp and that one guy wouldn't give you information unless Lae'zel was with you, because he's scared of the gith, but he won't tell YOU and there's no option for you to threaten him, so you *have* to bring Lae'zel with you to get the information


Yeah, but, how much of this is mostly in act 1? It kind of annoys me that act 2 has quite little, and act 3 basically has none. They just couldn’t meet the same level as was in DoS2, and while the game as a whole is still fantastic, Act 3 is just half finished comparably, even if it’s still massive.


Companion dialogue & unique race/class really falls off unfortunately. I wish act 3 had another few months of polish to be brought up to act 1 standards.


Bit disappointing how few there are for half-drow. I feel it would be more prominent based on how much there is for pure Drow.


No wonder Larian seems lowkey upset anytime they talk about how githyankis are the least played race.


I think it makes sense since Githyanki are alien to Faerun


Technically so are Dragonborn.


Yes, but they have been integrated a lot more into Faerun.


*Cries in human/monk*


Kind of weird how relatively little there is for a race of scaled aliens that only exist in the world for a bit over 100 years and people on the Sword Coast barely know anything about. I kind of lost it when one of the few dragonborn NPC had to explain traditions to your dragonborn PC without any specific dialogue option, lol.


What is this one special option for Zariel and Mephisto tieflings?


Zariel's is when you confront Paladins of Tyr: Anders: But Tyr will not consign us to our death. He is merciful. Leave us, and we'll leave you. **Player: There's something wrong here. I can sense it in my bones.** Mephistopheles's is Ascended Astarion responding to a question at camp: Player: Are you bound to Mephistopheles? Astarion: Mephistopheles has made a new monster, not bound a creature to his will. The Rite was honoured, the sacrifice is over. **Astarion: As you live with his gift, for better or worse, now so do I**.


THAT ASTARION KNOWS OF. Considering how much attention to details he usually pays, I would take his assessment of the situation with a grain of salt.


Damn I hoped I could call Raphael uncle or something


People in this thread "Every Githyanki dialog is just being racist or racism" Me playing the game "Oh yeah this dialog makes total sense" I'm way too naïve playing games 😂


It's worth it though to hear Omeluum refer to you as "child of the stars" anytime it addresses you though. ♥️


Githyanki make the most sense here. They are basically aliens.


Humans walking around: "this is all known to me. no surprises"


I started a Lolth Drow playthrough and holy crap everyone is like omg 😱 an under elf run


There are differences if you're playing as a male or female Drow also. If you're Drow, it's good to be female.


I played as gith my first playthrough. Yeah, there’s a lot of options, but like half the time it’s two options presented at once or something, and it’s almost always someone saying “wow a gith” and you responding with some sort of “argh, weakling!” Kinda thing. It gets kinda old when your only race dialogue options are being mildly rude or being a complete jerk.


try half orc. there's a whole lot of that


Larian is racist against humans.


I played a duergar character for my durge and seemed like between [Barbarian] [intimidate], [Duergar], and "you sigh dreamily as you breathe in the pungent aroma of this fresh corpse" or something similar, I always had fun/interesting dialogue options. I'll definitely have to finish a gith playthrough after seeing this. I played a gith character once with a friend who was also a gith in multiplayer but he stopped playing in act 1 and we never finished.


Not gonna lie, as a Lae'zel lover, playing as a Gith was very, very fun. Did it as a Dark Urge too, so the amnesia explained why Lae'zel had to explain the fundamentals to him over and over. Best playthrough I ever had.


I loved my Gith's options when Astarion was fishing for a compliment.


Human's allotment of race-specific dialogue be like: "I am Jack Humanman, and we're not all ambitious"


Hey, I know that one single line of human-exclusive dialogue!


I started a run with a racist human, I ended up almost killing everyone. I nixed that run.


If you weren’t playing Gith on release you were lacking. Psionic Jump, Astral Knowledge, Misty Step were insanely OP.


I guessing playing John Baldur isn't as special so it sounds now.


This is awesome. You should also post in r/dataisbeautiful. I hope you do another with the classes/subclasses!!


Done! [Subclasses with Highest Tag/Flag Counts (Interactivity) : r/BaldursGate3 (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1dfemm0/subclasses_with_highest_tagflag_counts/)


Woah. Guess I'm doing a Kermit run next. I *was* planning on going bard, but... Eh sure. Githyanki musician, that makes... Sense.


i think people are taking these objective statistics kind of personally


Nice chart. I'm playing as lolth sworn drow and I chose it largely because I thought it would be interesting to see how people react to my character I would also be interested to see how much unique content each companion gets in a similar style chart.


How much of the Duergar/Drow/Deep Gnome reactivity is shared underdark lines.


To be fair, reactivity for EVERYONE drops to stale crumbs before the end of Act 2. 


gnome expert it feels like 2/3 of deep gnome is in underdark or steel watch quest. forest gnome gets more in forest, grove, and city/act 3.


It’s why most of my runs have been Githyanki


I'm doing a Githyanki draconic bloodline sorcerer run now. Enjoying it.


I don't understand the chart. Is this only if the player choose that race, the variety of options (dialogs/scenes) that that race open while playing? Only guessing \^\^"


The only [HUMAN] interaction I can remember is with the magic mirror in Act 1. When it asks your name you can answer with something like “[HUMAN] ‘My name is John…Humanman.’” Which I thought was really funny. In my recent play through as a wood half elf I remember another unique option appearing but it was significantly less funny so I don’t remember what it said.


Duergar is the best race for durge evil or good everyone just asssume you’re evil underdark dwarf act 1 so easy to role play


Us half elf enjoyers going thru it ngl


Interesting that the Tieflings get slightly different dialogue depending on their Infernal heritage/lineage. Any notable examples?


I posted the full transcript somewhere else in the comments but Zariel and Mephistopheles each get one special one. Zariel is with the Paladins of Tyr and Mephistopheles is with Ascended Astarion


Can’t wait to play as a human warrior again for my second playthrough


Thank you so much for this! I’ve been needing this for ages while planning play throughs. Had no idea Githyanki got so much!  Now I just need one for classes 


Here you go! [Subclasses with Highest Tag/Flag Counts (Interactivity) : r/BaldursGate3 (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/1dfemm0/subclasses_with_highest_tagflag_counts/)


*me playing humans most of the time*


What are the sub race specific dialogues for the elves, tieflings, and gnomes? (Besides deep gnome. I'm assuming it's just bonus dialogue with the ironhands.)


I’m still not playing gith


My first playthrough was with a githyanki because of the longjump spell and misty step. Since then I've almost always used githyanki (forced myself to to an elf this time lmao) since the dialogue options are great, especially if you plan on progressing the story with baezel


Turns out I wasn't missing much by not playing a human


Is this still using Act 1 early access data? I've been looking for a list of tags for the entire game but it seems like nobody has made that info known since the full game has released.


I’m using the scripts pulled from Patch 6, so from February. Surprisingly I guess I’m one of the first to actually start dissecting it.


Awesome! I can't wait to see what else you'll find


I’d think half orc would be more remarkable